Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
1641-00-00 (Prior To)
Date End
To Party 1
To Party 1 (text)
Adam Roelantsen
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
In possession of Adam Roelantsen before 1641. See recitals in conf. to Litscho. (Pats. Alb., Ill: 16.) Also in patent to William Teller. (Pats. Alb., II: 64.)
Document Source(s)
Pats. Alb., Ill: 16
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
In possession of Adam Roelantsen before 1641. See
recitals in conf. to Litscho. (Pats. Alb., Ill: 16.) Also
in patent to William Teller. (Pats. Alb., II: 64.)
Report of referees as to the damage done the garden July 31
of Adam Roelantsen by the cattle of Jan Damen and
John Forbus. (Cal. Hist. MSS., Dutch: 16.)
Court Proceedings. Adam Roelantsen vs. Jan Damen Aug. 8
for trespass. Damages to be assessed by arbitrators.
(Cal. Hist. MSS., Dutch: 76.)
Before 1652, Abraham Verplanck had acquired this
property. Deed not found of record.
Lease. Daniel Litschoe to Andries Jochemsen. (Cal. May 13
Hist. MSS., Dutch- 52.) Desc: "A ho. and lot on the
East river."
Litscho was a tenant here before he received the
following deed:
Deed. Abraham Verplanck to Daniel Litscho. "Before Apl. 26
that time in the possession of Adam Roelantsen." Not
recorded but recited in Pats. Alb., Ill: 16 and in Lib.
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 7.
'^54 .
Deed. Daniel Litscho to Gillis Pietersen and Isaac Oct. 29
Kip, both heirs of Tryntie Scheerenburg. (Lib. A,
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 7.) Desc: A cert. ho. and lot situate
within this City afsd. on the East river, bounded on
the E. by (of) the appearer's ho., and by that actually
in his own possession and on the W. by (of) the wall
which is built around this City, on the side whereof the
lot partly runs. According to bill of sale, Jan. 22, 1653,
concluded with above-named Tryntie; br. in the front
on the S. side, 3 r., 4.^2 ft. In the rear on the N. side,
5 r., 2j^ ft.; long on the W. side, 434 r,, J^ ft. On the
E. side, 6 r. nett. Recites a deed from Abraham Ver-
planck Apl. 26, 1652. Which afsd. ho. and lot the above-
named Daniel Litscho declares to cede and convey unto
the said Gillis Pietersen and Isaac Kip as heirs afsd.
This lot was the subject of litigation bet. Litscho and
the City (which had built the guard-house on part of it)
and bet. Litscho and Kip and Pietersen (Rec. N. Am.,
I: 9;, 112, 139, 170.) The City finally purchased the
guard-house plot from Gillis Pietersen [Rec. N. Am.,
VII: 162, 163) and sold it to Isaac De Foreest before
June 13, 1658. (Ibid., VII: 189.) De Foreest trans-
ferred it to Immetje, the wid. of Frans Claesen. The
Burgomasters ordered her to "remove it [her ho.] from
out of the road, or they shall have it done." (Rec. N.
Am. ,V11: 194.) Neither De Foreest nor Immetjie Clas-
sen had paid for the lot by Mch. 11, 1661. (A/in. Orph.
Court., II: 84.)
recitals in conf. to Litscho. (Pats. Alb., Ill: 16.) Also
in patent to William Teller. (Pats. Alb., II: 64.)
Report of referees as to the damage done the garden July 31
of Adam Roelantsen by the cattle of Jan Damen and
John Forbus. (Cal. Hist. MSS., Dutch: 16.)
Court Proceedings. Adam Roelantsen vs. Jan Damen Aug. 8
for trespass. Damages to be assessed by arbitrators.
(Cal. Hist. MSS., Dutch: 76.)
Before 1652, Abraham Verplanck had acquired this
property. Deed not found of record.
Lease. Daniel Litschoe to Andries Jochemsen. (Cal. May 13
Hist. MSS., Dutch- 52.) Desc: "A ho. and lot on the
East river."
Litscho was a tenant here before he received the
following deed:
Deed. Abraham Verplanck to Daniel Litscho. "Before Apl. 26
that time in the possession of Adam Roelantsen." Not
recorded but recited in Pats. Alb., Ill: 16 and in Lib.
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 7.
'^54 .
Deed. Daniel Litscho to Gillis Pietersen and Isaac Oct. 29
Kip, both heirs of Tryntie Scheerenburg. (Lib. A,
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 7.) Desc: A cert. ho. and lot situate
within this City afsd. on the East river, bounded on
the E. by (of) the appearer's ho., and by that actually
in his own possession and on the W. by (of) the wall
which is built around this City, on the side whereof the
lot partly runs. According to bill of sale, Jan. 22, 1653,
concluded with above-named Tryntie; br. in the front
on the S. side, 3 r., 4.^2 ft. In the rear on the N. side,
5 r., 2j^ ft.; long on the W. side, 434 r,, J^ ft. On the
E. side, 6 r. nett. Recites a deed from Abraham Ver-
planck Apl. 26, 1652. Which afsd. ho. and lot the above-
named Daniel Litscho declares to cede and convey unto
the said Gillis Pietersen and Isaac Kip as heirs afsd.
This lot was the subject of litigation bet. Litscho and
the City (which had built the guard-house on part of it)
and bet. Litscho and Kip and Pietersen (Rec. N. Am.,
I: 9;, 112, 139, 170.) The City finally purchased the
guard-house plot from Gillis Pietersen [Rec. N. Am.,
VII: 162, 163) and sold it to Isaac De Foreest before
June 13, 1658. (Ibid., VII: 189.) De Foreest trans-
ferred it to Immetje, the wid. of Frans Claesen. The
Burgomasters ordered her to "remove it [her ho.] from
out of the road, or they shall have it done." (Rec. N.
Am. ,V11: 194.) Neither De Foreest nor Immetjie Clas-
sen had paid for the lot by Mch. 11, 1661. (A/in. Orph.
Court., II: 84.)