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Displaying 6201 - 6300 of 16351 Entries
16351 Total Entries
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Title Date Document ID Document Finding Aid or Collection Holding Institution
Resolution | To call Cornelis Schut; accused of slander by Petrus Stuyvesant; into court to answer questions as to the authorship of certain letters to Nicolaes van Beeck 1656-05-27 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_576 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Resolution | To call Cornelis Schut; accused of slander by Petrus Stuyvesant; into court to take an oath as to the authorship of certain letters to Nicolaes van Beeck 1656-05-30 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_577 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Appearance | Cornelis Schut; accused of slander by Petrus Stuyvesant; expresses regret; revokes calumnies; offers reparation of honor and promise to avoid such calumnies 1656-05-30 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_578 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Order | Director General and Council against lodging Native Americans overnight 1656-06-07 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_580 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Request | Request for legal assistance of Burgomasters and Schepenen to all authorities; at the Jan Geraerdij in his suit with 1656-06-07 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_581 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Request | Request to Director General and Council for the appointment of a schout from the citizenry; in light of the dismissal of Cornelis van Tienhoven 1656-06-13 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_582 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Jeems Lesleij v. Nicolaes Boodt; demand for payment of balance of debt for a share of the sale of ship Coningh David; disputed; parties ordered to provide surety; judgment for defendant 1656-06-13 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_583 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Appearance | Cornelis van Tienhoven; requesting a certificate as to his comportment as schout; granted and thanked for his services 1656-06-19 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_584 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Note | Deposit made by Jacob Hendrickssen Varvanger in the suit between Davidt Frere and Adriaen Keyser 1656-06-19 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_586 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Adriaen Blommart v. Jacob Hendricksen Varvanger; demand for payment of balance of debt in sewant; amount in delivered box disputed; judgment for plaintiff 1656-06-19 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_588 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Josep Itbrie v. Tomas Willems; demand for payment of debt for wages for the crew of the ship Comfort; denied; arrest invalid; surety required 1656-06-19 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_589 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Cornelia Schellinger v. Tyntie van Engelen; arrest of an ox on States Island on account of transferred debt; arrest provisionally valid; referred to arbitrators 1656-06-19 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_590 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Cornelis Janssen houtsager v. Cornelis Aertsen; default; execution authorized 1656-06-19 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_591 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Marij Jores v. Jacob van Couwenhoven; demand for payment of transferred debt from Pieter van Couwenhoven according to account; acknowledged; ordered to pay 1656-06-26 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_592 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Pieter Schabanck; attorney of Joost van Beeck; v. Augustijn Heermans; demand for payment of debt for delivered tobacco; quality disputed; counter-claim for two black women who died; partial judgment for defendant 1656-06-26 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_593 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Request | Jacob Hendricksen Varvanger in his suit with Matys Capito for an order for the delivery of tobacco; granted 1656-06-26 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_594 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Installation| Installation of Nicasius de Silla of schout 1656-06-26 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_595 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Walewijn van der Veen v. Allard Anthonij; demand for account of the administration of the estate of Benjamin van de Water; denied; copy of demand and power of attorney ordered 1656-06-26 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_596 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Jan Gerritsen Brouwer v. Pieter van der Linde; complaint about incorrect marking of a hogshead of tobacco; denied; referred to Director General and Council 1656-06-26 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_597 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Jacob Schellinger v. Jacob Calf; attorney of Cornelis Schut; demand for payment of debt according to account; copy ordered and referred to arbitrators 1656-07-03 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_598 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Willem Teller v. Frans Clasen; demand for payment of balance of debt for rent; acknowledged; unable to pay; delay requested; ordered to pay 1656-07-03 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_599 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Request | Court case; Scharles Morgen regarding papers handed to skipper Willem Tomassen; deceased; claim to be submitted to Johannes Verbrugge 1656-07-03 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_600 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Pieter Janssen v. Rynier Wisselpenningh; default; demand for payment of debt; judgment for plaintiff 1656-07-03 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_601 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Pieter van Couwenhoven v. Michiel Paulissen; demand for payment of debt according to judgment of 13 March 1656-07-03 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_602 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Tomas Willet; attorney of Cornelis Schut; v. Pieter Jacobssen Buys; arrest on tobacco of Eduart Scharborgh; arrest declared invalid 1656-07-03 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_603 