All taxonomy terms
9 grants of land from Peter Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Abstract of a letter from the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam to the directors of the WIC Document New York State Archives
Abstract of a paper regarding uneasiness of the settlers at the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Abstract of Dr. Tymen Stiddem and Jacob Vandeveer's papers which were returned to them Document New York State Archives
Abstract of exhibits in the suit between Jacob Jansen Huys and Allard Anthony Document New York State Archives
ACCOUNT (debit-credit) of Balthazar Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
ACCOUNT (debit-credit) of Captain John Allen Document New York State Archives
ACCOUNT (debit-credit) of Dirck Jansen van Oldenborgh, skipper of De Nieuw Nederlantse Indiaen, with a draft on Petrus Stuyvesant for payment of balance to the aforesaid skipper Document New York State Archives
ACCOUNT (debit-credit) of Dirck Jansen, skipper of De Nieuw Nederlantse Indiaen Document New York State Archives
ACCOUNT (debit-credit) of Jacob Jansen Huys, skipper of De Vergulde Vos Document New York State Archives
ACCOUNT (debit/credit) of Augustyn Beaulieu Document New York State Archives
Account against John Briggs Document New York State Archives
Account concerning the petition of Cornelis Martensz Document New York State Archives
Account concerning the ship Abrahams Offerhande at Barbados Document New York State Archives
Account of Arent van Hattum against the W. I. Company Document New York State Archives
Account of Captain Jacob Loper for services Document New York State Archives
Account of Francis Browne Document New York State Archives
ACCOUNT of goods belonging to Josua and Mordakay Emriques Document New York State Archives
Account of Henry Smith's charges in the suit with Peter Gronendike Document New York State Archives
Account of Indians sold in New York by James Barre Document New York State Archives
Account of Jan Jansen Huyssen, commander at Bonaire Document New York State Archives
Account of John Porter Document New York State Archives
Account of John Shackerly, deceased, while he was in partnership with Reynier the baker Document New York State Archives
Account of Mathys Capito Document New York State Archives
Account of Mathys Capito [Copy of 8:319a] Document New York State Archives
ACCOUNT of provisions purchased by Captain John Allen of New England Document New York State Archives
Account of quit-rents due and payable Document New York State Archives
Account of Rutger Joosten against the town of New Utrecht Document New York State Archives
Account of the excise and list of those who paid it in Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Account of the fines received and expenses incurred at Fort Orange from 4th October, 1656, to 28th March, 1658 Document New York State Archives
Account of William Vandenbergh, for boarding Native Americans Document New York State Archives
Accounts against Peter Stoutenburgh and others Document New York State Archives
Accounts of Daniel de Sille Document New York State Archives
Acknowledgment concerning a certain paper which is mislaid Document New York State Archives
Action of Andries de Vos against Paulus Lendersen (van der Grist) Document New York State Archives
Action of damages by Jan van Cleef against Jan Tomassen Document New York State Archives
Action of damages; Goosen Gerritsen vs. Jurriaen Jansen; appointment of Sander Leendertsen and Peter Hartgers to appraise wampum; Daniel Rinckhout paid by Leendert Pietersen Document New York State Archives
Action of Daniel Rinckhout against Leendert Pietersen Document New York State Archives
Action of debt: Dirck Keyser vs. John Roelofsen Document New York State Archives
Action of Jan van Hoesem against Gertrude Jeronimus, wife of Jochem the baker Document New York State Archives
Action of Jan van Hoesem against Jochem Wesselsen; actions of debt Document New York State Archives
Action of Rose Joelé vs. François Soleil Document New York State Archives
Action of Rose Joelé vs. François Soleil [Copy of Volume 8:87b] Document New York State Archives
Action of slander brought by Jacob Eldersen against William Britton, George Juwel, James Clerk and John Too Document New York State Archives
Action of slander: Ulderick Kleyn vs. Eldert Gerbertsen; report of referees in favor of a claim of Femmetje de Baxter vs. Michael Teunissen Document New York State Archives
Action of the sheriff against Frans Barentsen Pastoor Document New York State Archives
Action of the sheriff against Hendrick Andriessen Document New York State Archives
Action of Warnaer Wessels vs. Simon Joosten Document New York State Archives
Action of William Maerschalk against Grietje, wife of Cornelis Steenwyck, for slander Document New York State Archives
Actions entered for trial and other matters to be called up at a special court to be held at New Castle Document New York State Archives
Actions for debt and for slander; sentence of Jannetje, wife of Evert the baker Document New York State Archives
Actions for debt; Jan van Hoesem's wife against Eva Rinckhout Document New York State Archives
Actions for debt; John Albertsen against Jacob Tyssen Document New York State Archives
Actions of debt Document New York State Archives
Actions of debt Document New York State Archives
Actions of debt Document New York State Archives
Actions of debt and prosecutions for being found in the tavern after the ringing of the bell Document New York State Archives
Actions of debt; action of damages against Thomas Chombert Document New York State Archives
Actions of debt; Andries Herbertsen vs. Hendrick the baker's wife; Arent van Curler vs. Marcellis Jansen Document New York State Archives
Actions of debt; application of Frans Barentsen Pastoor, former magistrate, for payment of two years' salary Document New York State Archives
Actions of debt; application of the sheriff of Renselaerswyck for the punishment of Lambert van Neck Document New York State Archives
Actions of debt; application of Thomas Jansen MingaI for a building Document New York State Archives
Actions of debt; attachment issued against the property and debts of Harmen Jacobsen Bamboes Document New York State Archives
Actions of debt; attachment issued against the ship of Harmen Jacobsen Bambus Document New York State Archives
Actions of debt; Baefje Pietersen vs. Meuwes Hoogenboom and others Document New York State Archives
Actions of debt; Cornelis Cornelissen vs. Daniel Rinckhout; the sheriff vs. Engeltje Cornelissen Document New York State Archives
Actions of debt; information against Barent Pietersen for selling liquor to an Indian Document New York State Archives
Actions of debt; Rem Jansen vs. Symon Volckertsen; William Hoffmeyer vs. Jochem Wesselsen; Thomas Jansen Mingael vs. Jan Roeloffsen; Michiel Rombouts vs. Idoneus Jurcksen Document New York State Archives
Actions of debt; Reyndert Hoorn vs. Adriaen Symonsen Document New York State Archives
Actions of debt; suit against Jellis Fonda's wife; price asked by Carsten Fredricksen for his lot Document New York State Archives
Actions: Abraham Abrahamsen vs. Harmen Bastiaensen; Surgeon de Hince vs. Thomas Powelsen; actions of debt Document New York State Archives
Actions: Jacob Sehermerhoorn vs. Hendrick Andriessen; Jan Labité vs. Gillis Pietersen; Jan van Hoesem vs. Matthews Abrahamsen; Jochem the baker vs. William Hoffmeyr; Peter Bent vs. Peter Bosboom Document New York State Archives
Actions: Jochem the baker vs. the secretary of Renselaerswyck; the sheriff vs. Meuwes Hoogenboom, Gysbert Van Loon, and others; the sheriff vs. Claes Ripsen, Arent Vanderberg, and others; rev. Gideon Schaets vs. Cornelis Teunissen Bosch and wife Document New York State Archives
Actions: Lambert van Valkenborch vs. Hendrick Claessen and Gerrit Willemsen; Jacob Jansen Schermerhorn vs. Reyner Albertsen; Foppe Barentsen vs. the sheriff; actions of debt Document New York State Archives
Actions: Mr. Van Hamel vs. Lambert van Valkenburgh; Jan Bemboo vs. Teunis Jacobsen; actions of debt Document New York State Archives
Actions; the sheriff vs. Steven Jansen and Hendrick Andriessen Document New York State Archives
Address of delegates to the director and council Document New York State Archives
Address of the delegates to the director and council Document New York State Archives
Address of the delegates to the director and council Document New York State Archives
Address of the delegates to the director and council Document New York State Archives
Address of the magistrates of Westchester to the director and council Document New York State Archives
Adoption by Pieter Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven of Aeltje Pieters as his child and heir Document New York State Archives
Advertisement that the ship Oak Tree will travel to Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Advice and resolution of the members of the council on the petition of the burgomasters of New Amsterdam for slaves Document New York State Archives
Advice of councillor de Sille on proposals of the director-general Document New York State Archives
Advice of Councillor La Montagne on propositions submitted to the council by director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Advice of Councillor La Montagne on propositions submitted to the council by director Stuyvesant [Copy of Volume 6:291] Document New York State Archives
Advice of Councillor La Montagne on the propositions submitted by the director-general to the council Document New York State Archives
Advice of Councillor La Montagne on the propositions submitted by the director-general to the council [Copy of Volume 6:162] Document New York State Archives
Advice of director-general and council on the petition of the rev. Mr. Selyns for the payment of his salary in beavers Document New York State Archives
Advice of Fiscal Van Tienhoven on propositions submitted to the council by director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Advice of Fiscal Van Tienhoven on the propositions submitted by the director-general to the council Document New York State Archives
Advice of Fiscal Van Tienhoven on the propositions submitted by the director-general to the council [Copy of Volume 6:165] Document New York State Archives
Advice of Fiscal Van Tienhoven on the survey of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Advice of Fiscal Van Tienhoven on the survey of New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 6:302a] Document New York State Archives
Advice of the council to remove the settlers on Staten Island to New Utrecht Document New York State Archives
Advice of the council to remove the settlers on Staten Island to New Utrecht [Copy of Volume 6:256] Document New York State Archives
Advice of the director-general and council on the nomination of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Advice of the director-general and council on the nomination of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for the following year [Copy of Volume 6:266] Document New York State Archives
Advice of the director-general and councillor De Sille on the survey of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Advice of the director-general and councillor De Sille on the survey of New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 6:301] Document New York State Archives
Affidavidt of Gurtryda Pinhorn about Juan Miranda Document New York State Archives
Affidavidt of Mary Pinhorne about Juan Miranda Document New York State Archives
Affidavit in support of the petition of Johannes Withart Document New York State Archives
Affidavit of Abraham Pietersen and Claes van Elslant that Jan Stevensen, late schoolmaster, sold a house and garden on Manhattan Island to Jacob Jacobsen Roy Document New York State Archives
Affidavit of Abraham Velthuysen and William Cool respecting the capture of Goree by the ship Neptune 26 for the crown of Sweden Document New York State Archives
Affidavit of Anthony Van Etten regarding Native American hostilities Document New York State Archives
Affidavit of Cornelis Melyn respecting the murder of Seger Theunisse Document New York State Archives
Affidavit of David Govertsen in regard to the violent conduct of rev. Mr. Fabricius towards Maritie Juriaens Document New York State Archives
Affidavit of Francis Charetier alias La Foreest that he had settled with schout De Milt for a fine imposed on him for tapping Document New York State Archives
Affidavit of Johannes de Peyster and others as to iron imported from Boston by David Provoost Document New York State Archives
Affidavit of Johannes La Montagne, Philip Pietersen Schuyler, Jan Tomassen, and Hendrick Jochemsen that Marten Bierkaecker sold brandy to a Mohawk Indian Document New York State Archives
Affidavit of John Ogle concerning a debt against Thomas Wollaston Document New York State Archives
Affidavit of Joseph Safford and Thomas Read Document New York State Archives
Affidavit of Joseph Safford and Thomas Read [Copy of Volume 6:91] Document New York State Archives
Affidavit of Michael Bergier concerning Cornelis Melyn Document New York State Archives
Affidavit of Nicholas Hart that John Trogmorton received some hats from Willem de Key's wife Document New York State Archives
Affidavit of Robert Clark relating to counterfeit money Document New York State Archives
Affidavit of the Rev. Wilhelmus Grasmeer concerning Cornelis Melyn Document New York State Archives
Affidavit of Thomas Garvass Document New York State Archives
Affidavit of Willem Turck and Pieter Broensen as to a statement made by Jan Harmensen regarding the ownership of brandy shipped in David Provoost's ketch Document New York State Archives
Affidavits in the case of the homicide of Seger Cornelissen by Andries Herbertsen and citation of Herbertsen to appear in court Document New York State Archives
Affidavits secured by the fiscal against Barent Jorissen Tourbay on a charge of assault Document New York State Archives
Agreement between Aeltje Brackogne and her sons-in-law regarding the settlement of the estate of the late Cornelis Lambertsen Cool Document New York State Archives
Agreement between Allard Anthony and Augustyn Herrman and the representative of his creditors to abide by the valuation to be placed by arbitrators on a house and lot belonging to said Herrman Document New York State Archives
Agreement between Antony Crol and Philip Jansen regarding their trading with certain goods for joint account Document New York State Archives
Agreement between Capt. Jeremiah Clerk and Jan Doomer about the payment of a note given by Doomer in favor of Capt. Clerk Document New York State Archives
Agreement between captain John Scott and the commissioners on the part of director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Agreement between the director and Peter Rudolphus whereby the latter is to deduct the amount of certain accounts from his bill of freight Document New York State Archives
Agreement between the director and Peter Rudolphus whereby the latter is to deduct the amount of certain accounts from his bill of freight [Copy of Volume 8:23a] Document New York State Archives
Agreement by the settlers of Esopus to form a village Document New York State Archives
Agreement of Antony Crol and others, part-owners of La Garce, to provide for Cornelis Doele during his illness and to pay his surgeon's fees Document New York State Archives
Agreement of C. Groesens to reimburse J. Snediger for his expenses in building a house for him on Manhattan island, the house and lot being mortgaged as security Document New York State Archives
Agreement of commissioners to convey soldiers who wish to return to Holland Document New York State Archives
Agreement of Hendrick Jansen and Pieter Jansen Cool to deliver furs in Holland Document New York State Archives
Agreement of Hendrick Luft to serve out the time for which Jan Hendricksen is engaged as a soldier of the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Agreement of Henry Breser to take over Philip de Truy's house and land on the conditions agreed to by Nicolaes Stillwell Document New York State Archives
Agreement of Jan Clasen Doomer and Nanninck Jansen not to sell the duffels received from the Company to any English people or inhabitants Document New York State Archives
Agreement of Messrs. Van der Grist, Schutt, Anthony Loockermans and Steenwyck, partners, with the director and council, for the charter of the ship Golden Shark for a voyage to the West Indies Document New York State Archives
Agreement of Nicolaes Sloper to carry out George Baxter's terms of the contract of purchase of a plantation from Jan Schepmoes Document New York State Archives
Agreement of Pieter Colet regarding the purchase of Adriaen Pietersen's house and plantation on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Agreement of Simon Wallingsen to purchase Peter van der Linden's plantation Document New York State Archives
Agreement of the guardians of Jacob Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven's children to the court's order Document New York State Archives
Agreement of the town of Gravesend for the tenths Document New York State Archives
Agreement of Thieleman Willekens, merchant, and Pieter Cornelissen, gunner of the ship De Jonge Prins van Denemarcken, to abide by the award of arbitrators regarding the differences which have arisen between them Document New York State Archives
Agreement of town of Hempstead for the tenths Document New York State Archives
Agreement of town of Middelburgh for the tenths Document New York State Archives
Agreement of town of Middelburgh, L. I. respecting the tenths payable by the inhabitants of that place Document New York State Archives
Agreement of Willem Turck to collect money from Philip Geraerdy from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Agreement of Willem [ ] to serve Mr. La Montagne Document New York State Archives
Allotment and distribution of lots in the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Amnesty granted to deserters who will return within two months Document New York State Archives
An account of the Maquaes coming to Penobscott fort by Thomas Gardner, commander Document New York State Archives
Another nomination of burgomasters and schepens for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Another order to credit Jacob Backer with duties payable on other merchandise shipped by him Document New York State Archives
Another order to credit Jacob Backer with duties payable on other merchandise shipped by him [Copy of 8:269] Document New York State Archives
Answer and plea of Michel Tadens to the complaint of the fiscal against him Document New York State Archives
Answer and plea of Michel Tadens to the complaint of the fiscal against him [Copy of Volume 8:102b] Document New York State Archives
Answer declining to grant the petition of Tielman van Vleeck Document New York State Archives
Answer denying Hendrick van Dyck's petition Document New York State Archives
Answer granting petition of the schout, burgomasters and schepens of New Orange Document New York State Archives
Answer of Adogodquo to the message from the Indians of Agawam to the Dutch Document New York State Archives
Answer of Adriaen Jansen Appel to the complaint of the fiscal Document New York State Archives
Answer of Adriaen Jansen Appel to the complaint of the fiscal [Copy of Volume 8:98] Document New York State Archives
Answer of Anthony de Milt to the complaint of fiscal Knyff Document New York State Archives
Answer of Claes Bordingh, regarding the name of the person from whom he purchased certain articles of contraband Document New York State Archives
Answer of commissary Dyckman to an application for a certain lot at Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Answer of Cornelis van Tienhoven to the order of the 26th September last Document New York State Archives
Answer of councillor de Decker to proposals of the director-general Document New York State Archives
Answer of councillor de Sille to proposals of director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Answer of Councillor De Sille to propositions submitted to the council by director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Answer of Councillor De Sille to propositions submitted to the council by director Stuyvesant [Copy of Volume 6:290] Document New York State Archives
Answer of Councillor De Sille to the propositions submitted by the director-general to the council Document New York State Archives
Answer of Councillor De Sille to the propositions submitted by the director-general to the council [Copy of Volume 6:160] Document New York State Archives
Answer of David Jochemsen to the complaint of the fiscal Document New York State Archives
Answer of director and council declining to separate the office of city sheriff from that of fiscal Document New York State Archives
Answer of director and council to a remonstrance of the burgomasters and schepens Document New York State Archives
Answer of director and council to the petition of the burgomasters Document New York State Archives
Answer of director and council to the petition of the burgomasters for leave to impose certain taxes [Copy of Volume 8:190] Document New York State Archives
Answer of director and council to the petition of the citizens of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Answer of director and council to the remonstrance of Jan Baptist van Renselaer Document New York State Archives
Answer of director and council to the remonstrance of Jan Baptist van Renselaer [Copy of Volume 8:45] Document New York State Archives
Answer of director and council to the remonstrance of the merchants of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Answer of director and council to the remonstrance of the merchants of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Answer of director D'Hinoyossa to the vice-director's protest Document New York State Archives
Answer of Elbert Elbertsen and others to the complaint that they did not pay the tenths Document New York State Archives
Answer of Elbert Elbertsen and others to the complaint that they did not pay the tenths [Copy of Volume 8:66] Document New York State Archives
Answer of ensign Smith to the complaint of the fiscal Document New York State Archives
Answer of ensign Smith to the complaint of the fiscal [Copy of Volume 8:173] Document New York State Archives
Answer of ex-treasurer Anthony to objections made to certain items in the city accounts Document New York State Archives
Answer of Jan Evertsen to complaint of smuggling Document New York State Archives
Answer of Jan Juriaens Becker to his indictment Document New York State Archives
Answer of Jeronimus Ebbing to the complaint of the fiscal for an attempt to export furs without entering them Document New York State Archives
Answer of Johan de Decker to the plea of Hendrick Jansen Spiers Document New York State Archives
Answer of Johannes Risingh to an open letter from director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Answer of John Richardson to the bill of complaint of John Stevens Document New York State Archives
Answer of Marcelis Jansen claiming indemnity for the losses he suffered by the non-enforcement of the excise ordinance at Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Answer of Marcelis Jansen claiming indemnity for the losses he suffered by the non-enforcement of the excise ordinance at Fort Orange [Copy of Volume 8:84] Document New York State Archives
Answer of Mr. La Montagne to the audit of his accounts Document New York State Archives
Answer of Mr. Van Renselaer to Johannes de Decker's protest Document New York State Archives
Answer of Mr. Van Renselaer to Johannes de Decker's protest [Copy of Volume 8:28] Document New York State Archives
Answer of Peter Adriaensen to the complaint of the fiscal Document New York State Archives
Answer of Peter Dircksen Waterhond, skipper of the ship New Amsterdam, to the complaint of the fiscal for smuggling Document New York State Archives
Answer of Peter Dircksen Waterhond, skipper of the ship New Amsterdam, to the complaint of the fiscal for smuggling [Copy of Volume 6:201] Document New York State Archives
Answer of respondents in an appeal of John Gilman and Daniel Denton vs. John Pike, Samuel Moor and Jonathan Dunham, attorneys for the town of Woodbridge Document New York State Archives
Answer of secretary van Ruyven to proposals of director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Answer of the burgomasters and schepens explaining why they had not nominated any of the company's servants Document New York State Archives
Answer of the burgomasters, etc. of New Amsterdam in the matter of the application of Christina Steentgens Document New York State Archives
Answer of the court to the proposals from the three Mohawk Castles Document New York State Archives
Answer of the director and council to proposals from a company in New England, with translation in English Document New York State Archives
Answer of the director and council to the address of the delegates Document New York State Archives
Answer of the director and council to the burgomasters and schepens Document New York State Archives
Answer of the director and council to the demands of Jan Gallardo Document New York State Archives
Answer of the director and council to the petition of the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Answer of the director and council to the proposals of Messrs. Fenn and others of New Haven colony Document New York State Archives
Answer of the director granting the petition of the burgomasters and schepens to summon delegates Document New York State Archives
Answer of the director-general to the second address of the delegates Document New York State Archives
Answer of the directors declining to allow burgomasters and schepens to be able to select a pool from which their successors will be chosem Document New York State Archives
Answer of the Dutch authorities to the petition of delegates from the five English towns on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Answer of the town of Southampton, refusing to swear allegiance to the Dutch government Document New York State Archives
Answer ordering Hendrick Huyghen to depart with the ship Mercury and passengers from the South river Document New York State Archives
Answer ordering Hendrick Huyghen to depart with the ship Mercury and passengers from the South river [Copy of Volume 6:360] Document New York State Archives
Answer refusing Peter Tonneman's petition to be re-appointed sheriff of Breuckelen Document New York State Archives
Answer that action will be taken on van Tienhoven's petition when he furnishes details of his accounts Document New York State Archives
Answer that action will be taken on van Tienhoven's petition when he furnishes details of his accounts [Copy of Volume 8:53] Document New York State Archives
Answer to a petition of the magistrates of Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Answer to Augustyn Heerman that La Garce was captured after the peace and is not a prize Document New York State Archives
Answer to Augustyn Heerman that La Garce was captured after the peace and is not a prize [Copy of Volume 8:24] Document New York State Archives
Answer to David Ferara's petition Document New York State Archives
Answer to David Ferara's petition [Copy of Volume 8:92] Document New York State Archives
Answer to petition about the disposition of the church lots in Midwout Document New York State Archives
Answer to petition of Dirck van Schelluyne Document New York State Archives
Answer to petition of Dirck van Schelluyne [Copy of Volume 6:380] Document New York State Archives
Answer to petition of the burgomasters and schepens Document New York State Archives
Answer to propositions about Delaware with instructions to publish the declaration of war against Holland Document New York State Archives
Answer to the application from the magistrates of Midwout for assistance to pay their minister Document New York State Archives
Answer to the burgomasters as to what measures have been adopted by the director and council to suppress robberies by English privateers Document New York State Archives
Answer to the petition of Abraham de Lucena, Jacob Cohen Henricque, Salvador Dandrada, Joseph Dacosta, and David Frera Document New York State Archives
Answer to the petition of Abraham de Lucena, Jacob Cohen Henricque, Salvador Dandrada, Joseph Dacosta, and David Frera [Copy of Volume 6:322] Document New York State Archives
Answer to the petition of Dirck van Schelluyne Document New York State Archives
Answer to the petition of Dirck van Schelluyne [Copy of Volume 6:369] Document New York State Archives
Answer to the petition of merchants recently arrived from Holland remitting one-fourth of the present duties Document New York State Archives
Answer to the petition of the burgomasters for power to collect the assessment made for the repair of the public works Document New York State Archives
Answer to the petition of the burgomasters for power to collect the assessment made for the repair of the public works [Copy of Volume 6:264] Document New York State Archives
Answer to the petition of the magistrates of New Amsterdam, granting the city the excise on all wine and liquor consumed there Document New York State Archives
Answer to the petition of Thomas Chambers and Gysbert van Imbroch, granting in part the amendments to the charter of Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Answer to the proposals offered by the Minesinck Indians on renewing peace with the Dutch Document New York State Archives
Answer to the protest against the detention of the ship Hope Document New York State Archives
Answer to the protest against the detention of the ship Hope [Copy of Volume 6:112b] Document New York State Archives
Answer to the protest of Hendrick van Elswyck Document New York State Archives
Answer to the protest of the merchants for not being permitted to proceed to Holland Document New York State Archives
Answers given to capt. Cantwell's proposals about affairs on the Delaware river Document New York State Archives
Ante-mortem declaration of Harmen Hendricksen Document New York State Archives
Antenuptial agreement of Marritje Symons, widow of Surgeon Pieter Vreucht, and Symon Joosten, providing for the widow's children by her first husband Document New York State Archives
Appeal from the Whorekill court to the court of assizes in the suit of Griffith Jones vs. Thomas Shaw Document New York State Archives
Appeal from the Whorekill court to the court of assizes in the suit of John Stevens vs. John Richardson Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Abraham Verplanck of a judgment of the court at New Amsterdam in favor of Rachel Vinge Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Adriaen Blommert of a judgment of the court at New Amsterdam in favor of Michael Jansen Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Allard Anthony of a judgment of the court at New Amsterdam in favor of Anthony Claessen Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Allard Anthony of a judgment of the court at New Amsterdam in favor of Jacob van Couwenhoven Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Anthony Claesen Moore of a judgment of the court of New Amsterdam in favor of Mathias de Vos Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Cornelis van Gezel of a judgment pronounced against him by the court at New Amstel Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Cornelis van Langevelde of a judgment of the court of New Amsterdam in favor of Janneken Heermans Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Hieronimus Ebbing of a judgment of the court at Wiltwyck, in the Esopus, in favor of Cornelis Barentsen Slecht Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Jacob Jansen Buys of a judgment of the court of New Amsterdam in favor of Allard Anthony Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Jacob Vis of a judgment of the court at New Amsterdam in favor of Andries de Haes Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Jacob Vis of a judgment of the court of New Amsterdam in favor of Frederick Lubbertsen Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Jacobus Vis of a judgment of the court at New Amsterdam in favor of Hans Steyn Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Jacobus Vis of a judgment of the court at New Amsterdam in favor of Isaac Vermeulen Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Jan Gerritsen van Marcken of a sentence of banishment pronounced against him by the court at New Amstel Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Jeronimus Ebbing from a judgment of the court at Fort Orange in favor of Philip Pietersen Schuyler and Peter Hartgers Document New York State Archives
Appeal of John Artcher, alias John Coopall, of a judgment of the court at Oostdurp (Westchester) in favor of Richard Panton Document New York State Archives
Appeal of John Culpeper of a judgment of the court at New Amsterdam in favor of Hatton Atkins Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Peter Rudolphus of a judgment of the court at New Amsterdam in favor of Balthazar d'Haert Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Peter Tonneman of a judgment of the court at New Amsterdam in favor of Andrew Rees and Andrew Jochemsen Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Richard Britnell of a judgment of the court at Heemsteede in favor of Thomas Ireland and Daniel Whitehead Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Samuel Mahu of a judgment of the court of New Amsterdam in favor of Nicolas Booth Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Teunis Jansen of an award of arbitrators in favor of Michael Tadens Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Thomas Stevenson against a judgment of the court of Middelborch (Newtown), L. I., in favor of Thomas Hall, attorney for Jan Rooseboom Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Tobias Feake of a judgment of the court at Flushing, on Long Island, in favor of William Hallett Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Warnaer Wessels of a judgment of the court at New Amsterdam in favor of Jacob Barsimson Document New York State Archives
Appeal of Wessel Evertsen of a judgment of the court at New Amsterdam in favor of Frans Jansen van Hochten Document New York State Archives
Appeal of William Douckles of a judgment of the court of New Amsterdam in favor of Jan Hendricks Document New York State Archives
Application of Hans Vos for the discharge of his wife's son from Jacob van Curler's employ Document New York State Archives
Application of Paulus Heymans for his discharge as overseer of negroes Document New York State Archives
Application of Peter Tarragon for a lot of land Document New York State Archives
Application of rev. Joannes Theodorus Polhemus and Jan Snedeker of the church at Midwout (Flatbush) for one or two windows Document New York State Archives
Application of Serjeant Nicholas Langevelthuysen for the restitution of a chest in the possession of Dirck Smith's wife Document New York State Archives
Application of Serjeant Nicholas Langevelthuysen for the restitution of a chest in the possession of Dirck Smith's wife [Copy of Volume 6:177b] Document New York State Archives
Application of sheriff of Renselaerswyck for arrest of Jan Joosten; action against Marcellis Jansen for selling liquor on his premises last Sunday during the sermon Document New York State Archives
Application of the fiscal for leave to remove the books and papers of Cornelis van Tienhoven from his late residence Document New York State Archives
Application of the fiscal for leave to remove the books and papers of Cornelis van Tienhoven from his late residence [Copy of 8:302] Document New York State Archives
Application of the fiscal for leave to seize all the real and personal estate of Cornelis van Tienhoven Document New York State Archives
Application of the fiscal for the confinement of two tavernkeepers from Fort Orange until he prepare his complaint against them Document New York State Archives
Application of the fiscal for the confinement of two tavernkeepers from Fort Orange until he prepare his complaint against them [Copy of Volume 8:69] Document New York State Archives
Application of the fiscal for the dissolution of the marriage of Anneke Adriaens and Aert Pietersen Tack Document New York State Archives
Application of the fiscal that notice to quit be served on the remaining intruders at Westchester Document New York State Archives
Application to the fiscal that notice to quit be served on the remaining intruders at Westchester [Copy of Volume 6:329b] Document New York State Archives
Appointment and oath of office of Solomon Lachaire as notary public Document New York State Archives
Appointment and qualification of Arent van Vlieringen as provoost Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Abraham Martensen Clock and Fredrick Philipsen to report what work has been done the church at Midwout Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Andries de Vos and Arent Andriessen as curators of the estate of the late Cornelia Vedos Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Andries Hudde to be clerk at Altona on the Delaware Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Anthony Lodewycksen Baeck to be city jailer Document New York State Archives
Appointment of appraisers of the estate of Jacob Alrichs Document New York State Archives
Appointment of arbitrators in a suit of Timotheus Gabry against Jan Jansen van Ryn Document New York State Archives
Appointment of assessors to value houses ordered to be pulled down near the fort Document New York State Archives
Appointment of auditors of the accounts of vice-director La Montagne Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Balthazar Bayard to be commissioner on the part of the government Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Benjamin Pauwely to act with Thomas Hall and Richard Lots as administrator of the estate of Francis Lasley Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Boudewyn Maenhout to be schoolmaster and reader (voorleser) in Bushwick Document New York State Archives
Appointment of burgomasters and schepens for the city of New Amsterdam for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Appointment of burgomasters and schepens for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Appointment of burgomasters and schepens for the ensuing year [Copy of Volume 6:268a] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Appointment of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Appointment of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Appointment of burgomasters of New Amsterdam to assist the director-general in deciding cases in appeal where the fiscal is a party Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Christiaen Barentsen to be firewarden Document New York State Archives
Appointment of church wardens for New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of church wardens for New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of churchwardens for Midwout Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Claes Jansen Ruyter to be Indian interpreter Document New York State Archives
Appointment of clerk and magistrates for Fordham Document New York State Archives
Appointment of commissioners to apportion land between the inhabitants of Midwout, Middelbergh and Mespacht Document New York State Archives
Appointment of commissioners to examine and report on the case of Jan Gerritsen van Marcken vs. the court at New Amstel Document New York State Archives
Appointment of commissioners to fortify Communipa Document New York State Archives
Appointment of commissioners to investigate charges against the sheriff of Staten Island Document New York State Archives
Appointment of commissioners to settle some difficulties in the English towns on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Appointment of commissioners to settle some difficulties in the English towns on Long Island [Copy of Volume 6:23a] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of commissioners to take charge of the estate of capt. John Manning Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Cornelis Steenwyck, Oloff Stevensen van Cortlandt and Jacques Cousseau to treat with the English for surrender Document New York State Archives
Appointment of councillor Tonneman, Carel van Brugge and Matthys Capito as commissioners to investigate the accounts of Cornelis van Tienhoven Document New York State Archives
Appointment of councillors La Montagne and Werckhoven to attend a convention of delegates from the nearest colonies Document New York State Archives
Appointment of curators of the estate of Eldert Engelbert and some murdered Swedes Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Dirck Crynen to be provoost marshal Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Dirck Crynen to be provoost marshal [Copy of Volume 6:244c] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Dirck Houthuysen to be smith to the company Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Dirck van Schelluyne to be marshal of the superior and inferior courts at New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Evert Duyckingh to be firewarden in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of fire wardens for New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of fire wardens for the city of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of fire wardens for the city of New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 6:31a] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Foppe Jansen to be commissary to the expedition against the Swedes Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Foppe Jansen to be commissary to the expedition against the Swedes [Copy of Volume 6:79b] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Francis Bloodgood to be chief officer of the Dutch inhabitants of Flushing, Heemstede, Rustdorp and Middleburgh Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Gerrit Tides to command the company's yacht Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Gideon Marlet and Nathan Whiteman to be additional magistrates for Staten Island Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Govert Loockermans as orphan master Document New York State Archives
Appointment of grain and lime measurers for city of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Hans Vos to be deputy sheriff Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Harman van Hoboocken to be cadet and schoolmaster at the Bouwery Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Hellegond Joris to be city midwife, and suspension thereof Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Hendrick Bierman to be receiver of the excise; sundry actions of debt; the sheriff vs. Jacob Loockermans; confession of Juriaen Jansen Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Hendrick van der Walle as clerk in the secretary's office Document New York State Archives
Appointment of hon. Johannes la Montagne and burgomaster Anthony to lay out streets in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Isaac Grevenraet to be schout at Esopus, arrests for sedition, confiscation of furs belonging to Thomas Willett Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Jacob Kip to be secretary or clerk to the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Jacob Kip to be vendue master to the court of orphan masters Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Jacob Kip to be vendue master to the court of orphan masters [Copy of Volume 6:175b] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Jacob Strycker to be orphan master for the city of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Jacques Corteljou to be surveyor-general Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Jacques Cortelyou to be sheriff of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Jan de Decker to be presiding commissary at Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Jan de Decker to be presiding commissary at Fort Orange [Copy of Volume 6:59] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Jan Lubbertsen to be clerk Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Jan Peecq to be broker to the merchants of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Jan Peecq to be broker to the merchants of New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 6:308a] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Jan Tiljes to be magistrate of Bushwick Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Jan Verbeeck and Evert Wendel to be orphan masters Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Jochem Pietersen Kuyper, Paulus Leendertsen (van der Grist) and Peter Conelisen to the board of Nine men Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Johannis la Montagne to be clerk of the church and schoolmaster in Haerlem Document New York State Archives
Appointment of John Hicks and Robert Ashman as magistrates of that town Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Lodewyck Cobbes to be notary public at Willemstadt Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrate for Haerlem Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates and militia officers for Swaenenburgh (Kingston), Marbletown and Hurley Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Bergen Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Bergen, N. J. Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Breuckelen Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Breuckelen Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Breuckelen Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Breuckelen Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Breuckelen [Copy of Volume 6:341a] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Breuckelen, Midwout and Amesfoort Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Breuckelen, Midwout and Amesfoort Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Breuckelen, Midwout and Amesfoort Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Brooklyn and adjoining towns Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Brooklyn, Midwout and Amesfoort, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Bushwick Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Bushwyck Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for East and Westchester Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Elizabethtown, Woodbridge, Shrewsbury and Newark (N. J.) and Mamaroneck Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Flushing and adjoining English towns on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Fort Orange and Beverwyck for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Fort Orange and Beverwyck for the ensuing year [Copy of Volume 6:73b] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Fort Orange and the village of Beverwyck Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Fort Orange and the village of Beverwyck [Copy of Volume 6:362b] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Haerlem Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Haerlem Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Harlem for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Heemstead Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Heemstead [Copy of 8:308a] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Heemsteede Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Hempstead Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Middelborch (Newtown, L. I.) Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Middelborch (Newtown, L. I.) [Copy of Volume 6:350b] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Middelborgh, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Middelbourgh, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Midwout and Amesfoort Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Midwout and Amesfoort Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Midwout and Amesfoort Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for New Utrecht, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Oostdorp (Westchester) Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Piscattaway (N. J.) Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Rustdorp (Jamaica), L. I. Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Rustdorp, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Schanegtade Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for the city of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for the town of Bergen Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for the town of Flushing Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for the town of Flushing [Copy of Volume 6:34a] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for the town of Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for the town of Heemstede Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for the town of Heemsteede Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for the town of Hempstead for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for the town of Middelborgh, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for the towns on the east end of Long Island Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for the Whorekill Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Vreedland (Westchester) Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Vreedland (Westchester) [Copy of Volume 6:343] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Westchester Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Westchester (Oostdorp) Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Willemstadt and Renselaerswyck Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Wiltwyck and for Bushwick Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates for Wiltwyck and their oath; minister's house ordered built Document New York State Archives
Appointment of magistrates of New Utrecht Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Martin Cregier and Oloff Stevensen van Cortland to accompany the director-general to Esopus Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Martin Cregier to be captain-lieutenant of the forces Document New York State Archives
Appointment of matron to the hospital at New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Mattheus Capito to make up the accounts of the estate of the late Jacob Alrichs Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Mattheus de Vos to be city marshal Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Matthys Capito to be assistant to bookkeeper Van Brugge Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Messrs. Megapolensis, Snediger and Strycker to be commissioners for building a church and a rectory at Midwout Document New York State Archives
Appointment of military officers for Bergen and Gemoenepa Document New York State Archives
Appointment of military officers for Haerlem and notice thereof Document New York State Archives
Appointment of militia officers for the town of Bergen Document New York State Archives
Appointment of militia officers for the towns of Midwout, Amesfoort, Breuckelen, Utrecht, Bushwyck and Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Nicasius de Sille and Govert Loockermans to be kerck masters Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Nicasius de Sille and Govert Loockermans to be kerck masters [Copy of Volume 6:312a] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Nicasius de Sille to be sheriff of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Nicasius de Sille to be sheriff of New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 8:32] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Nicholas Verleth as commissary of imports and exports Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Nicolaes Alberts as sheriff's officer Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Nicolas Bayard as assistant to Cornelis van Ruyven, late receiver-general Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Nicolas Stillwell to be ensign Document New York State Archives
Appointment of officers for New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of officers in the city military companies Document New York State Archives
Appointment of orphan master and church warden in New Amsterdam for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Appointment of orphan master in New Amsterdam for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Appointment of orphan master of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of orphan master, city surveyor and fire warden of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of orphan masters for New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of orphan masters for New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of orphan masters for New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 6:114a] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of orphan masters of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of P. Wolpherts van Couwenhoven as city surveyor Document New York State Archives
Appointment of P. Wolpherts van Couwenhoven as city surveyor [Copy of Volume 6:20] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Paulus Leenderts van der Grist and Nicolas Varleth to examine the books and accounts belonging to the estate of Cornelis van Tienhoven Document New York State Archives
Appointment of persons to superintend the workmen at the fortifications in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Peter Schaeffbanck to be messenger to the court of director and council Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Peter Tonneman to be kerck master of the church at New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Peter Tonneman to be member of the council Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Peter Tonneman to be sheriff and clerk of the district of Breuckelen Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Peter Tonneman to be sheriff and clerk of the district of Breuckelen [Copy of Volume 6:245] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Peter van der Linde tobacco inspector at New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Peter van Ruyven to be clerk Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Peter Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven to be lieutenant Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Resolved Waldron to be provost and deputy sheriff and his oath of office Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Richard Bridnell to be deputy collector of excise at Heemstede Document New York State Archives
Appointment of searcher and inspector of imports and exports promised to Warnaer Wessels Document New York State Archives
Appointment of sheriff and magistrates for Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Appointment of sheriff and magistrates for Gravesend, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Appointment of sheriff and magistrates of Flushing Document New York State Archives
Appointment of sheriff and magistrates of Flushing [Copy of Volume 6:338b] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Stoffel Michielse to be town crier or bellman Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Stoffel Michielse to be town crier or bellman [Copy of Volume 6:200a] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Sybrant Cornelissen to be assistant surgeon Document New York State Archives
Appointment of the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Appointment of the magistrates and sheriff of Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Appointment of the magistrates of Breuckelen Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Tielman van Vleeck to be sheriff of the new village on the maize land (Bergen, N. J.) Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Tymotheus Gabry to be clerk of the common council, New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Wessel Gerritsen and Pieter Lourissen to be pilots to the expedition against the Swedes Document New York State Archives
Appointment of Wessel Gerritsen and Pieter Lourissen to be pilots to the expedition against the Swedes [Copy of Volume 6:83b] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of William Beekman to be commissary at the South river (Delaware) Document New York State Archives
Appointment of William Bogardus to be clerk in the secretary's office Document New York State Archives
Appointment of William Bogardus to be clerk in the secretary's office [Copy of Volume 6:368a] Document New York State Archives
Appointment of William Bogardus to be comptroller of the windmill Document New York State Archives
Appointment of William Cornelis to be supercargo of the ship Eagle Document New York State Archives
Appointments and promotions in the burgher companies of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Appointments of magistrates, etc. Document New York State Archives
Appointments to the offices of churchwarden, orphan master, and firewarden Document New York State Archives
Appraisal by arbitrators of the house and lot of Augustyn Herrman Document New York State Archives
Appraisal of the Shark Document New York State Archives
Approbation of Timotheus Gabry and Jan Jansen Veryn of an award made by referees in their case Document New York State Archives
Approval and confirmation of the ordinance imposing an assessment to pay the rev. Mr. Polhemus Document New York State Archives
Approval by the director and council of the plan of the village of Midwout, and order to build accordingly [Copy of Volume 6:296] Document New York State Archives
Approval of minutes of proceedings of the magistrates and military authorities of Breukelen, Midwout and Amesfoort by director and council Document New York State Archives
Approval of ordinance forbidding trade in the woods with Indians Document New York State Archives
Approval of patent to William Smith Document New York State Archives
Approval of the ordinance enacted at Fort Orange against runners who follow Indians in the woods to secure their furs Document New York State Archives
Approval of the ordinance enacted at Fort Orange against runners who follow Indians in the woods to secure their furs [Copy of Volume 6:67a] Document New York State Archives
Approval of the plan of the village of Midwout by the director and council Document New York State Archives
Approval of the sentence on the suicide of Hendrick Jansen Document New York State Archives
Arguments and reasons submitted by councillor De Deckere on the subject of the value of wampum Document New York State Archives
Arrest of judgment pronounced by the court of New Amsterdam against John Adams for slander of Mrs. Beeckman Document New York State Archives
Articles and conditions granted to Dirck Wolff & Co., empowering them to erect salt pans in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Articles and ordinances by the burgomasters of Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Articles of agreement between John Steevens and Samuel Stiles Document New York State Archives
