Pieter Laurenzen
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Pieter Laurenzen Cock, a Dane, was part owner of a trading sloop with Cornelis van Vorst, and presumably also partook of van Vorst’s lucrative fur trade. With his profits, he purchased one of the finest houses in New Amsterdam, at the foot of Heere Straet, later No. 1 Broadway. Cock also had his eye on his partner’s daughter, Anna Cornelissen van Vorst. Evidently her father arranged their engagement, because no sooner had he died than Anna broke it off.  Cock sued for breach of promise—to no avail. Yet each found happiness elsewhere. Anna married Claes Janszen of Purmesendt; less than a year later, Cock and Anneken Dircks of Amsterdam were betrothed. (Stokes, Vs. 2&4)