Ordinance. For the removal of unsightly nuisances from the street side, and against building any houses in the city of New Amsterdam, without a permit from the city surveyors; also, obliging proprietors to build on their vacant lots within a certain time. [1647] (page 324);Sentence. William Pietersen, mason, for repeated intoxication, neglect of work, and attempt to break jail to work with the negroes for eight months, and to lose three months' wages. [1647] (page 325);Sentence. Jan Albertsen, smith, for intoxication, neglecting his work, and aiding Pietersen in an attempt to break jail, to be locked to his anvil three months, and to lose three months' wages. [1647] (page 326);Court proceedings. Fiscal vs. John Dolling, prisoner; discharged on his own security, to appear at the next sessions; meanwhile, he is ordered not to visit nor trouble Sara Willet. [1647] (page 327);Resolution. To send secretary Van Tienhoven, and one or two of the village of Heemsteede, who understand the Indian language, to the east end of Long island, to inquire into the truth of a report brought by some delegates from Heemsteede, that Mayawetinnemin, now called Antinome, the son of chief Mecohgawodt, was endeavoring to induce some Indians to make war on the Dutch and English, to which plot the chiefs of Catsjajock, and his brothers, were accessories; the English are suspected of having started this report, as they have long hankered after the lands of the aforesaid Antinomy. [1647] (page 327);Propositions submitted by the director-general to the council, for providing ways and means for the repair of fort Amsterdam, and the allaying the discontents of the Indians, who have not yet received the presents promised them at the conclusion of the general peace, with the council's answers. [1647] (page 328-330);Propositions of the director-general to the council, respecting a ship named the Beningo, or Hercules, which arrived at New Haven from Medenblick, and is considered to have thereby infringed the company's charter; the sale of the ship Swol; a permit to Gerrit Aertsen to trade at New Haven; the prosecution of Michel Picquet, who was pardoned, and afterwards threatened to shoot director Stuyvesant between the fort and his bouwery; and the continuance of commissary Hudde at the South river; with the answers of the council. [1647] (page 330-331)
Document: Dutch colonial council minutes, 25 July - 20 September 1647
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1647-07-25 to 1647-09-20
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Beningo, or Hercules
Related Ancestors (Unlinked)
William Pietersen
Jan Albertsen
John Dolling
Sara Willet
Mayawetinnemin, now called Antinome, the son of chief Mecohgawodt
Gerrit Aertsen
Michel Picquet
A1809 Additional Party