Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1
To Party 1 (text)
Adriaen Dericksen Coen
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Adriaen Dericksen Coen. (HH-2: ll.) Desc: A lot on the island of Manhattans bet. Evert Duyckingh and Adriaen Vincent, being in br. along the street or S. side, 3 r. and in the rear 5 r., saving yi ft.; in length on the W. 5 r., 7 ft.; in rear of the ho. wherein the negroes live in, br. 2 r., 6 ft.; along the said ho., 3 r. ; in length on E., 8 r., 2 ft
Document Source(s)
HH-2: ll
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
June 19 Gr-br. to Adriaen Dericksen Coen. (HH-2: ll.)
Desc: A lot on the island of Manhattans bet. Evert
Duyckingh and Adriaen Vincent, being in br. along the
street or S. side, 3 r. and in the rear 5 r., saving yi ft.;
in length on the W. 5 r., 7 ft.; in rear of the ho. wherein
the negroes live in, br. 2 r., 6 ft.; along the said ho., 3 r. ;
in length on E., 8 r., 2 ft.
Aug. II Deed. Adriaen Dircksen Coen to Jacob Van Couwen-
hoven. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 90.) Recites s. a.
gr-br. to Coen. Desc: Bet. E. Duyckinghs and A.
Vincent, on S. side or St., 3 r. and in rear, br. 5 r., less
yi. ft.; W. side long 5 r. and 7 ft. In rear the ho. the
negroes live in, br. 2 r., 6 ft.; along ditto ho., 3 r., E.
long 8 r., 2 ft. This conveyance also recites a "ho.
which Adriaen Dircksen Coen hath put upon it."
Sep. 21 Deed. Jacob Van Couwenhoven to Myndert Jacob-
sen. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 102.) Recites gr-br.
to Coen. Desc: Lot bet. lots of A. Vincent and Joost
Goderus, surveyed by City Surveyor J. Cortelyou on
23rd — last found to contain as follows: on St., 3 ft.;
one side remaining on length of 3 r., 4 ft., 4 ins. where it
becomes broader near the (lot, house) of A. Vincent, to
2 r., 6 ft., on N. side, 3 r., i ft., 5 ins.; the entire E. side
long 8 r., 2 ft.; W. side, 5 r., 7 ft.
Feb. I Deed. Myndert Barentsen to Abraham Jansen, some-
times called "Abraham Jansen Timmerman." (Lib.
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 200.) Desc: Lot N. of Slyck
bounded W. by the ho. and lot of Adriaen Vincent; N.
by ho. and lot of J. Rutgersen Moreaen; E. by ho. and
lot of J. Goderus; S. by the st. afsd., 3 ft., 10 ins.,
leaving a passage (gangway) for length of 3 r., 5 ft., 9
ins.; there it enlarges in width near lot of A. Vincent to
zyi r., I ft., 3 ins.; wide in rear on N. side, 3 r., I ft.,
10 ins.; whole E. side, long 8 r., 2 ft., 7>^ins.; W. side,
5}^ r., 2 ft., dyi ins., according to measure of Jacques
Cortelyou (Surveyor). Recites deed Sep. 21, 1657.
Mch. 17 Conf. Governor Lovelace to Abraham Jansen. (Pats.
Alb., Ill: 90.) Recites transport by Meyndert Barents,
Feb. I, 1661 to A. Jans. Desc: s. a. preceding instru-
Deed. Grantor probably Jacob W. Van Couwenhoven
(Rec. N. Am., I: 212.) to Cornells Hendricks Van Dort.
For desc: see deed, Aug. 13, 1657, set forth below.
Note: Cornells Hendricks van Dort died, bet. Jan. 18,
1655 and Nov. 9, 1655. (Rec. N. Am., I: 276; Min.
Orph. Court, under Nov. 9, 1655.) His wid., Magda-
leena Dircks m. Harmen Hendricks, Mch., 1657.
{Marr. in R. D. Ch.)
Aug. 13 Deed. Harmen Hendricks to Joost Goderus. (Lib.
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 96.) Recites gr-br. to A. Dircksen
Coen, June 19, 1654 and now remaining in hands of Jacob
van Couwenhoven; recites according to measure by C.
Van Elslant, Oct. 5, 1655. Desc: A ho. and lot bet. E.
