Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1
To Party 1 (text)
Cornelis Melyn
From Party (Text)
Giertje Nannincx
Grant Description
Deed. Giertje Nannincx, wid. of Abel Reddinhaus, Aug. 2 to Cornelis Melyn. (DuUh MSS.,U: 121.) Desc: Ho. and lot on the East river, near Ft. Amsterdam, where he, Melyn, adjoins Westwardly and Burger Jorissen Easterly, for 250 Carolus guilders.
Document Source(s)
DuUh MSS.,U: 121
Source Types
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Deed. Giertje Nannincx, wid. of Abel Reddinhaus, Aug. 2
to Cornelis Melyn. (DuUh MSS.,U: 121.) Desc: Ho.
and lot on the East river, near Ft. Amsterdam, where
he, Melyn, adjoins Westwardly and Burger Jorissen
Easterly, for 250 Carolus guilders.
Note: No gr-br. found of record to Reddenhaes
Gr-br. to Cornelys Melyn. Not found of record, but Sep. 9
recited in conf. set forth below.
Deed. Cornelis Melyn to Jacob Loper (his son-in- July 11
law). (Dutch MSS., II: 158.) Desc: Ho. and two
lots on the East river of Manhattan, "standing and
situate bet. the Company's ho. and the lot sold by said
Melyn to Seger Tonissen."
Note: Tonissen's ho. was demolished when the
Graght was cut through.
Note: The above deed conveyed the Reddenhaes ho.
and lot and the most E'ly lot out of Melyn's grant of
Apl. 28, 1644. The most W'ly lot of said grant was sold
to Seger Tonissen.
Conf. Governor Lovelace to Jannekye Melyn. (Pats. June 24
Alb., Ill: 104.) Whereas there was a patent or gr-br.
to Cornelis Melyn for a cert, lot towards the Heer
Graft near the East river, bet. the lots heretofore belong-
ing to said Melyn and Burger Jorissen; cont'g in br.
towards the East river, 2 r., 5 ins.; on E. side in length
9 r., 2 ft., 8 ins.; on the N. side in br. 9 ft.; and in length
on the W. side, 9 r., 3 ft., the said patent bearing date
Sep. 9, 1644, this patent is granted to his wid.
Note: The purpose of this conf. is obscure as Melyn in
his lifetime sold the lot to Loper and it was subsequently
merged in the Heere Graght.
to Cornelis Melyn. (DuUh MSS.,U: 121.) Desc: Ho.
and lot on the East river, near Ft. Amsterdam, where
he, Melyn, adjoins Westwardly and Burger Jorissen
Easterly, for 250 Carolus guilders.
Note: No gr-br. found of record to Reddenhaes
Gr-br. to Cornelys Melyn. Not found of record, but Sep. 9
recited in conf. set forth below.
Deed. Cornelis Melyn to Jacob Loper (his son-in- July 11
law). (Dutch MSS., II: 158.) Desc: Ho. and two
lots on the East river of Manhattan, "standing and
situate bet. the Company's ho. and the lot sold by said
Melyn to Seger Tonissen."
Note: Tonissen's ho. was demolished when the
Graght was cut through.
Note: The above deed conveyed the Reddenhaes ho.
and lot and the most E'ly lot out of Melyn's grant of
Apl. 28, 1644. The most W'ly lot of said grant was sold
to Seger Tonissen.
Conf. Governor Lovelace to Jannekye Melyn. (Pats. June 24
Alb., Ill: 104.) Whereas there was a patent or gr-br.
to Cornelis Melyn for a cert, lot towards the Heer
Graft near the East river, bet. the lots heretofore belong-
ing to said Melyn and Burger Jorissen; cont'g in br.
towards the East river, 2 r., 5 ins.; on E. side in length
9 r., 2 ft., 8 ins.; on the N. side in br. 9 ft.; and in length
on the W. side, 9 r., 3 ft., the said patent bearing date
Sep. 9, 1644, this patent is granted to his wid.
Note: The purpose of this conf. is obscure as Melyn in
his lifetime sold the lot to Loper and it was subsequently
merged in the Heere Graght.