Articles of agreement between John Stevens and Thomas Crumpton for a piece of land on the west side of Delaware bay Document New York State Archives
Articles of agreement between Robert Carr and the burgomasters Document New York State Archives
Articles of agreement between Thomas Crompton and John Richardson relating to land on the west side of Delaware bay Document New York State Archives
Articles of copartnership between Augustyn Herrman and Captain Blauwvelt in the privateer La Garce Document New York State Archives
Articles of copartnership of Director Willem Kieft and ten other persons in the privateer La Garce Document New York State Archives
Articles of partnership between Arent Jansen van Vlieringen and Corporal Gerrit Hendricksen Document New York State Archives
Articles of peace concluded with Esopus Indians Document New York State Archives
Articles of peace concluded with the Esopus Indians Document New York State Archives
Assignment by Adam Brouwer to Geurt Servaessen of his claim on the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Assignment by Alexander Boyer to Cornelis Steenwyck of money due to him by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Assignment by Capt. Willem Blauevelt and others of the privateer La Garce to Kempo Sybada of their respective shares of the prize money accruing from the capture of the ship Tabasco Document New York State Archives
Assignment by Charles Morgan to Hans Broebergen of a claim on the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Assignment by David Provoost of his claim against the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Assignment by Dom Hendricksen to Seger Teunissen of his claim against the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Assignment by Gillis Janen Pompoen to the curators of the estate of the late Claes Cater of his claims against the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Assignment by Gregor Pischoen to Rivert Symonsen Pillis of his pay due from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Assignment by Jacob Hendricksen to Seger Teunissen of his claim against the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Assignment by Jochem Paschen to Seger Teunissen of his claim against the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Assignment by Johannes Markus to Rivert Symonsen Pillis of his pay due from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Assignment by Roeloff Jansen Haes to Adriaen Keyser of his claim against Burger Jorissen for 1000 guilders Document New York State Archives
Assignment by Sergeant Gerrit Douman to Govert Loockermans of Jacob Naviere's account against the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Assignment by Symon Woutersen to Seger Teunissen of wages due to Hans Haen Document New York State Archives
Assignment by Tobias Rem to Seger Teunissen of his wages earned as a soldier in the service of the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Assignment by William Smith to Fredrick Jansen of his wages due from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Assignment of an island in the Delaware river to George Heathcote by Samuel Edsall Document New York State Archives
Attachment granted against money belonging to the estate of Jacob Alrichs Document New York State Archives
Attachment issued against the goods of John Partridge Document New York State Archives
Attachment issued against the person and property of Joseph Fowler at the suit of Thomas Wandel Document New York State Archives
Attachment issued against the person and property of Joseph Fowler, of Mespath, at the suit of Thomas Wandel [Copy of Volume 6:51] Document New York State Archives
Audit of the account of Nicolas Varleth and Jacobus Backer for expenses incurred by councillor de Decker's mission to Virginia Document New York State Archives
Authority to Jan Finje to superintend the harvesting of the crop on Jan Damen's farm; Appointment by Ariaentje Cuvelje of administrators of the estate of Jan Jansen Damen Document New York State Archives
Authority to the magistrates of Midwout (Flatbush) to levy a tax of six guilders on each lot Document New York State Archives
Award of arbitrators Document New York State Archives
Award of damages to Thomas Landun and Abraham Smith Document New York State Archives
Award to P. L. van der Grist and Thomas Willett, arbitrators on a claim of Richard Lord vs. director Stuyvesant, for £200 sterling Document New York State Archives
Award to P. L. van der Grist and Thomas Willett, arbitrators on a claim of Richard Lord vs. director Stuyvesant, for £200 sterling [Copy of Volume 8:152b] Document New York State Archives
Balance sheet on the fortifications of New Orange with list of persons whose assessments remain unpaid Document New York State Archives
Banishment of Thomas Hunt out of the province Document New York State Archives
Bequest from Rev. Johannes Megapolensis, Sr, to Hilgont Jans, eldest daughter of Rev. Johannes Megapolensis, Jr. Document New York State Archives
Bill of charges against Jan de Caper's ship Document New York State Archives
Bill of Cornelis Clock for treating sick soldiers on board the Gilded Otter Document New York State Archives
Bill of lading Document New York State Archives
Bill of lading Document New York State Archives
Bill of lading Document New York State Archives
Bill of lading Document New York State Archives
BILL OF LADING for 224 pieces of eight sent to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
BILL OF LADING for 300 slaves loaded at Curacao for New Netherland Document New York State Archives, slave trade
BILL OF LADING for dyewood and sugar loaded at Curacao for New Netherland Document New York State Archives
BILL OF LADING for fifty horses loaded at Aruba for New Netherland Document New York State Archives
BILL OF LADING for five slaves loaded at Curacao for New Netherland Document New York State Archives
BILL OF LADING for forty slaves loaded at Curacao for New Netherland Document New York State Archives
BILL OF LADING for salt loaded at Curacao for New Netherland Document New York State Archives
BILL OF LADING for salt loaded at Curacao for New Netherland Document New York State Archives
BILL OF LADING for salt loaded at Curacao for New Netherland Document New York State Archives
BILL OF LADING for salt loaded at Curacao for New Netherland Document New York State Archives
BILL OF LADING for seven cases of goods loaded at Curacao for New Netherland Document New York State Archives
BILL OF LADING for ten slaves loaded at Curacao for New Netherland Document New York State Archives
BILL OF LADING for twenty slaves loaded at Curacao for New Netherland Document New York State Archives
BILL OF LADING for twenty-two horses loaded at Aruba for New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Bill of lading of stationery and law books sent to New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Bill of lading of the Moesman Document New York State Archives
Bill of lading of the ship Brindled Cow (Bontekoe); roll of soldiers going to New Netherland in the above vessel Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale for 2 houses in New Amsterdam from Adriaen Keyser to Abraham Pietersen Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale from Abraham Pietersen to Jacob Bouwensen of the grain sown on farms Nos. 5 and 6 on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale from Geerloff Tadicksen and Hendrick Ryff to Jochem Kierstede of a half-interest in the bark De Hoop Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale from Govert Aertsen to Jacob Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven of the yacht De Liefde Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale from Isaac Allerton to Cornelis Leendersen and Govert Loockermans of the bark De Hoop Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale from Mattheus Jansen to Jan Picket of the yacht Wakende Boey, with inventory Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale from Oloff Stevensen and Jacob Wolphertsen, agents of Govert Loockemans, to Geerloff Tadicksen and Menrdric Ryff of a half interest in the yacht De Hoop Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale from Petrus Stuyvesant to Stephen Goodyear, deputy governor at New Haven, of the Company's ship Swol Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale from Pieter Antony to Teunis Dircksen of a half-interest in the yacht Zeepaert Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale from Pieter Lucassen to Director Stuyvesant of the ship Abraham's Offerande Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale from Symon Joosten to Govert Aertsen and Philip Jansen of the yacht De Liefde Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale from the owners of the frigate La Garce to Christiaen Pietersen and his partners Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale of a confiscated ship to Jan Hendricks Spinter, William Sandford, Cornelis van Bursum and Reinout Wiliamse Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale of a horse from Cornelis van Tienhoven to Jeuriaen Hendricksen Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale of a house and land from the director and council to Govert Loockermans and Cornelis Leendertsen Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale of a Negro from Frederick Lubbertsen to Richard Lord Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale of a yacht from Dirck Corssen Stam to Maryn Adriaensen Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale of a yacht from Thomas Hall and Jan Pietersen to Hendrick Jansen and Jan Martensen Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale of pork from Richard Lord to Adriaen de Keyser Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale of the confiscated ship Neptune to Dirck van Clyff Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale of the ship Amandare from Directors Stuyvesant and Kieft to Thomas Broughton Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale of the yacht St. Pieter from Jan Jansen Damen and Jan Evertsen Bout to John Dolling Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale to Cornelis Steenwyck and Nicholas Bayard of the confiscated ship St. Michael Document New York State Archives
Bill of sale to Jacobus van de Water and Stephen van Cortland of the confiscated ship Dolphin Document New York State Archives
Bills of lading Document New York State Archives
Bills of lading and invoices Document New York State Archives
Blank patent for a piece of land in Delaware bay for Nathaniel Walker Document New York State Archives
Bond for the performance of the terms of the sailing permit issued to skipper Adriaen Blommert Document New York State Archives
Bond of Abraham Planck for the payment of money due to the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Bond of Aert Evertsen to Richard Heyts for the purchase of his house Document New York State Archives
Bond of agents of Governor Johan Prins to pay for merchandise bought of Augustyn Herrman Document New York State Archives
Bond of Arnoldus van Hardenberg as surety for Mr. Richard Smith Document New York State Archives
Bond of Augustyn Herrman as surety for Adriaen van der Donck Document New York State Archives
Bond of Burger Jorissen for the repayment of money advanced by Willem Turck to Jan Jansen from Piersel Document New York State Archives
BOND of Captain John Allen securing his debt to Matthias Beck Document New York State Archives
Bond of Catalyn van Straseele in favor of Dirck Cornelissen from Wensveen Document New York State Archives
Bond of Catalyn van Straseele, widow of Jan Jansen van Ilpendam, in favor of Hendrick Hendricksen Kip Document New York State Archives
Bond of Catalyn van Straseele, widow of Jan Jansen van Ilpendam, in favor of Jan Snediger Document New York State Archives
Bond of Christopher Foster to appear before the court at Fort Amsterdam when summoned by Director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Bond of Claes Jansen Ruyter and Harmen Douwessen to Willem Turck for merchandise received Document New York State Archives
Bond of Claes van Elslant for any claim the West India Company may have on goods shipped in the Gelderse Blom Document New York State Archives
Bond of Coenraet Ten Eyck to prove that the duties have been paid in Holland Document New York State Archives
Bond of commander Benckes pledging his superiors to pay all expenses incurred by the Surinam and Zeehondt Document New York State Archives
Bond of Cornelis Steenwyck that the master of The Stuyvesants' Arms will observe the conditions of his clearance Document New York State Archives
Bond of Dirck Claessen Boot to Gysbert Cornelissen from Weesp for tavern expenses Document New York State Archives
Bond of Dirck Claessen Boot to Sander Leendersen for the payment of 113 guilders for board Document New York State Archives
Bond of Dirck Claessen Boot to Willem Teller for the payment of 204 guilders for board Document New York State Archives
Bond of Dirck Corssen Stam to skipper Jop Arentsen for the payment of his board on the voyage to New Netherland Document New York State Archives
BOND of Dirck Jansen van Oldenborgh securing payment of 150 pieces of eight to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Bond of Director General Stuyvesant for the repayment of money borrowed from the deacons of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Bond of Director Stuyvesant to Frederick Lubbertsen for the purchase price of cattle Document New York State Archives
Bond of Director Stuyvesant to the merchants of Amsterdam for 12,000 guilders Document New York State Archives
Bond of Edmund Scarburgh that he shall not within four weeks enter the South Bay or the South River or approach within six miles thereof Document New York State Archives
Bond of Elbert Elbertsen and others to reappear when called on Document New York State Archives
Bond of Elbert Elbertsen and others to reappear when called on [Copy of Volume 8:68b] Document New York State Archives
Bond of Elke Jansen to Jan Claessen for the remainder of the purchase money of the Malle Smits Berg Document New York State Archives
Bond of Francis Lastley and John Seals as sureties for Thomas Hall Document New York State Archives
Bond of Fredrick Lubbertsen for the payment of money disbursed by Cornelis van Tienhoven Document New York State Archives
Bond of George Baxter to remain in the room in the City Hall where he is confined until discharged Document New York State Archives
Bond of George Holmes and George Clair to pay money to Richard Lattyn on account of Lawrence Turner Document New York State Archives
Bond of George Rapalje to Cornelis Maessen for wheat delivered to him Document New York State Archives
Bond of Gillis Pietersen for the payment of a fine imposed on Hendrick Jansen and the ransom of the latter's wife Document New York State Archives
Bond of Gillis Pietersen for the payment of one hundred and eighty guilders due by Jacob Roy to Isbrant Dircksen Goethart Document New York State Archives
Bond of Govert Loockemans and Cornelis Leendersen for goods brought over in the ship Coninck David Document New York State Archives
Bond of Hans Hansen to Cornelis Maessen for wheat delivered to him Document New York State Archives
Bond of Heindrick Jans in favor of Isaac Allerton Document New York State Archives
Bond of Hendrick Huygen that he will demean himself peaceably and quietly at the South river and submit to Dutch laws while there Document New York State Archives
Bond of Hendrick Huygen that he will demean himself peaceably and quietly at the South river and submit to Dutch laws while there [Copy of Volume 8:4] Document New York State Archives
Bond of Isaac Allerton as security for a debt due by Edward Moor [canceled] Document New York State Archives
Bond of Isaac Allerton as surety for Nicolaes Hart Document New York State Archives
Bond of Isaac Allerton for 3750 guilders in favor of the owners of the frigate La Garce [canceled] Document New York State Archives
Bond of Isaac Allerton for Grinfil Lerben, captain of the ship Charles, about to sail for Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Bond of Isaac Allerton in favor of the owners of the frigate La Garce for sugar Document New York State Archives
Bond of J. Jansen to reimburse B. Jorissen if called upon to pay W. Turck certain moneys advanced to J. Jansen Document New York State Archives
Bond of Jacob Bouwens to reimburse Johannes Winckelman for money to be paid to him by Philip Gerritsen Document New York State Archives
Bond of Jacob Cohen and Salvador d'Andrade to pay to the fiscal 11 casks of seized tobacco or the value thereof in case they are proved to have been smuggled Document New York State Archives
Bond of Jan Cornelissen Smith to the heirs of Jan Dircksen, deceased Document New York State Archives
Bond of Jan Jansen Schepmoes in favor of Hendrick Jacobsen Patervaer Document New York State Archives
Bond of Jochom Pietersen Kuyter and Jacob van Couwenhoven for the amount of the judgment against Cornelis Melyn respecting his ship De Fortuyn and her cargo Document New York State Archives
Bond of Johannes van Tweller to satisfy the judgment which Thomas Spicer may obtain against Arent van Curler Document New York State Archives
Bond of Johannes Winckelman in favor of Jan Jansen Damen Document New York State Archives
Bond of Johannes Winckelman in favor of Jan Vigne for moneys disbursed in wintering cattle Document New York State Archives
Bond of John Forbes in favor of Claes Cartensen for the balance of the purchase money of a plantation on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Bond of John Grey to Thomas Willett to pay the sum of £20 sterling in case a bill of exchange drawn on his brother, William Grey, should be protested Document New York State Archives
Bond of Jonathan Brewster of New Plymouth to Willem Turck for duffel cloth delivered to him Document New York State Archives
Bond of Lodewyck Jongh to Anna Jans for the balance of the purchase money of land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
BOND of Lucas Rodenburch concerning the goats and sheep delivered by Petrus Stuyvesant to the Company Document New York State Archives
Bond of Maerten Aertsen in favor of Govert Aertsen Document New York State Archives
Bond of Nicolaes Sloper and Lawrence Turner to reimburse George Holmes and George Clair for any payments to be made to Richard Lattyn Document New York State Archives
Bond of Paulus Leendersen van de Grist as security for the duty on certain goods shipped in the Bonte Koe; Mortgage by Dirck Bensich to Hendrick van Dyck of his house and lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Bond of Paulus Leendertsen van der Grist and Johannes van der Meulen as securities for Cornelis van Gesel Document New York State Archives
BOND of Petrus Stuyvesant concerning the purchase of provisions from the commissary on Curacao Document New York State Archives
Bond of Philip Jansen Ringo to Isbrant Dircksen Goethardt for the repayment of money loaned to him by said Goethardt Document New York State Archives
Bond of Pieter Heyn to Gerrit Jansen Klinckhamer for payment of 205 guilders to the latter’s wife Document New York State Archives
Bond of Pieter Leendertsen for the payment of money due to Gillis Pietersen Document New York State Archives
Bond of Pieter Taelman not to trade any goods except at the South River Document New York State Archives
Bond of Richard Smith to Isaac Allerton as security for a debt due to Allerton by John Wilcox Document New York State Archives
Bond of Richard Smith to sail direct to the South River and to return with his cargo to Manhattan Document New York State Archives
Bond of Richard Wraith to skipper Meyndert Swart for the payment of the purchase price of a Negro woman and boy Document New York State Archives
Bond of Sander Leendersen to reimburse Willem Turck in beavers for seawan received from him Document New York State Archives
Bond of Skipper Joost Teunissen van Norden Document New York State Archives
Bond of the joint owners of the privateer La Garce for the settlement of all claims arising from the capture of the bark De Hoop Document New York State Archives
Bond of Thomas Adams and Edward Bushell to Isaac Allerton Document New York State Archives
Bond of Thomas Adams and Isaack Allerton to Director Stuyvesant for the delivery of 3000 pounds of tobacco or 1000 Carolus guilders Document New York State Archives
Bond of Thomas Badgehott to John Evance of New Haven for the repayment of money loaned to him, binding the King's Head tavern in London as security Document New York State Archives
Bond of Thomas Baxter and John Oyen as sureties for John Brant Document New York State Archives
Bond of Thomas Crompton and John Richardson Document New York State Archives
Bond of Thomas Hall and Carel van Brugge to Fiscal van Tienhoven for the payment of the fine due by Jan Fry (John Gray) Document New York State Archives
Bond of Thomas Hall to Cornelis Teunissen for the payment of the purchase price of cattle Document New York State Archives
Bond of Thomas Hall to Maryn Adriaensen for the payment of the purchase price of a plantation on Manhatan Island Document New York State Archives
Bond of Thomas Hall to satisfy the judgment which Arent van Curler may obtain against Thomas Spicer Document New York State Archives
Bond of Thomas Hall to Willem de Key Document New York State Archives
Bond of Thomas More and Isaac Allerton to restore to Jan Jansen from St. Obyn a bark stolen by Thomas Baxter Document New York State Archives
Bond of Thomas Topping and Robert Coe to deliver provisions in part payment of the ship Amandare purchased by Mr. Broughton Document New York State Archives
Bonds of Augustyn Herrman, Jan Lourensen Appel, and Thomas Willett as security for certain goods shipped in the Bonte Koe Document New York State Archives
Bonds of Jacob Hendricksen Kip, Pieter Anthony, Benjamin van de Water, and Allard Anthony as security for certain goods shipped in the Bonte Koe Document New York State Archives
Bonds of Jan Lourensen Appel, Adriaen Keyser, Jacob Jansen Schermerhoorn, and Oloff Stevensen van Cortlandt as security for certain goods shipped in the Bonte Koe Document New York State Archives
Bonds of Johannes Gillissen Verbrug, Govert Loockermans, Hendrick Jacobsen Patervaer, and Pieter Schabanck as security for certain goods shipped in the Bonte Koe Document New York State Archives
Bonds of Paulus Leendertsen van de Grist and Elbert Eldertsen, Pieter Wolfertsen van Couwenhoven, and Sibout Clasen as security for certain goods shipped in the Bonte Koe Document New York State Archives
Bonds of Paulus Leendertsen van de Grist [canceled], Adriaen Keyser, and Jacob Jansen Hap as security for certain goods shipped in the Bonte Koe Document New York State Archives
Book of removed houses and moneys contributed for strengthening the fortifications of New Orange Document New York State Archives
Burgomasters requesting to be informed what measures have been adopted by the director and council to suppress robberies by English privateers Document New York State Archives
Calendar of ordinances and placards for 1656 Document New York State Archives
Calendar of the principal resolutions for 1656 Document New York State Archives
Calendar of transactions between the director and council and burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for 1656 Document New York State Archives
Call for volunteers for the defense of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Call for volunteers for the expedition against the Swedes Document New York State Archives
Call for volunteers for the expedition against the Swedes [Copy of Volume 6:78] Document New York State Archives
Canceled text Document New York State Archives
Cancelled document Document New York State Archives
Cancelled document Document New York State Archives
Cancelled document Document New York State Archives
Cancelled document Document New York State Archives
Capitulation of Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Capitulation of Fort Christina Document New York State Archives
Case in appeal of Augustine Heermans against Charles Gabrie Document New York State Archives
Case in appeal of Frederick Lubbertsen vs. Jacob Vis Document New York State Archives
Case in appeal of Megapolensis vs. surgeon d'Hinse Document New York State Archives
Case of Tymen Stiddem, declaring his right to certain land Document New York State Archives
Caveat against fencing in Bushwyck on the ground that it will close some public roads Document New York State Archives
Caveat against granting certain lands in New Jersey to Batholomew Applegate & Co. Document New York State Archives
Caveat against granting Thomas Lovelace certain land near Staten Island Document New York State Archives
Caveat by the magistrates of Midwout against granting the petition to establish a new village Document New York State Archives
Caveat entered by the people of Westchester against granting a piece of land there to Roger Townsend Document New York State Archives
Caveat to the town of Midwout against taking any action on the survey of its valley until the town be heard Document New York State Archives
Census of Brooklyn and other towns on the west end of Long Island Document New York State Archives
Census of the responsible housekeepers and their families residing at certain places on the Delaware river Document New York State Archives
Census of the several towns at Achter Col Document New York State Archives
Certificate by Nicasius de Sille and others that Johanna de Laet is in good health Document New York State Archives
Certificate by the administrators of the estate of Francis Lastley of the amount due to Isaac Allerton Document New York State Archives
Certificate of Adriaen Keyser that Adriaen Jansen van Ilpendam had received no part of his father's estate Document New York State Archives
Certificate of commissary Liefrinck that he accidentally omitted the entry of goods in the manifest of the ship The Faith Document New York State Archives
Certificate of Dirck van Schelluyne that the above letter was left by the court messenger the 27th January Document New York State Archives
Certificate of director and council that they had granted a plantation on the South river to Jan Schagen Document New York State Archives
Certificate of director Stuyvesant that he had ordered Cornelis Jacobsen Steenwyck to pay 800 guilders to Mr. Rysingh Document New York State Archives
Certificate of ensign Nyssen and Mattheus Capito to the expenses incurred by Otto Jansen in his sickness Document New York State Archives
Certificate of Helmanus Wiltbank and John Kipshaven as to the qualifications of Cornelius Verhoof as a surveyor Document New York State Archives
Certificate of Hendrick Huyghen Document New York State Archives
Certificate of Jacobus Swartwout relating to counterfeit money Document New York State Archives
Certificate of Johannes de La Montagne and Cornelis van Tienhoven as to the good health of Nicasius de Sille Document New York State Archives
Certificate of John Collins to John Chissum Document New York State Archives
Certificate of manumission of Domingo Angola and Maykie, his wife Document New York State Archives
Certificate of Martin Garritson relative to Hans Block's right of way Document New York State Archives
Certificate of Nathan Birdsall relating to counterfeit money Document New York State Archives
Certificate of part ownership of Jacob Stoffelsen in the privateer La Garce Document New York State Archives
Certificate of secretary Nicolls that capt. Carr was indebted to Dr. Henry Taylor at the time of the surrender of New York Document New York State Archives
Certificate of service on Jan Tomassen and Volckert Jansen of a notice of protest Document New York State Archives
Certificate of surgeon Roelof Kierstede as to the cause of death of Hendrick the wampum stringer Document New York State Archives
Certificate of the director and council as to the regularity of a contract between Cornelis Claesen Swits and Ariaenje Cornelys Trommels Document New York State Archives
Certificate of the director and council of deeds to Kint in 't water, Jacob the ironmonger, and Jorisy Rappallje's brother-in-law Document New York State Archives
Certificate of the director and council that David Provoost has been admitted as a notary public Document New York State Archives
Certificate of the landing at New Amsterdam of 290 slaves from the ship Gideon on account of the W. I. Company Document New York State Archives
Certificate of the magistrates in favor of granting certain land on the west side of Staten Island to Henderick Rycken Document New York State Archives
Certificate of the removal of five or six Englishmen who attempted to make a settlement at Schouts bay Document New York State Archives
Certificate of the right of way of Hans Block through land now owned by capt. Cantwell Document New York State Archives
Certificate of Thomas Willet and others, respecting the condition and value of flour landed from the Shark Document New York State Archives
Certificate of various persons of New Castle as to the previous quiet character of Ambrose Backer's horse Document New York State Archives
Certificate of William Tom, Peter Alrick, Walter Wharton and Ed. Cantwell relative to the appearance of Mr. Jenkins Document New York State Archives
Certificate relating to counterfeit money Document New York State Archives
Certificate signed by sundry citizens of New Orange in favor of Anna Vermont Document New York State Archives
Certificate that a balance is due to Immetje Cornelis, matron of the orphan children sent out from Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Certificate that Burger Jorissen has deposited certain money in court and it has been paid to Alexander Partridge's son Document New York State Archives
Certificate that certain of the company's slaves have been allowed half liberty Document New York State Archives
Certificate that Harmen Jacobsen, alias Bamboes, was shot by an Indian off the Esopus and brought to New Amsterdam for interment Document New York State Archives
Certificate that Margareta Gillis, wife of David Provoost, is alive Document New York State Archives
Certificate that Margarita Provoost was living on June 12, 1647 Document New York State Archives
Certificate that Margarita Provoost was living on June 12, 1648 Document New York State Archives
Certificate that Pieter Rutten, deceased, was indebted to Claes Jansen Document New York State Archives
Certificate that sundry grants of land near Stuyvesant's bouwery had been made in the years 1659 and 1660 to various negroes Document New York State Archives
Certificate that the half slaves who petitioned for manumission had been fully emancipated and made free Document New York State Archives
Certificate that the magistrates of Fort Orange has advised vice-director La Montagne to raise the rate of excise there Document New York State Archives
Certificate that Warnaer Wessels farmed the tavern-keepers' excise Document New York State Archives
Certificates and Depositions relating to counterfeit money Document New York State Archives
Certificates of Johannes de Peyster and Jacob Kip that Margarita Provoost was alive on June 12, 1648, and June 12, 1649 Document New York State Archives
Certificates of the delivery of bread and sundries by Robert Livingston, for the Palatines Document New York State Archives
Certified copies of two protests by Brant van Slichtenhorst against Director General Stuyvesant, dated respectively September 8 and October 20, 1648 Document New York State Archives
Charges against Gerrit Pelser Document New York State Archives
Charges incurred by John Young during his detention at skipper Lowes Document New York State Archives
Charges made by Henry Smith against Cornelius Verhoof and Helmanus Wiltbank Document New York State Archives
CHARTER of a captured English ship by Admiral de Ruyter to transport goods from Goree to Dutch fortress El Mina Document New York State Archives
Charter of the French ship L'esperance for the expedition against the Swedes Document New York State Archives
Charter of the French ship L'esperance for the expedition against the Swedes [Copy of Volume 6:85c] Document New York State Archives
Charter of three ships to accompany the expedition against the Swedes Document New York State Archives
Charter of three ships to accompany the expedition against the Swedes [Copy of Volume 6:85b] Document New York State Archives
CHARTER PARTY of Den Eyckenboom to transport slaves from Guinea to Curacao Document New York State Archives
Charter party of the ship Gideon for a voyage from Holland to Africa Document New York State Archives
Charter party of Willem Dircksen, skipper, about to sail to St. Christopher Document New York State Archives
Charter-party between Govert Loockermans and Hendrick Teissen and Jurgen Schroeder to ship sugar and cotton to Holland Document New York State Archives
Charter-party of the ship De Liefde by John Evans, of New Haven, for a voyage to Barbadoes Document New York State Archives
Charter-party of the ship Peereboom for a voyage from New Amsterdam to the West Indies and back Document New York State Archives
Circular accompanying the proclamation appointing the 15th March as a general day of thanksgiving, fasting and prayer Document New York State Archives
Circular communicating the proclamation of a day of general thanksgiving to the magistrates throughout the province Document New York State Archives
Circular to several towns urging them to be watchful and to send delegates to a meeting at New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Circular to the towns around New Amsterdam, notifying them of a massacre of whites at Esopus by the Indians Document New York State Archives
Circular to the towns in the vicinity of New Amsterdam to send delegates to that city on 1st November Document New York State Archives
Civil and military appointments for Whorekill Document New York State Archives
Claim of Adrian Jansen to the freedom of the city of New Amsterdam without purchase Document New York State Archives
Clarification attached to the foregoing resolution Document New York State Archives
Clearance of the yacht The Stuyvesants' Arms for Holland Document New York State Archives
Clearance to Isaac Allerton for the ship Charles, commanded by Greenfield Lerben, to sail to the Curaçao islands for salt or horses Document New York State Archives
Clearance to Isaac Allerton for the ship Charles, commanded by Greenfield Lerben, to sail to the Curaçao islands for salt or horses [Copy of Volume 6:184b] Document New York State Archives
Colonial Council meeting minutes, August 25, 1755 Document New York State Archives
Colonial Council meeting minutes, March 18, 1758 Document New York State Archives
Colonial Council meeting minutes, September 24, 1756 Document New York State Archives
Commission appointing Edmund Cantwell captain of foot for the town of New Castle Document New York State Archives
Commission appointing several men to try and punish certain persons accused of murdering an Indian on the South river Document New York State Archives
Commission empowering the court of New Amsterdam to pass sentence of banishment on Claerbout Document New York State Archives
Commission for militia officers for Newcastle, Cranehook, Verdriete kook, Upland, Passayunck, Apoquemini and Whorekill, in Delaware Document New York State Archives
Commission for schout and secretary of Achter Col Document New York State Archives
Commission from Flushing Document New York State Archives
Commission from the court at Fort Orange to three of the magistrates to make certain representations to the council Document New York State Archives
Commission from the court at Fort Orange to three of the magistrates to make certain representations to the council [Copy of Volume 6:55] Document New York State Archives
Commission of Abraham van Nas to be notary public Document New York State Archives
Commission of Anthony Colve to be governor of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Commission of assessors to make a return of all estates in New Orange over 1,000 guilders Document New York State Archives
Commission of Augustine Heermans and Resolved Waldron to be ambassadors to Maryland Document New York State Archives
Commission of Balthazar Bayard to be clerk of the court at Bergen Document New York State Archives
Commission of burgomasters and regents of the city of Amsterdam to Take Jans, master of the ship St. Catarina Document New York State Archives
Commission of Capt. Knyff and ensign Vos to administer the oath of allegiance to the eastern towns on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Commission of capt. Philip Carteret and Mathias Nicolls to receive stores from gov. Colve Document New York State Archives
Commission of captain de Coninck to capture the leading inhabitants of Westchester and to expel English intruders Document New York State Archives
Commission of Captain Knyff to administer the oath of allegiance to the towns on the east end of Long Island Document New York State Archives
Commission of Carsten Jeroensen to command the yacht Cock; news of peace with England received Document New York State Archives
Commission of Claes Jansen Ruyter to accompany chiefs to receive proposals of the Esopus Indians Document New York State Archives
Commission of Cornelis Ewoutse to be master gunner Document New York State Archives
Commission of Cornelis Steenwyck to be captain, N. Bayard lieutenant, and Gabriel Minviele ensign of the burgher corps of New Orange Document New York State Archives
Commission of Cornelis Steenwyck to be member of the council Document New York State Archives
Commission of Cornelis Steenwyck, Charles Epestyn and Charles Quirynsen to administer the oath of allegiance Document New York State Archives
Commission of Cornelis Steenwyck, Johannes van Brugh, Johannes de Peyster and Egidius Luyck to value certain lots Document New York State Archives
Commission of Cornelis van Ruyven and Martin Crieger to be commissioners to regulate affairs at the Delaware Document New York State Archives
Commission of Cornelis van Ruyven to adopt proper measures for the arrangement of the public accounts Document New York State Archives
Commission of Cornelis van Ruyven, Olof Stevensen van Cortland and John Laurence to proceed to Hartford and settle the boundary with Connecticut Document New York State Archives
Commission of Cornelius Steenwyck and Jacques Cousseau to be delegates to the commanders of the English forces Document New York State Archives
Commission of councillor de Sille to adopt measures for the survey and inclosure by palisades of the villages of Breuckelen and New Utrecht Document New York State Archives
Commission of Dirck Looten to be commissary of provisions Document New York State Archives
Commission of Dirck van Clyff, Walter Webly and Balthazar Bayard to settle the estate of the late Richard Morris Document New York State Archives
Commission of Dirck van Schelluyne as marshal Document New York State Archives
Commission of Edmund Cantwell to be surveyor in Delaware Document New York State Archives
Commission of Evert Pietersen to be comforter of the sick, schoolmaster and precentor at New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Commission of ex-burgomasters and presiding schepen to decide the dispute between the director-general and council and Jan Gallardo de Ferrara Document New York State Archives
Commission of fiscal de Sille or his deputy to act as sheriff of New Utrecht Document New York State Archives
Commission of Francis de Bruyn to be auctioneer for the five Dutch towns on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Commission of Gulayne ver Planke, Stephanus van Cortlant, Dirck van Clyff and Peter de la Noy to examine and settle the estate of the late gov. Lovelace Document New York State Archives
Commission of hon. Nicasius de Sille and Cornelis Tienhoven to proceed to the South river and investigate affairs there Document New York State Archives
Commission of hon. Nicasius de Sille and Cornelis Tienhoven to proceed to the South river and investigate affairs there [Copy of Volume 8:5] Document New York State Archives
Commission of Isaac Grevenraet to be schout at Esopus Document New York State Archives
Commission of Israel Bensen Valck to be provost marshal Document New York State Archives
Commission of Israel Bensen Valck to be provost marshal [Copy of Volume 6:180] Document New York State Archives
Commission of Jacobus van de Water to be receiver of moneys advanced for completing the fortification of New Orange Document New York State Archives
Commission of Jacobus van de Water to be town major of New Orange Document New York State Archives
Commission of Jacques Cortelyou, Albert Cornelissen (Wantenaer) and Jan Evertse Bout to examine the vicinity of Breuckelen Document New York State Archives
Commission of Johan de Deckere as superintendent of finances Document New York State Archives
Commission of Johan Paul Jacquet to be vice-director and commander-in-chief at the South river (Delaware) Document New York State Archives
Commission of Johannes la Montagne and Thomas Willett to inquire into some differences between the inhabitants of Middelburgh, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Commission of Johannes La Montagne to be vice-director at Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Commission of John Lawrence, Richard Betts and James Hubbard to settle certain differences between Woodbridge and Piscattaway Document New York State Archives
Commission of lord Baltimore to captain Neale to demand the surrender of the territory on the Delaware river from the W. I. Company Document New York State Archives
Commission of Martin Cregier to be commander-in-chief of the forces in the absence of the director-general Document New York State Archives
Commission of Martin Cregier, jr. to settle the estate of Thomas de Laval at Willemstadt Document New York State Archives
Commission of Martin Crieger to be captain of a military force sent to the Delaware Document New York State Archives
Commission of Martin Vonck to be captain of the Hope Document New York State Archives
Commission of Messrs. Gold, Sherman and Campfield to hold courts at Fairfield with jurisdiction over Westchester Document New York State Archives
Commission of Messrs. Steenwyck and five others to be delegates Document New York State Archives
Commission of Nicholas Bayard to be receiver-general Document New York State Archives
Commission of Nicholas Bayard to be secretary of the province Document New York State Archives
Commission of Nicholas Varlet and Brian Newton as ambassadors to Virginia Document New York State Archives
Commission of Nicolas Stillwell to be lieutenant of an English troop Document New York State Archives
Commission of Olof Stevensen van Cortland to act as presiding burgomaster Document New York State Archives
Commission of Olof Stevese van Cortlandt, Gelyn Verplancke and Gabriel Minvielle to settle the estate of the late gov. Lovelace Document New York State Archives
Commission of oyer and terminer for the trial of William Syncleer Document New York State Archives
Commission of Paulus Leendertsen van der Grist to command the ship Dolphin Document New York State Archives
Commission of Peter Alrigs to be schout and commandant at the South river Document New York State Archives
Commission of Peter Laurensen to go on a fishing voyage along the coast Document New York State Archives
Commission of Peter Lucassen to command the ship Abraham's Sacrifice Document New York State Archives
Commission of Peter Tonneman to be sheriff of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Commission of Peter Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven to be lieutenant of a troop of Indians and volunteers Document New York State Archives
Commission of Pieter Jacobsen Marius and Asser Levy to settle the claims against John Manning Document New York State Archives
Commission of rev. Henricus Selyns to be minister of Breuckelen and the Bouwery Document New York State Archives
Commission of rev. Samuel Drisius to be ambassador to Virginia Document New York State Archives
Commission of Roelof Swartwout to be sheriff of Esopus Document New York State Archives
Commission of Roelof Swartwout to be sheriff of Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Commission of Samuel Willis and John Winthrop to prevent the Dutch forces using hostility towards the people on the east end of Long Island Document New York State Archives
Commission of secretary Tienhoven and burgomaster Cregier as ambassadors to the governor of New Haven Document New York State Archives
Commission of Simon Cornelisen Gilde, captain of the ship Gideon, and ensign Nyssen to command the troops returning to Holland in said vessel Document New York State Archives
Commission of Thomas Wheeler to be chief magistrate of Westchester (Vreedland) Document New York State Archives
Commission of Thomas Wheeler to be chief magistrate of Westchester (Vreedland) [Copy of Volume 6:335a] Document New York State Archives
Commission of Tielman van Vleeck to be sheriff of Bergen (N. J.) Document New York State Archives
Commission of Walter Wharton to be land surveyor at the South river Document New York State Archives
Commission of William Beeckman to be commissary at the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Commission of William Beeckman to be vice-director at the South river (Delaware) Document New York State Archives
Commission of William Knyfe and lt. Krynsen to administer the oath of allegiance to the people of Westchester and Eastchester on the Mayne Document New York State Archives
Commission of William Knyff to be fiscal of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Commission providing for the administration of public affairs during the director-general's absence at the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Commission to the arbitrators in the case of Capt. Thomas Adams vs. Cornelius Houtewall Document New York State Archives
Commission to the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam to try and sentence the above Claerbout Document New York State Archives
Commissioners of United Colonies to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Commissions of Richard Smith, Thomas Statham, and Joseph Pudway Document New York State Archives
Commitment of Jan Boeckholt de Nosper Document New York State Archives
Commitment of Jan Peecq and order for his prosecution Document New York State Archives
Commitment of Jan Peecq and order for his prosecution [Copy of Volume 8:80a] Document New York State Archives
Commutation of Hans Breyer's sentence to banishment Document New York State Archives
Complaint against Francis Rombouts for holding correspondence with the enemy Document New York State Archives
Complaint against Frans Jansen for theft and attempting to break jail Document New York State Archives
Complaint against Frederick Philipse, Nicolas Myer and others for driving wagons from Wiltwyck to the Ronduyt without a convoy Document New York State Archives
Complaint against George Demis for smuggling rum into Long Island Document New York State Archives
Complaint against George Huwel, Dr. Clarke, John Too, and Daniel East Document New York State Archives
Complaint against Gerrit Ryersen for smuggling; his answer and judgment releasing the goods Document New York State Archives
Complaint against Hendrick Hendricksen, baker, for selling bread below the regular weight Document New York State Archives
Complaint against Isaac Melyn for coming to New Orange and spreading reports of peace and the restoration of the city Document New York State Archives
Complaint against Jacob van Couwenhoven for an attempt to convey spirituous liquors to the Neversinke Document New York State Archives
Complaint against Jan Evertsen for smuggling shoes Document New York State Archives
Complaint against Jan Tomassen (van Dyck) for violently grasping Clara Gerrits and assaulting Jan van Cleef Document New York State Archives
Complaint against John Bats for theft Document New York State Archives
Complaint against John Pien, an Englishman, for an assault with intent to kill Thomas Willett Document New York State Archives
Complaint against John Sharpe for coming to New Orange and spreading reports of peace and the restoration of the city Document New York State Archives
Complaint against John Tilton for attending meetings of Quakers and harboring persons of that denomination Document New York State Archives
Complaint against Mary Tilton, a prisoner, for attending meetings of "that abominable sect called Quakers" Document New York State Archives
Complaint against Paulus Turck for playing nine pins on Sunday Document New York State Archives
Complaint against Peter Paulusen for assaulting Jacob Wolphertsen and others Document New York State Archives
Complaint against Storm Albertsen for smuggling and his answer Document New York State Archives
Complaint against William Bentfield for having exported liquor from Flushing, L. I. to New England without paying duty Document New York State Archives
Complaint against William Welsted for theft Document New York State Archives
Complaint and sentence of Hans Vos for selling liquor to Indians Document New York State Archives
Complaint by the inhabitants of Fordham against John Archer Document New York State Archives
Complaint of an Indian from Tappaan against Jacob Wolfertsen van Couwenhoven Document New York State Archives
Complaint of bookkeeper Van Brugge that he cannot close his accounts for want of the receiver's books Document New York State Archives
Complaint of bookkeeper Van Brugge that he cannot close his accounts for want of the receiver's books [Copy of Volume 8:106b] Document New York State Archives
Complaint of Cornelis Teunissen of Amesfoort that Andries Hudde claims his land Document New York State Archives
Complaint of Dirck van Schelluyne, attorney for Arent van Corler, vs. Thomas Spicer Document New York State Archives
Complaint of ensign Smith against the wife of Mattheus Roelofsen Document New York State Archives
Complaint of ensign Voz against sergt. Coenraet Janse, with the trial and sentence of the latter Document New York State Archives
Complaint of fiscal against Edward Willes sedition Document New York State Archives
Complaint of fiscal against Maria Truix for selling liquor to Indians Document New York State Archives
Complaint of Fiscal van Tienhoven against the ship New Amsterdam for smuggling Document New York State Archives
Complaint of Fiscal van Tienhoven against the ship New Amsterdam for smuggling [Copy of Volume 6:195] Document New York State Archives
Complaint of Goodman Harck's wife against Richard Pontum Document New York State Archives
Complaint of inhabitants of Crewcorne against Gilbert Wheeler for selling rum to the Indians Document New York State Archives
Complaint of Jacob Kip against John de Sweet Document New York State Archives
Complaint of Jan Schaggen against Jan Paul Jacquet Document New York State Archives
Complaint of Johannes la Montagne, sheriff of New Haerlem, against several persons for riot Document New York State Archives
Complaint of Joost Van Beecq vs. Maria Verleth Document New York State Archives
Complaint of Joost Van Beecq vs. Maria Verleth [Copy of Volume 6:363b] Document New York State Archives
Complaint of Mary de Truy against the provoost Document New York State Archives
Complaint of Mrs. Erskins relative to trespasses committed on her property by John Mole and William Semple Document New York State Archives
Complaint of Pieter van der Linde and others about the dog of Nicolaes Sloper which roams the woods and kills their goats Document New York State Archives
Complaint of Richard Smith against Joseph Smith Document New York State Archives
Complaint of Rycke Leydecker against William Traphagen for insulting him and calling him a false judge Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Adriaen Jansen for refusing to pay the excise Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Adriaen Jansen for refusing to pay the excise [Copy of Volume 8:94] Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Adriaen van Tienhoven Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Anthony de Milt for trespass Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Asser Levy Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against capt. Fleet and Walter Webly Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against dame Gerritse Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against David Jochemsen Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Elbert Elbertsen and others refusing to pay the tenths Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Elbert Elbertsen and others refusing to pay the tenths [Copy of Volume 8:64] Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against ensign Dirck Smith for selling a gun to Indians Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against ensign Dirck Smith for selling a gun to Indians [Copy of Volume 8:172] Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Francis Chartier, for aiding some Frenchmen to desert their masters Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Gerrit van Sweringen for manslaughter Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Jacob Cohen for smuggling Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Jacob Cohen for smuggling [Copy of Volume 6:198c] Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Jacob Leunen Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Jacob Stevensen Kuyper and his wife Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Jacob Stevensen Kuyper and his wife [Copy of 8:289] Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against James ———, sent from Flushing as a public disturber Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Jan de Nosper Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Jan Paul Jacquet Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Jan Withart Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Joost Goderus for stealing firewood Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Laurens van der Spigel Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Lysbeth Anthonissen Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Nicolas Lange Velthuysen Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Nicolas Lange Velthuysen [Copy of Volume 8:183] Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Peter Adriaensen for refusing to pay the excise Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Peter de Graeff Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Peter de Graeff [Copy of Volume 8:76b] Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Stoffel Jansen Abel for smuggling Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against Thomas Wandel Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal against —————— for having corresponded with the enemy Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the fiscal that the merchants make false entries of their goods Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the magistrates of Middelburgh against Peter Taelman Document New York State Archives
Complaint of the magistrates of Middelburgh against Peter Taelman [Copy of Volume 6:246a] Document New York State Archives
Complaint of Thomas Stevenson against the magistrates of Middelborgh, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Complaint of William van Diemen's wife against Alexander D'Hinoyossa, director at New Amstel Document New York State Archives
Compliance of the magistrates of the town of Gravesend with the judgment against them Document New York State Archives
Compliance of the magistrates of the town of Gravesend with the judgment against them [Copy of Volume 8:145] Document New York State Archives
Concessions to be granted to those interested in the settlement behind the Kill van Kol Document New York State Archives
Conclusion of the fiscal in the case of those who did not pay the tenths Document New York State Archives
Conclusion of the fiscal in the case of those who did not pay the tenths [Copy of Volume 8:68a] Document New York State Archives
Condemnation of the ship Dolphin, captured by commanders Evertze and Benckes in the bay of Virginia Document New York State Archives
Condition on which the tavern-keepers' excise is to be let for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Condition on which the tavern-keepers' excise is to be let for the ensuing year [Copy of Volume 6:178b] Document New York State Archives
Conditions of sale of a lot of slaves in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Conditions on which the director and council propose to sell a lot of slaves to the highest bidder Document New York State Archives
Conditions on which the excise at Fort Orange is to be farmed Document New York State Archives
Conditions on which Warnaer Wessels farmed the excise on wine and beer Document New York State Archives
Conditions on which Warnaer Wessels farmed the excise on wine and beer retailed in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Conditions on which Warnaer Wessels farmed the excise on wine and beer retailed in the villages of Breuckelen, Midwout and Amersfoort on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Conditions on which Wolphert Gerritsen (van Couwenhoven) obtained confirmation of a deed of land Document New York State Archives
Conference between governor Andros, the magistrates at New Castle, Del. and the Indian sachems of New Jersey Document New York State Archives
Conference between the director and council and Tapousagh, chief of the Long Island Indians Document New York State Archives
Conference between the director and council and the chiefs of Hackinckesack and Haverstraw Document New York State Archives
Conference between the director and council and the chiefs of Hackinckesacky, Najack, Wieckquaeskeck, Haverstraw, and the Wappings Document New York State Archives
Conference between the director and council and three Mohican chiefs Document New York State Archives
Conference between the director-general and the Senecas at Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Conference with the chiefs of Hackingkeshacky and Nyacks respecting a continuance of the armistice with the Esopus Indians Document New York State Archives
Conference with the Indians at Annockeninck respecting a recent murder Document New York State Archives
Confession of guilt by Lysbeth Anthonissen Document New York State Archives
Confession of John Cray (Gray) Document New York State Archives
Confessions of Abigail Balden and Enam Benoni to adultery Document New York State Archives
Confirmation and approval of the survey and plot map of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Confirmation and approval of the survey and plot map of New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 6:302b] Document New York State Archives
Confirmation and qualification of the town officers of Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Confirmation and qualification of the town officers of Gravesend [Copy of Volume 6:63b] Document New York State Archives
Confirmation by gov. Andros of John -------- to be clerk at Whorekill Document New York State Archives
Confirmation of letters patent issued to Antony Antonys Document New York State Archives
Confirmation of letters patent issued to Antony Mathijs Document New York State Archives
Confirmation of letters patent issued to Assento Document New York State Archives
Confirmation of letters patent issued to Claes Document New York State Archives
Confirmation of report of Johannes la Montagne and Thomas Willett Document New York State Archives
Confirmation of report of Johannes la Montagne and Thomas Willett [Copy of 8:207] Document New York State Archives
Confirmation of the appointment of Mattheus de Vos by the director and council Document New York State Archives
Confirmation of the appointment of Mattheus de Vos by the director and council Document New York State Archives
Confirmation_of_letters_patents_issued_to_Manuell_Saunders_and_Willem_Antonys_Portugies Document New York State Archives
Confirmation_of_letters_patents_issued_to_Manuel_de_Ros_Cristoffell_Santome_and_Groot_Manuel Document New York State Archives
Confirmation_of_letters_patents_issued_to_Manuel_de_Spangie Document New York State Archives
Confirmation_of_letters_patents_issued_to_Pieter_Tamboer_and_Francisco_Cartagena Document New York State Archives
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Anna_d_Angola Document New York State Archives
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Assento_Angola_and_Luijcas_Pieters Document New York State Archives
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Cleyn_Antonio Document New York State Archives
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Domingo_Angola Document New York State Archives
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Francisco_and_Manuel_Sanders Document New York State Archives
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Francisco_d_Angola_ Document New York State Archives
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Gracia_D_Angola Document New York State Archives
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Groot_Manuel Document New York State Archives
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Manuel_Trumpeter (1) Document New York State Archives
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Marijke_and_Domingo_Angola Document New York State Archives
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Paulo_D_Angola Document New York State Archives
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Pieter_Santomee Document New York State Archives
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Solomon_Pieters Document New York State Archives
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Symon_Congoe Document New York State Archives
Confiscation of a ship lying sunk in Westchester creek Document New York State Archives
Consent of Peter de Graeff to give the required security to the fiscal Document New York State Archives
Consent of Peter de Graeff to give the required security to the fiscal [Copy of Volume 8:77] Document New York State Archives
Contents of a leather bag which John Young left behind him when he escaped Document New York State Archives
Contract between Elbert Eldertsen and Pieter Ebel for the sale of lot No. 27 in the village of Gravesend, L. I., in exchange for a house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Contract between Isbrant Dircksen Goethart and Harmen Douwesen regarding a cargo of merchandise to be purchased in Holland Document New York State Archives
Contract between Johannes Winckelman and Pieter Cornelissen and Abraham Clock for the erection of a farmhouse at Achter Col Document New York State Archives
Contract between the director-general and council and Nicholas Varlet Document New York State Archives
Contract between Thomas Chamers and Nicolaes Boot to build a house and divide Boot's plantation Document New York State Archives
Contract between Thomas Hall and Gerrit Jansen from Oldenborch for the sale of the Mallesmits Berch in exchange for the latter's farm on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Contract of Carel Staets to serve Hendrick Pietersen alias Kint in Water for one year Document New York State Archives
Contract of Cornelis Segersen to deliver wheat and oats to Director Stuyvesant on account of Adriaen van der Donck Document New York State Archives
Contract of Cornelis van Gesel to supply a certain quantity of clapboards at the South river and of the director-general to ship them to Holland Document New York State Archives
Contract of Hendrick Jansen Grever to serve Ensign Dirck Smith for one year Document New York State Archives
Contract of Jan de Wit and Dionys Hartoghvelt, to build a new windmill on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Contract of Jan Karstensen to serve Remmert Jansen as a blacksmith Document New York State Archives
Contract of Jan Teunissen to build a house for Adam Roelantsen Document New York State Archives
Contract of Jan Teunissen to furnish Adam Roelantsen with wainscoting and window frames for a house Document New York State Archives
Contract of Jan Teunissen, schout of Breuckelen, to erect a house for Gerrit Douman, sergeant Document New York State Archives
Contract of Jeuriaen Hendricksen to build a farmhouse for Jan Damen Document New York State Archives
Contract of John and Richard Ogden of Stamford, Connecticut, to build a stone church at Fort Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Contract of Juriaen Hendricksen to build a house for Adriaen Dircksen Coen Document New York State Archives
Contract of Juriaen Hendricksen to build a house for Director Kieft at the Otterspoor Document New York State Archives
Contract of Newesing Indians to sell to the director and council of New Netherland all their lands not already sold to the Dutch Document New York State Archives
Contract of Pieter Claessen to take charge of the farm of Director Stuyvesant at Amersfoort, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Contract of Pieter Heyn to serve the West India Company for one year as a ship carpenter Document New York State Archives
Contract of Reynier Dominicus to build a farm house for Cornelis van Tienhoven Document New York State Archives
Contract of Robert Livingston for supplying Palatines with provisions Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale between Adam Roelantsen and Ulderick Klein of a house occupied by the Company's Negroes and half the produce of the garden Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale between Albert Cuyn and Isaac Allerton and Govert Loockemans for a house and two lots on the Heereweg on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale between Cornelis Dircksen Hooglandt and Willem Tomassen of a house and garden and 16 or 17 morgens of land together with rights of the ferry Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale between Harck Sybesen and Barent Dircksen of a house and lot near the fort on Manhattan island Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale between Hendrick Jansen and Willem Adriaensen of a garden, dwelling house and brewery at Manhattan Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale between Jan Francen and Jan Jacobsen of a house and plantation on Manhattan island Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale between Rut Arentsen and Arent Reyniersen of a house and lot on the great highway on Manhattan island Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale between Thomas Willett and Cornelis Teunissen of Gorcum of a house and lot next to the city tavern, with mortgage of the premises by Cornelis Teunissen Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Abraham Rycken to Jochum Beeckman of a lot on the Heeregraft on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Aeltje Douwese to Gysbert Arentsen and Louis Papilion, of land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Burger Jorissen to Cornelis Melyn of a house and lot on Manhattan island Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Claes van Elslant, senior, to Pierre Tarragon of 25 acres of land at Mespath kill, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Cornelis Dircksen Hoochlandt to Cornelis de Potter of a lot, house and barn on Long Island near the ferry Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Cornelis Dircksen Hoochlandt to Cornelis de Potter of a parcel of land on Long Island and a house and lot in Breuckelen Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Cornelis Groesens to Joseph and Resolved Waldron of a house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Cornelis Teunissen to Teunis Kraey of a house and lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Cornelis van Tienhoven to Jan Cornelissen Damen of a house and parcel of land in the village of Breuckelen on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Dirck Jansen to Cornelis van Ruyven of a house, barn and 50 acres of land in Flatbush, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Harry Breser to Cornelis de Potter of land and cattle on Long Island on the East river Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Hendrick Jansen to Adam Brouwer of a house and garden on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Jacob Leendersen, as attorney for Frederick Lubbertsen, to Jan Hendricksen Stelman of a parcel of land on the East river Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Jacobus van Curler to Wilhelm Beeckman of Corlaers Hoeck on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Jan de Jongh and Jan Hendricksen van Gunst of 25 acres of land on the west side of the village of Midwout, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Jan Haes to de Pottere of a parcel of land on the west hook of Rechkewick on the East river Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Jochem Pietersen Kuyter to Director Stuyvesant, Luycas Rodenborch and Cornelis de Potter of three fourths of his land called Zegendael on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Jochim Pietersen Kuyter to Pieter Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven of a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from John Forbes to Pieter Jansen of a tract of land on the East River formerly occupied by Claes Carstensen, David Andriessen and George Baxter Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Lieven Jansen to Andries Andriessen of a plantation on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Nicholas Stillwell to Jan Jansen Schepmoes of his house and lot on Manhattan Island, in exchange for Schepmoes’ plantation Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Pieter Cecer to Samuel Menjer for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Pieter Stoutenburch to Jan Hendricksen Steelman of a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Pieter Wolphersen van Couwenhoven to Arnoldus van Hardenbergh of his house and lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Richard Smith, junior, to Gillis Pietersen of a house and lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale from Volckert Evertsen to Cornelis Maesen of a house and plantation on Manhattan island Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale of a house and lot on Manhattan island from Dirck Volckertsen to Govert Aertsen Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale of a house and lot on Manhattan island from Jan Pietersen to Egbert van Borsum Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale of a house and lot on Manhattan Island from Leendert Arenden to Tonis Nyssen Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale of a house in the Smith's valley from Laurens Cornelissen to Frederick Lubbertsen Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale of a house, brewery and garden on Manhattan Island from Hendrick Jansen to Burger Jorissen Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale of a parcel of land on the East river on Manhattan island from Govert Loockermans and associates to George Clair Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale of a parcel of land on the East river on Manhattan island from Govert Loockermans and associates to William Coulder Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale of a plantation on Manhattan island from P. van der Linden to E. Jansen Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale of land at Amersfourt (Flatlands), L.I., from Wolphert Gerritsen to Teunis Cornelissen Document New York State Archives
Contract of sale of the plantation of the late Claes Cornelissen Swits from Harmen Meyndertsen van den Bogaert to James Smith and William Brown Document New York State Archives
Contract of Symon Root and Reinier Somensen to build two houses for Paulus Leendersen van der Grift Document New York State Archives
Contract of the city of Amsterdam with the directors of the W. I. Company Document New York State Archives
Contract of Thomas Chambers to build a house for Jan Jansen Schepmoes Document New York State Archives
Contract of Thomas Chambers, Cornelis Barentsen Slecht, and other inhabitants of Esopus with the rev. Hermanus Bloem, minister Document New York State Archives
Contract of Thomas Farrel of Bristol to serve Thomas Hall Document New York State Archives
Contract of Thomas Hall and Thomas Goodman to construct a rain fence for Jan Damen Document New York State Archives
Contract of Walter Davel to fence the plantation of Tonis Cray Document New York State Archives
Contract of William Robbertson to build a house for Tymen Jansen Document New York State Archives
Contract of Wolphert Nys to serve Evert Pels and his wife for two years Document New York State Archives
Contract to Cornelis Steenwyck to advance 12,000 guilders in wampum Document New York State Archives
Contract with Hendrick Willemsen to bake for the government Document New York State Archives
Contract with Jacob Jansen Flodder for the hire of his ship to the government Document New York State Archives
Contract with Thomas Willett for a quantity of beef and pork, payable in slaves Document New York State Archives
Copies of letters from director Stuyvesant to the commissary at the Delaware river Document New York State Archives
Copies of subpoenas issued in a suit against Cornelius Verhoof Document New York State Archives
Copy of 12:13 Document New York State Archives
Copy of a note from Arent Corsen Stam to Augustyn Herrman Document New York State Archives
Copy of a note of Gysbert Lubbertsen Document New York State Archives
Copy of a patent granted by gov. Andros to Daniel Whitley Document New York State Archives
Copy of a patent granted to Peter Alricks Document New York State Archives
Copy of a summons against William Prentice at the suit of Ously Briant Document New York State Archives
Copy of an attachment in favor of William Blackston against William Caning, issued by Edward Southrin Document New York State Archives
Copy of Document 34 Document New York State Archives
Copy of Document 72 Document New York State Archives
Copy of Document 73 Document New York State Archives
Copy of Document 88 Document New York State Archives
Copy of Document 89 Document New York State Archives
Copy of Document 92 Document New York State Archives
Copy of Documents 11 and 12 Document New York State Archives
Copy of letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Copy of Resolutions of the Amsterdam chamber of the West India Company regarding Wouter van Twiller's farm Document New York State Archives
Copy of the manifest of De Nieu Nederlantse Fortuyn Document New York State Archives
COUNCIL MINUTE concerning proposals on trade relations between Curacao and Barbados Document New York State Archives
Council minute of approval of some ordinances of the town of Bergen; orders on petitions for lands; Harlem; Esopus Document New York State Archives
Council minute on plans of the English and renewed preparations for defense Document New York State Archives
Council minute that all persons are bound to contribute to the support of the precentor and schoolmaster Document New York State Archives
Council minutes Document New York State Archives
Council minutes Document New York State Archives
Council minutes Document New York State Archives
Council minutes of mitigation of the seizure of Mr. Willet's beavers and appointment of curators of the late Nicolas Davis's estate Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, April 1 and 7, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, April 10, 1783 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, April 11, 1745 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, April 11, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, April 12, 1745 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, April 13, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, April 15, 1780 and May 23, 1781 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, April 17, 1783 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, April 24, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, April 28, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, April 4, 1745 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, April 6, 1745 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, December 1 and 4, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, December 20, 1781 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, December 22, 1781 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, December 23, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, December 26, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, February 14, 1776 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, February 2 and 8, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, February 9 and 28, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, January 29, 1776 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, July 3 and 11, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, July 3, 1752 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, July 31, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, June 28, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, June 3, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, June 30, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, March 11, 1776 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, March 13, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, March 20, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, March 21, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, March 21, 1782 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, March 22, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, March 23, 1780 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, March 9, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, May 1, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, May 10, 1745 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, May 14, 1745 Document New York State Archives
Council Minutes, May 15, 1710 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, May 16 and May 21, 1745 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, May 20, 1670 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, May 23, 1745 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, May 26, 1783 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, May 27, 1745 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, May 4, 1782 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, May 5, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, May 9, 1745 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, November 12, 1683 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, November 13, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, November 16, 1683 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, November 2, 1765 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, November 22, 1683 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, October 26, 1749 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, October 28, 1749 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, October 31, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, October 4, 1683 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, September 15, 1683 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, September 22, 1683 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, September 24, 1683 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, September 26, 1683 - October 1, 1683 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, September 29, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council minutes, September 4, 1775 Document New York State Archives
Council resolution on freedom of Native Americans from enslavement Document New York State Archives
Counter bond by John Wilcox Document New York State Archives
Counter bond by Willem Tomassen Document New York State Archives
Court minutes Document New York State Archives
Court minutes Document New York State Archives
Court minutes Document New York State Archives
Court minutes Document New York State Archives
Court minutes Document New York State Archives
Court minutes Document New York State Archives
Court minutes Document New York State Archives
Court minutes Document New York State Archives
Court minutes in the case of the fiscal vs. Van Deventer for insulting his superior officer Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: Actions for debt Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: Actions for debt Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: Actions for debt Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: Actions for debt; Carel Gabry vs. George Woolsey: Mrs. Verlett vs. capt. Geurt Tyssen; Jacob van Curler vs. Brant van Slechtenhorst; Jacob Swart vs. Cornelis de Potter; Thomas Mabbs vs. William Albertsen the boor Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: Actions of debt; Thomas Baxter vs. Sara Ebbel; Ariaen Keyser vs. the curators of Jan Damen's estate Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: Allert Anthony vs. Casper Verlett and son; Geurt Tyssen vs. Judith Verlett and Anna Hackx Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: Allert Anthony vs. Thomas Willet; Caspar Steinmits vs. Henry Bresier; Isaac Allerton vs. Cornelis de Potter; Cornelis de Potter vs. Isaac Allerton and George Woolsey; Jacob Claessen vs. Aeltje Dirrickx; William Be (TITLE SHORTENED) Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: Capt. Thomas Adams vs. Cornelius Houtewall Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: Francis Rombouts vs. Adriaen Blommert Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: Judith Verleth and Anna Hack vs. capt. Geurt Tyssen referred to Jochem Pietersen Kuyter, Paulus Leendertsen (vander Grist) and fiscal Van Tienhoven as arbitrators Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: Samuel Mahee vs. Messrs. Gildersleeve and Washburne Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: Samuel Mahee vs. Messrs. Gildersleeve and Washburne [Copy of Volume 6:102] Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: Samuel Tou vs. Dirck van Schelluyne Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: Sergeant Casper vs. Jan Peeck; Thomas Baxter vs. Egbert van Borsum; Adriaen Keyser vs. Augustyn Heerman Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: the farmers of the excise vs. Andries Hudde, Willem Pietersen et al. Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: the farmers of the excise vs. Cornelis Schut Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: The fiscal vs. the freebooter Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: Thomas Stevenson vs. Cornelis de Potter Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: Thomas Stevenson vs. Harry Bresier Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: Various actions for debt Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: Various actions for debt Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: Various actions for debt Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: Various actions for debt; Anna Verlett vs. capt. Geurt Tyssen Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: Various actions for debt; Paulus Leendertsen (van der Grist) and Allert Anthony, assignees of Augustyn (Heerman) vs. Anna Verlett Document New York State Archives
Court proceedings: Various actions for debt; Peter Segersen vs. Jan Vinge Document New York State Archives
Decision in a court case between Davit Jochemsz and Hendrick Jacobsz Document New York State Archives
Decision of the court at Elizabethtown in the case of the town of Piscattaway vs. the town of Woodbridge Document New York State Archives
Decision of the court held at Whorekill in the cause of Edward Southrin vs. John Roades Document New York State Archives
Decision on petition of Adriaen Blommert [Copy of Volume 6:310b] Document New York State Archives
Decision on the appeal of Jacob Jansz Huysz Document New York State Archives
Decision on the appeal of Jacob Jansz Huysz [Copy of Volume 6:241a] Document New York State Archives
Declaration as to the estate left by Pieter Lievesen, deceased Document New York State Archives
Declaration by Symon Roodt and others that two Minqua chiefs stated that the Swedish governor on the South river had offered to sell them arms and ammunition and had asked permission to erect a trading-house Document New York State Archives
Declaration for false imprisonment by John Roades against Helmanus Wiltbank Document New York State Archives
Declaration in ejectment in the case of John Stevens vs. John Glover, John Glover vs. Griffith Jones Document New York State Archives
Declaration in the case of Gabriel Minville vs. John Carr Document New York State Archives
Declaration of a Hackingsack Indian as to the intention of the Nevesinck chief to sell his lands to the English of Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Adam Mott regarding a debt due by William Lachem to Thomas Spicer Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Adriaen Claessen Swits and others that the beer obtained at Jan Snediger's was of short measure Document beer, New York State Archives
Declaration of Adrian van Tienhoven, Alexander Boyer and David Davidsen Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Alexander Boyer, David Davitsen, Adrian van Tienhoven, Peter Hannansen, Simon Boot and Andries Lucassen Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Alexander Stultheer respecting a passageway between Mr. Steenwyck and Mr. Varrevanger's houses Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Allard Anthony respecting the quality of tobacco and beavers shipped to Holland Document New York State Archives
Declaration of allegiance signed by Quakers living at Westchester Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Andries Hudd that Nicolaes Willem Boot obtained goods from the public store to send to Virginia Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Andries Jansen respecting an agreement between Mr. Moyer and Hans Hansen about the building of a yawl Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Andries Jonckbloet respecting a calf found by him in the woods Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Annetje Ruys and Lyntje Kuyter that Arnoldus van Hardenbergh gave Gysbert Abrahamsen money to pay his board Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Anthony Leon and Teague Herry regarding an attack made on the frigate La Garce Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Arent Corssen and Jacob Egbertsen that they never heard Laurens Cornelissen speak disrespectfully of Director Kieft Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Arent Corssen that Cornelis Groessen, supercargo of the Maecht van Enckhuysen, had complained to him of ill treatment by the pilot of said vessel Document New York State Archives
Declaration of B. Jansen and H. Jansen that at the beginning of the war of 1643 they had gone to L.I. to take maize belonging to the Indians Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Baltus Barents in corroboration of the petition of Cornelis Jansen Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Barent Dircksen and others that the hogs of Pieter van der Linden have destroyed the garden of Tonis Cray Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Catelina Trico and Sara Rappaille as to the conduct of Tryn Jonas, midwife, when sent for by Nan Beets Document New York State Archives
Declaration of certain Katskill Indians as to the origin of the collision with the Indians at the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Christaen Jacobsen Wolff Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Claes Carstensen that he saw a grindstone smuggled on board the ship Houttuyn Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Claes Jansen Kalf and Adriaen Jansen that Adam Roelantsen was thrown out of the tavern by order of Fiscal van Dyck Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Claes van Elslandt and others that they saw the woman residing on Old Jan's plantation drive the Company's cattle into the swamp Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Cornelis Cornelissen and other soldiers regarding the destruction of Jochem Pietersen Kuyter's house by the Indians Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Cornelis Leendertsen and others as to the tare of a sugar box Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Cornelis Melyn and his wife that they purchased certain goods from Laurens Cornelissen, skipper of the Maecht van Enckhuysen Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Cornelis Pieters as to his good treatment while in the service of David Pietersen de Vries Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Cornelis Willemsen and Laurens Pietersen, witnesses for the defendant, respecting the wounding of Hans Hendricks by Jacob Hendricks of Dort Document New York State Archives
Declaration of corporal Thomas Broen that Dirck Cornelissen took away his hat and nailed it to a post Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Cosyn Gerritsen regarding Sybolt Clasen's offer to pay Cornelis Lambersen Cool for boards Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Daem Hendricksen and Symon Woutersen as to the testamentary disposition made by Hans Meyster in favor of Hans Boer Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Dirck Hartoogsen respecting a quarrel between Catryna Leysinck and Sergeant Jacobsen Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Director Kieft regarding the payment of a protested bill of exchange Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Dominicus Cryger and Hans Jelissen that the captain of the St. Pieter broke bulk at the Bermudas Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Egbert van Borsum and other skippers, exculpating Tymen Jansen from wilful neglect of duty Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Egbert van Borsum as to a quarrel between Catelyn Trico and Surgeon Paulus van der Beeck Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Evert Cornelissen regarding the ownership of property left him by his brother Laurens Cornelissen Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Fop Jansen Outhout as to statement made by Gerrit de Groot Document New York State Archives
Declaration of G. Baxter and others that they saw Commissary Keyser examine beavers in the public store and later saw him with beavers under his arm Document New York State Archives
Declaration of G. Vastrick and G. de Leeuw that they heard Burger Jorissen say cloth in the storehouse belonged to P. van den Bergh Document New York State Archives
Declaration of George Grace regarding a note of Captain Foulke Brent in favor of Dirck Corssen Stam which is said to be in possession of the heirs of Thomas Oldens Document New York State Archives
Declaration of George Woolsey that Fiscal van Dyck accepted a bribe from Thomas Willett to let his bark sail without inspection Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Gerrit Cornelis in support of the petition of Cornelis Jansen Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Gysbert de Wit that powder was smuggled on board the ship St. Pieter Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Hans Block and Gerrit Hendricksen Boogh Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Harmen Meyndertsen van den Bogaaert respecting Fiscal van Dyck's conduct toward him in Marten Cregier's tavern Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Harmen Meyndertsen van den Bogaert and others respecting an attack by the Raritan Indians Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Hendrick Pietersen and Adriaen Reyniersen respecting a conversation between Thomas Teunissen and Marten Cruger about the price of beaver Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Henrick d'Raat and Jan Broersen that brandy has been sold openly to the Indians on the South river Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Henry Smith with regard to the charge of treason against Helmanus Wiltbank Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Herman Remschart and Albert Cornelissen respecting certain words which passed between Jacob Bouwensen and Johannes Winckelman Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Hugh Duxdall and Michael Chatterton that Jan Haes called Nicolaes Tenner a rogue Document New York State Archives
Declaration of I. Allerton that he heard the Swedish governor say that he had paid J. Wilcox in full Document New York State Archives
Declaration of inhabitants and soldiers at Esopus that ensign Smith had not given any orders to his men to fight or be aggressors Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Isaac Allerton and Edward Agerd that Isaac Abrahamsen fulfilled his contract with Laurens Laurensen Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Isaac Allerton that he had paid the amount of a bond given for Ralph Whory Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Isbrant Claessen and others respecting the firing on Govert Loockemans’s sloop when passing Beeren Island Document New York State Archives
Declaration of J. Wilcox that he was present when I. Allerton executed a receipt for a payment by R. Cocxsel Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Jacob Jacobsen Roy as to his debts Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Jacob Roy and others as to disrespectful remarks made by Jan Snediger when they were about to fire a salute for Director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Jan Aertsen van der Bilt, Tys Lubbertsen, and Gerrit Lubbertsen forgiving Cornelis Jansen Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Jan Clasen and Sincke Harps that Jan Willemsen sent a power of attorney to his father to collect his wages earned at Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Jan Cornelis Buys forgiving Cornelis Jansen Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Jan de Visser regarding his release from the service of Johannes La Montagne and entrance into the service of the Company Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Jan Evertsen Bout and Claes Jansen regarding the burning of Jochem Pietersen Kuyter's house Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Jan Francen that Abraham Planck tore off a placard posted on the gate of Fort Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Jan Jacobsen respecting the wounding of Han Hendricks Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Jan Jansen of Ham that sergeant Marten Ael left his house and lot on Manhattan Island to Marten Crigier Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Jan Pietersen about slanderous words spoken by Jan Snediger to Marritke Lives Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Jan Pietersen from Housem that he delivered certain logs to Lambert Clomp Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Jan Strycker in corroboration of the petition of Cornelis Jansen Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Jan van Cleef, of New Utrecht, respecting the gathering of an English force at Jamaica, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Jan Warrensen and Hans Nelisen, two soldiers, respecting an attack made by Indians on the colony of Achter Col Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Jan Willemsen Bos and Abraham Martensen that they built a house for Dirck Holgersen on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Johan de Decker against Timotheus Gabry Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Johan de Decker, curator of the estate of Jacob Alrichs, vs. Cornelis van Gezel Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Johannes La Montagne and Philippe de Remier respecting the testamentary disposition of his property made by Jan Manje, lying wounded at Stamfort Document New York State Archives
Declaration of John Dolling and others of a visit at the tavern in company of Fiscal van Dyck Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Jonas Wood as to a conversation he had with gov. Lovelace Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Juriaen Blanck and Thomas Willett respecting the purchase of malt from Laurens Cornelissen Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Lammertje, wife of Jan Strycker, in corroboration of the petition of Cornelis Jansen Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Leendert Arentsen and Barent Jacobsen as to food supplied to Jan Jansen Schepmoes and family on board the Dolphyn in 1638 Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Lourens Pietersen and Johannes Forbes about the purchase by Dirck Holgersen of a plantation on the west side of Mespath kill, L.I. Document New York State Archives
Declaration of magistrates of New Castle on the opposition to the order to construct dykes or highways in New Castle Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Maria de Truy concerning Mark Menloff Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Maritie Juriaens regarding the violent conduct of rev. Mr. Fabricius Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Marritgie Symens regarding the trespass committed by schout De Milt Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Marten Ael and Abraham Newman that Jochem Pietersen Kuyter had gone to Manhattan with two soldiers when his house was burned Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Marten Ael and other soldiers that they had been sent away by Jochem Pietersen from his plantation to Manhattan Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Messrs. La Montagne and Werckhoven, that they had no knowledge of nor gave consent to a petition Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Metjie Wessels as to the trespass committed by schout De Milt Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Michiel Jansen and Jan Pietersen that a piece of duffel purchased by Thomas Hall was short of measure Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Nicolaes Coorn and others respecting a disturbance made at the city tavern by Captain John Underhill and other Englishmen Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Nicolaes Coorn regarding a statement made by Wilcock that a gold mine of which the Dutch were in search belonged to the crown of Sweden Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Oloff Stevensen van Cortlandt and Rouloff Jansen Haes that Claes Jansen Calff paid the customs duties on a case of beavers shipped to Holland Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Paulus Leendersen van der Grist that in a voyage from Curaçao he had by stress of weather been obliged to put into Ireland and to sell tobacco there consigned to Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Peter, William and John van Couwenhoven, Roeloff Marteuse and Koert Stevensen against Jacob van Couwenhoven Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Philip Gerardy respecting a wound he received at night from Jan Jansen Damen after conducting him home Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Philip Gerritsen in regard to beavers delivered by Abraham Planck to Hendrick Roesen in payment for duffel Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Philippe de Remier and other soldiers that Jochem Pietersen Kuyter sent them away from his plantation to Manhattan Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Pierre Pia and Jean St. Germain that they heard a gun fired by an Englishman at Mereychkawickingh and saw a hog shot Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Pieter Cock and Roeloff Jansen that since the destruction of Achter Col by the Indians there has been no chance to inspect the place Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Pieter Hartgers that Philip Geraerdy refused to give security for wine bought from Augustyn Herrmans but promised to pay for them Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Pieter Jansen Groen regarding an assault committed on Ensign Hendrick van Dyck by Gerrit Dircksen Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Pieter van der Linde and Hendrick Pietersen respecting the shooting of a hog in the woods Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Pieterje Jans and Annetje Ruys that Hillegont Joris denied that Laurens Cornelissen was the father of her child Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Ponkes, an Indian of Marechkawick, regarding the burning of Jochem Pietersen Kuyter's house Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Remmert Jansen and Rouloff Jansen Haes as to a debt claimed by Benedict Hendricks from Hillegont Joris Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Remmert Jansen respecting the wounding of a man by Jan the cooper Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Samuel Edsall, plaintiff, and William Oryon, defendant Document New York State Archives
Declaration of several of the crew of La Garce that they had captured a Spanish bark in the river Tobasco and had heard nothing of a peace with Spain Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Simon Root, Jacob Claessen and Anthony Pietersen Document New York State Archives
Declaration of skipper Ridder Eversen about a cask of merchandise which he was obliged to throw overboard Document New York State Archives
Declaration of surgeon Hans Kierstedt as to the nature of Philip Gerardy's wound Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Surgeon Van den Bogaerdt and Willem de Key respecting an assault committed by Black John on Ensign Van Dyck Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Symon Coerbrander relative to an assault committed by soldiers on Hans Krieckmayer Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Symon Dircksen Pos that he had no knowledge of any goods being consigned to him by Jan van Hardenbergh Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Symon Wolters and other soldiers as to the testamentary disposition made by Hans Meyster in favor of Hans Boer Document New York State Archives
Declaration of the governor and council of New Plymouth accepting the proposal of gov. Colve Document New York State Archives
Declaration of the soldiers that they would not accompany Adriaen Post's wife to Staten Island [Copy of Volume 6:366a] Document New York State Archives
Declaration of the soliders that they would not accompany Adriaen Post's wife to Staten Island Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Thieleman Willekens that he will abide by the decision of referees if he can justify it to his principals Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Thomas Dammon regarding powder that was smuggled on board the ship St. Pieter Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Tobias Tonissen and others about stolen hogs Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Tryntje Hans respecting a fight between Jan the cooper and another man who was wounded in the scuffle Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Tryntje Jonas that Hillegont Joris first declared that Jan, the pilot, and afterwards that Laurens Cornelissen was the father of the child Document New York State Archives
Declaration of two Indians as to where they obtained brandy Document New York State Archives
Declaration of two of the crew of the St. Jacob that they had been chased and fired at by an English boat Document New York State Archives
Declaration of vice-director Beeckman Document New York State Archives
Declaration of W. Breidenbent that E. Gosens acknowledged A. Planck had paid full for goods bought from her late husband Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Willem Breidenbent regarding the opening of certain cases in the warehouse by Pieter van den Bergh Document New York State Archives
Declaration of Willen Fredricksen and others as to what happened at the Armepperahin kill in the course of the expedition against the Weckquaskeek Indians Document New York State Archives
Declaration of William Hays respecting a visit paid at the tavern in company with Fiscal van Dyck and others Document New York State Archives
Declaration. William Tom, plaintiff, and Derick Albertson, defendant Document New York State Archives
Declarations of Hendrick Kip, the younger, Jacob de Commer, surgeon and others Document New York State Archives
Declarations of Jacob Jansen and others respecting stolen money Document New York State Archives
Declarations of Michiel Tadens and Jan Jacobsen, witnesses for the prosecution, respecting the wounding of Hans Hendricks by Jacob Hendricks of Dort Document New York State Archives
Declarations of Pieter Jansen and Richard Clouff that Sir Edmund Plowden owns a half interest in the bark Document New York State Archives
Declarations of soldiers respecting the shooting of Harmen Hendricksen Document New York State Archives
Declarations of Tobias Esaiassen and other soldiers respecting a goat found on the shore Document New York State Archives
Declarations of William Cock and others that George Holmes’ wife accused the wife of Robert Butler of having an illegitimate child Document New York State Archives
Declaratlon of Abraham Jacobsen that Isaac Abrahamsen had said that he and Philip Geraerdy were to have the wine of Augustyn Heermans and take it to the south Document New York State Archives
Decree confirming an attachment issued against the property of François Frans Document New York State Archives
Decree of divorce granted to John George Baldin Document New York State Archives
Decree that the marriage of Johannes van Beecq and Maria Verleth is declared unlawful Document New York State Archives
Dedimus potestatem to fiscal Van Tienhoven and secretary Van Ruyven [Copy of Volume 6:363a] Document New York State Archives
Deed from Abraham Pietersen to Hendrick Egbertsen of a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Adam Roelantsen to Govert Aertsen of a house and lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Adriaen Keyser to Evert Pels of the lot formerly belonging to Harmen Meyndertsen van den Bogaert Document New York State Archives
Deed from Augustin Herrman to Cornelis van Werckhoven as executor of the will of Pieter Gabry, deceased, of his house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed from Burger Jorissen to Cornelis Melyn for the house and lot mentioned in the preceding contract of sale Document New York State Archives
Deed from Cornelis Groesens to Lubbertus van Dincklagen for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Cornelis Melyn to Jacob Loper of a house and two lots on the East river Document New York State Archives
Deed from Cornelis van Tienhoven to Abraham Isaacksen Planck of a lot in the Smith's valley on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Cornelis van Tienhoven to Dirck Volckertsen of a lot in the Smith's valley, on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Cornelis van Tienhoven to Lambert Huybertsen Klomp of a lot in the Smith's valley, on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Dirck Holgersen to Pieter Hudde and Abraham Jansen of land on Mespath kill Document New York State Archives
Deed from Dirck Holgersen to Roelof Teunissen of a house and lot in the Smith's valley on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Dirck van Schelluyne to Jan Pietersen Verbrugge of a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Dirck van Schelluyne, attorney for Lubbert van Dincklagen, to Dirck van Schelluyne, of a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Dirck van Schelluyne, attorney for Lubbert van Dincklagen, to Hendryck Gerritsen, of a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Dirck van Schelluyne, attorney for Lubbert van Dincklagen, to Isaac Grevenraet of a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Dirck van Schelluyne, attorney for Lubbert van Dincklagen, to Jacob Schwart, of a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Dirck van Schelluyne, attorney for Lubbert van Dincklagen, to Jan Schryver of a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Dirck van Schelluyne, attorney of Lubbert van Dincklagen, to Claes Hendricksen of a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Director Stuyvesant on behalf of the Company to Pieter Stoutenburgh of Gregorius’ plantation on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Evert Duyckinck to Willem Abramsen van der Borden and Lubbert Roelantsen of a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed from Frederick Lubbertsen to Albert Cornelissen of a lot in the Smith's valley at New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed from Geertje Nannincx to Cornelis Melyn of a house and lot on the East river near Fort Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed from George Rapalje to Hendrick Hendricksen of a house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed from Gillis Pietersen to Sara, wife of Thomas Hart, of a house and lot south of Fort Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed from Gillis Pietersen van der Gouw to Pieter Ebel of a house and lot situated south of Fort Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed from Hendrick Gerritsen to Aucke Jansen of a house and lot on the West side of the Great Highway on Manhattan Document New York State Archives
Deed from Hendrick Hendricksen Kip to Caspar Steinmets for a lot at New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed from Hendrick Kip to Albert Andriessen of a house and lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Henry Piers to Pieter Soutenburgh of Gregorius’ plantation on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Isaack de Forest to Willem Beeckman of a house and lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Jacob Jacobsen Roy to Abraham Isaacksen Planck of a house and garden on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Jacob Jacobsen Roy to Cornelis Arissen of half his lot on the island of Manhattan Document New York State Archives
Deed from Jacob Steendam to Albert Albertsen of the land in Amesfoort Document New York State Archives
Deed from Jan Cornelissen from Hoorn to Albert Pietersen, trumpeter, of a part of a lot on Manhattan island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Jan Laurensen Appel to Johannes Hardenbergh of a house, lot and garden on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Jan Pietersen and Abraham Ryken to Michel Picet for a house on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Laurens Cornelissen to Frederick Lubbertsen of his house and lot in the Smith's valley [Incomplete] Document New York State Archives
Deed from Leunis Jorissen van der Veere to Gysbert Arentsen and Lowies Papeljou of a plantation on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Lowies Papeljou to Joris Stevensen of his half-interest in the plantation described in the preceding deed Document New York State Archives
Deed from Lucas van der Liphorst to Thomas Hall of a piece of land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Maryn Adriaensen to Jan Jansen Damen for a parcel of land in the smith's valley, Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Paolo de Angola and Elaria the Creole, Negroes, to Symon Joosten of a lot of land on the east side of the Kolck on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Pieter Cornelissen to Jacob Hendricksen Kip of a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Pieter Linde to Barent Jansen of twenty morgens of land on the shore of Long Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Pieter Loursensen to Hendrick Jansen of a house and lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Sibout Claessen to Joost Teunissen of a house and lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from Sibout Claessen to Pieter Cock of a lot on Manhattan Island, near the garden of Jan Damen Document New York State Archives
Deed from Symon Joosten to Augustyn Herrman of a lot on the east side of the Kolck in exchange for a lot in the rear of Burger Jorissen's lot Document New York State Archives
Deed from the curators of the estate of C. Jansen to Willem Thomassen of part of a garden at Manhattan; with receipt for the purchase money Document New York State Archives
Deed from the director and council to Adriaen Keyser of a lot on Manhattan Island formerly belonging to Harmen Meyndertsen van den Bogaert Document New York State Archives
Deed from the directors of the West India Company to Petrus Stuyvesant of the Company's bouwery in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Deed from the executors of the will of Jan Jansen Damen to Jan Vigne of a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed from the Indians to the director general and council of New Netherland of land on the North River called Wieckquaeskeck Document New York State Archives
Deed from Thomas Broen to Jan Jansen Damen of a house and lot on Manhattan island, with a receipt for the purchase money Document New York State Archives
Deed from Thomas Robertson to George Wolsey for a house and plantation at Flushing, L.I. Document New York State Archives
Deed from Tonis Nyssen to G. Loockermans of a lot at Manhattan, opposite the Company's garden Document New York State Archives
Deed from Wessel Evertsen to Rut Jacobsen of a lot on the Highway on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed granting to the city of New Amsterdam the proceeds of the tavern excise Document New York State Archives
Deed of Abraham Jacobsen van Steenwyck to Anthony Jansen van Fees for part of his lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of Adram Rycke to Jochem Beeckman for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Anna Thomassen to Jacob Tysen van der Heyde of a house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Ariaen Keyser to Cornelys van Steenwyck of a house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Ariaen Keyser to Johannes van Beeck of a house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Ariaen Vincent to Symon Folckertsen for a house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Auke Janse to Hendrick Hendricksen for a house and lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of Burger Joryssen to Ariaen Keyser of a house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Claes Carstensen to Burghart Jorissen of land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of Claes Carstensen to Jan Nagel for a house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Claes Hendricksen to William Pietersen for a house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Claes Hendrycksen to Jan Hendricksen Steelman for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of Claes Jansen van Naerden to Paulus Schreck for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Claude Barbier and Anthony Jeroe to Jacob Steendam for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of Cornelis Aryssen to Jacob Steendam of a house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Cornelis Claessen Swits to William Beeckman for a bouwery on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of Cornelis Diercksen Hooglant to Cornelis de Potter for land and buildings Document New York State Archives
Deed of Cornelis van Tienhoven to Coenraat van Ceulen for the bouwery on the island of Manhattan Document New York State Archives
Deed of Daniel Whytehead to Cornelis Derricksen (Hoogland) for a house and lot on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of Derrick Volckersen to Jacob Hey of land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of Dirrick Volckertsen to Hage Bruynsen for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Edward Griffin to Bartel Lott and Peter Loot of land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of Ephraim Herman, agent of his father Augustyn Herman, to the widow and curators of the estate of the late Nicholas Davids Document New York State Archives
Deed of Fort Casimir to the burgomasters of the city of Amsterdam according to the Indian deed dated 19 July 1651 Document New York State Archives
Deed of Gerrit Bricker to Edward Griffens for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of Gerrit Fullewever to Dirrick Bensinck for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Gerrit Jansen to Thomas Hall for a bouwery on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of Gisbert Elbertsen to Jan Janse Slot of a tract of land at Mespath's kil, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Deed of Govert Loockermans to Claes Hendricks for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of Govert Loockermans to David Provoost for a house and lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of Govert Loockermans to Egbert van Borsum of a house and lot Document New York State Archives
Deed of Govert Loockermans to Henry Bresier for a lot on the shore of the East river Document New York State Archives
Deed of Govert Loockermans to Thomas Stevens of a piece of land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of Govert Loockermans, attorney of Maritie Jansen, his wife, to Peter Cornelissen vander Veene for a house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Hendrick Gerritse to Jacob Strycker for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of Hendrick Gerritsen to Isaac Foreest for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Hendrick Jansen Smith to Gerrit Fullewever for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of Herman Smeeman and Thomas Hall to Thomas Bacxter for a house and lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of Herman Smeeman to William Beeckman for a bouwery on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of Isaac de Foreest to Adriaen Keyser for a house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Isaac de Foreest to Hendrick Gerritsen of a house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Isaac de Foreest to Maximillian van Geele of a house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Jacob Hey to Cornelis van Tienhoven for a house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Jacob Thyssen to Jacob Steendam of a house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Jacob van Kouwenhoven, attorney of Jan Gillissen van Brugge, to Isaac de Foreest for a house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Jan Cornelissen to Claes Paulessen for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Jan Cornelissen to David Wessels for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Jan Hayes to Daniel Whytheade for a lot at the ferry in Brooklyn Document New York State Archives