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Johannes van Geselaer; attorney of Pieter Goes; v. Jacob Schellinger; demand for accounts of cargoes on commission; acknowledged; but misfortune pleaded; proof required 1656-07-03 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_604 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Schout Nicasius de Sille v. Cornelis Aersen; Ide van Vorst; and their servants; demand for fine for horse and cart racing after evening service; acknowledged; but ignorance pleaded; fined 1656-07-03 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_606 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Jacob Barsimsom v. Allard Anthony; reply submitted; copy granted 1656-07-04 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_607 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Nicasius de Silla v. Ryntie de metselaer; confined for contumacy of court martial; confinement lifted; as he is a burgher 1656-07-10 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_608 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Note | Proclamation of the ordinance of Director General and Council against lodging Native Americans overnight 1656-07-10 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_609 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Jacob van Couwenhoven v. Pieter Janssen; default 1656-07-10 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_612 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Jan Perie v. Hendrick Janssen smith; demand for completion of repairs to hired house; insufficient stone made available; completion ordered 1656-07-13 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_613 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Isaack de Foreest v. the wife of Abram Rycken; default; demand for payment of debt in beavers according to obligation 1656-07-13 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_614 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Appointment | Ide van Vorst instead of Dirck Clasen as arbitrator; at the request of Willem Beeckman 1656-07-13 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_615 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Schout Nicasius de Sille v. David Ferere; replies and rebuttals; request for copy of demand and conclusion; denied 1656-07-25 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_616 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Sentence | Sentence in the suit of schout Nicasius de Sille v. David Ferere; fined 1656-07-25 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_617 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Schout Nicasius de Sille v. David Ferere; promise to pay; release denied; schout gives notice of appeal 1656-07-25 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_618 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Walewijn van der Veen v. Allard Anthonij; date set for submission of final papers 1656-07-26 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_619 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Note | Arrival of Jan Vinje 1656-07-27 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_620 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Advice | Advice as to who to commission pursuant of the writ of mandamus in the suit between schout Nicasius de Silla and Davidt Frera; a Jew; in appeal 1656-07-27 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_621 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Appointment | Arbitrators in the suit between schout Nicasius de Silla and Davidt Ferere; a Jew; in appeal 1656-07-28 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_622 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Schout Nicasius de Silla v. Janneken Herrmans; complaint about slander of Director General Stuyvesant; postponed 1656-08-15 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_623 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Jan Perie v. Adriaen Sparck; assault and fighting; slander as to desertion in Brazil; proof required 1656-08-19 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_624 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Extraordinary court session|Unidentified document 1656-08-19 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_626 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Note | Publication of the ordinances on the sale of contraband to the Native Americans and on port regulations 1656-08-19 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_627 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Jan Laurens v. Salamon la Chair; demand for payment of debt in beavers for delivered butter according to obligation; disputed; Abram Linthout interrogated; votes of court members; judgment for plaintiff 1656-08-23 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_628 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Salamon la Chair v. Abraham Linthout; demand for payment of debt for delivered butter according to account; disputed; papers to be sent to Fort Orange for collation 1656-08-28 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_629 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Request | Pieter Jacobssen Marius f or execution in his suit with Jacob van Couwenhoven; denied 1656-08-28 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_630 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Court Case | Adriaen Wouterssen v. Teunis Teunissen metselaer; demand for payment of debt in beaver for delivered tobacco; surety arranged; arrest lifted 1656-08-28 NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_631 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1656-1660)
Unidentified document: No Info NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_064 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document: No Info NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_065 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document: No Info NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_085 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Request: Burgomasters and Schepenen to the Director General to approve the further ordinance on the burgher excise on beer and wine NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_089 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document: No Info NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_119 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document: Blank page NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_140 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_bk3_154 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_bk3_155 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_bk3_165 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_bk3_168 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_bk3_200 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_bk3_206 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
leave blank|leave blank NYC-RNA_v2_bk3_229 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_bk3_276 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_bk3_278 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_bk3_279 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_bk3_280 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_bk3_316 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_bk3_321 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
leave blank|leave blank NYC-RNA_v2_bk3_324 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_b4_331 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_b4_389 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_b4_395 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_b4_396 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_b4_406 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_b4_453 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_b4_466 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_b4_468 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_b4_516 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_b4_517 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_v2_b4_538 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Minutes, Court: Allard Anthonij v. Walewijn van der Veen; complaint about slander and injury relating to a case of debt; reply in writing submitted; disputed accounts to be examined by arbitrators 1656-09-04 NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_001 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Minutes, Case: Jacob van Couwenhoven v. Fredrick Lubberssen; attorney of Isack Mens; demand for payment of debt to Andries and Rogier Kilvert according writ of the bailiff; copy granted 1656-09-04 NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_002 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Minutes, Case: Pieter Janssen v. Cornelis Dirckssen Hoochlandt; demand for payment of debt for earned wages according to obligation; depositions of Jan Everssen Bout and Frerick Lubberssen; arbitrators; judgment for defendant 1656-09-04 NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_003 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Minutes, Court: Director General Petrus Stuyvesant; making verbal proposals; minute delivered 1656-09-04 NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_004 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Minutes, Court: To farm out the excise on slaughtered cattle and the burgher excise and to submit a request to Director General and Council as to imposts; city income; and outstanding debts 1656-09-08 NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_005 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Request: Burgomasters and Schepenen to Director General and Council; regarding defence works; imposts; city income; and outstanding debts 1656-09-11 NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_006 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Note: Of the approval and signing of the request of Burgomasters and Schepenen to Director General and Council 1656-09-11 NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_007 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Minutes, Court: Pieter Louressen v. Jacob Elderssen; default 1656-09-11 NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_008 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Minutes, Court: Of the opening of a letter of the court of justice at Beverwijck to Burgomasters and Schepenen relating to the suit between Abram Linthout and Salamon la Chair 1656-09-18 NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_009 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Minutes, Case: Abraham Linthout v. Salamon la Chair; default; demand for payment costs and damages due to arrest; lifted 1656-09-18 NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_011 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Minutes, Case: Marretie Pieterssen v. Jacob Elderse; demand for compensation for shooting of a dog; biting alleged and surgeons costs pleaded; denied; proof required 1656-09-18 NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_010 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Minutes,Affidavit: Request of Pieter van Couwenhoven for payment of planks; partly to be paid by Burgomasters; other part referred to Director General 1656-09-18 NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_012 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Minutes, Court: Jacob Barsimsom v. Allard Anthonij; attorney of Jacob Janssen Huijs; provisional judgment for plaintiff; definitive judgment postponed 1656-09-21 NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_013 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Minutes, Court: Notice to house-owners along the East River to line their lots with sheet piling 1656-09-25 NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_014 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Minutes, Case: Schout Nicasius de Sille v. Cornelis Janssen houtsager; default 1656-09-25 NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_015 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Minutes, Case: Jacob Schellinger v. Catelijn Joresij; default; breaking of arrest alleged 1656-09-25 NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_016 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Sentence: Suit between Jacob Barsimsom v. Allard Anthonij; attorney of Jacob Janssen Huys; judgment for plaintiff 1656-09-25 NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_017 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Minutes, Court: Of the receipt of the apostil of Director General and Council on the request of Burgomasters and Schepenen of 11 September 1656; regarding defence works; imposts; and debts 1656-09-27 NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_018 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Report: Of the Burgomasters of a meeting with Director General and Council as to the Director Generals intended journey to Fort Orange 1656-09-27 NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_019 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)
Report: Of the Burgomasters of a meeting with Director General and Council as to the farming out of the burgher excise on beer and wine and the excise on slaughtered cattle 1656-09-28 NYC-RNA_V2_bk1_020 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V2_1656-1660)