In September 1647, leaving his family behind, Everhardus Bogardus (28) sailed on the Princess bound for Holland to defend himself in court. The Princess was wrecked in a storm, and Bogardus drowned. Source: Dr. Firth Haring Fabend, The Quarreling Domine from her article, Compassionate Calvinism
The location of the wreck as off Swansea, Bristol Channel, not more than a couple of days sailing from its planned destination.
New Netherland 1621-1664
Immigrants to New Netherland
Returning to Amsterdam
Departed New Netherland August 16, 1647
Captain, Jan Claessen Bol1
Ship Wrecked in the Channel, September 27, 1647
The Princess "was wrecked in the Channel on the 27th of September and 81 souls, men, women and children were lost, among them,
Director William Kieft
Domine Bogardus
Fiscal van der Hoyckens (Attorney General van der Huygens) 2
1 Register of New Netherland, E. B. O'Callaghan, (c)1865, p 16.
2 ibid, p xv.
Documents relating to the Colonial History of New York, B. Fernow, (c)1883, vol XIV, pg 83
[See also Revised History of Harlem, James Riker, (c) 1904, page 153; and Olive Tree Genealogy.]
"With the wreck of the Prinses Amelia in 1647, no fewer than fifteen to sixteen thousand beavers disappeared under the waves." - The Colony of New Netherland, Jaap Jacobs, p. 110.
The Colony of New Netherland, Jaap Jacobs: