Ludolf Backhuysen Harbor Scene 1630-1708
Immigrants to New Netherland
Paert, Koe, Schaep
(Horse, Cow, Sheep)
Sailed from Amsterdam in April, 1625
In the company with these, goes a fast sailing vesel, the Mackerel, at the risk of the Directors. In these aforesaid vessels also go 6 complete families with some freemen, so that 45 newcomers or inhabitants are taken out to remain there. The colony was planted at this time on the Manhatens [Manhattan], which now increased to 200 souls.
The Honorable Pieter Evertse Hulst, undertook to ship to New Netherland at his risk, whatever was requisite, as follows:
103 head of cattle, stallions, mares, steers and cows.
One ship carried horses, one cattle and the third hay. Each animal had it's respective servant who attended to it. In addition to these, country people take with them all furniture proper for the dairy; all sorts of seed and agricultural implements, so that nothing is wanting.
Further Instructions for Director Willem Verhulst (brought over by Gerrit Fongersz on the Mackerel):
The cattle, horses, and other animals shall remain undivided during the voyage and in that country be distributed by lot, under the direction of the Council, to the head-farmers, ...with which drawing of lots each one shall have to be content, it being his duty to care for the allotted animals to the best of his ability. To each head-farmer and his family shall be allotted four horses and four cows to be selected from the best that are being sent over.
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From the "Historiaeh Verhael" by Nicolaes Van Wassenaer 1621-1632, in
Documentary History of the State of New York, E. B. O'Callaghan,
1849, Vol. III pg 34-48. Also in Narratives of New Netherland, edited by J. F. Jameson, 1909, pg 61-90.
Documents Relating to New Netherland 1624-1626, in the Henry E. Huntington Library, Translated and Edited by A. J. F. van Laer, (c)1924, p 94, 265-6.