Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
B. Bouwery No. 8 In the "Special Instructions for Cryn Fredericksz," April, 1625, farm No. 8 was directed to have a frontage along the road of 55 rods; a depth of 450 rods. The surveyor on the ground laid it out 80 rods wide along the highway; the depth was later defined by the grant to van Twiller. Naturally it would not have been occupied to a depth of a mile, 450 Dutch rods equal 5625 English feet.
The same document recites further; — "Farms No. 3, and No. 8 shall be reserved for each succeeding pastor and undercommissary, which two farms Crieckenbeeck and Fongers may provisionally take up." — Van Rappard Document E.
Gerrit Fongersz, who came with Fredericksz, as undercommissary, is never mentioned in later records.
In all probability he returned with Fredericksz; there is not the slightest evidence that he ever took possession of this farm.
In May, 1630, Bouwery No. 8 of the Dutch West India Co. was in possession of Jan Lampo or Cornells van Voorst. — Van Rensselaer Mss., in Van Winkel, Manhattan 1624-1639. They are not found here later. The first known occupant of the farm was Dr. Hans Kierstede, who came to New Amsterdam in 1638 with Kieft. There is nothing in the records to show how soon after his arrival Kierstede settled here. The house on the farm is not mentioned in Van der Gouw's report; in all probability it was built by order of Director-Gen. Kieft for Kierstede who was the company's surgeon. The grant to Jan the negro in 1647 (recited below) extended back from the wagon road 325 paces "to the house of Mr. Hans." This distance and location place the old house about on the site of the later Bayard mansion.- — L. M. R. K., Ill: 948.
Kierstede having removed to his house in town (see Vol. II: 263), the company contracted to lease the bouwery to Michiel Jansen, Aug. 16, 1646.
The contract was assigned the same day to Thomas Hall. The full text of this transaction will be found in the Chronology; at the time of that compilation this farm had not been identified.
Director-Gen. Kieft executed the lease to Hall, Dec. 14, 1646. — Cat. Hist. MSS., Dutch, 36. It was for a term of five years.
During Hall's tenancy the farm was noted in the records in various ways: —
1650, June 27. "The Hon'''^ Company's Farm at the end of their Pasture, at present occupied by Thomas Hall." — Lavis & Or(/., 118.
"The Company's Bouwery at the end of the Heeren Wegh [Broadway in the translation of Berthold Fernow; should be the Bowery Road] now tenanted by Tomas Hall." — Rec. N. Am., I: 16.
1650, Nov. 29. "Thomas Hall dwells at present upon a small bouwery belonging to the Honorable Company." — Van Tienhoven's Answer, in Jameson, Narr. N. Neth., 376.
Van Tienhoven's offer to purchase the land was refused by Gov. Stuyvesant in the spring of 165 1.
1 65 1, April 26. The directors at Amsterdam send a letter to Stuyvesant by Cornells van Tienhoven "who returns in his former quality as Secretary." The letter states, among other things, that Van Tienhoven has requested permission of the directors "to purchase a bowery in New Netherland belonging to the Company and containing about 14 to 16 morgens, together with meadowland, a farmhouse, 50 feet long and 22 feet deep, a haystack, two mares, a stallion and a negro, now used by Thomas Hal, whose lease is said to expire the coming summer." The directors defer to Stuyvesant to determine whether such sale will be "to the prejudice or advantage of the Company," and ask his full report on this point before they consent. — N. Y. Col. Docs., XIV: 138-39.
When his lease expired. Hall removed to the small bouwery granted to him in November, 1652, the site of the later "Plow and Harrow," but he still had the privilege of cutting hay on the meadow belonging to this farm. As late as September, 1662, he declared that he still held this contract with the Company. — Rec. N. Am., IV: 131-137.
This was the last farm on Manhattan Island retained by the Dutch West India Co.
No deed from the Company has been found of record; it was probably sold to Augustine Hermans, who received the confirmation.
March 19, 1663, Jacques Cortelyou was ordered to attend the provincial council for the purpose of making certain surveys.— Cal. Hist. MSS., Dutch, 245.
The confirmation mentions "the surveyor's note." It may be inferred that the deed was made about this time.
Richard Nicolls, Governour, etc., to Augustine Hermans. Confirmation dated Aug. i, 1668. — I.iber Patents, III: 76 (Albany).
Desc: "A certaine Piece of Land upon this Island Manhattans heretofore belonging to Hans Kiersteed lying & being on the north side of the Waggon way beginning almost behynde the High Hill in Thomas Sanders Land so p.assing betweene the Negroes Land till it comes to Hendrick Thomsens Conteyning as by the surveyors Note appears about six and thirty Acres or Eighteen Margen which said Piece of Land hath beene Purchased by Augustine Hermans & long since injoyed by him now for a Confirmation etc."
The following small grant seems to have been revoked; probably because it encroached upon land earlier leased to Hall. It fronted on the Wagon way, from about Broome St. to a line north of Spring St., extending back to Lafayette St.
WiLLEM Kieft, Director, etc., to Jan Negro, who has come with the captain (the calendar reads, "Who came with the privateer"). Ground-brief, dated March 26, 1647. — Liber GG: 201.