Deed of Jan Labatie to Jan Gillissen Verbrugge for a house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Jan Snediger to Isaac Forrest for a house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Jan Snediger to Michael Taden for a house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Laurens Cornelissen van der Welde to Frerick Lubbers for a house and lot Document New York State Archives
Deed of Loweris Cornelissen to Sander Leenderse for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Lubbert can Dincklage to William Beeckman for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Michael Jansen to Herman Smeeman for land and a house on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of Nicolaes Stylwel to Lubbert van Dincklage for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of Paulus van der Beeck to the deaconry to New Amsterdam for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of Peter Wolfertsen van Couwenhoven, creditor of Claes Jansen Rust, to Philip Geraerdy for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of Peter Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven to Peter Hartges for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of Richard Bridtnell to Robert Clerck of land on Mespat's kil Document New York State Archives
Deed of the heirs of Govert Loockermans to Roelof Martense Schenck of a bouwery at Amesfoort, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Deed of the surrender of Staten Island by the heirs of baron Van der Capelle Document New York State Archives
Deed of town of Hempstead to Thomas Terry and Samuel Dering Document New York State Archives
Deed of Wessel Everts to Coenraet Ten Eyck and Barent Myndersen for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of William Beeckman to Claes Tyssen, cooper for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of William Beeckman to Cornelis Claesen Swits Document New York State Archives
Deed of William Beeckman to Harmen Smeeman of a house and lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Deed of William Beeckman to Nicolaes Boot for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of William Beeckman to Oloff Stevensen van Cortland for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of William Beeckman to Peter Naerden for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deed of William Goulder, attorney of Robert Pennoyer, to Arent van Hattem, for a piece of land in Gravesend, Long Island Document New York State Archives
Deed transferring to the burgomasters of Amsterdam all the country on the South river. Document New York State Archives
Deed. Jan Jacobsen to Lambert van Valckenburgh, of house and plantation on the island of Manhattan, together with 25 morgens of land adjoining. Document New York State Archives
Deeds of surrender by Cornelis Melyn of his rights as patroon of Staten Island to the Amsterdam chamber of the W. I. Company Document New York State Archives
Deposition concerning the petition of Cornelis Martensz Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Andries Lucassen and others that in the fall of 1647 they sailed with Govert Loockermans along the north coast from New Amsterdam and that during said voyage Loockermans did not sell any arms or ammunition to the Indians Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Catilyn Trico Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Christian Schultz relating to operation of a ferry across the Hudson Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Dirck Dircksen and Pieter Cornelissen respecting some tobacco on board the ship Jonge Prins van Denemarcken Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Douwe Huydes that Marynus Luccassen sold a quantity of merchandise to skipper Low Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Egbert van Borsum as to derogatory remarks made by Cornelis Melyn about Director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Elnathan Smith relating to counterfeit money Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Francis Whitwell concerning capt. Cantwell's giving him several blank warrants for land Document New York State Archives
Deposition of James Howell regarding hostilities with the Native Americans Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Jan van Ditmersen and Cornelis Jacobsen in regard to leather stolen by Roelant Hackwaert from Laurens Duyts Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Johannes d'Haes concerning a debt owed to him by John Briggs. Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Johannes De Haiy and others Document New York State Archives
Deposition of John Akins relating to counterfeit money Document New York State Archives
Deposition of John Bricker Document New York State Archives
Deposition of John Brinkloc concerning John Steven's tract of land on Duke creek Document New York State Archives
Deposition of John Wisner regarding Native American hostilities Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Laurens Cornelissen van der Wel that Cornelis Melyn had circulated rumors in New England of Director Stuyvesant's removal from office Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Moses Gale regarding Native American hostilities Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Peter Gronendyke Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Richard Aesten and others as to pumpkins stolen on the land of Anthony Jansen from Salee by the crews of the Sevenster and the privateer La Garce Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Robert Clark relating to counterfeit money Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Robert Penoyer respecting an attempt made on the life of Director Kieft by Maryn Adriaensen Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Samuel Chandler as to what he heard Hendrick Jansen, the tailor, say about Director Kieft Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Samuel Stiles concerning John Richardson Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Samuel Willet regarding hostilities with the Native Americans Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Stephen Jenkins regarding Native American hostilities Document New York State Archives
Deposition of the pilot and assistant commissary of the Dutch ship The Arms of Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Thomas Foster concerning actions at Flushing Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Thomas Nottingham regarding Native American hostilities Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Thomas Willett against John Peyn Document New York State Archives
Deposition of Tys Gerbrantsen retracting a former declaration that the captain of the St. Pieter was forced to break bulk by the governor of the Bermudas Document New York State Archives
Deposition of William Osborn of Hempstead as to the proceedings and conversations of Francis Beado Document New York State Archives
Depositions against George Wright charging him with attempts to commit adultery Document New York State Archives
Depositions in the case of rev. Laurentius Carolus, plaintiff, and Hans Peterson, defendant Document New York State Archives
Depositions of Augustine Hunt, William Browning and Peter Potts relating to counterfeit money Document New York State Archives
Depositions of Edmund Cantwell, justice Fop Outhout, Michael Baton and Reynier van th—— in a court held at New Castle Document New York State Archives
Depositions of Elisha Johnson and William Russell relating to counterfeit money Document New York State Archives
Depositions of Rouloff Barentsen and others respecting an altercation between Ridder Evertsen and Abel Reddenhasen Document New York State Archives
Depositions of William Browning and Elnathan Smith relating to counterfeit money Document New York State Archives
Depositions of William Sempill, Samuel Land and Mathias Mathias in the suit of Tyman Stiddem vs. Jacob Vanderveer Document New York State Archives
Depositions of William Smith, George Tibbet and James Pinnet proving the threats uttered by Francis Beado Document New York State Archives
DEPOSITIONS relating to the seizure by pirates of slaves aboard the wrecked slaver St. Jan Document New York State Archives
Dimensions and bounds of Prime hook near the Whorekill Document New York State Archives
Directions for a special court to be held by the governor in Newcastle Document New York State Archives
Directions for holding a special court of oyer and terminer at New Castle Document New York State Archives
Director General Stuyvesant to Governor Eaton Document New York State Archives
Director General Stuyvesant to Governor Eaton Document New York State Archives
Director General Stuyvesant to Governor Eaton Document New York State Archives
Director General Stuyvesant to Governor Eaton Document New York State Archives
Director General Stuyvesant to Governor Eaton Document New York State Archives
Director General Stuyvesant to Governor Eaton Document New York State Archives
Director General Stuyvesant to Governor Endicott Document New York State Archives
Director General Stuyvesant to Governor Winthrop Document New York State Archives
Director General Stuyvesant to Hempstead Document New York State Archives
Discharge of a bond entered into in 1659 by the owners of the ship Gilded Mill Document New York State Archives
Discharge of Bartholemew van Schel and other masons from the public service Document New York State Archives
Discharge of Dirck Crynen from the public service Document New York State Archives
Discharge of Evert Dircksen van der As, a soldier Document New York State Archives
Discharge of Evert Dircksen van der As, a soldier [Copy of Volume 6:312b] Document New York State Archives
Discharge of Hans Petersen from prison on his personal security Document New York State Archives
Discharge of Hans Petersen from prison on his personal security [Copy of Volume 6:200b] Document New York State Archives
Discharge of Harmon Hendricksen, a soldier Document New York State Archives
Discharge of Hendrick Loeft, a soldier Document New York State Archives
Discharge of Isbrant Clasen and Harman Arentsen from the service of patroon Kiliaen van Rensselaer Document New York State Archives
Discharge of Jan Hibon, cadet Document New York State Archives
Discharge of John Adams, steward Document New York State Archives
Discharge of Kiliaen van Renselaer from appearing at the Hague and summons to attend later Document New York State Archives
Discharge of Kiliaen van Renselaer from appearing at the Hague and summons to attend later [Copy of Volume 8:44] Document New York State Archives
Discharge of Lambert Cornelissen Cool for his portion of his mother's estate Document New York State Archives
Discharge of Marcus Barentse from the company's service Document New York State Archives
Discharge of Marcus Barentse from the company's service [Copy of Volume 6:366b] Document New York State Archives
Discharge of Mattheus de Vos, a soldier Document New York State Archives
Discharge of Mattheus de Vos, a soldier [Copy of Volume 6:204] Document New York State Archives
Discharge of Messrs. Noble and Farrington on payment of costs Document New York State Archives
Discharge of Messrs. Van der Grist and Anthony as assignees of the estate of Augustyn Heerman Document New York State Archives
Discharge of Paulus Heymans from the public service Document New York State Archives
Discharge of Paulus Heymans from the public service [Copy of Volume 6:366c] Document New York State Archives
Discharge of serjeant Hans Hopman Document New York State Archives
Discharge of several soldiers who have taken up farms and settled in the country Document New York State Archives
Discharge of several soldiers who have taken up farms and settled in the country [Copy of Volume 6:181] Document New York State Archives
Discharge of William Bowne and Edward Browse, guardians of John Ruckman Document New York State Archives
Discontinuance of the suit between Govert Loockermans and Burger Joris Document New York State Archives
Dismissal of commissary Carel van Brugge Document New York State Archives
Dissent of Archibald Kennedy against defense budget Document New York State Archives
Dissolution of partnership between Claes Claessen Bordingh and Adriaen Jansen from 't Ooch Document New York State Archives
Divorce granted to John Hicks from his wife, Hardwood Long Document New York State Archives
Draft of 56b Document New York State Archives
Draft of a patent to Thomas Younk for a piece of land on Delaware bay Document New York State Archives
Draft of Arent van Curler on the owners of the het Wapen van Rensselaerswyck in favor of Jan Jansen Damen Document New York State Archives
Draft of bond of the joint owners of the La Garce for the settlement of claims which arising from the capture of the De Hoop Document New York State Archives
Draft of Gysbert Cornelissen on the Amsterdam Chamber of the West India Company in favor of Tryntje Scherenbergh Document New York State Archives
Draft on Kiliaen van Rensselaer in favor of the skipper of the ship Coninck David Document New York State Archives
Duplicate of 11:65 Document New York State Archives
Duplicate of 12:13 Document New York State Archives
Duplicate of 12:7 dated 27 July 1654 Document New York State Archives
Duplicate of proposals made to the Esopus Indians Document New York State Archives
Duplicate of the lease of Matiniconk island in Delaware river to Robert Stacy Document New York State Archives
Duplicate of the preceding letter Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 1 August 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 1 February - 3 March 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 1 July 1654 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 1 July 1654 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 1 November 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 1-11 August 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 1-7 July 1654 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 1-8 February 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 1-8 February 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 1-8 July 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 10 April 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 10 January 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 10 June 1645 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 10 March 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 10 March 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 10 March 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 10-12 January 1645 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 10-15 August 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 10-16 March 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 10-17 February 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 10-18 April 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 10-24 March 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 10-26 July 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 10-27 September 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 11 - 24 February 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 11 April - 23 May 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 11 August 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 11 August 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 11 July 1654 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 11 July 1654 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 11 July 1654 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 11 June 1643 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 11 March 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 11 September 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 11 September 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 11-12 October 1645 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 11-13 May 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 11-15 November 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 11-16 July 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 11-18 September 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 11-29 May 1645 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 12 April 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 12 January 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 12 June 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 12 September 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 12 September 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 12-14 November 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 12-17 January 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 12-19 August 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 12-21 April 1649 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 12-30 September 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 13 June 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 13 March 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 13 May 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 13 May 1640 and 15 May 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 13 November 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 13-17 December 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 13-20 January 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 13-22 November 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 13-27 October 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 14 -21 August 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 14 December 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 14 June 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 14 June 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 14 March 1641 and 11 April 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 14 November 1654 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 14 October 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 14-17 June 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 14-21 July 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 14-21 October 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 14-23 November 1654 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 14-28 January 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 14-28 June 1649 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 15 - 23 March 1649 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 15 August 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 15 December 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 15 February - 8 March 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 15 March - 19 April 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 15 May 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 15 November 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 15 October 1647 - 21 February 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 15-19 August 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 15-21 July 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 15-22 April 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 15-22 March 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 15-22 May 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 15-25 November 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 15-29 September 1643 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 16 - 17 April 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 16 January 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 16 July - 2 August 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 16 July 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 16 May 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 16 May 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 16 May 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 16 May 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 16 October 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 16-17 October 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 16-19 May 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 16-20 June 1645 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 16-26 November 1643 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 16-30 September 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 17 - 28 December 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 17 August 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 17 December 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 17 February 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 17 February 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 17 January 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 17 January 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 17 March - 10 May 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 17 May - 6 June 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 17 October - 12 November 1643 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 17-18 June 1643 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 17-19 July 1649 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 17-24 June 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 17-27 May 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 18 April 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 18 July 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 18 July 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 18 July 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 18 July 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 18 July 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 18 June 1643 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 18-19 November 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 18-20 June 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 18-22 July 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 18-23 July 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 18-24 October 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 18-25 May 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 18-31 May 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 19 August 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 19 December 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 19 February 1643 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 19 July 1649 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 19 June 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 19 May - 16 June 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 19 November 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 19 November 1653 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 19 November 1653 - 19 January 1654 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 19 October - 2 November 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 19-22 August 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 19-23 July 1649 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 19-23 June 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 19-26 April 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 19-26 August 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 19-26 June 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 2 August 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 2 August 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 2 August 1649 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 2 December 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 2 December 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 2 December 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 2 January - 21 February 1649 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 2 January 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 2 September 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 2-15 November 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 2-16 August 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 2-8 May 1645 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 2-9 July 1643 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 20 April 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 20 April 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 20 July 1645 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 20 June - 4 July 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 20 June 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 20 October - 10 November 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 20 September - 4 October 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 20 September 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 20-21 July 1645 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 20-24 June 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 20-27 August 1643 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 20-27 March 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 20-28 June 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 20-29 June 1645 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 21 April - 3 May 1649 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 21 April 1649 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 21 February - 11 March 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 21-23 March 1645 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 21-27 July 1645 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 21-27 November 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 21-28 September 1645 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 22 - 23 July 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 22 July 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 22 July 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 22 July 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 22 July 1654 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 22 July 1654 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 22 July 1654 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 22 July 1654 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 22 September 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 22-29 September 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 22-30 April 1643 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 22-30 November 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 23 - 31 March 1649 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 23 August - 14 September 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 23 February - 8 March 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 23 February - 9 March 1645 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 23 January 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 23 January 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 23 July - 10 August 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 23 July 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 23 July 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 23 June 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 23 May 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 23 November 1654 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 23-25 July 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 23-27 August 1640 and 30 August 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 23-29 November 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 23-30 October 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 24 January - 14 February 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 24 January 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 24 November - 1 December 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 25 August - 2 September 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 25 February - 25 March 1643 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 25 July - 20 September 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 25 June 1643 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 25 June 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 25 November - 15 December 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 25 November 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 25 November 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 25 October - 1 November 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 25 September - 9 October 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 25 September 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 25 September 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 25 September 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 26 April - 3 May 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 26 August - 2 September 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 26 June - 11 July 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 26 June 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 26-28 May 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 27 - 28 November 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 27 April - 3 May 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 27 January - 3 February 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 27 January - 5 February 1643 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 27 July - 25 August 1645 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 27 June - 21 July 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 27 March - 1 April 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 27 March 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 27 May - 6 June 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 27 May - 7 June 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 27 May 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 -29 May 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 August - 10 November 1654 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 August - 6 September 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 August 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 August 1654 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 February - 7 March 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 January - 8 April 1654 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 January 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 January 1654 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 July - 2 August 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 July 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 July 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 June - 3 July 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 June - 6 July 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 March 1643 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 November - 5 December 1643 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 October - 18 November 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 September - 10 October 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 September - 5 October 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 September 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 September 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 September 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 September 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 29 April - 6 May 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 29 June - 2 July 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 29 November 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 29 September 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 29 September 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 3 - 5 March 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 3 April 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 3 April 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 3 April 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 3 July 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 3 June 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 3 November - 7 December 1645 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 3-10 September 1643 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 3-24 June 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 3-24 October 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 3-8 May 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 3-9 May 1640 and 10 May 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 3-9 November 1639 and 17-24 November 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 30 August - 4 September 1645 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 30 March - 6 April 1645 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 30 March 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 30 May - 6 June 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 30 November - 1 December 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 30 October - 6 November 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 30 September 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 31 December 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 31 March 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 31 May - 14 June 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 31 May - 7 June 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 31 October 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 4 August 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 4 July 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 4 July 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 4 July 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 4 March 1649 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 4 October 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 4 October 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 4-11 August 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 4-11 December 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 4-11 July 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 4-11 October 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 4-15 July 1645 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 4-25 January 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 4-5 March 1649 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 4-6 September 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 5 December 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 5 February 1643 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 5 January 1645 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 5-12 August 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 5-13 December 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 5-13 October 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 5-26 January 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 6 - 17 July 1649 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 6 April 1645 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 6 June 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 6 May 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 6 November 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 6 September 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 6-11 March 1649 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 6-12 October 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 6-18 October 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 6-20 July 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 6-21 May 1643 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 6-8 July 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 6-8 October 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 7 - 30 June 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 7 April 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 7 April 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 7 April- 5 May 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 7 December 1645 - 6 January 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 7 June - 4 July 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 7 June 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 7 June 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 7 March 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 7 October 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 7-14 February 1647 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 7-14 November 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 7-21 September 1645 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 8 April 1654 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 8 April 1654 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 8 July 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 8 May 1649 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 8 October 1643 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 8 October 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 8-12 June 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 8-14 July 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 8-15 April 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 8-15 September 1639 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 8-15 September 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 8-16 April 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 8-18 August 1644 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 8-22 January 1643 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 8-23 August 1641 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 9 - 16 January 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 9 August 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 9 July - 6 August 1643 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 9 July 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 9 March 1645 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 9 March 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 9 March 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 9-15 March 1646 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 9-16 August 1640 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 9-16 December 1638 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 9-16 July 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 9-30 July 1642 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, 9-30 November 1648 Document New York State Archives
Dutch colonial council minutes, undated Document New York State Archives
Dutch translation of commission of Take Jans, master of the ship St. Catarina Document New York State Archives
Dutch translation of the letter from secretary Rawson Document New York State Archives
Edmund Cantwell's receipt for bills received at Peter Rambo's Document New York State Archives
Election of Adriaen Jansen Appel to pay the excise and fine Document New York State Archives
Election of Adriaen Jansen Appel to pay the excise and fine [Copy of Volume 8:133] Document New York State Archives
Election of Peter Adriaensen to pay the excise and the fine Document New York State Archives
Election of Peter Adriaensen to pay the excise and the fine [Copy of Volume 8:130a] Document New York State Archives
End sheet of part 1 of volume 2, the Register of the Provincial Secretary Document New York State Archives
Endpaper of Volume 16 Document New York State Archives
English translation of answer to the proposals of Robert Treat, Philip Graves and John Gregory, of New Haven Document New York State Archives
English translation of the proclamation fixing the 4th of April as a day of general fasting and prayer Document New York State Archives
Entry by Cornelis van Werckhoven at the Chamber of Amsterdam for two colonies, one at Nevesing and the other at Tappan and grant of the above colonies Document New York State Archives
Envelope addressed to council of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Evidence in the case of the fiscal vs. ensign Smith Document New York State Archives
Evidence of Dirck van Schelluyne in the case of the fiscal against David Ferara Document New York State Archives
Evidence of Dirck van Schelluyne in the case of the fiscal against David Ferara [Copy of Volume 8:91b] Document New York State Archives
Evidence of the Indian to whom Michel Tadens sold brandy Document New York State Archives
Evidence of the Indian to whom Michel Tadens sold brandy [Copy of Volume 8:106a] Document New York State Archives
Evidence respecting the conduct of vice-director Beeckman at Altona Document New York State Archives
Evidence that Jan Spigelaer sold rum on the public fast and prayer day Document New York State Archives
Examination in council of ensign Dirck Smith on a charge of having sold a gun to an Indian Document New York State Archives
Examination in council of ensign Dirck Smith on a charge of having sold a gun to an Indian [Copy of Volume 8:104] Document New York State Archives
Examination of a drunken Indian conveyed to the fort Document New York State Archives
Examination of a slave and Jochem Wessels Backer on a charge of stealing powder Document New York State Archives
Examination of Andries Laurensen Document New York State Archives
Examination of Andries Matthias Document New York State Archives
Examination of Edward Hart regarding the authorship, etc. of the Flushing Remonstrance Document New York State Archives
Examination of Edward Wels on a charge of having publicly asserted that Long Island was the King's territory Document New York State Archives
Examination of ensign Smith Document New York State Archives
Examination of ensign Smith [Copy of Volume 8:178] Document New York State Archives
Examination of Francis Allard respecting malt left at his house by Hans Breyer Document New York State Archives
Examination of Francis Gabriel Document New York State Archives
Examination of Gysbert Teunisen, a witness, against Hans Vos Document New York State Archives
Examination of Hans Breyer Document New York State Archives
Examination of James Christie Document New York State Archives
Examination of John Cray (Gray) for abusing the magistrates of Middelburgh Document New York State Archives
Examination of John Townsen on a charge of favoring Quakers Document New York State Archives
Examination of Lysbet Antonissen Document New York State Archives
Examination of Martin Bierkaecker and Susanna, his wife, on the charge he sold brandy to a Mohawk Indian Document New York State Archives
Examination of Martin Bierkaker, witness, on a charge against Steven Jansen Document New York State Archives
Examination of Paulus Maertensen, Gerrit Slechtenhors, and others, witnesses in the case of the sheriff vs. Peter Bronk Document New York State Archives
Examination of Peter Jansen on a charge of committing a severe assault on his wife Document New York State Archives
Examination of Peter Jansen on a charge of committing a severe assault on his wife [Copy of Volume 6:69] Document New York State Archives
Examination of Samuel Touw Document New York State Archives
Examination of the captains of the New England ships brought in by captain Ewoutsen Document New York State Archives
Examination of Thomas Forst and other soldiers Document New York State Archives
Examination of Thomas Southart, son-in-law of Anthony Jansen, as to his imprisoning Jansen at Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Examination of Tryntje Cornelis and Ariaentje Walings Document New York State Archives
Examinations of several farm servants on a charge of plucking the goose Document New York State Archives
Exemplification of certificate of good conduct of Lieutenant Commander Bartram from the governor and council of Curaçao, W. I. Document New York State Archives
Extract from a letter of Director General Stuyvesant to Governor Winthrop Document New York State Archives
Extract from Coke's institutes concerning high treason, produced by Henry Smith before the governor Document New York State Archives
Extract from the formulary of baptism Document New York State Archives
Extract from the minutes of the court at Altona Document New York State Archives
Extract from the minutes of the court at New Amstel Document New York State Archives
Extract from the minutes of the court of New Amstel Document New York State Archives
Extract from the register of resolutions of Assembly the XIX. of the W. I. Company [Copy of Volume 8:40] Document New York State Archives
Extract from the register of resolutions of the 19th Assembly of the W. I. Company Document New York State Archives
Extract from the register of resolutions of the directors of the W. I. Company Document New York State Archives
Extract from the register of resolutions of the directors of the W. I. Company [Copy of Volume 8:42a] Document New York State Archives
Extract from the resolutions of the Directors Document New York State Archives
Extract from the resolutions of the Senate of the City of Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Extract from the resolutions of the States General Document New York State Archives
Extract of a letter from Adrian van Tienhoven to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Extracts from letters from gov. Andros to the commander and collector at New Castle Document New York State Archives
Extracts of resolutions made by the Directors Document New York State Archives
Extracts of various letters from Virginia giving notice of an intended attack by a privateer on Dutch vessels from the Manhattans Document New York State Archives
Fee bill of Johannes Kip, attorney of Cornelis Steenwyck Document New York State Archives
Fees of the surveyor in Maryland Document New York State Archives
Fees payable on a deed of a house and lot within the city of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Fine imposed on Gerrit, the wheelwright of Breuckelen, for refusing to contribute to the support of rev. Mr. Polhemus Document New York State Archives
Fine imposed on John Singletary of New Jersey Document New York State Archives
Fine imposed on Michiel Tadens for selling liquor on Sunday Document New York State Archives
Fine imposed upon Robert van Quelen Document New York State Archives
Fines imposed on several farm servants for charge of plucking the goose Document New York State Archives
Five PROPOSALS concerning Bonaire & Aruba Document New York State Archives
Flushing Remonstrance Document New York State Archives
Form of a contract for importing slaves from Africa Document New York State Archives
Form of certificate of great citizenship Document New York State Archives
Form of clearance or permit for a ship going to New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Form of holding the court at the fort in New Castle Document New York State Archives
Fragment of a letter from director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Fragment of a memorandum of the granting of warrants of survey, military commissions, etc Document New York State Archives
Fragment of an affidavit concerning Samuel Forman Document New York State Archives
Fragment of document Document New York State Archives
FREEDOMS AND EXEMPTIONS granted to Joseph Nunes de Fonseca's colony on Curacao Document New York State Archives
Further answer to the proposals of Robert Treat, Philip Graves and John Gregory, of New Haven Document New York State Archives
Further complaint of the fiscal against Francis Charretier Document New York State Archives
Further concessions to the colony of the city of Amsterdam on the Delaware river Document New York State Archives
Further depositions in the case against George Wright Document New York State Archives
Further evidence to disprove the charge that Laurens Cornelissen was the father of Hillegont Joris' child Document New York State Archives
Further examination of George Stevensen Document New York State Archives
Further examination of Peter Petersen, the company's slave Document New York State Archives
Further order in the case of Anthony vs. Verplanck Document New York State Archives
Further order in the case of Anthony vs. Verplanck [Copy of Volume 6:217b] Document New York State Archives
Further order in the case of Claes Bordingh Document New York State Archives
Further order modifying the grant on Manhattan Island to Messrs. Anthony and Van der Grist Document New York State Archives
Further proceedings in the case of the fiscal vs. Cohen, for smuggling Document New York State Archives
Further proceedings in the suit between Jacob Jansen Huys and Allard Anthony Document New York State Archives
Further resolution on measures of defense to be adopted Document New York State Archives
Governor Eaton to Director General Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Governor Eaton to Director General Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Governor Eaton to Director General Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Governor Eaton to Director General Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Governor Eaton to Director General Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Governor Winthrop to Director General Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Grant of a lot in New Amsterdam to Madame Beyart Document New York State Archives
Grant of a piece of land near Bergen to Arent Laurensen Document New York State Archives
GRANT OF LAND on Curacao to Joseph Nunes de Fonseca by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Grant of Shelter Island to Nathaniel Silvester Document New York State Archives
Grant of the free exercise of their religious worship to the Lutherans at Willemstadt (Albany) Document New York State Archives
Grant of the petition of Robert Jackson, Daniel Denton and others of Heemstead Document New York State Archives
Grant of the petition of Robert Jackson, Daniel Denton and others of Heemstead [Copy of Volume 6:337] Document New York State Archives
Grant of the petition of the heirs of Cornelis van Werckhoven to found a village on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Grant to Dr. John Des Jardins of a tract of land Document New York State Archives
Grant to Frederick Philipsen of a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Grant to James, duke of York, of the province of New York and territories Document New York State Archives
Grant to Paternella Carr and her children of the remainder of her husband's estate after paying his debts Document New York State Archives
Grant to Thomas Wheeler and other settlers to reside at Vreedland Document New York State Archives
Grant to Thomas Wheeler and other settlers to reside at Vreedland [Copy of Volume 6:336a] Document New York State Archives
Greenwich residents to Director General Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Hempstead officials to Director General Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Hue and cry for the arrest of Daniel Lane Document New York State Archives
Hue and cry for the arrest of three thieves who broke out of Fort Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Hue and cry for the arrest of three thieves who broke out of Fort Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 6:39a] Document New York State Archives
Inauguration of the new magistrates for the ensuing year; oath of office Document New York State Archives
Indenture of Albert Cornelissen to Cosyn Gerritsen, wheelwright Document New York State Archives
Indenture of Annetje Patricks, step-daughter of Tobias Feaks, as a servant-girl to Cornelis van Tienhoven Document New York State Archives
Indenture of apprenticeship of Cornelis Jansen from Rotterdam to Evert Duyckingh, to learn the glazier's trade Document New York State Archives
Indenture of apprenticeship of Jan Jansen from Rotterdam to Albert Cornelissen Document New York State Archives
Indenture of Gillis Jansen as farm servant to Cornelis Claessen Swits Document New York State Archives
Indenture of Marritje Hans, daughter of Hans Jansen, to Philip Gerritsen, tavern keeper Document New York State Archives
Indenture of service of Maria, a young Negro girl, to Nicolaes Coorn Document New York State Archives
Indenture of service of Robert Cook to Arent van Curler Document New York State Archives
Index of entries in Volume 6 relating to the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Indian deed for a tract of land called Kekesick Document New York State Archives
Indian deed for a tract of land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Indian deed for a tract of land on the west side of the North river Document New York State Archives
Indian deed for land at Heemstede Document New York State Archives
Indian deed for land on the east bank of the North river Document New York State Archives
Indian deed for New Utrecht on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Indian deed for Nyack on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Indian deed for Staten Island Document New York State Archives
Indian deed for the Whorekill Document New York State Archives
Indian deed from Kickeeu-sickenam and other chiefs to Alexander Boyer, Simon Root, Peter Harmsen, David Davidsen and Cornelis Mouritsen Document New York State Archives
Indian deed from the chief of Marossepinck, Sintsinck, otherwise called Schout's bay, of a tract of land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Indian deed from the chiefs of Keskaechquerem of a tract of land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Indian deed of Long Island to Andries Herpertsen and Rutger Jacobsen Document New York State Archives
Indian deed to Jan Tomassen and Volckert Jansen of a tract of land on the east bank of Hudson's river Document New York State Archives
Indictment against Andries Matthias for an assault with a knife on Hendrick van Elswyck Document New York State Archives
Indictment against Elias Emmens Document New York State Archives
Indictment of Adrian Blommert Document New York State Archives
Indictment of Adrian Blommert [Copy of Volume 6:280a] Document New York State Archives
Indictment of Francis Allard, cadet, for receiving stolen goods Document New York State Archives
Indictment of Gerrit Trompetter Document New York State Archives
Indictment of Hans Breyer, a soldier, for burglary, and conclusion of the fiscal in the case Document New York State Archives
Indictment of Hendrick Jansen Claerbout in the city court Document New York State Archives
Indictment of Hendrick Muller Document New York State Archives
Indictment of Henry Townsend and Sam Spicer for attending Quaker meetings Document New York State Archives
Indictment of Henry Townsend of Jamaica, a Quaker Document New York State Archives
Indictment of Jan Juriaens Becker Document New York State Archives
Indictment of Jan Quisthout Document New York State Archives
Indictment of John Cray (Gray) Document New York State Archives
Indictment of John Smith for killing hogs and obtaining goods under false pretenses Document New York State Archives
Indictment of John Smith for killing hogs and obtaining goods under false pretenses [Copy of Volume 6:247] Document New York State Archives
Indictment of Michel Tadens for furnishing liquor to Indians Document New York State Archives
Indictment of Michel Tadens for furnishing liquor to Indians [Copy of Volume 8:85] Document New York State Archives
Indictment of Sander Toursen and his wife for selling brandy to Indians of Mochgeyckkonck Document New York State Archives
Indictment of Sander Toursen and his wife for selling brandy to Indians of Mochgeyckkonck [Copy of Volume 6:355b] Document New York State Archives
Indictment of Thomas Gridy for driving off George Baxter's cattle Document New York State Archives
Indictment of Thomas Gridy for driving off George Baxter's cattle [Copy of Volume 6:306] Document New York State Archives
Information brought by a Hackingsack Indian of the defeat of the Esopus Indians Document New York State Archives
Information from Rachel La Montagne Document New York State Archives
Information furnished by Oratam, chief of the Hackingsacks, respecting the Esopus Indians Document New York State Archives
Information lodged by the magistrates of Flushing against John Bound (Bowne) for holding meetings of "that abominable sect called Quakers" Document New York State Archives
Information of English intrigues with the Esopus Indians Document New York State Archives
Instruction for Roelof Swartwout as sheriff of Esopus Document New York State Archives
Instruction for the clerk of the inferior court of justice at Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Instruction for the court of justice at Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Instruction to commissioners of the tenths to notify the farmers on Long Island to commute or leave the tenths on the field Document New York State Archives
Instruction to commissioners of the tenths to notify the farmers on Long Island to commute or leave the tenths on the field [Copy of Volume 8:57] Document New York State Archives
Instruction to Dirck van Schelluyne as marshal Document New York State Archives
Instruction to ensign Smith to accompany Martin Cregier to the Delaware River Document New York State Archives
Instruction to Jan Paul Jacquet, vice-director at the South river Document New York State Archives
Instruction to Jan Paul Jacquet, vice-director at the South river [Copy of Volume 6:185] Document New York State Archives
Instruction to Peter Wolfertsen van Couwenhoven to ascertain and prevent the movements of the Esopus and Wapping or Highland Indians Document New York State Archives
Instructions and oath of the sheriff of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Instructions for Andries Draeyer, commandant and schout at Willemstadt (Albany) Document New York State Archives
Instructions for Captain Cregier Document New York State Archives
Instructions for captain Vonck Document New York State Archives
Instructions for Claes Jansen Ruyter sent to the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Instructions for Councillor Cornelis Steenwyck, capt. Charles Epestyn, and lieut. Charles Quirynsen Document New York State Archives
Instructions for Dirck Smith Document New York State Archives
INSTRUCTIONS for Jacob Pietersen Tolck, director of Curacao Document New York State Archives
Instructions for Johan d'Deckere, councillor, sent to Fort Orange on public affairs Document New York State Archives
Instructions for lieutenant Van Couwenhoven, sent to renew peace with the Wappingers Document New York State Archives
Instructions for managing silkworms Document New York State Archives
Instructions for the commissary Document New York State Archives
Instructions for the magistrates and military officers of Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Instructions for the management of finances Document New York State Archives
Instructions for the officers of militia at the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Instructions for the schout and commandant of the South river Document New York State Archives
Instructions for the schout and magistrates of Brooklyn and adjoining towns on the west end of Long Island Document New York State Archives
Instructions for the schout and magistrates of Willemstadt and Renselaerswyck Document New York State Archives
Instructions for the schout, burgomasters and schepens of the city of New Orange Document New York State Archives
Instructions for town major Van de Water Document New York State Archives
Instructions for Walter Wharton about Delaware Document New York State Archives
Instructions for William Beeckman Document New York State Archives
INSTRUCTIONS given by Petrus Stuyvesant to Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curacao Document New York State Archives
Instructions of Fredrick de Coningh to command The Waegh Document New York State Archives
Instructions to capt. Adriaen Post to obtain the release of the captives still in the hands of the Indians Document New York State Archives
Instructions to capt. Adriaen Post to obtain the release of the captives still in the hands of the Indians [Copy of Volume 6:109] Document New York State Archives
Instructions to captain de Coninck for the expedition to Westchester Document New York State Archives
Instructions to captain de Coninck for the expedition to Westchester [Copy of Volume 6:318b] Document New York State Archives
Instructions to Claes Jansen Ruyter Document New York State Archives
Instructions to Cornelis van Ruyven, sent to the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Instructions to deputies from the court at Fort Orange to the council Document New York State Archives
Instructions to Dirck Smith and Pietersen Lourensen Document New York State Archives
Instructions to fiscal de Sille to inquire into and prosecute those who murdered an Indian on the South river Document New York State Archives
Instructions to lieutenant Van Couwenhoven, serjt. Peter Ebel, and Harmen Douwesen to determine the disposition of the Wappinger and Esopus Indians towards a peace Document New York State Archives
Instructions to Martin Cregier and Govert Loockermans for the purchase of the Newesings country Document New York State Archives
Instructions to Messrs. Varlet and Newton Document New York State Archives
Instructions to Mr. La Montagne respecting the amount he is to exact for the tenths Document New York State Archives
Instructions to Mr. Verbraack and Serjeant Harmen Martens van den Bosch, sent with lieutenant Couwenhoven Document New York State Archives
Instructions to Sir Robert Carr for the Delaware Bay Document New York State Archives
Instructions to the deputies from the court at Fort Orange [Copy of Volume 6:56] Document New York State Archives
Instructions to the magistrates of New Castle concerning the administration of the estate of William Tom Document New York State Archives
Instructions to vice-director Beeckman Document New York State Archives
Interlocutory judgment in the case of Mattheus de Vos and Nicholas Booth Document New York State Archives
Interlocutory judgment: Assignees of Augustyn Heerman vs. Anna, wife of George Hack Document New York State Archives
Interrogatories on which Hans Vos was examined Document New York State Archives
Interrogatories on which Harmen Smeeman is examined on a charge of plucking the goose Document New York State Archives
Interrogatories to and answers of Peter Adriaensen and Adriaen Jansen Appel Document New York State Archives
Interrogatories to and answers of Peter Adriaensen and Adriaen Jansen Appel [Copy of Volume 8:120] Document New York State Archives
Inventory Document New York State Archives
Inventory and bill of sale of the ship Abrahams Offerhande Document New York State Archives
Inventory of articles on board the ship of Jacob Jansen Flodder Document New York State Archives
Inventory of effects left by Jan Jansen of St. Obyn at the house of Frederick Lubbertsen in the care of Jacob Wolphertsen Document New York State Archives
INVENTORY of goods brought to Curacao from Guinea, 1655, destined for New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Inventory of goods saved out of Jan de Caper's ship Document New York State Archives
INVENTORY of guns, ammunition and stores on Curacao Document New York State Archives
Inventory of papers delivered in the case of Jacob Varrevanger vs. Cornelis Steenwyck Document New York State Archives
INVENTORY of papers sent from Curacao to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
INVENTORY of papers sent to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
INVENTORY of papers sent to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Inventory of personal effects belonging to John Duck Document New York State Archives
Inventory of personal property Document New York State Archives
Inventory of property found at Breuckelen in New Netherland, the 29th of September anno 1648, which property is left behind by Hans Lodewyc, who has absconded without the knowledge of the honorable director general and council of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Inventory of the cargo of the Shark Document New York State Archives
Inventory of the estate of Document New York State Archives
Inventory of the estate of Aeltje Jans, deceased Document New York State Archives
Inventory of the estate of the late Jonas Bronck Document New York State Archives
Inventory of the estate of Urbanus Luersen Document New York State Archives
Inventory of the Farm Document New York State Archives
Inventory of the goods confiscated in the ship Jonge Prins van Denemarcken Document New York State Archives
Inventory of the goods, lands and houses left by Andrew Carr in Tinaconk, Delaware river Document New York State Archives
Inventory of the personal estate of Jan Jansen Damen Document New York State Archives
Inventory of the ship and tackle of the Shark Document New York State Archives
Invoice for goods shipped to New Amstel Document New York State Archives
Invoice of ammunition Document New York State Archives
Invoice of ammunition sent to New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Invoice of David Jochemsen's goods with bond for payment of duties if not already paid Document New York State Archives
INVOICE of goods sent to New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Invoice of goods sent to New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Invoice of goods sent to New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Invoice of goods sent to New Netherland in the ship The Church of Purmerland Document New York State Archives
Invoice of munitions of war sent to New Netherland and bill of lading Document New York State Archives
Invoice of munitions of war, etc., sent to New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Invoice of munitions of war, etc., sent to New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Invoice of stationery and law books send to New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Invoice of the goods not entered on the ship's manifest Document New York State Archives
Invoices and bill of lading Document New York State Archives
Invoices and bill of lading Document New York State Archives
Invoices of powder, wine and sundries Document New York State Archives
James Sandylands and Lawrence Hulst fined for misbehavior Document New York State Archives
Jeremias van Renselaer and Arent van Curler requesting that the matter of a sheriff in Renselaerswyck be referred to the principals in Holland Document New York State Archives
Joint resolutions of the director and council and the magistrates of New Amsterdam, providing for the fortifying of the city Document New York State Archives
Joint will of Abraham Jansen and Symon Joosten, part-owners of the ship La Garce Document New York State Archives
Joint will of Antony Crol and Philip Jansen Ringo, part-owners of the ship La Garce Document New York State Archives
Journal by Augustine Herrman of his embassy to Maryland Document New York State Archives
JOURNAL extracts concerning English actions along the coast of Guinea Document New York State Archives
JOURNAL kept by Adriaen Blaes van der Veer, skipper of the slaver St. Jan Document New York State Archives
Journal kept by Cornelis van Ruyven, Oloff Stevensen van Cortland and John Lawrence of their visit to Hartford Document New York State Archives
Journal of a voyage to the Newesings by capt. Martin Cregier and others Document New York State Archives
Journal of John Davith and Jacob Loockerman Document New York State Archives
Journal of mission to Oostdorp Document New York State Archives
Journal of Petrus Stuyvesant's visit to the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Journal of the director-general on the voyage to the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Journal of the Esopus war by captain Martin Cregier Document New York State Archives
Journal of the proceedings of the convention at the city hall, New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Judgment affirming the decision of the court of Flushing in the case of Peter Taelman vs. William Pidgeon Document New York State Archives
Judgment affirming the decision of the court of Flushing in the case of Peter Taelman vs. William Pidgeon [Copy of Volume 6:237] Document New York State Archives
Judgment against Adriaen Cornelissen for a horse which he contracted to exchange with Gerrit Hendricks for an ox Document New York State Archives
Judgment against Adriaen Jansen Appel Document New York State Archives
Judgment against Adriaen Jansen Appel [Copy of Volume 8:130b] Document New York State Archives
Judgment against Albert Albertsen, alias Ribbon Weaver, for not removing into a village agreeably to the ordinance Document New York State Archives
Judgment against Cornelis Steenwyck for the value of a kedge anchor Document New York State Archives
Judgment against Cornelis van Gezel for certain fees due to Timotheus Gabry Document New York State Archives
Judgment against Dirck de Vin for the use of a horse he had purchased from Dirck Teunissen and returned Document New York State Archives
Judgment against Harmen Bartels Document New York State Archives
Judgment against Jacob Jansen Huys for debt due the company Document New York State Archives
Judgment against Jacob Stoffels, Ide van Vorst and other farmers for working on Sunday Document New York State Archives
Judgment against Jacob van Couwenhoven for the price of a horse purchased from Fredrick Lubberts Document New York State Archives
Judgment against Jacob van Curler at the suit of Caspar Steynmits Document New York State Archives
Judgment against Jan de Wit for picking his mill stones on Sunday Document New York State Archives
Judgment against John Lawrence for smuggling Document New York State Archives
Judgment against Joris Tiebouts for being insolent to the fiscal Document New York State Archives
Judgment against Manuel Sanderson because his son had been found shooting pigeons on Manhattan Island on Sunday Document New York State Archives
Judgment against Mettie Wessels for excise duty on a hogshead of wine Document New York State Archives
Judgment against Nicholas de Meyer for an assault committed on an Indian Document New York State Archives
Judgment against Nicolas the Frenchman and Abraham Jansen for refusing to contribute to the support of the rev. Mr. Polhemus Document New York State Archives
Judgment against Peter Adriaensen Document New York State Archives
Judgment against Peter Adriaensen [Copy of Volume 8:126] Document New York State Archives
Judgment against Peter Pia for excise on beer laid in for his daughter's wedding Document beer, New York State Archives
Judgment against Severyn Laurensen for permitting persons to play at nine pins on his premises on Sunday Document New York State Archives
Judgment at the suit of Johan de Decker against Gerrit Hendricks, as security for a debt due by Aris Otte Document New York State Archives
Judgment confirming the decision of the city court in the case of Peter Rudolphus vs. Balthazar de Heart Document New York State Archives
Judgment confirming the decision of the court of Bergen in the case of Juriaen Hanel against Christian Petersen Document New York State Archives
Judgment confirming the sale of a piece of land in Midwout, L. I. by Jan Hendricksen van Gunst to William Douckles Document New York State Archives
Judgment confiscating certain beavers from Teunis Pietersen Tempel Document New York State Archives
Judgment confiscating certain goods belonging to Stoffel Jansen Abel Document New York State Archives
Judgment confiscating furs found hidden Document New York State Archives
Judgment confiscating furs shipped by Jeronimus Ebbing without being entered Document New York State Archives
Judgment confiscating goods from Storm Albertsen Document New York State Archives
Judgment declaring valid an attachment of Thomas Wandel's crop on the field by his landlord for rent Document New York State Archives
Judgment fining Tiebout Wessels for shooting pigeons on Manhattan Island on Sunday Document New York State Archives
Judgment for defendant in a suit of Roeloff Jansen against Samuel Edsal Document New York State Archives
Judgment for defendant in the case of Dirck de Wolff against the town of Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Judgment for defendant in the case of Peter Jansen vs. The Sheriff of Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Judgment for defendant in the case of the town of Gravesend vs. Anthony Jansen Document New York State Archives
Judgment for defendant in the case of the town of Gravesend vs. Anthony Jansen [Copy of Volume 8:143] Document New York State Archives
Judgment for defendant in the suit of Timotheus Gabry against Jan Jansen Verryn Document New York State Archives
Judgment for Francis Swaine for 150 pieces of eight, being the price of a slave woman imported by Dirck Jansen van Oldenburgh to the order of Cornelis Pluvier Document New York State Archives
Judgment for plaintiff in a suit between Timothy Gabry against the city clerk and city marshal Document New York State Archives
Judgment for plaintiff in a suit of Frans Jansen against Wolphert Gerritsen van Couwenhoven Document New York State Archives
Judgment for plaintiff in a suit of Simon Harmensen Coert against Andries de Graeff and Cornelis Hoogeboom Document New York State Archives
Judgment for plaintiff in an action of debt of Nicolas Meyer against Tielman van Vleeck Document New York State Archives
Judgment for plaintiff in case of Jan la Montagne jr. vs. Peter van Bree Document New York State Archives
Judgment for plaintiff in the case of Cornelis van Ruyven vs. Nicholas Verleth Document New York State Archives
Judgment for plaintiff in the case of Cornelis van Ruyven vs. Nicholas Verleth [Copy of Volume 8:81b] Document New York State Archives
Judgment for plaintiff in the case of Johannes de Wit against Jacob Leendertsen van de Grist Document New York State Archives
Judgment for plaintiff in the case of the farmer of the excise vs. Caspar Steynmits Document New York State Archives
Judgment for plaintiff in the case of Thomas Morrel against Albert Albertsen Document New York State Archives
Judgment for plaintiff in the suit of Dirck Jansen against Thomas Chambers Document New York State Archives
Judgment for plaintiffs in case of Jan Rutgersen vs. Andries Louvensen; action of debt Document New York State Archives
Judgment for plaintiffs in case of Jan Rutgersen vs. Andries Louvensen; action of debt [Copy of Volume 6:313a] Document New York State Archives
Judgment for plaintiffs in the case of Anthony Jansen and Robert Pinoyer et al. vs. the town of Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Judgment for plaintiffs in the case of Anthony Jansen and Robert Pinoyer et al. vs. the town of Gravesend [Copy of Volume 8:31b] Document New York State Archives
Judgment for plaintiffs in the case of Thomas Hall and others against Wolphert Webber Document New York State Archives
Judgment in a ease of Cornelis van Langevelt against Janneke Heermans Document New York State Archives
Judgment in a suit for possession of the public bouwery at Ahsymus (N. J.) Document New York State Archives
Judgment in appeal in the case of Matheus de Vos vs. Jan Lourensen Document New York State Archives
Judgment in appeal of Allard Anthony, attorney of Jacob Jansen Huys, vs. Jacob Barsimson Document New York State Archives
Judgment in appeal of Jacob Visch vs. Johannes Withart Document New York State Archives
Judgment in appeal of Martin Jansen vs. Thomas Spicer Document New York State Archives
Judgment in appeal reversing a decision of the court of Middelburgh in the case of Richard Smith, appellant, against John Coo Document New York State Archives
Judgment in case of appeal of Paulus van der Beecq vs. Hans Petersen Document New York State Archives
Judgment in favor of Paulus van der Beecq against Solomon la Chair Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the appeal of Anthony Claessen Moore vs. Paulus Leendertsen van der Grist Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case between Andries de Haes and Jacob Vis Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case between Jacob Jansen Huys and Allard Anthony Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of Adrian Blommert against Michel Jansen Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of Allard Anthony vs. Abraham Planck Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of Allard Anthony vs. Abraham Planck [Copy of Volume 6:276] Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of Allert Anthony vs. Caspar and Nicolas Varlett Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of Culpeper against Atkins Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of David Ferrera vs. Peter Dircksen Waterhond Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of David Ferrera vs. Peter Dircksen Waterhond [Copy of Volume 6:333b] Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of Jacob Schellinger vs. Adriaen Post Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of Jacob Vis vs. Andries de Haes Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of Jan Jacobsen, attorney of Maria Varleth vs. Jacob Calff and others, attorneys of Cornelis Schut Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of Jeronimus Ebbingh against Cornelis Barentsen Slecht Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of Nicholas Stevenson and William Hallet vs. John Brett Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of Peter Dircksen Waterhond vs. David Ferrara Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of Peter Dircksen Waterhond vs. David Ferrara [Copy of Volume 6:238] Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of Sigismund Lucas confirming the decision of the court of Harlem Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of Solomon la Chair vs. Jan Laurens Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of the farmer of the excise vs. Daniel Litschoe Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of the farmers of the city excise vs. Jan Peecq Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of the farmers of the city excise vs. William Pietersen Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of the farmers of the excise vs. Caspar Steynmits Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of the fiscal against Peter de Graeff Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of the fiscal against Peter de Graeff [Copy of Volume 8:78] Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of the fiscal vs. Andries Matthias Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of the fiscal vs. Thomas Hall Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of the heirs of Johanna Wheeler vs. the heirs of Henry Feaks Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of Thomas Stevenson vs. Elias Bailey Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of Thomas Stevenson vs. John Gray and Samuel Sales Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of Timotheus Gabry vs. Cornelis van Gezel Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of Timothy Gabry against Jan Jansen Verryn Document New York State Archives
Judgment in the case of Walewyn van der Veen vs. Peter Wolpherts van Couwenhoven Document New York State Archives
Judgment obliging John Aske to complete some dams in the town of Gravesend according to his contract Document New York State Archives
Judgment of a court held at Elizabethtown in a case between the town of Piscattaway and the town of Woodbridge Document New York State Archives
Judgment of director and council in favor of Mr. Terrey's title to lands in Hempstead Document New York State Archives
Judgment of the court of Gravesend in the case of John George Baldin Document New York State Archives
Judgment on an appeal of Mary Larison vs. Thomas Hunt Document New York State Archives
Judgment refusing Michiel Tadens relief from a mortgage alleged to have been fraudulently obtained from him Document New York State Archives
Judgment reversing decision of the court of New Amsterdam in the case of Hendricksen vs. Doeckles Document New York State Archives
Judgment reversing decision of the court of New Amsterdam in the case of Lubbertsen vs. Vis Document New York State Archives
Judgments against Peter Bronck and Steven Jansen Document New York State Archives
Land_Patent_1763 Document New York State Archives
Last part of the lease of the ferry to Egbert van Borsum Document New York State Archives
Lease by Pieter Jansen Kom to Arent Isaacksen of the front room and half the garret in his house Document New York State Archives
Lease from Abraham Planck to Cornelis Arissen of Paulus Hook Document New York State Archives
Lease from Abraham Rycken to William Hutchinson of his Long Island farm near Remmert Jansen Document New York State Archives
Lease from Andries Hudde to John Underhill of a house and plantation situated situated near Keskaechqueren, L.I. Document New York State Archives
Lease from Annetje Meynderts, wife of Lieutenant Dirck Smith, to Jan Jansen van Steenderen of a plantation on Mespath kill, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Lease from Arent van Curler to Thomas Spicer of the farm of the late Jonas Bronck Document New York State Archives
Lease from Barent Dircksen to Bout Fransen of the farm called Walesteyn Document New York State Archives
Lease from Brant van Slichtenhorst to Jan Dircksen van Bremen of land at Katskill Document New York State Archives
Lease from Burger Jorissen to Willem Barentsen, Robert Edens and James Smith of his land and livestock on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Lease from Cornelis van Ruyven to Dirck Jansen Cuyper of his farm at Midwout, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Lease from Cornelis van Tienhoven to Cornelis Jacobsen Stille of a farm near the Smith's valley Document New York State Archives
Lease from Cornelis van Tienhoven to Crigier Pisker and Gerrit Serdts of a parcel of land at Breuckelen, Long Island Document New York State Archives
Lease from Daniel Litschoe to Andries Jochemsen of a house and lot on the East River at New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Lease from Dirck Holgersen to Jochem Calder of a piece of land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Lease from Director Stuyvesant to Jacobus van Dalen of his farm at Amersfoort, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Lease from Harmen Douwesen and Pietertje Jans to David Ferera of a house on Pearl street, New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Lease from Johannes la Montagne to Bout Francen of the farm Vredendael Document New York State Archives
Lease from Michel Picet to Tonis Cray of a house near the fort on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Lease from Michiel de Carreman to Joseph d'Acosta of a house in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Lease from Rem Jansen to Jan Lock and Jan Picces of a plantation on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Lease from Remmert Jansen to Barent Jansen Bal of a farm on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Lease from Rev. Everardus Bogardus to Rufus Barton of land on the East river Document New York State Archives
Lease from Rev. Johannes Megapolensis to Dirck Jansen Cuyper of a farm in Midwout, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Lease from the agents of Anna Jans Bogardus to Evert Pels of a farm on the North river Document New York State Archives
Lease of a farm by Oloff Stevensen van Cortlandt, agent of Wouter van Twiller, to Geurt Coerten and Wouter Aertsen Document New York State Archives
Lease of a farm on Long Island from Anthony Jansen to Edmund Adley, with inventory of live stock and implements delivered Document New York State Archives
Lease of a farm on Manhattan Island to Egbert Woutersen Document New York State Archives
Lease of a house on the main highway at Manhattan from Jan Schepmoes to Gerrit Douman Document New York State Archives
Lease of a plantation from Aeltje Jans to Marten Menlooff and Thomas Vaster (Foster) Document New York State Archives
Lease of a plantation from Isaac de Forest to John Denton Document New York State Archives
Lease of cattle from Jacob Loper, agent of Cornelis Melyn, to Hendrick Jansen from Utrecht Document New York State Archives
Lease of cattle from Jacob Loper, agent of Cornelis Melyn, to Jan Jansen from Langendyck Document New York State Archives
Lease of Domine's hook from Rev. Everardus Bogardus to Robert Bello and Marck Menloff Document New York State Archives
Lease of the farm of Everardus Bogardus to Richard Fowles Document New York State Archives
Lease of William Smith of Stamfort of certain cattle and other animals belonging to Hans Hansen and George Rapalje Document New York State Archives
Lease to Christopher Foster of two oxen belonging to the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Lease to Jacob Stoffelsen of the company's bouwery at Ahasimus Document New York State Archives
Lease to Philip Gerritsen of the Company's house, to be used as a tavern Document New York State Archives
Leave to Abraham Verplanck and Augustyn Heermans to withdraw their appeal from a judgment of the city court in favor of Rachel van Tienhoven Document New York State Archives
Letter complaining of illegal detention, 1746 Document New York State Archives
Letter covering the preceding resolution Document New York State Archives
Letter from Abram Staas to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Adam Vrooman to Governor Hunter Document New York State Archives
Letter from Agnes and Edward Grace Document New York State Archives
Letter from Alexander Boyer to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Alexander D'Hinoyossa to vice-director Beeckman Document New York State Archives
Letter from Andric Anderson and others to capt. Carr Document New York State Archives
Letter from Andries Hudde Document New York State Archives
Letter from Andries Hudde to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Andries Hudde to vice-director Beeckman Document New York State Archives
Letter from Andries Laurens to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Andries Laurens to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Andries Lawrens to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Andries Lourissen to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Andries Lourissen to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Andries Lourissen to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Andries Louwerensen to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Andries Louwerensen to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Andries van der Sluys to Director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Andries van der Sluys to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Arent van Curler to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Armergartt Printz to Samuel Edsal Document New York State Archives
Letter from Augustine Herrmans to capt. Cantwell Document New York State Archives
Letter from Augustyn Heerman to vice-director Beeckman Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Balthazar Stuyvesant to Nicolaes Bayard at Manhattan Document New York State Archives
Letter from Baron van der Capelle Cornelis van Werckhoven Document New York State Archives
Letter from Brant van Slechtenhorst to the director-general and council Document New York State Archives
Letter from burgomasters and schepens to director and council Document New York State Archives
Letter from burgomasters to the director and council Document New York State Archives
Letter from capt. Cantwell to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from capt. Cregier to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from captain Cregier to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from captain John Colier to governor Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from captain Martin Kregier to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from col. Francis Moryson to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from commissary Hendrick Huygen to vice-director Beeckman Document New York State Archives
Letter from Cornelis Barentsen Slecht and others to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Cornelis Steenwyck and the principal merchants to the director and council Document New York State Archives
Letter from Cornelis van Werckhoven concerning purchase of the Raritan country Document New York State Archives
Letter from Cornelius Verhoofe Document New York State Archives
Letter from Cornelius Verhoofe to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from Cornelius Verhoofe to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from council of New Netherland to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from council of New Netherland to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from council of New Netherland to the burgomasters of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from council of New Netherland to the towns of Flushing, Middelburgh, Rustdorp, Gravesend and Hempstead Document New York State Archives
Letter from council to the town of Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Letter from councillor de Deckere to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from councillor de Deckere to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from councillor de Deckere to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Daniel Denton to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Daniel Wills to secretary Nicolls Document New York State Archives
Letter from delegates from Amesfoort, Gravesend, Midwout and Utrecht to the director and council Document New York State Archives
Letter from Deputy Governor Goodyear of New Haven to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Deputy-Governor Goodyear of New Haven to Director Stuyvesant on trade between the colonies Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Alrichs and council to Messrs. Van Ruyven and Crieger Document New York State Archives
Letter from director and council of New Netherland to Alexander d'Hinoyossa Document New York State Archives
Letter from director and council to burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from director and council to captain Cregier Document New York State Archives
Letter from director and council to Carel van Brugge Document New York State Archives
Letter from director and council to Carel van Brugge [Copy of Volume 8:116] Document New York State Archives
Letter from director and council to Cornelis van Tienhoven Document New York State Archives
Letter from director and council to Cornelis van Tienhoven [Copy of Volume 8:107a] Document New York State Archives
Letter from director and council to Jan Tomassen and Volckert Jansen Document New York State Archives
Letter from director and council to the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from director and council to the burgomasters, etc., of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from director and council to the burgomasters, etc., of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from director and council to the courts of Fort Orange and Renselaerswyck Document New York State Archives
Letter from director and council to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from director and council to the governor of Connecticut Document New York State Archives
Letter from director and council to the magistrates of Breuckelen, Midwout, Amesfoort, and New Utrecht Document New York State Archives
Letter from director and council to the magistrates of Heemsted, New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from director and council to the sheriff and magistrates of Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Letter from director and council to the town of Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Letter from director and council to the vice-director at Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Letter from Director General Stuyvesant to Deputy Governor Goodyear Document New York State Archives
Letter from Director General Stuyvesant to Deputy Governor Goodyear of New Haven Document New York State Archives
Letter from Director General Stuyvesant to the governor of Massachusetts Document New York State Archives
Letter from Director General Stuyvesant to unknown addressee Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to Abraham Donckher and Johannes de Raziere Document New York State Archives
Letter from Director Stuyvesant to Andries Hudde Document New York State Archives
Letter from Director Stuyvesant to capt. Brian Nuton and serjt. Velthuysen Document New York State Archives
Letter from Director Stuyvesant to capt. Brian Nuton and serjt. Velthuysen [Copy of Volume 6:99b] Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to captain Cregier Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to captain Cregier Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to captain Cregier Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to captain Cregier Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to captain Cregier Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to captain Cregier Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to captain Cregier Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to captain Cregier Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to colonel Nicolls Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to councillor de Deckere Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to ensign Niessen Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to ensign Nyssen Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to ensign Smith Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to ensign Smith Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to ensign Smith Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to ensign Smith Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to ensign Smith Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to gov. Endecott Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to Lady Debora Moody Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to lieutenant Peter Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to lieutenant van Couwenhoven Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to lieutenant van Couwenhoven Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to Messrs. Alrichs and Beeckman Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to Mr. Treat Document New York State Archives
Letter from Director Stuyvesant to Richard Bennet, Governor of Virginia Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to secretary van Ruyven Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the clergy Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the consistory at Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the council Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the council Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the courts of Fort Orange and Renselaerswyck Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the courts of Fort Orange and Renselaerswyck Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the general court of Massachusetts Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the governor and council of Connecticut Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the governor and council of Connecticut Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the governor of Connecticut Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the magistrates of Beverwyck and Renselaerswyck Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the magistrates of Eastdorp (Westchester) Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the magistrates of Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the magistrates of Heemstead Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the magistrates of Heemsteade Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the magistrates of Jamaica Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the magistrates of Middelburgh and Flushing Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the magistrates of Rustdorp Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the magistrates of Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the magistrates of Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the town of Hempstead Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the town of Hempstead Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the town of Jamaica, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the towns of Gravesend, Middleburgh and Rustdorpe Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the vice-director at New Amstel Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the vice-director of Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the vice-director of Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the vice-director of Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the vice-director of Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the vice-director of Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the vice-director of Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the villages of Breuckelen, Midwout and Amesfoort Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to vice-director La Montagne Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to vice-director La Montagne Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to vice-director La Montagne Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to vice-director La Montagne Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to vice-director La Montagne Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to William Lawrence Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to [?] at Esopus Document New York State Archives
Letter from director Stuyvesant to [?] at Esopus Document New York State Archives
Letter from director-general to the council Document New York State Archives
Letter from director-general to the council Document New York State Archives
Letter from director-general to the magistrates of Hempstead Document New York State Archives
Letter from director-general to the Nine men Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors at Amsterdam to Director Stuyvesant concerning Nicasius de Sille Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors at Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant and the councilors of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors of the Amsterdam chamber of the W. I. Company to vice-director Beeckman Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors of the W. I. Company to Jacob Alrichs Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors to rev. Johannes Megapolensis and Samuel Drisius Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Edmund Cantwell to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from Edmund Cantwell to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from Edmund Cantwell to gov. Lovelace Document New York State Archives
Letter from Edmund Cantwell to John Stevens Document New York State Archives
Letter from Edmund Cantwell to John Stevens Document New York State Archives
Letter from Edward Fisher, town clerk, to the director-general Document New York State Archives
Letter from Edward Heart to director and council Document New York State Archives
Letter from Emphraim Herman to John West Document New York State Archives
Letter from ensign Christian Nyssen to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Ensign Dirck Smith to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from ensign Dirck Smith to the director and council Document New York State Archives
Letter from ensign Nyssen to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from ensign Nyssen to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from ensign Nyssen to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from ensign Smith to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from ensign Smith to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from ensign Smith to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from ensign Smith to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Ensign Smith to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from ensign Smith to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from ensign Smith to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from ensign Smith to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from ensign Smith to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from ensign Smith to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from ensign Smith to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from ensign Smith to secretary van Ruyven Document New York State Archives
Letter from ensign Smith to vice-director La Montagne Document New York State Archives
Letter from ensign Smith to vice-director La Montagne Document New York State Archives
Letter from ensign Smith to vice-director La Montagne Document New York State Archives
Letter from ensign Smith to vice-director La Montagne Document New York State Archives
Letter from ensign Smith to vice-director La Montagne Document New York State Archives
Letter from Ephraim Herman to capt. Brockholes Document New York State Archives
Letter from Ephraim Herman to capt. Brockholls Document New York State Archives
Letter from Ephraim Herman to John Moll Document New York State Archives
Letter from Ephraim Herman to secretary Nicolls Document New York State Archives
Letter from Father Simon le Moyne, S. J. to Director General Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Francis Whitwell and John Hillyard to captain Anthony Brockholls Document New York State Archives
Letter from Francis Whitwell to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from Francis Whitwell to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from Francis Whitwell to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from George Baxter with the foregoing orders to Director General Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Gerardus Beekman Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Andros to capt. Cantwell Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Andros to gov. Colve Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Andros to gov. Colve Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Andros to gov. Colve Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Andros to gov. Colve Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Andros to gov. Colve Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Andros to the magistrates of New Castle Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Andros to the magistrates of the Whorekill and New Castle Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Colve to gov. Levereth Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Colve to gov. Winthrop Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Colve to gov. Winthrop Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Colve to Hempstead Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Colve to Isaac Greveraedt Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Colve to Johan Doncker Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Colve to schout Ogden Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Colve to the gov. and council of Massachusetts Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Colve to the magistrates of Hempstead Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Colve to the magistrates of Schenectady Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Colve to the magistrates of Swaenenburgh Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Colve to the schout and magistrates of Bergen Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Colve to the schout and magistrates of Harlem and Fordham Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Colve to the towns on Long Island east of Oysterbay Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Colve to William Lawrence Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Colve to William Lawrence and Charles Bridges Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Endecott and the commissioners of the United Colonies of New England to the director and council Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Winthrop to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from gov. Winthrop to gov. Colve Document New York State Archives
Letter from Governor Eaton to Director General Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Governor Hunter for the arrest of John Conrad Wiser Document New York State Archives
Letter from Governor Hunter to Jean Cast Document New York State Archives
Letter from Governor Hunter to Jean Cast Document New York State Archives
Letter from Governor Shirley of Massachusetts to Governor Clinton of New York relating to counterfeiters Document New York State Archives
Letter from Governor William Bradford of New Plymouth to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Helmanus Wiltbank to secretary Nicolls Document New York State Archives
Letter from Helmanus Wiltbank, Edward Southrin and Alexander Molestine to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from Helmer Willbank to governor Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from Helmer Willbank to governor Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from Helmer Willbank to governor Andros Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Hendrick Martens, commander at Aruba, to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Hendrick Martens, commander at Aruba, to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from J. de la Grange to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from J. Willems to vice-director Beeckman Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document 1657 - Wreck of the Prince Maurice, New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to the director and council Document 1657 - Wreck of the Prince Maurice, New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to the director and council Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to the director and council Document 1657 - Wreck of the Prince Maurice, New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Jansen Huys' wife to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Jansen Stoll to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob Jansen Stoll, Thomas Chambers and Evert Pels to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob van Curler, Anthony Jansen and other Dutch inhabitants to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacob van Curler, Anthony Jansen and other Dutch inhabitants to director Stuyvesant with response [Copy of Volume 6:115a] Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacobus Swartwout to Governor Clinton relating to counterfeit money Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacobus van Curler and other Dutch settlers to the director and council Document New York State Archives
Letter from Jacobus van Curler and other Dutch settlers to the director and council [Copy of Volume 6:88] Document New York State Archives
Letter from James Nevill to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from Johannes de la Montagne to the Governor of Canada Document New York State Archives
Letter from Johannes Provoost to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Johannis Kip to Cornelius Stenwyck Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Audrey to governor Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Avery Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Brigs to Andrew Bondler Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Brigs to secretary Nicolls Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Carr to gov. Lovelace Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Carr to gov. Lovelace Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Coo and Richard Panton to fiscal de Sille Document New York State Archives
Letter from John James to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from John James, town clerk, on behalf of the people for redress of grievances Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Lawrensen to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Mason, deputy-governor of Connecticut, to the people of Westchester Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Moll to secretary Nicolls Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Moll to secretary Nicolls Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Ogle to John Brigs Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Steavens to ———— Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Stickland to Brian Nuton Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Sticklin to ——— Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Talcott and John Allyne to captain Cooe of Middeburgh Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Tilton, clerk of the town of Gravesend, to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Willemsen to vice-director Beeckman Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Winthrop to Mr. Bryan Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Wright to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Youngs to John Coe Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Youngs to John Hicks Document New York State Archives
Letter from John Youngs to William Lawrence Document New York State Archives
Letter from Lady Deborah Moody and John Tilton to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Lady Deborah Moody and John Tilton, clerk, to director Stuyvesant [Copy of Volume 6:63a] Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Lucas Rodenburch, vice-director of Curacao, to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Luke Watson to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from Luke Watson, John Roades, John Kipphaven, William Clark and ----------, magistrates, to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from magistrates and court-martial to Jan Tornassen and others in Beverwyck Document New York State Archives
Letter from magistrates of Rustdorp to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from magistrates to director and council Document New York State Archives
Letter from magistrates to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from magistrates to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from magistrates to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from magistrates to director Stuyvesant [Copy of Volume 8:147] Document New York State Archives
Letter from magistrates to the director and council Document New York State Archives
Letter from Mathew Gilberte to the director-general Document New York State Archives
Letter from Mattheus Capito to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director in Curacao to the councillors of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director in Curacao to the councillors of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director in Curacao, to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director in Curacao, to the directors in Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curacao to Don Jan de Salamanca, governor of Havana Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curacao to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curacao to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curacao to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curacao to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curacao to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curacao to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curacao to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curacao to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curacao to Petrus Stuyvesant and the council of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curacao to the directors in Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curacao to the directors in Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curacao to the directors in Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curacao to the directors in Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curacao, to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Matthias Nicolls to gov. Winthrop Document New York State Archives
Letter from Messrs. La Montagne and Van Renselaer to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Messrs. La Montagne and Van Renselaer to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Messrs. La Montagne and Van Renselaer to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Messrs. Van Ruyven and Crieger to director Alrichs Document New York State Archives
Letter from Messrs. Van Ruyven and Crieger to director Alrichs and council Document New York State Archives
Letter from military officers to the director and council Document New York State Archives
Letter from militia officers of Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Letter from Mr. Van Seventer to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from N. Bayard to lieut. Drayer Document New York State Archives
Letter from Nathaniel Denton to secretary Bayard Document New York State Archives
Letter from Nicolas Stillwell to secretary van Ruyven Document New York State Archives
Letter from Petrus Stuyvesant to Governor Eaton of New Haven Document New York State Archives
Letter from Petrus Stuyvesant to Governor Endicott of Massachusetts Bay Colony Document New York State Archives
Letter from Petrus Stuyvesant to the magistrates of Heemstede Document New York State Archives
Letter from Petrus Stuyvesant to the magistrates of Heemstede Document New York State Archives
Letter from Philip Pocock to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from Philip Pocock to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from rev. Gideon Schaetes to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from rev. Hermanus Blom to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from rev. Hermanus Blom to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from rev. John Yeo to Dr. Henry Smith Document New York State Archives
Letter from rev. Mr. Polheymus to the director-general Document New York State Archives
Letter from rev. Mr. Polheymus to the director-general [Copy of 8:296] Document New York State Archives
Letter from Richard Denton to Director General Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Richard Mills to the director-general Document New York State Archives
Letter from Richard Perrot to gov. Lovelace Document New York State Archives
Letter from Robert Bassitt and others to director and council Document New York State Archives
Letter from Robert Bassitt and others to director and council [Copy of Volume 6:341b] Document New York State Archives
Letter from Robert Jones to capt. Carr Document New York State Archives
Letter from Robert Treat to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Roelof Swartwout Document New York State Archives
Letter from Roelof Swartwout to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Roelof Swartwout to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Schout Morris of Gravesend to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from secretary Bayard to Isaac Greveraet Document New York State Archives
Letter from secretary Capito to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Secretary Nicoll to the court at New Castle Document New York State Archives
Letter from secretary Nicolls to capt. Cantwell Document New York State Archives
Letter from secretary Nicolls to capt. Cantwell Document New York State Archives
Letter from secretary Nicolls to capt. John Avery Document New York State Archives
Letter from secretary Nicolls to Helmanus Wiltbank Document New York State Archives
Letter from secretary Nicolls to the magistrates at Whorekill Document New York State Archives
Letter from secretary Rawson for the general court of Massachusetts Document New York State Archives
Letter from secretary van Ruyven to Jacques Corteljou Document New York State Archives
Letter from secretary Van Ruyven to the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from secretary Van Ruyven to the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 6:207b] Document New York State Archives
Letter from secretary van Ruyven to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from secretary van Ruyven to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from secretary van Ruyven to the magistrates of Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Letter from secretary Van Ruyven to the magistrates of New Utrecht Document New York State Archives
Letter from secretary Van Ruyven to the out settlements Document New York State Archives
Letter from Sergeant Andries Louwerensen to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Sheriff Underhill of Flushing to Director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Sir William Berckeley, governor, and Theodore Blande, speaker of the assembly, of Virginia to the director and council Document New York State Archives
Letter from Sir William Berckly to Peter Stevenson [Peter Stuyvesant] Document New York State Archives
Letter from squire Hickes to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from States-General to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from States-General to several towns on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Letter from States-General to the director and council Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stephen Goodyear to Director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stephen Goodyear to Director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant requesting nominations for magistrates Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to a French commander Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to Jeremy Clarke, president of Rhode Island Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the magistrates of Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the vice-director of Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to the vice-director of Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Letter from Stuyvesant to vice-director La Montagne Document New York State Archives
Letter from the burgomasters and schepens to director and council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the burgomasters and schepens to director and council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the burgomasters and schepens to director and council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the burgomasters and schepens to the inhabitants of Midwout Document New York State Archives
Letter from the Burgomasters of Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the commander to the people at the east end of Long Island Document New York State Archives
Letter from the commanders at Esopus to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the council to captain Cregier Document New York State Archives
Letter from the council to captain Cregier Document New York State Archives
Letter from the council to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the council to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from the council to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from the council to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from the council to the magistrates at New Castle Document New York State Archives
Letter from the court at New Castle to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from the court of Easthampton to the Dutch commissioners Document New York State Archives
Letter from the court of Holland to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from the director and council of Renselaerswyck to the director and council of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Letter from the director and council to ------- in answer to a remonstrance from Beverwyck (Albany) Document New York State Archives
Letter from the director and council to all governors, deputy governors, magistrates and Christian neighbors Document New York State Archives
Letter from the director and council to capt. Post Document New York State Archives
Letter from the director and council to capt. Post [Copy of Volume 6:105a] Document New York State Archives
Letter from the director and council to John Baptist van Renselaer and council of Renselaerswyck Document New York State Archives
Letter from the director and council to Messrs. Fenn and others of New Haven colony Document New York State Archives
Letter from the director and council to the magistrates of Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Letter from the director and council to the magistrates of Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Letter from the director and council to the magistrates of Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Letter from the director and council to the magistrates of Gravesend [Copy of Volume 6:94] Document New York State Archives
Letter from the director and council to the vice-director at Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Letter from the director and council to those of Hempstead Document New York State Archives
Letter from the director-general to burgomasters and schepens Document New York State Archives
Letter from the director-general to the magistrates of Midwout Document New York State Archives
Letter from the director-general to the magistrates of Midwout [Copy of 8:298] Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to Director General Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to Director General Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to Director General Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to Director General Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to Director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to Director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to Director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to Director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to Director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to Director Stuyvesant concerning confiscated goods Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the Directors at Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the Directors at Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant and the council of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to Stuyvesant and the council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to the council of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Letter from the Directors at Amsterdam to the Director and Council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the Directors at Amsterdam to the Director General and Council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to the Director General and Council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to the Director General and Council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the Directors at Amsterdam to the Director General and Council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the Directors at Amsterdam to the Director General and Council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to the Director General and Council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to the municipal officers at New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to the municipality of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors in Amsterdam to Director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
LETTER from the directors in Amsterdam to Lucas Rodenburch, vice-director of Curacao Document New York State Archives
LETTER from the directors in Amsterdam to Lucas Rodenburch, vice-director of Curacao Document New York State Archives
Letter from the Directors in Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors in Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors in Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors in Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors in Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the Directors in Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors in Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the Directors in Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors in Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant [Duplicate of the preceding letter] Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors in Amsterdam to the Director General and Council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the Directors in Amsterdam to the Director General and Council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the Directors in Amsterdam to the Director General and Council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the Directors in Amsterdam to the Director General and Council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors in Amsterdam to the Director General and Council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the Directors in Amsterdam to the Director General and Council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the Directors in Amsterdam to the Director General and Council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the Directors in Amsterdam to the Director General and Council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors in Amsterdam to the Director General and Council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the Directors in Amsterdam to the Director General and Council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors in Amsterdam to the inhabitants of Heemstede and Gravesande Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors in Amsterdam to the inhabitants of Manhattan Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Petrus Stuyvesant concerning Johan de Hulter Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the Directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant concerning the appointment of Cornelis van Thienhoven Document New York State Archives
Letter from the Directors to the Director General and Council Document 1657 - Wreck of the Prince Maurice, New York State Archives
Letter from the Directors to the Director General and Council of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Letter from the general court of Connecticut to governor Colve Document New York State Archives
Letter from the gov. and council of Massachusetts to gov. Colve Document New York State Archives
Letter from the governor and general assembly of Connecticut to the Dutch authorities at New Orange Document New York State Archives
Letter from the Governor of Canada to Director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the magistrates of Deale to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from the magistrates of Fort Orange and Renselaerswyck to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the magistrates of Fort Orange and Renselaerswyck to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the magistrates of Fort Orange and Renselaerswyck to ensign Smith Document New York State Archives
Letter from the magistrates of Gravesande to the Amsterdam Chamber of the WIC Document New York State Archives
Letter from the magistrates of Wiltwyck to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the magistrates to capt. Anthony Brockholls Document New York State Archives
Letter from the magistrates to capt. Mattias Nicolls and the rest of the council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the magistrates to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the magistrates to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the magistrates to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the magistrates to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the magistrates to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the magistrates to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the magistrates to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the magistrates to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from the magistrates to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from the magistrates to gov. Colve Document New York State Archives
Letter from the magistrates to the director Document New York State Archives
Letter from the magistrates to the director and council Document New York State Archives
Letter from the magistrates to the director [Copy of Volume 6:105b] Document New York State Archives
Letter from the orphan masters of the Hague to the director and council in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Letter from the Prince of Orange to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the recorder and constable complaining of those of Southampton Document New York State Archives
Letter from the States General to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the States General to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the States-General to the director and council of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Letter from the town clerk of Flushing to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the town of Brooklyn Document New York State Archives
Letter from the town of Flushing to the director-general Document New York State Archives
Letter from the town of Hempstead to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the town of Hempstead to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from the town of Seatalcott to the commissioners Document New York State Archives
Letter from the vice-director and magistrates to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Thomas Chambers and other officers of militia to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Thomas Chambers to the Council of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Letter from Thomas Chambers to the Director General and Council Document New York State Archives
Letter from Thomas Newman to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Thomas Spry to Sarah Shakerly Document New York State Archives
Letter from Thomas Welborne and William Anderson to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from Thomas Wheeler to the English settlers at Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Letter from Thomas Wheeler to the English settlers at Gravesend [Copy of Volume 6:90] Document New York State Archives
Letter from Thomas Wollaston to John Briggs Document New York State Archives
Letter from Thomas Wollaston to John Briggs Document New York State Archives
Letter from town of Gravesend to the council Document New York State Archives
Letter from vice-director La Montagne and Jeremiah van Renselaer to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from vice-director La Montagne and Jeremias van Renselaer to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from vice-director La Montagne and Jeremias van Renselaer to the council Document New York State Archives
Letter from vice-director La Montagne and magistrates to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from vice-director La Montagne and magistrates to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to ensign Smith Document New York State Archives
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from Volckert Jansen and others to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Wilhelmus Volckeringh, domine on Curacao, to Gerrit van Tricht, merchant on Manhattan Document New York State Archives
LETTER from Wilhelmus Volckeringh, domine on Curacao, to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Hinoyossa Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to Nicasius de Sille Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to secretary van Ruyven Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Beeckman to secretary van Ruyven Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Clark to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Clarke to Peter Groundik Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Lawrence to the director-general Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Lawrence to the director-general Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Tom and Peter Alrichs to governor Lovelace Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Tom to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Tom to gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Tom to gov. Lovelace Document New York State Archives
Letter from William Tom to secretary Nicols Document New York State Archives
Letter from Wm. Clark to gov. Andros concerning the settlement of the district Document New York State Archives
Letter fron ensign Smith to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter of administration to Hendrick Kip, jr. and Abraham van Nas for the estate of Elmerhuysen Cleyn Document New York State Archives
Letter of credence from governor Berckeley in favor of Sir Henry James Moody Document New York State Archives
Letter of director Stuyvesant to the inhabitants of Westchester Document New York State Archives
Letter of Jacob Jansen Stoll to Director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter of Jacob Jansen Stoll to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter of the convention to the director and council Document New York State Archives
Letter of the town clerk of Heemstede to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Letter regarding Native American hostilities Document New York State Archives
Letter to the Amsterdam Chamber covering the preceding resolution Document New York State Archives
Letter to the Amsterdam Chamber granting land on Manhattan Document New York State Archives
Letter to the authorities in New England to assist deputy sheriff Waldron in arresting three fugitives from service Document New York State Archives
Letter. Director General Stuyvesant to Governor Bradford, on the same subject as the preceding Document New York State Archives
Letters from Messrs. Noble and Farrington to the director and council, pleading ignorance of the law against Quakers Document New York State Archives
Letters from the Directors to the Council of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Letters from the Directors to the Council of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Letters of ordination of the rev. Henmanus Blom Document New York State Archives
Letters of ordination of the rev. Henricus Selyns Document New York State Archives
Letters patent establishing a court of justice at Bushwick Document New York State Archives
Letters patent establishing independent courts of justice at Midwout and Amersfoort, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Letters_patent_to_operate_a_ferry_across_the_Hudson_River Document New York State Archives
Libel against a parcel of beavers found secreted on one of the islands called the Two Brothers Document New York State Archives
Libel against sundry articles seized on board the ship St. Jacob Document New York State Archives
Licence to Hans Steen to keep a school Document New York State Archives
License to Jan Lubberts to keep a school in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
License to John Rissebel and associates to enter upon and possess a parcel of land called Mammarineckes Document New York State Archives
License to purchase land from the Indians to Thomas Powel, Teunis Abrahamsen, and others of Beverwyck Document New York State Archives
List of articles given in payment for Long Island Document New York State Archives
List of articles presented by capt. Knyff to the Lutheran church Document New York State Archives
List of children sent from the almshouse to New Netherland Document New York State Archives
List of confiscated lands, houses and other effects left by the gov. of New Netherland at his departure Document New York State Archives
List of creditors of the fortifications of New Orange Document New York State Archives
List of emigrants from Holland to New Netherland from 1654 to 1664, with their accounts, debit and credit Document New York State Archives
List of goods in Calebuys’ chest Document New York State Archives
List of land patents sent to capt. Cantwell at Delaware Document New York State Archives
List of letters and papers relating to the conquest of the Swedes on the Delaware river Document New York State Archives
List of letters and papers sent to New Amsterdam by the ship Moesman Document New York State Archives
List of letters and papers sent to New Netherland Document New York State Archives
List of letters and papers sent to New Netherland by the ship Bontekoe Document New York State Archives
List of letters and papers sent to New Netherland by the ship Faith Document New York State Archives
List of letters and papers sent to New Netherland in the ship Golden Arent Document New York State Archives
List of letters and papers transmitted to New Netherland by the ship Faith Document New York State Archives
List of negro slaves and owners, Flatbush, Kings County Document New York State Archives
List of negro slaves and owners, Gravesend, Kings County Document New York State Archives
List of negro slaves and owners, Jericho and Oysterbay, Queens County Document New York State Archives
List of negro slaves and owners, Newtown, Queens County Document New York State Archives
List of negro slaves and owners, West Company, Brooklyn, Kings County Document New York State Archives
List of papers and letters sent to New Netherland Document New York State Archives
List of papers and letters sent to New Netherland Document New York State Archives
List of papers relating to Staten Island delivered up by Cornelis Melyn Document New York State Archives
List of papers sent from the directors at Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
List of papers sent to New Netherland by the ship Gekruiste Hart Document New York State Archives
LIST of passengers leaving Curacao for New Netherland aboard Den Eijckenboom and Nieuw Amstel Document New York State Archives
List of patents delivered to [----------] Jacobsen, Otto Paulsen, Arent Johnson, Paulus and Amelius Verking, Maurice Daniel, Bryan O'Malle, John Moll and others Document New York State Archives
List of patents in the hands of capt. Edward Cantwell Document New York State Archives
List of patents sent to capt. Edmund Cantwell which were refused to be signed Document New York State Archives
List of peltries confiscated by the government Document New York State Archives
List of persons in the company at Delaware Document New York State Archives
List of persons living at the Whorekill Document New York State Archives
List of provisions furnished to the yacht Real Document New York State Archives
LIST of slaves who died aboard the slaver St. Jan, 30 June 1659-29 October 1659 Document New York State Archives
List of surviving settlers sent to Staten Island by Hendrick van der Capellen Toe Rijssel Document New York State Archives
List of the inhabitants who were confederates with the Long Finne Document New York State Archives
List of the names of persons in New Castle and Whorekill Document New York State Archives
LIST of the officers and crew aboard Den Eijckenboom Document New York State Archives
List of the soldiers and settlers who were killed, wounded, or taken prisoner by the Indians at Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
List of those at Bergen who subscribed for a clergyman Document New York State Archives
List of towns to which the proclamation of fasting and prayer was transmitted Document New York State Archives
List of unreported goods found in the ship Nieuw Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Mandamus of benefit of inventory granted to Cornelis van Gesel and others, heirs of Jacob Alrichs Document New York State Archives
Mandamus to Brant van Slichtenhorst to appear before the director general and council to answer such complaints as will be made against him. October 31, 1648. Original draft in the handwriting of Petrus Stuyvesant. Document New York State Archives
Mandamus to the court of New Amsterdam to release Christina Steentgens, widow of Gabriel de Haes, from all debts due by her late husband Document New York State Archives
MANIFEST of animals and provisions loaded at Curacao for New Netherland Document New York State Archives
MANIFEST of cloth loaded at Curacao for New Netherland Document New York State Archives
MANIFEST of goods loaded aboard the Nieuw Amstel bound for New Netherland Document New York State Archives
MANIFEST of goods loaded aboard the Nieuw Amstel bound for New Netherland Document New York State Archives
MANIFEST of goods loaded at Curacao for New Netherland Document New York State Archives
MANIFEST of goods sent from Curacao to New Netherland Document New York State Archives
MANIFEST of sugar loaded at St. Christopher for New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Manumission of Manuel the Spaniard by Philip Jansz Ringo Document New York State Archives
Marriage contract of Brant Peelen and Marritje Pieters, widow of Claes Pietersen Document New York State Archives
Marriage contract of Catryna Leysinck, widow of Jan Bartram, and Pieter Jurgens providing for the support of the children of Catryna Leysinck by her first husband Document New York State Archives
Marriage contract of Gerrit Jansen van Steenwyck and Pietertje Heertjes Document New York State Archives
Marriage of Pieter Linden and Marta Chombaer, widow of Jan Manje Document New York State Archives
Memorandum as to the number of families to be settled by Mr. Terrey at Matinicock Document New York State Archives
Memorandum of a sale of land for captain Nathaniel Carr Document New York State Archives
Memorandum of ammunition and seeds required for the Palatines Document New York State Archives
Memorandum of commission allowed for collecting debts in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Memorandum of commissions and papers delivered to captain Cantwell Document New York State Archives
Memorandum of debts due at Delaware by the burgomasters of Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Memorandum of Ephraim Hermans for grants to Israel Helme, Otto Swanson and Laura Cock for 200 acres of land each Document New York State Archives
Memorandum of gov. Andros's orders in answer to various petitions Document New York State Archives
Memorandum of Mr. Van Hattum's account against the W. I. Company Document New York State Archives
MEMORANDUM of necessaries for Curacao Document New York State Archives
MEMORANDUM of necessities for Curacao Document New York State Archives
MEMORANDUM of necessities for Curacao Document New York State Archives
MEMORANDUM of necessities for Curacao. Document New York State Archives
Memorandum of order by Governor Nicolls to Peter Stuyvesant and Cornelius van Ruyant Document New York State Archives
Memorandum of Peter Lucassen's account and order for payment Document New York State Archives
Memorandum of Peter Lucassen's account and order for payment [Copy of 8:278] Document New York State Archives
Memorandum of public matters at the Whorekill to be attended to Document New York State Archives
Memorandum of the names of those nominated for magistrates of Breuckelen Document New York State Archives
Memorandum that a strip of land is granted to Hans Kierstede Document New York State Archives
Memorandum that Gerard Smith, Joost and Nicolaes van Beeck were to act as agents Document New York State Archives
Memorandum that Jan Theunissen becomes a party to the contract to build a windmill on Manhattan instead of Hartogbvelt Document New York State Archives
Memorial of magistrates of New Castle to gov. Andros on municipal affairs Document New York State Archives
Memorial of the British commissioners in relation to Hudson Bay and the Iroquois Indians Document New York State Archives
Memorial of the sheriff, burgomasters, etc. of New Amsterdam asking for explanation in regard to the citizens excise Document New York State Archives
Memorial of the sheriff, burgomasters, etc. of New Amsterdam asking for explanation in regard to the citizens excise [Copy of 8:279] Document New York State Archives
Message from Anthony Jansen informing the director and council that an armed party from Gravesend had driven off and impounded 24 head of his cattle Document New York State Archives
Message from Anthony Jansen informing the director and council that an armed party from Gravesend had driven off and impounded 24 head of his cattle [Copy of Volume 8:117] Document New York State Archives
Message from director and council to the delegates, asking a categorical answer to several questions Document New York State Archives
Message from director Stuyvesant to the council Document New York State Archives
Message from director Stuyvesant to the council [Copy of Volume 6:74a] Document New York State Archives
Message from Governor Hardy regarding Native American hostilities Document New York State Archives
Message from Governor Hardy regarding Native American hostilities Document New York State Archives
Message from Governor Hardy regarding Native American hostilities Document New York State Archives
Message from Native Americans to Acting Governor James DeLancey regarding hostilities Document New York State Archives
Message from the chiefs of Achkinkeshacky and Mochgeychkonck respecting a ransom for prisoners in their hands Document New York State Archives
Message from the Indians of Agawam to the Dutch Document New York State Archives
Message of the Indians, sent by Claes Jansen Ruyter and Peter Wolphertsen Document New York State Archives
Message of the Indians, sent by Claes Jansen Ruyter and Peter Wolphertsen [Copy of Volume 6:116b] Document New York State Archives
Minute and votes of the council on the action to be taken on the letter saying that the Indians planned to attack the Dutch Document New York State Archives
Minute and votes of the council on the action to be taken on the letter saying that the Indians planned to attack the Dutch [Copy of Volume 6:92-6:93] Document New York State Archives
Minute appointing delegates to accompany commissioners to the commanders of the English forces at Nyack Document New York State Archives
Minute approving the payment of an account to Cornelis van Gezel out of the estate of Jacob Alrichs Document New York State Archives
Minute approving the suspension of Hendrick van Dyck Document New York State Archives
Minute authorizing Frans Jansen van Hoochten to arrest the heir of Wolphert Gerritsen (van Couwenhoven), deceased Document New York State Archives
Minute authorizing the burgomasters to engage Mr. Luyck at a salary on the city's account, of which the government will pay half Document New York State Archives
Minute canceling an agreement by order of gov. Nicols Document New York State Archives
Minute certifying the freight Peter Rudolphus is to pay on each hogshead of tobacco Document New York State Archives
Minute certifying the freight Peter Rudolphus is to pay on each hogshead of tobacco [Copy of Volume 8:22] Document New York State Archives
Minute confirming the farming of the revenue on slaughtered animals Document New York State Archives
Minute council approving the departure of the director-general to the South river Document New York State Archives
Minute declaring that persons complaining of trespass of cattle on their land are bound to accompany the officer and point out such cattle Document New York State Archives
Minute declining to comply with the petition of sundry merchants for leave to sail for Holland Document New York State Archives
Minute declining to comply with the petition of sundry merchants for leave to sail for Holland [Copy of Volume 6:115b] Document New York State Archives
Minute directing that a present be sent to the Esopus Indians Document New York State Archives
Minute directing the Fiscal to imprison Jacob Wolphertsen (van Couwenhoven) at the suit of Frans Jansen van Hooghten Document New York State Archives
Minute discharging John Culpeper from arrest and requiring his adversary to give security for any judgment against him in appeal Document New York State Archives
Minute for permission to the Indians of Wickquaeskeck to fish near Haerlem Document New York State Archives
Minute granting an appeal to Jeronimus Ebbingh from a judgment of the court at Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Minute granting John Richbell 50 to 60 morgens of land at Mamaroneck Document New York State Archives
Minute granting Paulus van der Beecq a vacant lot, if such there be, near the Ferry Document New York State Archives
Minute granting permission to Arent van Curler purchase the flatt behind Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Minute granting Samuel Edsall further time to settle a debt owing to the government Document New York State Archives
Minute granting the petition of Peter Tonneman Document New York State Archives
Minute granting Wessels Evertsen an appeal from a decision of the court of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Minute guaranteeing the canceling of the bonds given by Isaac Allerton Sr., Edward More, Robert Coe and John Lawrence, as sureties for Jan de Jongh (John Young) Document New York State Archives
Minute in answer to the petition of the burgomasters of New Amsterdam for lots for a school and a burial ground Document New York State Archives
Minute increasing the fees of the court messengers Document New York State Archives
Minute increasing the pay of Cornelis Andriessen Hoogland Document New York State Archives
Minute modifying part of the resolutions for the defense of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Minute of a claim presented by comptroller De Deckere against captain Beaulieu Document New York State Archives
Minute of a complaint by the magistrates of Flushing against Mark Menloff Document New York State Archives
Minute of a grant to Allard Anthony and Paulus Leenderts van der Grist of a tract of land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Minute of a message brought from the Indians at Paulus Hook that all the prisoners will be restored in two days Document New York State Archives
Minute of a message brought from the Indians at Paulus Hook, to the effect that all the prisoners will be restored in two days [Copy of Volume 6:101a] Document New York State Archives
Minute of a petition of the town of Harlem that the settlers be exempted from the payment of gl. 8 per morgen for their land Document New York State Archives
Minute of a proclamation for a day of prayer Document New York State Archives
Minute of a resolution respecting the town officers adopted in the presence of the director and council at the house of Lady Moody at Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Minute of a search for Quakers; arrest of a Quaker's cloak and of Sam Spicer at Gravesend, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Minute of a verdict for plaintiff at a court held at Whorekill in the case of Walter Dickinson vs. Bernard Hodges Document New York State Archives
Minute of a visit of the director-general to Hempstead Document New York State Archives
Minute of acceptance of an offer by the Indians of the East and of Long Island to march against those of Esopus Document New York State Archives
Minute of an application from the magistrates of Midwout for assistance to pay their minister Document New York State Archives
Minute of an order of the court held at Jamaica that Susanna Hallet's husband shall pay her certain moneys Document New York State Archives
Minute of appearance before the council of the magistrates of Breuckelen Document New York State Archives
Minute of appearance before the council of William Betts and Edward Waters Document New York State Archives
Minute of application by the burgomasters of New Amsterdam for communication of the contents of a letter from gov. Winthrop to the director-general Document New York State Archives
Minute of application for an increase of wages by Bartholameus van Schel and other masons to complete the stone wall around fort Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Minute of application of the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for the delivery of the body of Hendrick Jansen to the city sheriff Document New York State Archives
Minute of application of the burgomasters of New Amsterdam for a copy of the letter from director Stuyvesant to colonel Nicolls Document New York State Archives
Minute of approval and recording of Evert Jansen's sentence at New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Minute of arraignment of François Soleil and his consent to marry Rose Jeelé Document New York State Archives
Minute of arraignment of François Soleil and his consent to marry Rose Jeelé [Copy of Volume 8:102a] Document New York State Archives
Minute of arrangements for removal of houses near the fort Document New York State Archives
Minute of attendance in council of a delegation from the burghers of New Amsterdam demanding copy of col. Nicolls' letter or the letter itself Document New York State Archives
Minute of attendance of Oratum, chief of Hackingsacky and others to explain the circumstances of the murder of Mattys Roelofsen by a Wappinger Indian Document New York State Archives
Minute of attendance of Tapausagh, chief of the Long Island Indians, and Rompsicka on the council Document New York State Archives
Minute of attendance of the chief of the Wickquaeskeck Indians to notify the council that his people had fled to Haerlem Document New York State Archives
Minute of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam having been sworn into office Document New York State Archives
Minute of chamber at Amsterdam appointing Jacob Sam bookkeeper in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Minute of communication to Thomas Willet of complaints presented by the Mohawks against the Northern Indians, for transmission to Boston Document New York State Archives
Minute of consent of Dirck Volckertsen to pay the fine for wounding a man Document New York State Archives
Minute of considerations which dispose the director and council to consent to the armistice with the Esopus Indians Document New York State Archives
Minute of Cornelis Melyn's refusal to surrender the soil of Staten Island to the W. I. Company Document New York State Archives
Minute of council Document New York State Archives
Minute of council deliberations on the demand of surrender by the English Document New York State Archives
Minute of council in relation to John Fenwick, Mr. Tom's estate, and William Asfordsby Document New York State Archives
Minute of council refusing Salvador Dandradi the deed of the house he purchased Document New York State Archives
Minute of council refusing Salvador Dandradi the deed of the house he purchased [Copy of Volume 6:198a] Document New York State Archives
Minute of councillor De la Montagne's offer to go to Fort Orange as commissary Document New York State Archives
Minute of court of Bergen in the suit against John Berry for taking away some hogs belonging to capt. Sandford Document New York State Archives
Minute of court of Gravesend in action for slander; Sir Henry Moody against John Johnson Document New York State Archives
Minute of court of Gravesend in the case of Sir Henry Moody against John Johnson Document New York State Archives
Minute of court of Gravesend, L. I. in the case of Albert Clauson and Thorah Harmis against John Johnson Document New York State Archives
Minute of delivery of vice-director Montagne's accounts to receiver Van Ruyven for examination Document New York State Archives
Minute of director Stuyvesant's departure for the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Minute of director Stuyvesant's visit to Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Minute of director Stuyvesant's visit to the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Minute of engagement of Mr. Luyck at a salary of 1,000 guilders a year in wampum Document New York State Archives
Minute of farming of the weighhouse to Gerrit Hendricksen, with alterations in the conditions Document New York State Archives
Minute of grants of land to Ephraim Herman and Lawrence Cock Document New York State Archives
Minute of information communicated by Oratamy, chief of the Hackingsacks, that the Wappinger and Esopus Indians are on their way to conclude a peace Document New York State Archives
Minute of information furnished of an intended massacre of the whites on the North river Document New York State Archives
Minute of information furnished to director Stuyvesant by Thomas Willett Document New York State Archives
Minute of Jacques Corteljou presenting a survey of land in dispute between John Hicks and Hendrick Jansen to the council Document New York State Archives
Minute of Mr. Cortelyou declining the appointment to be sheriff Document New York State Archives
Minute of Peter Tonneman being sworn sheriff of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Minute of presentation of a petition for the pardon of Iva Dircksen Document New York State Archives
Minute of proceedings at Fort Orange with the Mohawks Document New York State Archives
Minute of proceedings in the case of Augustin Beaulieu Document New York State Archives
Minute of proceedings of the council on intelligence that the River Indians were about to descend on the Dutch settlements at Hoboken, Ahasimus and the Manhattans Document New York State Archives
Minute of proceedings of the council, burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam, on being informed of the director-general's intention to go to Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Minute of proceedings of the magistrates and military authorities of Breukelen, Midwout and Amesfoort Document New York State Archives
Minute of receipt of intelligence by Isaac Allerton's ship Document New York State Archives
Minute of receipt of intelligence by Isaac Allerton's ship [Copy of Volume 6:347b] Document New York State Archives
Minute of swearing in of the newly appointed magistrates and their oath; resolution concerning retiring magistrates and the burgher watch Document New York State Archives
Minute of the appearance before the council of a committee of inhabitants of Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Minute of the appearance before the council of a committee of inhabitants of Gravesend, requesting that the election of their magistrates be postponed until the return of the director-general [Copy of Volume 6:24] Document New York State Archives
Minute of the appearance before the council of magistrates of towns on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Minute of the appearance before the council of Stephen Necker Document New York State Archives
Minute of the appearance before the council of Stephen Necker [Copy of Volume 6:100] Document New York State Archives
Minute of the appearance before the council of the magistrates of Heemsteede and the Indian chief Meantinnemin Document New York State Archives
Minute of the appearance before the council of twelve Indians of Marsepinck Document New York State Archives
Minute of the appearance of burgomaster Van Cortland and ex-treasurer Anthony before the council Document New York State Archives
Minute of the appearance of certain Indian sachems of New Jersey before the council Document New York State Archives
Minute of the appearance of farmers on Manhattan Island excusing themselves from paying the tenths Document New York State Archives
Minute of the appearance of Hendrick van Dyck before the council Document New York State Archives
Minute of the appearance of Mr. Huyghen before the council Document New York State Archives
Minute of the appearance of Mr. Huyghen before the council and his consent to the Mercury and her passengers coming to New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 6:361b] Document New York State Archives
Minute of the appearance of Mr. Koo, Mr. Gildersleeve and Daniel Wittheat (Whitehead) on behalf of the town of Heemstede Document New York State Archives
Minute of the appearance of the captains of the ships Otter and Dove before the council Document New York State Archives
Minute of the appearance of the captains of the ships Otter and Dove before the council [Copy of Volume 8:168a] Document New York State Archives
Minute of the appearance of the principal citizens before the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Minute of the appearance of the rev. Mr. Megapolensis before the council, requesting to be provided with a proper chorister Document New York State Archives
Minute of the appearance of William Bredenbent and Anthony Jansen Vaes before the council Document New York State Archives
Minute of the appearance of William Smith of Heemsteede and Richard Smith Document New York State Archives
Minute of the application of the deaconry for an order to Abraham Rycken Document New York State Archives
Minute of the application of the deaconry for an order to Abraham Rycken to reopen a road leading to the Poor's farm and for the grant of an island opposite it [Copy of Volume 6:50] Document New York State Archives
Minute of the application of the magistrates that government resume possession of a parcel of land in Amesfoort Document New York State Archives
Minute of the arrest of the magistrates who had signed the Flushing Remonstrance Document New York State Archives
Minute of the arrest of Tobias Feake for presenting the Flushing Remonstrance Document New York State Archives
Minute of the arrival of Sir Henry Moody, ambassador from Virginia Document New York State Archives
Minute of the arrival of the ship St. Catarina at New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Minute of the attendance of Messrs. Wilkins and Bowne on the council Document New York State Archives
Minute of the attendance of Messrs. Wilkins and Bowne, of Gravesend, on the council [Copy of Volume 6:95a] Document New York State Archives
Minute of the attendance of the burgomasters of New Amsterdam on the council Document New York State Archives
Minute of the attendance of the burgomasters of New Orange on the gov. council Document New York State Archives
Minute of the attendance on the council of Jacob van Curler and Jacob Sulliakes with the magistrates of Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Minute of the attendance on the council of Jacob van Curler and Jacob Sulliakes with the magistrates of Gravesend [Copy of Volume 6:99a] Document New York State Archives
Minute of the attendance on the council of William Bount (Bowne) Document New York State Archives
Minute of the attendance on the council of William Bount (Bowne) stating his disapproval of the election of magistrates and pledging himself to abide by the patent [Copy of Volume 6:62] Document New York State Archives
Minute of the capture of sundry New England vessels Document New York State Archives
Minute of the commissioners appointed to arrange for the removal of the buildings adjoining the fort Document New York State Archives
Minute of the common council of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Minute of the conveyance of a drunken Indian to the fort on a brewer's dray and his confinement there Document New York State Archives
Minute of the court at New Castle of matters to present to governor Andros Document New York State Archives
Minute of the court at Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Minute of the court of Marbletown, referring Jan Joosten's application to the governor Document New York State Archives
Minute of the delivery by vice-director La Montagne of an account of the goods he received at Fort Orange and their distribution Document New York State Archives
Minute of the departure of Mohawk chiefs from New Orange Document New York State Archives
Minute of the director-general's visit to and return from the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Minute of the discovery of unmarked cases of gun barrels and of linen Document New York State Archives
Minute of the filing of a copy of commission of Johan de Deckere Document New York State Archives
Minute of the hearing of a claim lodged by some Indians to Secaucus Document New York State Archives
Minute of the hearing of the deputies from the towns of Amesfoort and Midwout, L. I., respecting their bounds Document New York State Archives
Minute of the interview of Goethels, chief warrior of Wappingh Document New York State Archives
Minute of the meeting of the delegates from the several Dutch towns, with their names Document New York State Archives
Minute of the ordinances on straw roofs, fire wardens, and city surveyors being delivered to the burgomasters Document New York State Archives
Minute of the price demanded by the Newesing Indians for their unsold lands, 4,000 guilders Document New York State Archives
Minute of the purchase of two tracts of land by gov. Andros Document New York State Archives
Minute of the qualifying of the magistrates of several towns Document New York State Archives
Minute of the receipt of letters from John Endicott, governor of Massachusetts, and Thomas Bredon, governor of Nova Scotia Document New York State Archives
Minute of the return and attendance of the Mohawk chiefs at the council; order to forward them home Document New York State Archives
Minute of the return of 14 captives by Pennekeck, chief of Achkinkeshacky, and of presents made him in consequence Document New York State Archives
Minute of the return of 14 captives by Pennekeck, chief of Achkinkeshacky, and of presents made him in consequence [Copy of Volume 6:108] Document New York State Archives
Minute of the return of a military force from Gravesend with James Christie Document New York State Archives
Minute of the return of the director-general and burgomasters Cregier and Stevensen (van Cortland) from the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Minute of the salary allowed to the sheriff of Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Minute of the salary allowed to the sheriff of Gravesend [Copy of Volume 6:66] Document New York State Archives
Minute of the schepens of Breuckelen, Midwout and Amesfoort asking the council that measures be adopted to pacify the Indians Document New York State Archives
Minute of the seizure of tobacco shipped by Jacob Cohen without a permit and on which the duties have not been paid Document New York State Archives
Minute of the seizure of tobacco shipped by Jacob Cohen without a permit and on which the duties have not been paid [Copy of Volume 6:194] Document New York State Archives
Minute of the submission of the Dutch towns on Long Island and of Staten Island Document New York State Archives
Minute of the submission of the proprietors of Shelter and Gardiner's Islands Document New York State Archives
Minute of the surrender of Jan van Rotterdam's farm to the company Document New York State Archives
Minute of the transmission of the letter addressed to several towns by John Young Document New York State Archives
MINUTE of the war council of Admiral de Ruyter's squadron concerning the terms granted English merchant ships captured at Goree on the coast of Africa Document New York State Archives
Minute of Walewyn van der Veen having been sworn as notary Document New York State Archives
Minute ordering the survey of land called the Calckhook on Manhattan Island, in dispute between Abraham Verplanck, Jan Vinge and Jacob Kip Document New York State Archives
Minute permitting Abraham Jansen to erect a water mill in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Minute permitting John Sticklin to come and examine Achter Cul Document New York State Archives
Minute permitting Peter Jansen Trimbol to form a hamlet of a few families on the south side of the Norman's kill, near Bushwick, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Minute referring John Culpeper to the court of New Amsterdam in a matter of difference with John Atkins Document New York State Archives
Minute referring to the burgomasters a petition of Abraham Verplanck for leave to exchange a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Minute referring to the burgomasters a petition of Anna Bogardus for leave to exchange her lot for another one Document New York State Archives
Minute refusing Peter Terragon, Jacob Begyn and others permission to reside at New Arnhem Document New York State Archives
Minute refusing to appoint Jan Lubbertsen a clerk in the public office Document New York State Archives
Minute refusing to appoint Solomon Lachaire notary public Document New York State Archives
Minute rejecting an application of John Culpeper for an appeal from a judgment against him by Hatton Atkins Document New York State Archives
Minute rejecting the prayer of a petition of Juriaen Teunissen to keep a tavern at the north side of the mouth of the Esopus kill Document New York State Archives
Minute requiring further explanation of John Richbell's petition Document New York State Archives
Minute respecting the payment of a debt due the W. I. Company by Peter Montfoort, deceased Document New York State Archives
Minute stating what amount should be debited to the director-general for horses sent by him to Virginia in 1655 Document New York State Archives
Minute taxing the costs in the case of Frans Jansen van Hochten against the heirs of Wolphert Gerritsen van Couwenhoven Document New York State Archives
Minute that 1,500 guilders was borrowed from Thomas Willet by the director-general for the public service Document New York State Archives
Minute that 1,500 guilders was borrowed from Thomas Willet by the director-general for the public service [Copy of Volume 6:87b] Document New York State Archives
Minute that a previous order does not include the allowances for board to the director-general and minister Document New York State Archives
Minute that Anthony Jansen from Salee had inquired whether he was indebted to the company for his land near Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Minute that burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam state want of jurisdiction in the case of Hendrick Jansen Claerbout Document New York State Archives
Minute that director Stuyvesant submitted a report of his transactions in Curaçao and the Caribbee islands; date of his departure and return from the West Indies Document New York State Archives
Minute that director Stuyvesant submitted a report of his transactions in Curaçao and the Caribbee islands; minute of the date of director Stuyvesant's departure and return [Copy of Volume 6:61b] Document New York State Archives
Minute that Henry Townsend has entertained Quakers at Jamaica, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Minute that instructions for the schout and magistrates have been sent to Long Island, the South river, Esopus, and New Jersey Document New York State Archives
Minute that Joannes Nevius, Dirck van Schelluyne, Mattheus de Vos and Pelgrom Clock had taken the oath prescribed by the ordinance regulating fees Document New York State Archives
Minute that Jochem Pietersen Kuyper, Paulus Leendertsen (van der Grist) and Peter Conelisen have qualified to be members of the board of Nine men Document New York State Archives
Minute that Samuel Edsal had sent four men to his farm at Bergen Document New York State Archives
Minute that the burgomasters demanded communication of the answer to the letter to the commanders of the English fleet Document New York State Archives
Minute that the council concur with the director in the suit between Jacob Jansen Huys and Allard Anthony Document New York State Archives
Minute that the sheriff of Gravesend has taken the oath of office Document New York State Archives
Minute that Thomas Willett became security for Mr. Cowen in his suit with Mr. Nouwel Document New York State Archives
Minute to increase of pay to Dirck Looten, commissary Document New York State Archives
Minutes of a council held at New York Document New York State Archives
Minutes of a council held at New York incorporating New Castle, Delaware Document New York State Archives
Minutes of council relative to capt. Burt's vessel Document New York State Archives
Minutes of council respecting the lately made survey of the city of New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 6:300b] Document New York State Archives
Minutes of council respecting the recent survey of the city of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Minutes of court at Willemstadt (Albany), in a suit brought by Hendrick Roosenboom, city grave digger Document New York State Archives
Minutes of the administration of Jean Paul Jacquet, vice-director of the South river Document New York State Archives
Minutes of the council in New York Document New York State Archives
Mortgage by Herry Breser of his house, lot and garden to Thomas Spicer Document New York State Archives
Mortgage by James Hubbard of his house and farm at Gravesend as security for his remaining in detention until released or punished Document New York State Archives
Mortgage by Oloff Stevensen van Cortlandt of the house and lot of Roelof Jansen de Haes to Jan Jansen from Gottenborgh Document New York State Archives
Mortgage by Roelof de Haes to Hendrick van Dyck of his house and lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Mortgage by Samuel Edsall to Jacob Kipp and Peter Stoutenburgh of Constable's hook (N. J.) Document New York State Archives
Mortgage from Pieter Jansen to Jan Schepmoes of his house on Manhattan island Document New York State Archives
Mortgage of a house and lot purchased by Sara Hart from Gillis Pietersen Document New York State Archives
Mortgage of Abraham Planck to Jan Damen and Cornelis van Tienhoven of Paulus Hook as collateral security for the payment of the debt mentioned in the preceding bond Document New York State Archives
Mortgage of Claes van Elslant's house near Fort Amsterdam to David Provoost to satisfy a judgment Document New York State Archives
Mortgage of Cornelis van Gezel to Timotheus Gabry Document New York State Archives
Mortgage of Jacob Roy's house to Gillis Pietersen as security for a loan from Isbrant Dircksen Goethardt for which Gillis Pietersen remained surety Document New York State Archives
Mortgage of Jacques Corteljou to Cornelis van Ruyven of his bouwery at New Utrecht Document New York State Archives
Mortgage of John Catlin, attorney for Edward Ball, John Baltwin and Nathaniel Wheeler, of a portion of their land at Achter Col to Gabriel Minviele Document New York State Archives
Mortgage of John Catlin, attorney for Edward Ball, John Baltwin and Nathaniel Wheeler, to Pieter Jacobse Marius, of a portion of their land at Achter Col Document New York State Archives
Mortgage of John Man to John Shakerly of his plantation, house, and barn at Jamaica, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Mortgage of sundry pieces of cannon for the re-payment of money borrowed by the government Document New York State Archives
Mortgage. Jannitje Broen, to Isaac Allerton, of a house on the island of Manhattan, near fort Amsterdam. Document New York State Archives
Motion of councillor de Decker that the burgomasters of New Amsterdam show cause why they assume the right to issue attachments Document New York State Archives
Motion of Mr. La Montagne that the director-general cannot issue any instruction without the knowledge of the council Document New York State Archives
Motion of the fiscal for a writ of execution against Ferara with costs Document New York State Archives
Motion of the fiscal for a writ of execution against Ferara with costs [Copy of Volume 8:91a] Document New York State Archives
Motion of the fiscal for the confiscation of gunpowder and other articles brought by lieut. Alexander d'Hinoyossa Document New York State Archives
Motion of the fiscal that Cornelis Willemsen be examined Document New York State Archives
Motion of the fiscal that Frans Jansen from Amsterdam be subjected to torture Document New York State Archives
Motion on behalf of Laurens Andriessen vs. Cornelis van Gesel for an attachment against the property of late Mr. Alrichs Document New York State Archives
Motion to postpone the case of Van Curler vs. Spicer; granted Document New York State Archives
Muster roll of capt. Steenwyck's company Document New York State Archives
Muster roll of the burgher corps of the city of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Muster roll of the company at the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Muster roll of the garrison at the Esopus, now called Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Muster Roll of the Independent Company of the Manor of Livingston in 1715 Document New York State Archives
Mutual release by Isbrant Dircksen Goethart and Cornelis Cornelissen Backer of all claims in regard to goods imported by them Document New York State Archives
Names of Indian traders to whom the ordinance for the better regulating of the trade with Indians was communicated Document New York State Archives
