Permit. To rev. Johannes Backerius, minister of New Amsterdam, to resign his office and return to Holland. [1649] (page 439);Notice. All concerned to show cause, if any they have, against the confiscation of certain goods captured off Portobello. [1649] (page 439);Decree. Condemning a prize called The Hope of a Better, with her cargo, captured in the bay of Campeachy. [1649] (page 439);Release of a Spanish bark and cargo, captured in the river Tobasco five months after peace was to take effect in the West Indies. [1649] (page 440);Resolution. To appraise a certain part of the cargo of the prize The Hope. [1649] (page 440)
Document: Dutch colonial council minutes, 6 - 17 July 1649
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1649-07-06 to 1649-07-17
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The Hope of a Better
A1809 Additional Party