Conveys "A certain piece of land on the Island of Manhatans, its length along the public wagon road is 200 paces and the breadth is 32; paces: it extends to the end of Mr. Hans's house, that stands on his plantation."
There were three negro grants south of Bouwery No. 7.
The same document recites further; — "Farms No. 3, and No. 8 shall be reserved for each succeeding pastor and undercommissary, which two farms Crieckenbeeck and Fongers may provisionally take up." — Van Rappard Document E.
Gerrit Fongersz, who came with Fredericksz, as undercommissary, is never mentioned in later records.
In all probability he returned with Fredericksz; there is not the slightest evidence that he ever took possession of this farm.
In May, 1630, Bouwery No. 8 of the Dutch West India Co. was in possession of Jan Lampo or Cornells van Voorst. — Van Rensselaer Mss., in Van Winkel, Manhattan 1624-1639. They are not found here later. The first known occupant of the farm was Dr. Hans Kierstede, who came to New Amsterdam in 1638 with Kieft. There is nothing in the records to show how soon after his arrival Kierstede settled here. The house on the farm is not mentioned in Van der Gouw's report; in all probability it was built by order of Director-Gen. Kieft for Kierstede who was the company's surgeon. The grant to Jan the negro in 1647 (recited below) extended back from the wagon road 325 paces "to the house of Mr. Hans." This distance and location place the old house about on the site of the later Bayard mansion.- — L. M. R. K., Ill: 948.
Kierstede having removed to his house in town (see Vol. II: 263), the company contracted to lease the bouwery to Michiel Jansen, Aug. 16, 1646.
The contract was assigned the same day to Thomas Hall. The full text of this transaction will be found in the Chronology; at the time of that compilation this farm had not been identified.
Director-Gen. Kieft executed the lease to Hall, Dec. 14, 1646. — Cat. Hist. MSS., Dutch, 36. It was for a term of five years.
During Hall's tenancy the farm was noted in the records in various ways: —
1650, June 27. "The Hon'''^ Company's Farm at the end of their Pasture, at present occupied by Thomas Hall." — Lavis & Or(/., 118.
"The Company's Bouwery at the end of the Heeren Wegh [Broadway in the translation of Berthold Fernow; should be the Bowery Road] now tenanted by Tomas Hall." — Rec. N. Am., I: 16.
1650, Nov. 29. "Thomas Hall dwells at present upon a small bouwery belonging to the Honorable Company." — Van Tienhoven's Answer, in Jameson, Narr. N. Neth., 376.
Van Tienhoven's offer to purchase the land was refused by Gov. Stuyvesant in the spring of 165 1.
1 65 1, April 26. The directors at Amsterdam send a letter to Stuyvesant by Cornells van Tienhoven "who returns in his former quality as Secretary." The letter states, among other things, that Van Tienhoven has requested permission of the directors "to purchase a bowery in New Netherland belonging to the Company and containing about 14 to 16 morgens, together with meadowland, a farmhouse, 50 feet long and 22 feet deep, a haystack, two mares, a stallion and a negro, now used by Thomas Hal, whose lease is said to expire the coming summer." The directors defer to Stuyvesant to determine whether such sale will be "to the prejudice or advantage of the Company," and ask his full report on this point before they consent. — N. Y. Col. Docs., XIV: 138-39.
When his lease expired. Hall removed to the small bouwery granted to him in November, 1652, the site of the later "Plow and Harrow," but he still had the privilege of cutting hay on the meadow belonging to this farm. As late as September, 1662, he declared that he still held this contract with the Company. — Rec. N. Am., IV: 131-137.
This was the last farm on Manhattan Island retained by the Dutch West India Co.
No deed from the Company has been found of record; it was probably sold to Augustine Hermans, who received the confirmation.
March 19, 1663, Jacques Cortelyou was ordered to attend the provincial council for the purpose of making certain surveys.— Cal. Hist. MSS., Dutch, 245.
The confirmation mentions "the surveyor's note." It may be inferred that the deed was made about this time.
Richard Nicolls, Governour, etc., to Augustine Hermans. Confirmation dated Aug. i, 1668. — I.iber Patents, III: 76 (Albany).
Desc: "A certaine Piece of Land upon this Island Manhattans heretofore belonging to Hans Kiersteed lying & being on the north side of the Waggon way beginning almost behynde the High Hill in Thomas Sanders Land so p.assing betweene the Negroes Land till it comes to Hendrick Thomsens Conteyning as by the surveyors Note appears about six and thirty Acres or Eighteen Margen which said Piece of Land hath beene Purchased by Augustine Hermans & long since injoyed by him now for a Confirmation etc."
The following small grant seems to have been revoked; probably because it encroached upon land earlier leased to Hall. It fronted on the Wagon way, from about Broome St. to a line north of Spring St., extending back to Lafayette St.
WiLLEM Kieft, Director, etc., to Jan Negro, who has come with the captain (the calendar reads, "Who came with the privateer"). Ground-brief, dated March 26, 1647. — Liber GG: 201.
Conveys "A certain piece of land on the Island of Manhatans, its length along the public wagon road is 200 paces and the breadth is 32; paces: it extends to the end of Mr. Hans's house, that stands on his plantation."
There were three negro grants south of Bouwery No. 7.