Names of persons at Salem, or Swamptown, where major Fenwick settled Document New York State Archives
Names of persons having demands against the Long Fin Document New York State Archives
Names of persons residing between the Fresh water and Harlem and of negroes Document New York State Archives
Names of persons who have subscribed to the support of the rev. Hermanus Blom Document New York State Archives
Names of persons who have taken the oath at Elizabethtown, Shrewsbury, Middletown, Piscattaway, Newworke, Woodbridge and Fordham Document New York State Archives
Names of persons who took the oath of allegiance at Harlem Document New York State Archives
Names of persons whose houses have been removed for the purpose of strengthening Fort Willem Hendrick, with estimates of damages Document New York State Archives
Names of prisoners shipped at New Castle Document New York State Archives
Names of slave owners recorded by Captain Petrus Bogardus, 1756 Document New York State Archives
Names of slaves and owners in Kingston, NY, 1735 Document New York State Archives
Names of the inhabitants of Breuckelen, The Ferry, Walebocht and Gouwanes, and the amounts they are respectively assessed Document New York State Archives
Names of the magistrates of New Castle, Upland, Whorekill and West New Jersey Document New York State Archives
Names of the magistrates of New Castle, Upland, Whorekill and West New Jersey Document New York State Archives
Names of the male inhabitants of West and Eastchester Document New York State Archives
Names of the militia officers of New Orange and their oath Document New York State Archives
Names of the militia officers of said towns Document New York State Archives
Names of the persons at the Whorekill eligible for magistrates, with list of those appointed Document New York State Archives
Names of the present burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Names of the purchasers of slaves Document New York State Archives
Names of those who attended the preaching of George Wilson, the Quaker Document New York State Archives
Names of those who were fined on account of the rebellion of the Long Finne and amount of the fines Document New York State Archives
Names of witnesses in the suit of Henry Smith against Cornelius Verhoof: Peter Bawcomb, Alice Raymon, John Lemon, William True Document New York State Archives
New Amsterdam, November 15, 1647. Letter. Director Stuyvesant to Governor Winthrop; complaints against New Haven Document New York State Archives
Nomination and appointment of magistrates for Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Nomination and appointment of magistrates for Fort Orange for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Nomination and appointment of magistrates for Gravesend, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Nomination and appointment of magistrates for Middelborch Document New York State Archives
Nomination and appointment of magistrates for Midwout and Amesfoort Document New York State Archives
Nomination and appointment of magistrates for Midwout and Amesfoort [Copy of Volume 6:340b] Document New York State Archives
Nomination and appointment of magistrates for Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Nomination and appointment of magistrates of Heemsted Document New York State Archives
Nomination and appointment of sheriff and magistrates of Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Nomination and appointment of sheriff and magistrates of Gravesend [Copy of Volume 6:339a] Document New York State Archives
Nomination for orphan master, New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Nomination list for magistrates in Middelburgh Document New York State Archives
Nomination of burgomaster and schepen for New Amsterdam in place of Messrs. Cregier & Couwenhoven Document New York State Archives
Nomination of burgomaster and schepens for the city of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Nomination of burgomasters and schepens Document New York State Archives
Nomination of burgomasters and schepens for New Orange for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Nomination of burgomasters and schepens for the city of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Nomination of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Nomination of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Nomination of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Nomination of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Nomination of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Nomination of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for the ensuing year [Copy of Volume 6:265] Document New York State Archives
Nomination of magistrates for Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Nomination of magistrates for Fort Orange for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Nomination of magistrates for Fort Orange for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Nomination of magistrates for Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Nomination of magistrates for Hurley and Marbletown Document New York State Archives
Nomination of magistrates for Rustdorp (Jamaica), L. I. Document New York State Archives
Nomination of magistrates for Swaenenburgh Document New York State Archives
Nomination of magistrates for the Delaware river Document New York State Archives
Nomination of magistrates for the town of Bergen and dependencies Document New York State Archives
Nomination of magistrates for the town of Hempstead Document New York State Archives
Nomination of magistrates for the town of Hempstead for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Nomination of magistrates for the town of Hempstead for the ensuing year Document New York State Archives
Nomination of measurers of grain and lime Document New York State Archives
Nomination of military officers for Midwout Document New York State Archives
Nomination of orphan master in the place of Johannis van Brugh Document New York State Archives
Nomination of persons recommended by the burgomasters and schepens to be public laborers Document New York State Archives
Nominations for churchwarden, orphan master, and firewarden of the city of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Nominations for the vacant offices of orphan master, city surveyor and fire warden in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Notarial copy of a resolution of the states of Holland and Westfriesland that appeals should not be allowed from judgments pronounced in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Notarial declaration of Caspar Luter and Hendrick Dyck respecting the killing of Harmen Hendricks by sheriff Van Sweringen Document New York State Archives
Notarized copy of the bill of lading of De Nieu Nederlantse Fortuyn Document New York State Archives
Note from Bartel Lourissen to Hendrick Jansen Document New York State Archives
Note from Pietertje Jans, wife of Claes Jansen Ruyter, in favor of Isbrant Dircksen Goethart for merchandise Document New York State Archives
Note of Abraham Planck in favor of [Adriaen van Tienhoven] Document New York State Archives
Note of Adriaen van Tienhoven for the payment of 108 guilders Document New York State Archives
Note of Anthony de Hooges in favor of the wife of Maryn Adriaensen Document New York State Archives
Note of Anthony de Hooges in favor the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Note of Bout Fransen in favor of Gysbert Bycken for goods received Document New York State Archives
Note of Captain Jacob Loper in favor of Willem de Key Document New York State Archives
Note of Carel van Brugge, commissary at Curaçao, in favor of Willem de Key Document New York State Archives
Note of David Davidsen to Jan Snediker Document New York State Archives
Note of Elbert Elbertsen in favor of Jan Jansen Damen Document New York State Archives
Note of Evert Pels in favor of Jan Jansen Damen Document New York State Archives
Note of Frederick Lubbertsen to Hendrick Arentsen for sugar Document New York State Archives
Note of Frederick Lubbertsen to Jan Jansen of St. Obyn for sugar Document New York State Archives
Note of Hendrick Huygen, commissary of the crown of Sweden, in favor of Willem Turck Document New York State Archives
Note of Isaac Allerton in favor of the owners of the ship La Garce Document New York State Archives
Note of Jan Haes in favor of Steven Jongh Document New York State Archives
Note of Jan Jansen from Rotterdam to Hendrick Jansen, smith, for board, with power of attorney to collect the amount at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Note of Job Aertsen in favor of Jan Claessen Damen Document New York State Archives
Note of Johannes Winckelman in favor of Dirck Cornelissen for wages earned in Achter Col Document New York State Archives
Note of Johannes Winckelman to Philip Gerritsen, innkeeper of the city tavern, for board, etc. Document New York State Archives
Note of Lucas Rodenborch, director of Curaçao, in favor of Willem de Key Document New York State Archives
Note of Maurits Jansen van Broeckhuysen in favor of Jan Jansen Damen Document New York State Archives
Note of Paulus van der Beeke authorizing Jeronimus La Croix, Jr., to apply the money to be collected by him from the West India Company to the benefit of Willam de Key Document New York State Archives
Note of Pieter Ebel in favor to Gillis Pietersen for the balance of the purchase price of a house Document New York State Archives
Note of Pieter Eversen in favor of Willem de Key Document New York State Archives
Note of Pieter Hendricksen in favor of Willem de Key Document New York State Archives
Note of Reinier Dominicus to Director Stuyvesant for money paid to Hendrick Jansen Document New York State Archives
Note of the director and council of Curaçao in favor of Willem de Key Document New York State Archives
Note of the director and council of Curaçao in favor of Willem de Key Document New York State Archives
Note of Thomas Baxter in favor of Richard Brudnell Document New York State Archives
Note of Thomas Hall to John Willcox for the transfer of his servant man, Joris Pentoor Document New York State Archives
Note of Tonis Nyssen to Cornelis Dircksen Hoochlant Document New York State Archives
Note of Willem Jonassen in favor of Willem de Key Document New York State Archives
Note of Willem Pietersen in favor of Pieter and Hendrick Jansen Cool for money loaned to him Document New York State Archives
Note of Willem Turck for wheat received from Jan Damen for the use of the ship Swarte Raven Document New York State Archives
Note of William Kieft in favor of Mr. La Montagne for 200 guilder for a mare Document New York State Archives
Note of William Welles and others in favor of Director Kieft Document New York State Archives
Note to Govert Loockermans for 300 guilders for the freedom of Christina Document New York State Archives
Note to Thomas Willet for 1,500 guilders wampum, payable in merchandise or beaver Document New York State Archives
Note to Thomas Willet for 1,500 guilders wampum, payable in merchandise or beaver [Copy of Volume 6:87a] Document New York State Archives
Notes of Borger Staman and George Johnes in favor of Willem de Key Document New York State Archives
Notes of William Hays and Albrecht Hendricksen in favor of Willem de Key Document New York State Archives
Notice from the court of Renselaerswyck to Jan Tomassen and Volckert Jansen that their purchase is null and void Document New York State Archives
Notice not to remove the crops from the field until last year's tenths have been paid Document New York State Archives
Notice of appeal from a judgment of the court of Flushing, in a case of Pidgeon vs. Taelman Document New York State Archives
Notice of appeal from a judgment of the court of Flushing, in a case of Pidgeon vs. Taelman [Copy of Volume 6:213b] Document New York State Archives
Notice of appeal from the judgment of the director and council against the master of the ship St. Pieter Document New York State Archives
Notice of appeal of Peter Dircksen Waterhond from a judgment obtained in the city court of New Amsterdam by David Ferara Document New York State Archives
Notice offering a reward for the recovery of the company's ship Document New York State Archives
Notice posted by Johannis van Beecq throughout the city of New Amsterdam about his grievances Document New York State Archives
Notice posted in the village of Flushing to all parties concerned to appear and establish their right to confiscated furs Document New York State Archives
Notice prohibiting Mr. More to trade at Delaware Document New York State Archives
Notice that duties on peltries, etc., exported to places other than Holland shall be paid to Warnaer Wessels Document New York State Archives
Notice that Paulus van der Beecq has farmed the tavernkeepers' excise on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Notice that the duties on goods exported to the North and Virginia will be sold to the highest bidder Document New York State Archives
Notice that the Esopus Indians are on a war expedition and warning all persons to be on their guard Document New York State Archives
Notice that Tobias Feake entered an appeal for Peter Taelman, from a judgment of the court at Flushing in favor of Thomas Laurence Document New York State Archives
Notice that Warnaer Wessels and Paulus van der Beecq are authorized to collect the tenths of all produce of farms in Breuckelen, Gouwanes and the Waaleboeht Document New York State Archives
Notice to all interested parties to hand their claims against the government to the company's bookkeeper Document New York State Archives
Notice to all interested parties to hand their claims against the government to the company's bookkeeper [Copy of Volume 6:333a] Document New York State Archives
Notice to all persons having public property in their possession Document New York State Archives
Notice to all persons intending to ship goods or sail as passengers on the King Solomon Document New York State Archives
Notice to all persons to settle their accounts with the company within 15 days, and not to pay or give credit to any one on the company's account Document New York State Archives
Notice to all persons to settle their accounts with the company within 15 days, and not to pay or give credit to any one on the company's account [Copy of Volume 8:12b] Document New York State Archives
Notice to burghers of New Amsterdam to lodge as many married soldiers as they conveniently can at a certain rate Document New York State Archives
Notice to farmers at Brooklyn to pay their arrears of tenths on pain of execution Document New York State Archives
Notice to farmers living isolated to pull down their houses and settle into villages Document New York State Archives
Notice to Lady Moody and the inhabitants of Gravesend to send in a nomination for magistrates Document New York State Archives
Notice to Lady Moody and the inhabitants of Gravesend to send in a nomination for magistrates [Copy of Volume 6:58] Document New York State Archives
Notice to magistrates of English towns in New Netherland to assist Resolved Waldron in arresting all persons who attend unlawful meetings Document New York State Archives
Notice to merchants that the ship King Solomon will be detained until March for freight Document New York State Archives
Notice to Paulus van der Beecq, ferrymaster, that complaints have been made against him for neglect of his duty Document New York State Archives
Notice to Peter le Febre not to enter into possession of Isaac Allerton's house Document New York State Archives
Notice to preferred creditors of Anthony Claessen Moore to bring forward their claims Document New York State Archives
Notice to proprietors of lots in Wiltwyck to have them surveyed before taking out patents Document New York State Archives
Notice to public officers not to trouble the receiver-general for money unless they have just claims Document New York State Archives
Notice to return all wheelbarrows belonging to the company Document New York State Archives
Notice to shippers of furs to send in a return of what they have shipped in the vessels about to sail Document New York State Archives
Notice to shippers to send their furs within 24 hours aboard the vessels about to sail Document New York State Archives
Notice to the inhabitants of Harlem, Bergen, Breuekelen and the Dutch villages on Long Island to have their lands surveyed and to take out patents Document New York State Archives
Notice to the largest public creditors Document New York State Archives
Notice to the sheriff of Gravesend that the director and council intend to visit that town on the 23d instant Document New York State Archives
Notice to the Swedes on the Delaware to take an oath of allegiance Document New York State Archives
Notification from the director-general to the colonie of Renselaerswyck that the company in Amsterdam claim the appointment of a sheriff there Document New York State Archives
Oath of allegiance and order to administer the oath to the inhabitants of Long Island Document New York State Archives
Oath of allegiance subscribed at Oysterbay, with names of the signers Document New York State Archives
Oath of Martin Cregier, captain; Peter Wolfertsen (van Couwenhoven), lieutenant, and Nicolas Stillwell, ensign, in the Esopus expedition Document New York State Archives
Oath of office of Allard Anthony as notary public and attorney Document New York State Archives
Oath of office of councillor Tonneman Document New York State Archives
Oath of office of Dirck van Schelluyne as marshal Document New York State Archives
Oath of office of Jacques Corteljou Document New York State Archives
Oath of office of magistrates Document New York State Archives
Oath of office of Nicolas Verleth, collector Document New York State Archives
Oath of office of the municipal authorities Document New York State Archives
Oath of office of vice-director Beeckman Document New York State Archives
Oath of office of Warnaer Wessels as inspector and searcher of customs Document New York State Archives
Oath of office of William LaMontagne; order of Peter Bilyou to report the arrival of vessels inside of Sandy hook Document New York State Archives
Oath of office taken by councillor Steenwyck Document New York State Archives
Oath of office taken by Gerrit Cock Document New York State Archives
Oath of office taken by Nicholas Verleth Document New York State Archives
Oath of office taken by Peter Alrigs Document New York State Archives
Oath of office taken by Roelof Swartwout Document New York State Archives
Oath of office taken by Walton Wharton Document New York State Archives
Oath taken by Israel Bensen Valck as provost marshal Document New York State Archives
Oath taken by Israel Bensen Valck as provost marshal [Copy of Volume 6:179b] Document New York State Archives
Oath taken by the Swedes on the South river Document New York State Archives
Oath taken by vice-director Jacquet Document New York State Archives
Oath taken by vice-director Jacquet [Copy of Volume 6:190] Document New York State Archives
Oath to be administered to the magistrates and militia officers at Esopus Document New York State Archives
Oath to be taken by persons affected by the ordinance establishing and regulating fees Document New York State Archives
Oath to be taken by the magistrates of Bergen (N.J.) Document New York State Archives
Oath written and signed by the inhabitants of Oostdorp Document New York State Archives
Objections of the inhabitants of Gommoenepan against a decision of arbitrators Document New York State Archives
Observations on the state of Ulster and Orange counties regarding Native American hostilities Document New York State Archives
Offer of director Stuyvesant to pay 250 guilders annually to the rev. Mr. Selyns Document New York State Archives
Offer of Johannes de Haes and Ephraim Herman to be security for capt. Cantwell as administrator of the estate of Mr. Tom Document New York State Archives
Opinion of councillor De Sille on the petition of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Opinion of councillors De Sille and Tonneman on proposal of the director-general on enclosing the city and fort Document New York State Archives
Opinion of surgeons of New Amsterdam on a post mortem examination of the body of Bruyn Barentsen Document New York State Archives
Opinion of the director-general on the petition to establish burgher right Document New York State Archives
Opinion of the director-general on the propositions submitted to the council Document New York State Archives
Opinion of the director-general on the propositions submitted to the council [Copy of Volume 6:151] Document New York State Archives
Opinions of director and council on receipt of intelligence from the South river Document New York State Archives
Opinions of director and council on receipt of intelligence from the South river [Copy of Volume 8:1] Document New York State Archives
Opinions of merchants of New Amsterdam on the ordinace to prevent fraud in the inspection of tobacco Document New York State Archives
Opinions of the members of the council on the appeal of Anthony Claessen Moore vs. Paulus Leendertsen van der Grist Document New York State Archives
Opinions of the several members of the council on Thomas Willett's petition Document New York State Archives
Orde authorizing the inhabitants of Mespacht to notify Joseph Fowler to leave Document New York State Archives
Order admitting Mr. Willett to trade Document New York State Archives
Order admitting ommitted goods to entry in the manifest of the ship The Faith Document New York State Archives
Order against Richard Bulck's grain at the suit of Peter Jansen Winckel Document New York State Archives
Order allowing chorister of the church at Beverwyck 100 thalers a year Document New York State Archives
Order allowing councillor Tonneman 200 guilders a year Document New York State Archives
Order allowing Elizabethtown, Newark, Woodbridge and Piscattaway, New Jersey to send delegates to surrender to the Dutch Document New York State Archives
Order allowing firewood to the members and secretary of the council Document New York State Archives
Order allowing Harry Brasier to trade and sell his property in New Amsterdam, but not to settle there Document New York State Archives
Order allowing Harry Brasier to trade and sell his property in New Amsterdam, but not to settle there [Copy of Volume 6:37b] Document New York State Archives
Order allowing Hellegond Joris, midwife, a salary of 100 guilders a year for attending the poor Document New York State Archives
Order allowing Lewis Morris to have the guardianship of his deceased brother's orphan child Document New York State Archives
Order allowing Marcus Jansen van der Bos pay whilst he acted as drummer at the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Order allowing Mathys Capito house rent Document New York State Archives
Order allowing Messrs. Noble and Farrington their liberty on their personal security Document New York State Archives
Order allowing Nicholas Verlett compensation for supplies used on board the revenue cutter Document New York State Archives
Order allowing Paulus Heymans and Serjeant Luby a certain sum for rent Document New York State Archives
Order allowing Paulus Leendertsen van der Grist time to advise Charles Gabry of certain law proceedings Document New York State Archives
Order allowing rev. Mr. Megapolensis 300 guilders a year Document New York State Archives
Order allowing the village of Gravesend two cannon and ammunition for its defense Document New York State Archives
Order allowing the village of Gravesend two cannon and ammunition for its defense [Copy of Volume 6:357a] Document New York State Archives
Order allowing Thomas Hall and Carel van Brugge to act as counsel for John Cray (Gray) Document New York State Archives
Order appointing commissioners to settle accounts between John Gray and his creditors Document New York State Archives
Order appointing commissioners to settle accounts between John Gray and his creditors [Copy of Volume 6:357b] Document New York State Archives
Order appointing curators to the estate of Claes Theunissen Document New York State Archives
Order appointing guardians and trustees of the motherless children of Jacob van Couwenhoven Document New York State Archives
Order appointing the Nine men to examine the debtors of Peter Anthony's estate Document New York State Archives
Order appointing Thursday in each week a market day in Breuckelen Document New York State Archives
Order approving a plot of the village of Midwout (Flatbush), but reserving 5 or 6 lots for public buildings Document New York State Archives
Order approving a plot of the village of Midwout (Flatbush), but reserving 5 or 6 lots for public buildings [Copy of Volume 6:107a] Document New York State Archives
Order approving an ordinance of the town of Middletown against people leaving without notice Document New York State Archives
Order approving and authorizing the collection of an assessment for the payment of the minister in Amersfoort Document New York State Archives
Order approving regulations of block houses at Bergen Document New York State Archives
Order authorizing a lottery for the disposal of a quantity of bibles, testaments and other books Document New York State Archives
Order authorizing a meeting to be held at Midwout Document New York State Archives
Order authorizing a resurvey of some valleys on Mepachtes Kil, near Middelburgh, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Order authorizing burgomasters of New Amsterdam to adopt measures to prevent monopolies of Indian corn, fish and venison Document New York State Archives
Order authorizing Jan Teunissen to save the Swedish yacht Union on shore outside Sandy Hook Document New York State Archives
Order authorizing Jan Teunissen to save the Swedish yacht Union on shore outside Sandy Hook [Copy of Volume 6:246b] Document New York State Archives
Order authorizing Nicholas Bayard, vendue master, to sue for his fees Document New York State Archives
Order authorizing the burgomasters of New Amsterdam to collect moneys subscribed for the public works Document New York State Archives
Order authorizing the burgomasters of New Amsterdam to collect moneys subscribed for the public works [Copy of Volume 6:104a] Document New York State Archives
Order authorizing the court at Fort Orange to proceed with the trial of Frans Gabrielsen Document New York State Archives
Order banishing John Tilton and John Townsend, Quakers, from the province Document New York State Archives
Order banishing Stephen Champion from the province Document New York State Archives
Order banishing sundry lewd women from the province Document New York State Archives
ORDER by the directors in Amsterdam prohibiting the sale of dyewood at Curacao for thirty months Document New York State Archives
Order commuting the price of the lands into the payment of tenths Document New York State Archives
Order concerning fees of secretaries and notaries Document New York State Archives
Order condemning Harmen Martensen to pay a quarter's rent of a house he had hired and left Document New York State Archives
Order condemning two servants to imprisonment for plucking the goose and for threatening the director-general Document New York State Archives
Order confining commissary Van Brugge and his clerk to their office until they balance the books of accounts Document New York State Archives
Order confirming a judgment of the court of Gravesend in the case of Cornelia Johnson vs. Hubert Johnson Document New York State Archives
Order confirming an attachment issued by the court of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order confirming an attachment levied by Fredrick Philipse on money due Cornelis Barentse Slecht Document New York State Archives
Order confirming to the consistory of the Dutch Reformed religion the church standing in Fort William Hendrick, New Orange Document New York State Archives
Order confiscating a quantity of furs found on board the Draadvat said to belong to Dirck Jansen Croon Document New York State Archives
Order confiscating a quantity of smuggled beaver found on board the ship Draadvat Document New York State Archives
Order confiscating all property in New Netherland belonging to inhabitants of New England, Virginia, and Maryland Document New York State Archives
Order confiscating captured New England vessels Document New York State Archives
Order confiscating certain wines and brandies belonging to Lourens Heyn Document New York State Archives
Order confiscating certain wines and brandies belonging to Lourens Heyn [Copy of Volume 6:34b] Document New York State Archives
Order confiscating flints found in Gysbert Jansen's possession Document New York State Archives
Order confiscating four pieces of linen Document New York State Archives
Order confiscating the four New England ships brought in by capt. Ewoutsen Document New York State Archives
Order continuing Jacob Kip in his office until he has finished transcribing records Document New York State Archives
Order continuing the case of the fiscal vs. Doxy Document New York State Archives
Order continuing to the colonie of Renselaerwyck privileges for one year Document New York State Archives
Order declaring West India sugar free of import duty Document New York State Archives
Order defining the jurisdiction of the magistrates of Huntington and Seatalcot Document New York State Archives
Order denying a motion of the fiscal for the confiscation of a parcel of beaver belonging to Gelyn Verplanck Document New York State Archives
Order denying motion of the fiscal to confiscate articles from lieut. Alexander d'Hinoyossa Document New York State Archives
Order denying the request of Jan la Montagne for certain allowances Document New York State Archives
Order determining the rank and privilege of the sheriff of New Amsterdam in the common council Document New York State Archives
Order directing inhabitants of Fort Orange to assist in building a redoubt and block house in Renselaerswyck Document New York State Archives
Order dismissing appeal lodged by Adriaen Blommert Document New York State Archives
Order dismissing appeal lodged by Adriaen Blommert [Copy of Volume 6:193a] Document New York State Archives
Order dismissing Cornelis and Adriaen van Tienhoven from their several offices Document New York State Archives
Order dismissing Cornelis and Adriaen van Tienhoven from their several offices [Copy of Volume 8:21] Document New York State Archives
Order empowering burgomasters of the city of New Amsterdam to make regulations for the assize of bread Document New York State Archives
Order empowering burgomasters to agree with the captains of ships either to bring stone or pay wharfage to New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order empowering Jan Jansen Bestevaer to sell certain goods left in his hands as security by Edmund Scharburgh Document New York State Archives
Order empowering owners to remove tobacco from the ship King Solomon if they please Document New York State Archives
Order empowering Richard Gibbons, sheriff of Gravesend, to prosecute certain cases before the court there Document New York State Archives
Order empowering the fiscal to receive certain moneys from Laurens Cornelissen Document New York State Archives
Order establishing a tariff of fees to be received by David Provoost Document New York State Archives
Order establishing a tariff of fees to be received by David Provoost [Copy of Volume 6:38a] Document New York State Archives
Order extending the time for covering William Pietersen de Groot's house in New Amsterdam with tiles Document New York State Archives
Order fining Hendrick Assueros for having sold liquor to sundry persons and permitted them to play at ninepins during divine service Document New York State Archives
Order fixing Nicholas Bayard's salary Document New York State Archives
Order fixing salary of Martin Cregier, jr. Document New York State Archives
Order fixing the pay of two sailors for a voyage to Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Order fixing the salary of Martin Cregier, jr. Document New York State Archives
Order for a contribution in cloth from each of the merchants for the ransom of the poor prisoners in the hands of the Indians Document New York State Archives
Order for a contribution in cloth from each of the merchants for the ransom of the poor prisoners in the hands of the Indians [Copy of Volume 6:361a] Document New York State Archives
Order for a forced loan to defray the expenses incurred for the repair of the fort at New Orange Document New York State Archives
Order for a stay of execution issued by the city court against Walewyn van der Veen at the suit of Michael Tadens Document New York State Archives
Order for a summons and proceedings against Nicholas Booth at the suit of Matheus de Vos and wife Document New York State Archives
Order for a writ of appeal from a judgment of the city court in favor of Peter van der Linde against Claes Teunissen Document New York State Archives
Order for a writ of appeal in Anthony Moore vs. Mattheus de Vos Document New York State Archives
Order for a writ of appeal in favor of Peter Tonneman from a judgment of the court of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order for a writ of appeal in favor of Samuel Mahu vs. Nicholas Booth from a judgment of the city court Document New York State Archives
Order for a writ of appeal in favor of Walewyn van der Veen vs. Peter Wolpherts van Couwenhoven Document New York State Archives
Order for a writ of appeal in Jacob Vis vs. Frederick Lubberts Document New York State Archives
Order for a writ of appeal in William Doeckles vs. Jan Hendricksen (van Gunst) Document New York State Archives
Order for administering the oath of allegiance to the inhabitants of the towns in Achter Col (New Jersey) Document New York State Archives
Order for an aid to the church at Midwout Document New York State Archives
Order for an appeal from a judgment of the court of Flushing pronounced against Tobias Feake in favor of William Hallett Document New York State Archives
Order for an appeal from a judgment of the court of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order for an appeal from a judgment of the court of Wiltwyck obtained against Jeronimus Ebbingh by Cornelis Slecht Document New York State Archives
Order for an appeal of the suit of Gulyan Verplanck against Govert Loockermans Document New York State Archives
Order for an execution against the goods of Wolphert Gerritsen van Couwenhoven at the suit of Frans Jansen van Hoochten Document New York State Archives
Order for arrest of the judgment pronounced against John Lawrence Document New York State Archives
Order for confinement of Carel van Brugge to his house until he complete his accounts Document New York State Archives
Order for confiscation and sale of certain skins and peltries on the ground of smuggling Document New York State Archives
Order for delinquents at Hempstead to take the oath of allegiance Document New York State Archives
Order for keeping account of the quantity of flour delivered to the public baker and of the return of bread Document New York State Archives
Order for payment by the W. I. Company of debts due individual creditors in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Order for payment of Abbe Claesen's claim Document New York State Archives
Order for payment of the account of Mathys Capito Document New York State Archives
Order for payment of the account of Mathys Capito [Copy of 8:319b] Document New York State Archives
Order for the arrest and imprisonment of Maria Verlett for contempt Document New York State Archives
Order for the arrest and imprisonment of Maria Verlett for contempt [Copy of Volume 8:10a] Document New York State Archives
Order for the arrest of Jacob van Couwenhovens until he account for the estate of his late wife Document New York State Archives
Order for the arrest of Peter Cornelisz van der Veen Document New York State Archives
Order for the better entering of goods Document New York State Archives
Order for the commitment of Dirck Smith Document New York State Archives
Order for the commitment of Dirck Smith [Copy of Volume 8:105a] Document New York State Archives
Order for the construction of a redoubt at Newesings and garrisoning the same Document New York State Archives
Order for the continued exclusion of Margaret, wife of Randel Huwit, from the city of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order for the delivery to Cornelis van Gesel of all property real and personal belonging to the late Jacob Alrichs Document New York State Archives
Order for the departure of ex-governor Lovelace Document New York State Archives
Order for the discharge of Abraham Pietersen, a soldier Document New York State Archives
Order for the discharge of capt. Richard Panton and 4 other Englishmen of Vreedland (Westchester) Document New York State Archives
Order for the discharge of capt. Richard Panton and 4 other Englishmen of Vreedland (Westchester) [Copy of Volume 6:338a] Document New York State Archives
Order for the discharge of Peter Cornelisz Van der Veen Document New York State Archives
Order for the erection of a new fence for Jan Vinge at the public expense Document New York State Archives
Order for the examination of Geesje (Jansen), accused of having had illicit intercourse with Laurens Duyts Document New York State Archives
Order for the examination of the cargoes of the outward bound ships St. John Baptist and Beaver Document New York State Archives
Order for the immediate transportation to Holland of John Bowne, a Quaker, unless he pay the fine imposed on him Document New York State Archives
Order for the imprisonment of Edward Hart Document New York State Archives
Order for the increase of the pay of Bart Aertsen, a soldier Document New York State Archives
Order for the increase of the pay of Walraven Jansen de Vos Document New York State Archives
Order for the issue of a writ of appeal to Isaac Mesa from a judgment pronounced against him by the vice-director at the South river Document New York State Archives
Order for the issuing of a writ of appeal; Peter Dircksen Waterhond vs. David Ferera Document New York State Archives
Order for the issuing of a writ of appeal; Peter Dircksen Waterhond vs. David Ferera [Copy of Volume 6:214] Document New York State Archives
Order for the nomination of additional magistrates for Staten Island Document New York State Archives
Order for the nomination of burgomasters and schepens for the city of New Orange Document New York State Archives
Order for the passage to Holland of Hans Hopman, a discharged soldier Document New York State Archives
Order for the passage to Holland of Jan Oosthof, a discharged soldier Document New York State Archives
Order for the payment of arrears due to Peter Paulusen van der Welster Document New York State Archives
Order for the payment of Resolved Waldron's costs against Hans Vos and wife Document New York State Archives
Order for the payment of the creditors of two Frenchmen, who absconded from Bushwyck Document New York State Archives
Order for the payment of the salaries due to rev. Johannes Megapolensis and rev. Samuel Megapolensis Document New York State Archives
Order for the payment of William Teller's account Document New York State Archives
Order for the preservation and security of New Orange Document New York State Archives
Order for the proper execution of personal arrests Document New York State Archives
Order for the punishment of a boy and girl (orphans from Amsterdam) in the service of Pieter van Couwenhoven, for dishonesty [Copy of Volume 6:213a] Document New York State Archives
Order for the punishment of a boy and girl in the service of Pieter van Couwenhoven for dishonesty Document New York State Archives
Order for the punishment of a refractory seaman Document New York State Archives
Order for the release of Jochem Wessels on bail Document New York State Archives
Order for the removal of George Baxter from his present cold prison to the detention room in the city hall, New Amsterdam, on giving security [Copy of Volume 6:178a] Document New York State Archives
Order for the removal of George Baxter from prison to the detention room in the city hall, New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order for the restoration of three captured New England vessels to their owners Document New York State Archives
Order for the sale of a house and ship belonging to Thomas Baxter Document New York State Archives
Order for the sale of the personal effects of cadet Peter Jansen of Gluckstadt, who was killed in the Esopus war Document New York State Archives
Order for the sale of tobacco smuggled by Jacob Cohen Document New York State Archives
Order for the sale of tobacco smuggled by Jacob Cohen [Copy of Volume 6:199] Document New York State Archives
Order for the seizure of hay mowed by Anthony Jansen Document New York State Archives
Order for the seizure of hay mowed by Anthony Jansen [Copy of Volume 8:185] Document New York State Archives
Order for the settlement of the late gov. Lovelace's accounts Document New York State Archives
Order for the survey and division of the valley lying between the 3d and 4th kills between the towns of Breuckelen, Middelburgh and Mespath Document New York State Archives
Order for the survey of 200 acres of land for captain Israel Helm Document New York State Archives
Order for the survey of a certain tract of land in dispute at Bergen Document New York State Archives
Order for the survey of a tract of land at Canaresse petitioned for by Paulus Jansen van der Veer and others Document New York State Archives
Order for the survey of the valley in dispute between Govert Loockermans and Burger Jorissen Document New York State Archives
Order for the translation of a paper in the Spanish language presented by Jan Gallardo, and leave to him to return to Holland Document New York State Archives
Order for the transportation of Esopus Indian prisoners to Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Order forbidding citizens of New Orange to pass the night out of that city without leave Document New York State Archives
Order forbidding the export of provisions and other articles Document New York State Archives
Order furloughing one-third of each of the militia companies that came to New Orange Document New York State Archives
Order further extending the time fixed for the departure of Thomas Lovelace from the province Document New York State Archives
Order granting a petition of Augustyn Heerman Document New York State Archives
Order granting Abraham Martensen Clock a building lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Order granting Abraham Martensen Clock, miller, a building lot on Manhattan Island [Copy of Volume 6:72a] Document New York State Archives
Order granting Barent Arense leave to return to the Netherlands [Copy of Volume 6:304a] Document New York State Archives
Order granting Bartel Manneken leave to sail in the ship New Amsterdam for Holland Document New York State Archives
Order granting Bartel Manneken leave to sail in the ship New Amsterdam for Holland [Copy of Volume 6:303] Document New York State Archives
Order granting Claes Arentse a piece of land outside Bergen Document New York State Archives
Order granting Claes Jansen and two others lots in New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 6:283] Document New York State Archives
Order granting farmers od Pavonia, Gemoenepa, and adjoining places exemption from tenths for six years Document New York State Archives
Order granting George Woolsey's petition Document New York State Archives
Order granting Govert Loockermans a lot of ground upon certain conditions Document New York State Archives
Order granting Govert Loockermans a lot of ground upon certain conditions [Copy of 8:306] Document New York State Archives
Order granting Hadriaen Pietersen a safe conduct Document New York State Archives
Order granting Hendrick Gricksen of Lymme a piece of land Document New York State Archives
Order granting Hendrick Jansen van Iveren more time to comply with the peremptory order of December 21st Document New York State Archives
Order granting hon. Nicasius de Sille his pay while acting as captain-lietenant Document New York State Archives
Order granting hon. Nicasius de Sille his pay while acting as captain-lietenant [Copy of Volume 6:221] Document New York State Archives
Order granting Jacob Corlear a piece of land in Midwout Document New York State Archives
Order granting Jan Gallardo de Ferrara a free passage to Holland Document New York State Archives
Order granting Johannes Provoost an increase of salary Document New York State Archives
Order granting Johannes Provoost an increase of salary [Copy of Volume 6:219a] Document New York State Archives
Order granting Lewis Morris the plantation of his deceased brother Richard Document New York State Archives
Order granting lots in New Amsterdam to Claes Jansen and two others Document New York State Archives
Order granting Michiel Jansen's petition Document New York State Archives
Order granting Michiel Jansen's petition [Copy of Volume 6:270a] Document New York State Archives
Order granting prayer of Roeloff Swartwout's petition Document New York State Archives
Order granting Richard Smith an appeal from a judgment of the court of Middleborgh in favor of John Coo Document New York State Archives
Order granting the excise for the purposes of fortifying New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order granting the Jews of New Amsterdam a burying place outside the city Document New York State Archives, tolerance
Order granting the petition of Adriaenge Walich, wife of Dirck Teunissen Noorman of Midwout Document New York State Archives
Order granting the petition of Joost Adriensen etc. Document New York State Archives
Order granting the petition of Messrs. Hazard, More, Jackson, Betts, Coe and others, for a tract of land Document New York State Archives
Order granting the petition of the magistrates of Midwout Document New York State Archives
Order granting the petition of William Hallet Document New York State Archives
Order granting the petition of William Hallet [Copy of 8:312b] Document New York State Archives
Order granting the petition that the surveyor lay out the village of Arnhem Document New York State Archives
Order granting the request for the delivery of the body of Hendrick Jansen to the city sheriff Document New York State Archives
Order granting the request of Gerrit van Sweringen to be discharged from the company's service Document 1657 - Wreck of the Prince Maurice, New York State Archives
Order granting the request that parties applying for revision of any judgment of the court may be obliged to deposit a certain sum Document New York State Archives
Order granting Thomas Wandel a writ of appeal Document New York State Archives
Order granting Toussaint Briell certain land Document New York State Archives
Order granting William Bogardus the use of one of the company's houses for a residence Document New York State Archives
Order imposing a fine of 50 guilders on Nicolas Booth for conveying passengers to Virginia without a pass Document New York State Archives
Order in a suit between Mettje Wessels and Govert Loockermans Document New York State Archives
Order in a suit of Thomas Stevenson vs. Elias Bailey Document New York State Archives
Order in council on the letter from Jacob Jansen Huys' wife to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Order in favor of some seamen against Edward Prescott for payment of their wages Document New York State Archives
Order in land a dispute between William Tom and certain inhabitants on Verdrietyes hook Document New York State Archives
Order in regard to grist mills and recording of patents and deeds Document New York State Archives
Order in regard to persons at Fort Orange accused by Pietersen Document New York State Archives
Order in regard to some imported lead Document New York State Archives
Order in the case between the town of Bushwyck and Jan Maliart Document New York State Archives
Order in the case of Anthony Jansen van Vaes vs. Magistrates of Gravesend; plaintiff to serve copy of his complaint on defendants, who are cited to appear Document New York State Archives
Order in the case of Hans Vos, charged with having sold brandy to Indians Document New York State Archives
Order in the case of Jacob Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven's minor children by his first wife Document New York State Archives
Order in the case of Leendert Arentsen Document New York State Archives
Order in the case of Martense vs. Van Tienhoven Document New York State Archives
Order in the case of the ferryman of Bergen against the sheriff of that place Document New York State Archives
Order in the case of the guardian of the late Jacob Loper's minor children vs. Cornelis Melyn Document New York State Archives
Order in the case of Visch vs. Withart in appeal Document New York State Archives
Order in the case of William Becker Document New York State Archives
Order in the suit of Peter Cornelissen vs. Joris Dircksen Document New York State Archives
Order in the suit of Richard Smith vs. the town of Huntington Document New York State Archives
Order in the suit of the fiscal vs. François Frans Document New York State Archives
Order increasing the pay of Abel Dircksen, a soldier Document New York State Archives
Order increasing the pay of corporal Zachariah Sickels Document New York State Archives
Order increasing the pay of Jan Gervoe Document New York State Archives
Order increasing the pay of Joris Esaiassen Document New York State Archives
Order increasing the pay of two soldiers Document New York State Archives
Order increasing the remuneration of Matthys Capito Document New York State Archives
Order increasing the remuneration of Matthys Capito [Copy of 8:322] Document New York State Archives
Order increasing the salary of Resolved Waldron Document New York State Archives
Order increasing the wages of Jan Christiaen Andriessen, a soldier Document New York State Archives
Order interdicting Nicholaes Terhaer from selling liquor in future Document New York State Archives
Order making further provision for a correct assessment of the real estate in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Order obliging all owners of empty lots in Breuckelen to build within six months Document New York State Archives
Order obliging all owners of empty lots in Breuckelen to build within six months [Copy of Volume 6:345a] Document New York State Archives
Order obliging Cornelis de Potter's widow to deliver two stones to William Wilkins Document New York State Archives
Order of a court held at New Castle declaring that William Young was reputed to be the eldest son of Thomas Young Document New York State Archives
Order of a court held at Whorekill, affirming a judgment in favor of Peter Groundik vs. John Avery Document New York State Archives
Order of a special court at Whorekill for the resurvey of the lands of John Stevens Document New York State Archives
Order of authorities at Fort Orange and Rensselaerswyck to be on their guard against a surprise from the Indians Document New York State Archives
Order of burgomasters of New Amsterdam to render an annual account of the city's receipts and income Document New York State Archives
Order of Cornelis Schut to remove salt from the City Hall Document New York State Archives
Order of Cornelis Schut to remove salt from the City Hall, which is granted to the common council [Copy of Volume 6:29b] Document New York State Archives
Order of court at Fort Orange referring the petition of inhabitants of Fort Orange to the director and council Document New York State Archives
Order of court conforming to William Dickson a certain tract of land at St. Jones, Whorekill Document New York State Archives
Order of distribution in the matter of the smuggled furs seized on board the Draadvat Document New York State Archives
Order of divorce granted to Catherine Lane if her husband does not appear in 6 months Document New York State Archives
Order of Helmer Wiltbank in the case of Edward Southrin vs. John Roades Document New York State Archives
Order of J. Anderson on E. Blackwell in favor of Robt. Hucheson Document New York State Archives
Order of Johannes de Peyster to deliver up a certain mortgage to the trustees of the bankrupt estate of Gilles van Brugge Document New York State Archives
Order of John Addom on Sander Maulstone Document New York State Archives
Order of Lucas Hendricksen, drummer, on the West India Company to pay his debt to Lucas Dircksen out of his monthly pay in case he should not return from the expedition against the Swedes Document New York State Archives
Order of magistrates of Flushing and Eastdorp to arrest Hans Pietersen Document New York State Archives
Order of the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam to send in a return of the proceeds and expenditure of the city excise Document New York State Archives
Order of the council at New York on the petition of Peter Groundyck that John Avery's goods may be sold at auction Document New York State Archives
Order of the court at New Castle about the property of Frans Barentson on the petition of Hans Peterson Document New York State Archives
Order of the court at New Castle relative to certain records delivered by William Tom Document New York State Archives
Order of the court at Whorekill decreeing the possession of the said premises to John Stevens; action of the magistrates thereon. Document New York State Archives
Order of the court at Whorekill delaying until the next assizes the case of John Roades vs. Helmanus Wiltbank Document New York State Archives
Order of the court at Whorekill on the petition of John Richardson Document New York State Archives
Order of the court at Whorekill on the petition of John Richardson Document New York State Archives
Order of the court at Whorekill on the petition of John Stevens Document New York State Archives
Order of the court held at New Castle about the property of Frans Barentsen on the complaint of capt. Christopher Billopp Document New York State Archives
Order of the court of New Amstel to the curators of the estate of Elmerhuysen Kleyn Document New York State Archives
Order of the director and council calling on the burgomasters and schepens to explain why they had not nominated any of the company's servants Document New York State Archives
Order of the fiscal to inspect certain vessels in port and provide a passage for the Swedes and their baggage Document New York State Archives
Order of the magistrates of Middelborgh respecting the disposal of the estate of John Gray, a fugitive from justice Document New York State Archives
Order of the magistrates of Middelborgh respecting the disposal of the estate of John Gray, a fugitive from justice [Copy of Volume 6:251a] Document New York State Archives
Order of the magistrates of Whorekill to John Vines, sheriff, to put John Richardson in possession of the premises claimed by John Stevens Document New York State Archives
Order of the sheriff of the Breuckelen district to have a hog restored to Dirck Volkertsen Document New York State Archives
Order of the widow of William Harck to render an account to Robert Terry, John Thouson, William Palmer, and John Coo of cattle belonging to Thomas Farrington Document New York State Archives
Order on a bill of costs made out by Mattheus de Vos against Nicolas de Meyer Document New York State Archives
Order on a complaint of Allard Anthony against a soldier for abuse Document New York State Archives
Order on a complaint of Andries de Haes against Jacob Vis Document New York State Archives
Order on a complaint of Gysbert van der Donck against a fugitive servant Document New York State Archives
Order on a complaint of Samuel Edsal that the slave he purchased is out of his mind Document New York State Archives
Order on a complaint of the fiscal vs. William Brouwer Document New York State Archives
Order on a complaint presented by the magistrates of New Utrecht against Jacques Corteljau Document New York State Archives
Order on a difference between the towns of Woodbrige and Piscattaway (N. J.) Document New York State Archives
Order on a dispute between Timothy Gabry and Johannes Nevius Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition from Esopus for the government of that district Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition from Gemoenepa for the palisading of that village Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition from Oysterbay explaining and confirming their privileges Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition from the authorities of Fort Orange; lands granted to the patroon; appointment of magistrates Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition from the court of Midwout and Amersfoort respecting rev. Mr. Polhemus and a place of worship Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition from the magistrates of Midwout Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition from the magistrates of Midwout [Copy of Volume 6:331] Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Abigail Messinger, wife of Richard Darlin, for divorce Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Abraham de Lucena and others, praying for a grant of land for a Jewish burying ground in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives, tolerance
Order on a petition of Abraham de Lucena and others, praying for a grant of land for a Jewish burying ground in New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 6:68b] Document New York State Archives, tolerance