Duyckingh and M. Barents; br. in front on St., 2 r.,
7 ft.; in rear, br. i r., 8 ft.; long on E. side, 8 r., 2 ft.;
W. side, 8 r., 4 ft.
Apl. II Conf. Governor NicoUs to Joost Goderus. (Pats.
Alb., II: 4.) Recites transport Harmen Hendricks to
Joost Goderus, Aug. 13, 1657. Desc: s. a. preceding
Desc: A lot on the island of Manhattans bet. Evert
Duyckingh and Adriaen Vincent, being in br. along the
street or S. side, 3 r. and in the rear 5 r., saving yi ft.;
in length on the W. 5 r., 7 ft.; in rear of the ho. wherein
the negroes live in, br. 2 r., 6 ft.; along the said ho., 3 r. ;
in length on E., 8 r., 2 ft.
Aug. II Deed. Adriaen Dircksen Coen to Jacob Van Couwen-
hoven. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 90.) Recites s. a.
gr-br. to Coen. Desc: Bet. E. Duyckinghs and A.
Vincent, on S. side or St., 3 r. and in rear, br. 5 r., less
yi. ft.; W. side long 5 r. and 7 ft. In rear the ho. the
negroes live in, br. 2 r., 6 ft.; along ditto ho., 3 r., E.
long 8 r., 2 ft. This conveyance also recites a "ho.
which Adriaen Dircksen Coen hath put upon it."
Sep. 21 Deed. Jacob Van Couwenhoven to Myndert Jacob-
sen. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 102.) Recites gr-br.
to Coen. Desc: Lot bet. lots of A. Vincent and Joost
Goderus, surveyed by City Surveyor J. Cortelyou on
23rd — last found to contain as follows: on St., 3 ft.;
one side remaining on length of 3 r., 4 ft., 4 ins. where it
becomes broader near the (lot, house) of A. Vincent, to
2 r., 6 ft., on N. side, 3 r., i ft., 5 ins.; the entire E. side
long 8 r., 2 ft.; W. side, 5 r., 7 ft.
Feb. I Deed. Myndert Barentsen to Abraham Jansen, some-
times called "Abraham Jansen Timmerman." (Lib.
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 200.) Desc: Lot N. of Slyck
bounded W. by the ho. and lot of Adriaen Vincent; N.
by ho. and lot of J. Rutgersen Moreaen; E. by ho. and
lot of J. Goderus; S. by the st. afsd., 3 ft., 10 ins.,
leaving a passage (gangway) for length of 3 r., 5 ft., 9
ins.; there it enlarges in width near lot of A. Vincent to
zyi r., I ft., 3 ins.; wide in rear on N. side, 3 r., I ft.,
10 ins.; whole E. side, long 8 r., 2 ft., 7>^ins.; W. side,
5}^ r., 2 ft., dyi ins., according to measure of Jacques
Cortelyou (Surveyor). Recites deed Sep. 21, 1657.
Mch. 17 Conf. Governor Lovelace to Abraham Jansen. (Pats.
Alb., Ill: 90.) Recites transport by Meyndert Barents,
Feb. I, 1661 to A. Jans. Desc: s. a. preceding instru-
Deed. Grantor probably Jacob W. Van Couwenhoven
(Rec. N. Am., I: 212.) to Cornells Hendricks Van Dort.
For desc: see deed, Aug. 13, 1657, set forth below.
Note: Cornells Hendricks van Dort died, bet. Jan. 18,
1655 and Nov. 9, 1655. (Rec. N. Am., I: 276; Min.
Orph. Court, under Nov. 9, 1655.) His wid., Magda-
leena Dircks m. Harmen Hendricks, Mch., 1657.
{Marr. in R. D. Ch.)
Aug. 13 Deed. Harmen Hendricks to Joost Goderus. (Lib.
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 96.) Recites gr-br. to A. Dircksen
Coen, June 19, 1654 and now remaining in hands of Jacob
van Couwenhoven; recites according to measure by C.
Van Elslant, Oct. 5, 1655. Desc: A ho. and lot bet. E.
Duyckingh and M. Barents; br. in front on St., 2 r.,
7 ft.; in rear, br. i r., 8 ft.; long on E. side, 8 r., 2 ft.;
W. side, 8 r., 4 ft.
Apl. II Conf. Governor NicoUs to Joost Goderus. (Pats.
Alb., II: 4.) Recites transport Harmen Hendricks to
Joost Goderus, Aug. 13, 1657. Desc: s. a. preceding