Document: Commission of Olof Stevese van Cortlandt, Gelyn Verplancke and Gabriel Minvielle to settle the estate of the late gov. Lovelace

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Commission of Olof Stevese van Cortlandt, Gelyn Verplancke and Gabriel Minvielle to settle the estate of the late gov. Lovelace

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Whereas, Mr. Francis Lovelace hath, on the surrender of this place and his departure hence, left, both for himself and the late English government, among divers inhabitants of this government many outstanding debts and liabilities, and it being therefore necessary for the benefit of the parties interested, that some persons be appointed Commissioners to regulate the estate of said Mr. Lovelace and the government, I have therefore to that end commissioned and qualified, and do hereby commission and qualify Messrs Olof Stevense van Cortlant, Gelyn Verplancke and Gabriel Minvielle, who are hereby authorized and instructed to liquidate, settle and arrange with all persons who may have any unsettled accounts against said estate, and to announce this by notices to be affixed, hereby ordering and commanding all and every whom these may in any wise concern, and especially the widow, who remains in the possession of the estate of the deceased Mr. Isaac Bedloo, late Factor and Commissary of the abovenamed Mr. Lovelace, on sight hereof to hand over to said Commissioners, under proper inventory, all the books, accounts and papers in any ways concerning the aforesaid government or factorship; also to render to said Commissioners due account, proof and reliqua, in like form as said Factor 'was bound to render to the abovenamed Mr. Lovelace; and said Commissioners are hereby required and ordered to give proper report and pertinent account of their administration and conclusions, when order shall be issued as to further proceedings.Dated Fort Willem Hendrick, this 2th November, 1673.

Translation Superscripts
Translation: O'Callaghan, E.B., trans./ed., Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New-York, vol. 2 (Albany: Weed, Parsons: 1858), pp. 569-730 (vol. 23, pp. 1-270 only).A complete copy of this publication is available on the New Netherland Institute website.
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