Order on a petition of Andries Hudde Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Anthony Jansen from Salee Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Anthony Jansen that he be released from a sale to Nicholas Stillwel of some of his land near Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Anthony Jansen van Vaes complaining that the town of Gravesend drive his cattle off his own land Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Boudewyn van Nieulant Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Cornelis van Tienhoven praying to be allowed back house rent and expenses incurred by him on a mission to Rhode Island Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Cornelis van Tienhoven praying to be allowed back house rent and expenses incurred by him on a mission to Rhode Island [Copy of Volume 8:61] Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Gabry and Allert Anthony Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Gelyn Verplanck Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Gelyn Verplanck [Copy of Volume 6:309a] Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Govert Loockermans for the pay of his brother Peter Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Gysbert Opdyck that an attachment which he made on goods of Edward Hicby be declared valid Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Gysbert Opdyck that an attachment which he made on goods of Edward Hicby be declared valid [Copy of Volume 6:52b] Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Harmen van Hobooken, chorister, in relation to his salary Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Harmen van Hobooken, chorister, in relation to his salary [Copy of Volume 6:72b] Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Hendrick Jansen Stuyvesant respecting duties payable on a cargo of salt brought in his ship The White Horseman Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Isaac Allerton, sr., to be credited with certain goods Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Jacob Jansen and Laurens Andriesen Draeyer for leave to attach the property of the late Jacob Alricks Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Jacob Schellinx to be liberated from arrest Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Jacob Steendam for a piece of meadow at Aernhem Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Jacob Steendam for a piece of meadow at Aernhem [Copy of Volume 8:63a] Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Jacob Steendam for payment of a debt due by Jacob Dyckman Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Jacob Stoffelsen Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Jacob Stoffelsen [Copy of Volume 6:327b] Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Jacob van Couwenhoven against the city survey Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of James Sertel for payment of his account Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Jan Hendricksen Steelman for a patent for a piece of land in Mespath purchased by him from Francis Douthey [Copy of Volume 6:53a] Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Jan Hendricksen Steelman for a patent for a piece of land purchased from Francis Douthey Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Jan la Montagne, jr. Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Joannes de Decker for employment Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Joannes de Decker for employment [Copy of Volume 6:27c] Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Johannes Nevius, clerk of New Amsterdam, respecting the payment of his salary and fees Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Joris Rapailje to be allowed to leave his house standing on his farm Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Lewis Morris permitting him to bring to New Orange property belonging to Richard Morris's child Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Louris Heyn for remission of duties Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Louris Heyn for remission of duties [Copy of Volume 6:26b] Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Magdalen and Catherine Hendricx for leave to return to Holland Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Matheus de Vos for an attachment against all the property belonging to Laurens Duyts on Hog island Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Matthys Capito for an increase of pay Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Mensje Andries, wife of Anthony Bryant at the South river, for relief against injustice Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Nicolas Stillwel to remain on his farm between Gravesend and New Utrecht Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Oloff Stevensen (van Cortland) respecting Wouter van Twiller's lands Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Peter le Feber for leave to sell liquors or waters of a peculiar virtue Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Peter Ryverding, clerk of the court at Fort Orange, allowing him part of his salary Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Peter Ryverding, clerk of the court at Fort Orange, allowing him part of his salary [Copy of Volume 6:53b] Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of rev. Gideon Schaats for an increase of his salary Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of rev. Mr. Selyns allowing him to receive payment of his salary in beavers at 7 guilders each, and in wampum at 3 for 1 Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Robert Hobbs remonstrating against a judgment of the court at Flushing obliging him to pay William Hallet Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Sigismund Lucas to be released from the sale of his house and land at Harlem Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of surgeon Herwy for payment of his fees Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of surgeon Jacob Hendricksen Varrevanger, for medicines Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Teunis Craay for permission to sell his house and lot to Salvador Dandrada Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Teunis Craay for permission to sell his house and lot to Salvador Dandrada [Copy of Volume 6:218] Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Teunis Cray Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Teunis Cray [Copy of Volume 6:328] Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of the clergy Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of the clergy against conventicles and unqualified preachers and for a proper person to give lectures in Middelburgh (Newtown) L. I. [Copy of Volume 6:216] Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of the court at Breuckelen for leave to send in a nomination for magistrates Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of the court at Breuckelen for leave to send in a nomination for magistrates [Copy of Volume 6:27a] Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of the curators of the estate of Andries Herpertsen in regard to the sale of half an island to Jeremias van Renselaer Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of the farmers of the excise Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of the farmers of the excise for an ordinance to regulate their business Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of the magistrates of Midwout Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of the magistrates of Midwout and Amesfoort for a license to solicit subscriptions from the public Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of the magistrates of Midwout and Amesfoort for a license to solicit subscriptions from the public to pay for the house built for their minister [Copy of Volume 6:54b] Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of the rev. Henricus Selyns in regard to the currency in which his salary ought to be paid Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of the rev. Mr. Polhemus that he be paid 30 guilders in wampum Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of the schout of Achter Col for the ratification of certain ordinances Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of the tavern-keepers of New Amsterdam that the brewers and merchants may be obliged to sell their beer, wines, etc. at a lower rate Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of the tobacco inspectors Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of the tobacco inspectors that all tobacco be subject to inspection; inspection of Virginia tobacco optional [Copy of Volume 6:52a] Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of the wife of Thomas Huggens, for payment of a horse killed in the public service in the late Esopus war Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Thomas Wandel for leave to reside on his bouwery Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Thomas Willett and others for reimbursement of the purchase-money of the ship Farewell Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Thomas Willett for the termination of the suit respecting the ship Farewell Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Walewyn van der Veen, attorney of Isaac de Sterre, for an attachment against Mathys Gangerheyden's property Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of Warnaer Wessels to be credited with certain sums Document New York State Archives
Order on a petition of William Jansen for the establishment of rates of ferriage Document New York State Archives
Order on a remonstrance from the inhabitants adjoining Hellgate against granting Adriaen Dircksen Coen a certain piece of land there Document New York State Archives
Order on a remonstrance of Cornelis van Ruyven against the loose manner of keeping the public accounts Document New York State Archives
Order on a remonstrance of Michiel Jansen Document New York State Archives
Order on a remonstrance of Michiel Jansen [Copy of Volume 6:282] Document New York State Archives
Order on a remonstrance of the brewers of New Amsterdam complaining of the price at which they are obliged to sell beer Document New York State Archives
Order on a remonstrance of the brewers of New Amsterdam complaining of the price at which they are obliged to sell beer [Copy of Volume 6:182] Document New York State Archives
Order on a representation of the tavern-keepers of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order on a representation of the tavern-keepers of New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 6:183] Document New York State Archives
Order on an application of Hendrick Jansen for restitution of moneys paid John Hicks for land Document New York State Archives
Order on an application of Nicolaes Verleth for leave to remove the frame of a house from Hoboken to New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order on an application of Nicolaes Verleth for leave to remove the frame of a house from Hoboken to New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 6:347a] Document New York State Archives
Order on an application of Philip Geraer and George Rapalje for distribution of prize money Document New York State Archives
Order on an application of Robert Coo for license to marry Jane, widow of Edward Rause Document New York State Archives
Order on an application of the magistrates of Rustdorp (Jamaica) to be relieved of the soldiers quartered there Document New York State Archives
Order on application for payment of a balance due corporal Arent van den Berch Document New York State Archives
Order on application of Jacob Eldersen, a runaway apprentice, for pardon Document New York State Archives
Order on application of Jacob van Couwenhoven for a writ of relief from a judgment obtained against him, and subsequent proceedings Document New York State Archives
Order on application of notary Schelluyne to appear in a case of appeal Document New York State Archives
Order on complaint against certain imported goods not entered on the ship's manifest Document New York State Archives
Order on motion of the fiscal to subject Hans Breyer, accused of robbery, to torture Document New York State Archives
Order on motion of the fiscal to subject Hans Breyer, accused of robbery, to torture [Copy of Volume 6:35] Document New York State Archives
Order on petition of Augustyn Heerman Document New York State Archives
Order on petition of Cornelis van Ruyven Document New York State Archives
Order on petition of Hendrick Huygen and others Document New York State Archives
Order on petition of Richard Gildersleeve; parties to appear before director and council Document New York State Archives
Order on petition of Thomas Wandell, to stay execution until Joseph Fowler, a runaway, appear to defend himself Document New York State Archives
Order on petitions from Bushwyck for a fence and providing for roads Document New York State Archives
Order on propositions submitted to the council by Johan de Deckere Document New York State Archives
Order on the above petition of inhabitants of Bushwick and respecting New Arnhem Document New York State Archives
Order on the application of the burgomasters for a transfer of the city tavern, now called the City Hall Document New York State Archives
Order on the countersuit of Warner Wessels against Egbert van Borsum Document New York State Archives
Order on the foregoing suit between Warnaer Wessels and Egbert van Borsum Document New York State Archives
Order on the foregoing suit between Warnaer Wessels and Egbert van Borsum [Copy of Volume 6:305] Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Abraham Martense Clock Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Abraham Martense Clock Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Abraham Martense Clock [Copy of 8:311] Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Allard Anthony for restitution of some property confiscated in 1650 Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Allard Anthony for restitution of some property confiscated in 1650 [Copy of Volume 6:114b] Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Claes Pietersen, smith, for remuneration of services Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Claes Pietersen, smith, for remuneration of services [Copy of Volume 6:225] Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Cornelis Barentsen Slecht Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Cornelis Jansen allowing him freedom from arrest for three months to establish his innocence Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Cornelis Martensen for restitution of wine [Copy of Volume 6:75a] Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Domingo Angola Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Edward Scharburch for leave to sail with some negroes to Virginia Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Edward Scharburch for leave to sail with some slaves to Virginia [Copy of Volume 6:80a] Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Hendrick Jansen Stuyvesant reducing the duty on his cargo of salt Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of immigrants for grants of land and seed grain Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Isaac Gerritse Schaep Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Jacob Barsimson and Aser Levy, Jews, for leave to stand guard or be relieved from the tax paid by other Jews Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Jan Flaman for payment of an anchor and rope Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Jannetje Melyn permitting her husband to move from prison to a more comfortable place Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Jannetje Melyn permitting the removal of her husband from the prison to a more comfortable place [Copy of Volume 6:86] Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Johanna de Laet Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Johannes Verveelen for the recovery of a debt due by a deceased soldier Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of John Parcel and Ytie Janse for pardon Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Lambert Lott granting him a passage to Holland in the ship Balance Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Lambert Lott granting him a passage to Holland in the ship Balance, de Waeg [Copy of Volume 6:367] Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Lourens Jansen Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Lourens Jansen [Copy of Volume 6:240] Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Martin Cregier Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Michel Barckhuysen Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of one Nieuwenhoff, complaining of some persons at Westchester who sold him measled hogs Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Paul Heymans for the release of his wife from prison Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Paul Heymans for the release of his wife from prison [Copy of Volume 6:71b] Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Paulus Leendertsen (van der Grist) and Allert Anthony, assignees of Augustyn Hermans Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Rachel van Tienhoven Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of Sander Leendertsen Glen, William Teller and Harmen Vedder Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of settlers of Schenectada Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of the burgomasters on contact with the Indians and guard patrol during services Document New York State Archives
Order on the petition of the burgomasters on intercourse with the Indians and guard patrol during services [Copy of Volume 6:316] Document New York State Archives
Order on the report of the commissioners in the case of Anthony Jansen vs. Southart Document New York State Archives
Order on the representation of the delegates from Fort Orange and Beverwyck Document New York State Archives
Order on the representation of the delegates from Fort Orange and Beverwyck; allowed to farm the excise and publish an ordinance against runners among the Indians [Copy of Volume 6:60] Document New York State Archives
Order pardoning Severyn Lourens and permitting him to live on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Order permitting Abraham de Lucena and other Jews to despatch one or two persons to the South river to dispose of goods sent there Document New York State Archives, tolerance
Order permitting Abraham de Lucena and other Jews to despatch one or two persons to the South river to dispose of goods sent there [Copy of Volume 6:177a] Document New York State Archives, tolerance
Order permitting Abraham Jansen to erect a mill Document New York State Archives
Order permitting Cornelis de Potter and Dirck van Sehelluyne to defend a prisoner Document New York State Archives
Order permitting Helena de Bree to return to the city of New Amsterdam to arrange her private affairs before sailing for Holland Document New York State Archives
Order permitting Jacob Cohen to rectify certain liquors in his possession Document New York State Archives
Order permitting Jan Evertsen Bout to rent his farm at Midwout Document New York State Archives
Order permitting Joseph d'Acosta to proceed to the recovery of a judgment against Jan Adriaensen Duyvelant Document New York State Archives
Order permitting Mattheus de Vos to examine Nicholas Boot on interrogatories Document New York State Archives
Order permitting Peter Laurens to carry his own goods to the South river Document New York State Archives
Order permitting Richard Brudenell to resume possession of the land he sold to Robert Clercq Document New York State Archives
Order permitting the burgomasters and schepens to construct a pier and collect wharfage Document New York State Archives
Order permitting the houses of Wolphert Webber and Thomas Hall to remain Document New York State Archives
Order permitting William Beeckman to lease house and land belonging to one Commegys on which he has a mortgage Document New York State Archives
Order postponing the case of Smith vs. the town of Huntington until May Document New York State Archives
Order postponing the consideration of a petition of Abraham Jansen for leave to erect a mill at Bushwick Document New York State Archives
Order postponing the consideration of a petition of Allard Anthony for return of some confiscated goods Document New York State Archives
Order postponing the consideration of a petition of Allard Anthony for return of some confiscated goods [Copy of Volume 6:82] Document New York State Archives
Order postponing the consideration of a petition of Gregory Dexter for land for himself and a few English families Document New York State Archives
Order postponing the consideration of a petition of Gregory Dexter for land for himself and a few English families [Copy of Volume 6:38b] Document New York State Archives
Order postponing the granting of the request of Joseph Waldron to be appointed deputy sheriff at Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Order prohibiting the sale of strong liquors to soldiers and sailors in the public service Document New York State Archives
Order protecting Thomas Labertse from any claims against him in his capacity as late constable of Brooklyn Document New York State Archives
Order ratifying an attachment sued out by Samuel Aelly on the plantation of Richard Bulck Document New York State Archives
Order referring a claim of Jan Hendricksen van Gunst against William Doeckles to the burgomasters and schepens Document New York State Archives
Order referring a dispute between Jan Jansen Veryn and the town of New Utrecht to commissioners Document New York State Archives
Order referring a disputed bill of costs to arbitration Document New York State Archives
Order referring a petition of Francis Brown to the directors in Holland Document New York State Archives
Order referring a petition of Jan Jansen Schepmoes to the fiscal Document New York State Archives
Order referring a petition of the tobacco inspectors to the fiscal Document New York State Archives
Order referring a request of the town of Middelborgh to commissioners Document New York State Archives
Order referring a suit between Francis Swyn and Thomas Wandel to arbitration Document New York State Archives
Order referring Allard Anthony back to the city court for explanation of a judgment against him Document New York State Archives
Order referring bill of Cornelis Clock to the directors in Holland Document New York State Archives
Order referring complaints of Richard Smith and Jeremy Wood to the local tribunals Document New York State Archives
Order referring Peter Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven to the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order referring Peter Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven to the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam [Copy of 8:293] Document New York State Archives
Order referring petitions to trade with foreign countries to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order referring the accounts of the city of New Amsterdam back to the burgomasters and schepens for correction Document New York State Archives
Order referring the case of Richard Smith vs. the town of Huntington to arbitrators Document New York State Archives
Order referring the case of Tryntje Cornelis to the fiscal and magistrates of Midwout Document New York State Archives
Order referring the papers in case of appeal, Anthony Jansen van Salee vs. Thomas Southart, to councillors Sille and La Montagne for examination Document New York State Archives
Order referring the petition of Hans Jongh to the fiscal Document New York State Archives
Order referring the petition of Hans Jongh to the fiscal [Copy of Volume 6:354b] Document New York State Archives
Order referring the petition of Harmen Jacobs to the court at Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Order referring the petition of Jacob Hendricksen Varrevanger to arbitration Document New York State Archives
Order referring the petitioners for leave to trade for slaves to the directors in Holland Document New York State Archives
Order referring the suit between Andries de Haes and Jacob Vis to arbitration Document New York State Archives
Order referring to arbitration a claim of Cornelis Tysen and Joost Coockuyt against Symon Peterson Document New York State Archives
Order referring to arbitration a suit between Allard Anthony and Geleyn Verplanck, his apprentice Document New York State Archives
Order referring to arbitration a suit between Allard Anthony and Geleyn Verplanck, his apprentice [Copy of Volume 6:206] Document New York State Archives
Order referring to arbitration a suit between Janneke Melyn vs. Adriaen Post Document New York State Archives
Order referring to arbitration a suit between Janneke Melyn vs. Adriaen Post [Copy of Volume 6:352c] Document New York State Archives
Order referring to arbitrators a difference in accounts between Cornelis Schut and Maria Verleth Document New York State Archives
Order referring to arbitrators a difference in accounts between Cornelis Schut and Maria Verleth [Copy of Volume 6:362a] Document New York State Archives
Order referring to commissioners a request of the town of Middelborgh that certain hay valleys be divided between it and the village of Arnhem [Copy of Volume 6:355a] Document New York State Archives
Order referring to the city authorities a petition for enlarging the city gate at the East river and repairing the road Document New York State Archives
Order referring to the city authorities a petition for enlarging the city gate at the East river and repairing the road [Copy of Volume 6:54a] Document New York State Archives
Order referring to the court of New Amsterdam an action of Petrus Stuyvesant vs. Janneke Heermans for slander Document New York State Archives
Order referring to the court of New Amsterdam an action of Petrus Stuyvesant vs. Janneke Heermans for slander [Copy of Volume 8:76a] Document New York State Archives
Order referring to the fiscal a complaint against the captain at arms Document New York State Archives
Order referring to the fiscal a complaint against the captain at arms [Copy of Volume 8:80b] Document New York State Archives
Order referring to the magistrate of Amesfoort a petition of proprietors of lands at Canarisse for leave to establish a hamlet there Document New York State Archives
Order referring to the magistrates of Midwout a petition of rev. Mr. Polhemus for an indemnity for loss in his salary Document New York State Archives
Order referring to the orphan masters a petition of Jannetje Jansen Document New York State Archives
Order refusing a writ of appeal in the case of Jan Hendricksen Steelman vs. Thomas Saul Document New York State Archives
Order refusing a writ of appeal in the case of Jan Hendricksen Steelman vs. Thomas Saul [Copy of Volume 6:73a] Document New York State Archives
Order refusing Borger Jorissen and Peter Jansen Noorman permission to keep their houses and barns on their bouweries Document New York State Archives
Order refusing Geertje, widow of Ryer Stoffelsen, permission to build a house against the wall outside the city gate Document New York State Archives
Order refusing Jacob van Corler permission to keep a school in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order refusing Jacobus Fabricius, a Lutheran minister, permission to baptize Document New York State Archives
Order refusing permission to the farmers and their men in the vicinity of New Amsterdam to "pull the goose" Document New York State Archives
Order refusing the petition of Anthony Jansen van Faes, William Jansen van Borckeloo, and Jan Emaus for a grant of Gysberts island Document New York State Archives
Order refusing the prayer of a petition of Isaac Allerton Document New York State Archives
Order refusing the request of burgomasters and schepens for leave to Jacob van Corler to keep school Document New York State Archives
Order refusing to pay a bill of costs of the fiscal for prosecuting Jean Paul Jacquet Document New York State Archives
Order rejecting a petition of Joris van Vorst Document New York State Archives
Order rejecting Hendrick Wagerman's petition for additional compensation for guns sold Document New York State Archives
Order rejecting the petition of Cornelis Steenwyck and Jacques Cousseau Document New York State Archives
Order releasing a portion of goods seized from Goose Gerritsen Document New York State Archives
Order releasing Adam Oncklebagh from confinement Document New York State Archives
Order releasing from confinement two prisoners committed for plucking the goose Document New York State Archives
Order releasing Nicholas Varlet from half the cost of the company's ship Document New York State Archives
Order releasing property in New Netherland belonging to inhabitants of New England, Virginia and Maryland from confiscation Document New York State Archives
Order releasing Richard Mills Document New York State Archives
Order relieving Peter Rambo from the office of magistrate over the Swedes at the Delaware Document New York State Archives
Order remitting rev. Mr. Polhemus a debt of 940 guilders due the company Document New York State Archives
Order remitting the fine imposed on Jan Juriaens Becker Document New York State Archives
Order remitting the fine imposed on William Wickendam Document New York State Archives
Order removing the export duty on beer manufactured in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Order requiring Anthony Jansen to run and mark the courses of his bounds Document New York State Archives
Order requiring Anthony Jansen to run and mark the courses of his bounds [Copy of Volume 8:75] Document New York State Archives
Order requiring Cornelis Martense to prove that the duties have been paid on certain liquors seized and deposited in the public store Document New York State Archives
Order requiring Cornelis Martense to prove that the duties have been paid on certain liquors seized and deposited in the public store [Copy of Volume 6:34c] Document New York State Archives
Order requiring each farmer in Amesfoort and the Bay to keep one man properly armed for duty and board two soldiers Document New York State Archives
Order requiring each farmer in Amesfoort and the Bay to keep one man properly armed for duty, and board two soldiers [Copy of Volume 6:104b Document New York State Archives
Order respecting the accounts of Johan de Decker and Brian Nuton Document New York State Archives
Order respecting the excise payable by the farmers beyond the Fresh water, on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Order respecting the farming of the excise Document New York State Archives
Order respecting the pay of public officers and the currency Document New York State Archives
Order respecting the payment of certain debts due by Adriaen van Tienhoven Document New York State Archives
Order respecting the prisoners captured at Westchester Document New York State Archives
Order respecting the prisoners captured at Westchester [Copy of Volume 6:323a] Document New York State Archives
Order respecting the salary of Johannes Dyckman Document New York State Archives
Order respecting the Swedish ship Shark and her cargo Document New York State Archives
Order respecting vessels in port Document New York State Archives
Order restoring Dirck Smith to his former place of ensign Document New York State Archives
Order revoking the sentence of Lysbeth Antbonissen Document New York State Archives
Order staying the creditors of Reynier Wisselpenningh's deceased wife from suing him for the space of three years Document New York State Archives
Order staying the inventory of Cornelis van Tienhoven's personal property but continuing the attachment on the real estate Document New York State Archives
Order staying the inventory of Cornelis van Tienhoven's personal property but continuing the attachment on the real estate [Copy of 8:318] Document New York State Archives
Order summoning those who neglect to repair their fences at Corlaer's Hook Document New York State Archives
Order summoning Tielman van Vleeck at the suit of Nicolas Meyer Document New York State Archives
Order suspending for two months the ordinance against thatched roofs in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order suspending the court at Flushing until further orders Document New York State Archives
Order taxing a bill of costs Document New York State Archives
Order that a privilege be granted to Mr. Van Hattem for 12 years Document New York State Archives
Order that a writ of appeal issue for Solomon Lachaire Document New York State Archives
Order that all freight allowed to sailors shall be sent to the public store for examination Document New York State Archives
Order that Allard Anthony must prove his right to be a preferred creditor Document New York State Archives
Order that Augustyn Heerman be admitted a common creditor for his claim against Laurens Duyts Document New York State Archives
Order that Brant van Slechtenhorst must enter bail before he can be released from arrest Document New York State Archives
Order that Burger Joris proceed no further in fencing the land claimed by Govert Loockermans Document New York State Archives
Order that David Jochemsen prove he had already paid duties Document New York State Archives
Order that Dirck Jansen and Lourens Lourensen must prove that they had been engaged by the commanding officer at the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Order that Jacob Steendam receive payment from Elbert Elbertsen and Peter Cornelisen Document New York State Archives
Order that Jochem Kuyter may take a copy of a ground brief of his land from the book of patents Document New York State Archives
Order that Maria Peeck be allowed to remove to Long Island with remission of the fine against her Document New York State Archives
Order that merchants from the South river who desire to carry on trade at New Amsterdam must take out citizenship Document New York State Archives
Order that no person be assessed for the city rattle watch except such as are subject to serve in the burgher watch Document New York State Archives
Order that only authorized bakers be allowed to bake bread for sale at Beverwyck Document New York State Archives
Order that persons absent from the city, and not keeping fire and light during four months forfeit privilege of freemen Document New York State Archives
Order that the deacons shall have an eye to widows and orphans and apply to the burgomasters and schepens or to the director and council for the appointment of curators Document New York State Archives
Order that the excise shall be paid in stringed wampum Document New York State Archives
Order that the excise shall be paid in stringed wampum [Copy of Volume 6:381] Document New York State Archives
Order that the indentures of Hendrick Harmsen to Jan Quisthout be canceled Document New York State Archives
Order that the retiring burgomaster shall in future act as treasurer of the city New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order that the sessions of the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam be held for the future on Tuesdays Document New York State Archives
Order that walnut timber imported from Holland shall pay duty Document New York State Archives
Order to -------- to pay a sum of 2,000 guilders due by him to the company Document New York State Archives
Order to a search for a slave belonging to Martin Cregier, suspected of having set fire to his house Document New York State Archives
Order to administer the oath of allegiance to the inhabitants of the South river Document New York State Archives
Order to Adriaen Keyser to pay Adriaen Dircksen Coen's account against the ship La Garce Document New York State Archives
Order to Adriaen Keyser to pay Adriaen Dircksen Coen's account against the ship La Garce [Copy of Volume 6:309b] Document New York State Archives
Order to Adriaen Keyser to render an account of his office of commissary to Mr. La Montagne Document New York State Archives
Order to advance the widow Loomans 50 guilders to abandon her house and remove into a village Document New York State Archives
Order to Albert Lintwever not to infringe the rights of Eghbert van Borsum, who has rented the ferry Document New York State Archives
Order to all sheriffs, burgomasters, schepens, magistrates, etc., to engage laborers for the public works Document New York State Archives
Order to Allard Anthony to comply with a judgment previously issued Document New York State Archives
Order to Allard Anthony to either satisfy a judgment obtained against him by Maria Verplanck's son (Geleyn) or appeal Document New York State Archives
Order to Allard Anthony to either satisfy a judgment obtained against him by Maria Verplanck's son (Geleyn) or appeal [Copy of Volume 6:193b] Document New York State Archives
Order to allow Gysbert Opdyck a certain sum for his services as commissioner of the tenths Document New York State Archives
Order to allow Thomas Willet 3 or 4 slaves with permission to remove them wherever he likes Document New York State Archives
Order to Anthony Jansen to serve the magistrates of Gravesend with a copy of his complaint against them Document New York State Archives
Order to Anthony Jansen to serve the magistrates of Gravesend with a copy of his complaint against them [Copy of Volume 6:364b] Document New York State Archives
Order to appoint a committee of the council to inquire if the citizens would help repair the sheet piling Document New York State Archives
Order to Arent van Hattem, Jochem Pietersen (Kuyter), Paulus Leendertsen (van der Grist) and Allert Anthony to assist the director and council Document New York State Archives
Order to assist Jacob Stoffelsen's wife in building a house on the company's bouwery Document New York State Archives
Order to attach certain moneys belonging to Nicolaus Marichal in the hands of the church wardens Document New York State Archives
Order to attach the estate and effects of John Archer to answer a demand of Thomas Gibbs and John Curtis Document New York State Archives
Order to burgomasters and schepens to pay Cornelis Steenwyck's account of disbursements in fortifying the city of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order to burgomasters and schepens to recognize Resolved Waldron as deputy sheriff Document New York State Archives
Order to burgomasters to pay the salary of the sheriff of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order to capt. Ewoutsen to proceed to Nantucket and endeavor to save a small Dutch craft there Document New York State Archives
Order to captain Anna Douwes, of the ship Love, to accompany the Edward Scharburch expedition with his vessel Document New York State Archives
Order to captain Anna Douwes, of the ship Love, to accompany the Edward Scharburch expedition with his vessel [Copy of Volume 6:80b] Document New York State Archives
Order to captain De Coninck to charter the ship Ballance Document New York State Archives
Order to captain De Coninck to charter the ship Ballance [Copy of Volume 6:329a] Document New York State Archives
Order to certain parties at the South river to declare what they know of a certain case Document New York State Archives
Order to certain tavern-keepers at Fort Orange to pay the excise on pain of prosecution Document New York State Archives
Order to commissary van Brugge not to enter any accounts in his books until they are audited Document New York State Archives
Order to commissary Van Brugge to correct an error in the account of Adriaen Keyser Document New York State Archives
Order to commissary Varleth to collect the duties on exported liquors and return the names of delinquents to the fiscal Document New York State Archives
Order to communicate an extract of a letter from the directors in Holland Document New York State Archives
Order to communicate fiscal de Sille's petition to Harmen Vedder Document New York State Archives
Order to communicate to Peter Cock a complaint lodged against him by William Bredenbent Document New York State Archives
Order to communicate to the consistory a petition of William Verstius Document New York State Archives
Order to confine Jan de Jongh (John Young) on board the ship King Solomon Document New York State Archives
Order to confiscate the wages of Adriaen Van Tienhoven Document New York State Archives
Order to construct two dykes or highways along certain marshy lands at New Castle Document New York State Archives
Order to Cornelis van Brugge to rectify errors in Harmen Jacobsen's account Document New York State Archives
Order to Cornelis van Brugge to rectify errors in Harmen Jacobsen's account [Copy of Volume 6:368b] Document New York State Archives
Order to Cornelis van Ruyven to assist the commissioners appointed to investigate Cornelis van Tienhoven's accounts Document New York State Archives
Order to Cornelis van Tienhoven to pay Jan Momie de la Montagne's wages Document New York State Archives
Order to Cornelis van Tienhoven to render an account of certain goods formerly shipped to New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order to court messenger to summon Tielman van Vleck to answer a demand of Nicolas de Meyer Document New York State Archives
Order to credit Egbert van Borsum with the amount of his bill for wine and liquor furnished the director and council and other public officers Document New York State Archives
Order to credit Jacob Backer with duties payable on certain tobacco and hides shipped by Margaret Stuyvesant to Holland Document New York State Archives
Order to credit Jacob Backer with duties payable on certain tobacco and hides shipped by Margaret Stuyvesant to Holland [Copy of 8:268] Document New York State Archives
Order to credit Thomas Willett with a certain sum advanced in 1651 to Cornelis van Tienhoven Document New York State Archives
Order to deliver a boat and sail to the skipper of the King Solomon, and appointing Messrs La Montagne, Cregier, Edward Moor and Isaac Allerton to take an inventory of the cargo Document New York State Archives
Order to deliver the records of the town of Rustdorp, L. I., to Mr. Coe, magistrate, and the oldest inhabitant there Document New York State Archives
Order to Dirck Smith, provisional commander on the South river, to appear before the council Document New York State Archives
Order to Dirck Smith, provisional commander on the South river, to appear before the council [Copy of Volume 6:184a] Document New York State Archives
Order to Dirck Teunissen to pay jailor's fees Document New York State Archives
Order to Dirck van Schelluyne to defend Cornelis Willemsen Document New York State Archives
Order to discharge Dirck Michielsen and Cornelis Martensen from confinement Document New York State Archives
Order to discharge Dirck Michielsen and Cornelis Martensen from confinement [Copy of Volume 8:101] Document New York State Archives
Order to enroll all persons who live by sailing up and down the river and have no fixed place of residence into the militia companies Document New York State Archives
Order to enroll into the militia companies all persons who live by sailing up and down the river and have no fixed place of residence [Copy of Volume 6:83a] Document New York State Archives
Order to ensign Smith to proceed with soldiers to the South river and report on state of affairs there Document New York State Archives
Order to ensign Smith to proceed with soldiers to the South river and report on state of affairs there [Copy of Volume 6:378] Document New York State Archives
Order to Evertje Dirckx to remove to Long Island or the South river Document New York State Archives
Order to examine the papers of Cornelis van Tienhoven Document New York State Archives
Order to fiscal and his deputy to be acknowledged and respected in their respective offices by the city tavernkeepers Document New York State Archives
Order to fiscal to inquire into and report on the facts in the case of Cornelis Jansen Document New York State Archives
Order to Francis Doughty to deliver up the minister's house to the schoolmaster Document New York State Archives
Order to furnish the sheriff of Gravesend with copy of John Tilton's answer to a charge of entertaining a Quaker Document New York State Archives
Order to Hendrick Barents Smith to remove his residence from his farm to the village of Bushwick Document New York State Archives
Order to Hendrick Sweerincx to execute a contract he entered into with the baron Van der Capelle Document New York State Archives
Order to Hendrick van Dyck to vacate the company's house which he occupies Document New York State Archives
Order to Hendrick Ysbrants to pay duty on sundry articles in his possession Document New York State Archives
Order to imprison Claes Bordingh Document New York State Archives
Order to increase the number of laborers at the public store and weighhouse to nine Document New York State Archives
Order to increase the pay of George Hanel, cadet Document New York State Archives
Order to inhabitants of New Castle to obey the directions of the court Document New York State Archives
Order to inhabitants of the town of Middelborow, L. I. not to remove their crops until they have compounded for the tenths Document New York State Archives
Order to Jacob Sam, bookkeeper, and Caret van Brugge, commissary of provisions Document New York State Archives
Order to Jacob van Curler to desist from keeping a school Document New York State Archives
Order to Jacques Corteljou to render a correct account of his administration of the affairs of Cornelis van Werckhoven Document New York State Archives
Order to Jacques Corteljou to survey and make a map of the lots within the city of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order to Jacques Corteljou to survey the lands of Anthony Jansen van Salee, Robert Pennoyer, and William Bredenbent adjoining Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Order to Jacques Corteljou to survey the lands of Anthony Jansen van Salee, Robert Pennoyer, and William Bredenbent adjoining Gravesend [Copy of Volume 8:150] Document New York State Archives
Order to Jacques Corteljou's slave to work with the other slaves Document New York State Archives
Order to Jacques Cortelyou to attend for the purpose of making certain surveys Document New York State Archives
Order to Jan Evertsen Bout to prepare to embark for Holland Document New York State Archives
Order to Jan Gerritsen van Marcken not to pay any part of his rent except on an order from the director and council Document New York State Archives
Order to Jan Jansen St. Obyn to deliver up a bond of indemnity given to him by Brant van Slechtenhorst Document New York State Archives
Order to Jeremias van Rensselaer to render an account of his administration of Renselaerwyck Document New York State Archives
Order to John Adams to either defend himself in the suit for slandering Mrs. Beeckman or satisfy the judgment Document New York State Archives
Order to John Mastine, constable of Flushing, to execute a judgment obtained by Nicholas Blashford against Thomas Stiles Document New York State Archives
Order to John Tilton, jr., to deliver up a boat he had secured Document New York State Archives
Order to Lambert Huybertsen Mol and John Hudson to examine and report on the condition of the yacht William & George of Virginia Document New York State Archives
Order to levy payment from all persons refusing to pay their share of the forced loan Document New York State Archives
Order to liberate the imprisoned intruders from Westchester Document New York State Archives
Order to liberate the imprisoned intruders from Westchester [Copy of Volume 6:330] Document New York State Archives
Order to Lieutenant Stillwell to appear before the director and council respecting a cow he sold Document New York State Archives
Order to magistrates of Bushwick not to dispose of the salt meadow claimed by Thomas Wandel until further authorized Document New York State Archives
Order to magistrates of New Utrecht to have a watch for the privateer Downeman and to send word should he be seen off the coast Document New York State Archives
Order to magistrates of Wiltwyck to inquire into the affair of Marietje Meynderts Document New York State Archives
Order to make up the accounts of Jean Paul Jacquet Document New York State Archives
Order to Marten Claessen to pay a debt due by him to Dirck Crynen Document New York State Archives
Order to Martin Cregier to furnish supplies to commander Draeyer Document New York State Archives
Order to Mattheus de Vos and Peter Rudolfus to report on the wages paid in Amsterdam to public porters Document New York State Archives
Order to Messrs. Steenwyck, Bayard and Van de Water to receive the account books of the W. I. Company Document New York State Archives
Order to Nicolas Lange Velthuysen to prepare to quit the country in the first sailing ship Document New York State Archives
Order to Nicolas Lange Velthuysen to prepare to quit the country in the first sailing ship [Copy of Volume 8:184] Document New York State Archives
Order to notify Warnaer Wessels, farmer of the excise, that he cannot hold any office under the company Document New York State Archives
Order to orphan masters to appoint guardians over Peter Jansen de Witt's minor children Document New York State Archives
Order to Paul Heymans to prepare to leave with his family for Holland Document New York State Archives
Order to Paul Heymans to prepare to leave with his family for Holland [Copy of Volume 6:70a] Document New York State Archives
Order to Paulus Leendertsen and Allard Anthony to act as guardians of the orphan child of Theunis Bastiaensen Document New York State Archives
Order to Paulus van der Beecq not to grant permits for wines or other liquors exported to Long Island Document New York State Archives
Order to Paulus van der Beecq not to grant permits for wines or other liquors exported to Long Island [Copy of 8:321] Document New York State Archives
Order to Paulus van der Beecq to deliver good stringed wampum to the burgomasters in payment of the excise rent Document New York State Archives
Order to pay an account due the estate of Peter Cornelissen Document New York State Archives
Order to pay for materials furnished for the repairs of Fort Willem Hendrick Document New York State Archives
Order to pay Jan Jansen van St. Obyn for piloting the ship Gideon Document New York State Archives
Order to pay money due to Peter Loockermans Document New York State Archives
Order to pay moneys for repairs of the fortifications Document New York State Archives
Order to pay Rachel Vigne a certain sum due her husband Cornelis van Tienhoven Document New York State Archives
Order to pay Resolved Waldron's account Document New York State Archives
Order to pay rev. Mr. Polhemus 60 guilders Document New York State Archives
Order to pay the surgeon's bill for Otto Jansen Document New York State Archives
Order to Peter Cornelissen van der Veen to render an account to Allard Anthony of goods sold for him Document New York State Archives
Order to Peter de Riemer to remove his house from the vicinity of the fort in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Order to Peter Harmsen to remove his house from the vicinity of the fort (New Orange) Document New York State Archives
Order to place 300 guilders, salary of the minister at Breuckelen, to the credit of rev. Mr. Selyns and not to that of rev. Mr. Polhemus Document New York State Archives
Order to porters of New Amsterdam not to carry any beer or wine from any house without a permit from the farmer of the excise Document beer, New York State Archives
Order to provide boats to convey the out people to New Orange on the approach of the enemy Document New York State Archives
Order to receive certain duties on tobacco in Wampum at 10 guilders for one beaver Document New York State Archives
Order to receiver-general not to pay any money except on the order of the director-general Document New York State Archives
Order to regulate the accounts of Cornelis van Ruyven Document New York State Archives
Order to Rem Jansen to replace the ploughshare in the spot where he found it Document New York State Archives
Order to repair the sheet piling of the city hall Document New York State Archives
Order to restore Cornelis Martense certain wine formerly seized Document New York State Archives
Order to rev. Johannes Ernestus Gutwasser to remain In New Amsterdam until otherwise directed Document New York State Archives
Order to rev. Johannes Ernestus Gutwater, to quit the province and return to Holland Document New York State Archives
Order to Richard Mills to deliver to Mr. Doughty, trees, etc. planted and left on the lot of the deceased minister Mr. Moor Document New York State Archives
Order to schout Jacob Strycker to call on constables to account for and pay public taxes Document New York State Archives
Order to schout Ogden to send some pieces of ordnance to New Orange Document New York State Archives
Order to Secretary van Ruyven to go on board the ship St. Pierre and examine his commission Document New York State Archives
Order to seize and seal all the books and papers belonging to Cornelis van Tienhoven, late fiscal Document New York State Archives
Order to seize and seal all the books and papers belonging to Cornelis van Tienhoven, late fiscal [Copy of 8:267] Document New York State Archives
Order to seize the reed belonging to Peter Symonsen Document New York State Archives
Order to sell major Kingsland's plantation and stock at Achter Col Document New York State Archives
Order to sell property in Bushwick belonging to two runaway Frenchmen Document New York State Archives
Order to send a copy of the order on the petition of the court of Breuckelen to Midwout and Amesfoort Document New York State Archives
Order to send a copy of the order on the petition of the court of Breuckelen to Midwout and Amesfoort [Copy of Volume 6:27b] Document New York State Archives
Order to send three Quakers back across the river to Gemoenepae Document New York State Archives
Order to Serjeant Juriaen Laecken to return to Holland in the vessel in which he arrived Document New York State Archives
Order to serve papers in the case of the farmer of the excise vs. Egbert van Borsum Document New York State Archives
Order to serve papers in the case of the farmer of the excise vs. Egbert van Borsum [Copy of Volume 6:244a] Document New York State Archives
Order to serve plaintiff with copy of rejoinder in the case of the fiscal vs. Peter Dircksen Waterhond Document New York State Archives
Order to serve plaintiff with copy of rejoinder in the case of the fiscal vs. Peter Dircksen Waterhond [Copy of Volume 6:244b] Document New York State Archives
Order to settle the accounts of the late gov. Lovelace Document New York State Archives
Order to several people to remove from their farms to the village on the river opposite the Manhatans (Brooklyn) Document New York State Archives
Order to sheriff de Sille to assist the guardians and trustees of Jacob van Couwenhoven's children Document New York State Archives
Order to sheriff Provoost to ask people in his district whether they are satisfied with the rev. Mr. Polhemus and what they intend to contribute towards his support Document New York State Archives
Order to sheriff Provoost to inquire of the principal people in his district whether they are satisfied with the rev. Mr. Polhemus and what they intend to contribute towards his support [Copy of Volume 6:71a] Document New York State Archives
Order to sheriff Tonneman to advise those of Breuckelen to fulfill their engagement towards Mr. Polhemus Document New York State Archives
Order to sheriff Tonneman to attach the lands and crops of certain farmers in Amesfoort Document New York State Archives
Order to sheriff Tonneman to attach the lands and crops of certain farmers in Amesfoort [Copy of Volume 8:60a] Document New York State Archives
Order to sheriff, burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam to summon John Adams to answer a complaint of Mrs. William Beeckman Document New York State Archives
Order to ship captain to transport soldiers to the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Order to summon a runaway by the ringing of the bell Document New York State Archives
Order to summon certain parties in arrears for jailer's fees Document New York State Archives
Order to summon certain parties of Gravesend to answer a complaint lodged against them Document New York State Archives
Order to summon certain parties of Gravesend to answer a complaint lodged against them [Copy of Volume 8:152a] Document New York State Archives
Order to summon Jan Jansen Verryn to answer a claim of Timotheus Gabry Document New York State Archives
Order to summon the magistrates of Gravesend, L. I., to answer the claim of Abel de Wolff Document New York State Archives
Order to summon William Beeckman, Thomas Hall and others to produce their titles to the valleys they mow Document New York State Archives
Order to surgeon Hendricksen (Varrevanger) to look out for a proper place and a steward for a hospital Document New York State Archives
Order to survey a valley at Canarisse, L. I., and others in dispute between Midwout and Amesfoort Document New York State Archives
Order to survey lots in New Orange for various persons Document New York State Archives
Order to survey valleys at the Red Hook, the Waalebocht, and beyond the third kill Document New York State Archives
Order to surveyor Corteljou to prepare a map of the lots within the city of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order to surveyor to lay out a valley near Bergen Document New York State Archives
Order to the burgomasters to provide against hogs running at large and privies discharging in the streets of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order to the captains of vessels in the harbor of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order to the captains of vessels in the harbor of New Amsterdam to furnish men, provisions and ammunition for the expedition to the South river and not sail until the expedition returns [Copy of Volume 6:80c] Document New York State Archives
Order to the commanding officer at the Esopus to bring down the military under his command to New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order to the commissary to settle payment of a bill of Allard Anthony [Copy of Volume 6:325a] Document New York State Archives
Order to the commissary to settle payment of a bill to Allard Anthony Document New York State Archives
Order to the court messenger to demand George Baxter turn over papers from his time as secretary of English affairs Document New York State Archives
Order to the court messenger to notify the delegates of several Dutch towns to be in attendance at 9 o'clock Document New York State Archives
Order to the court messenger to serve the protest against certain parties settled at Matinnekonck Document New York State Archives
Order to the court messenger to serve the protest against Thomas Pell Document New York State Archives
Order to the court of Fort Orange to furnish copy of the judgment against Jan Harmensen Document New York State Archives
Order to the curators of the estate of Jan Damen Document New York State Archives
Order to the Dutch towns to send delegates to New Orange to confer with the governor Document New York State Archives
Order to the farmers on the island of Manhattan to haul the firewood cut by the soldiers for the public service Document New York State Archives
Order to the fiscal to arrest and prosecute Elbert Elbertsen and others who refuse to pay the tenths Document New York State Archives
Order to the fiscal to arrest and prosecute Elbert Elbertsen and others who refuse to pay the tenths [Copy of Volume 8:63b] Document New York State Archives
Order to the fiscal to communicate to the burgomasters and schepens Document New York State Archives
Order to the fiscal to confine Jacquet to the commissary's office until he make up his accounts Document New York State Archives
Order to the fiscal to deliver certain window lead to Claes Bording and Peter Jacobsen Marius Document New York State Archives
Order to the fiscal to deliver copy of his complaint to Jean Paul Jacquet Document New York State Archives
Order to the fiscal to deliver up two hogs belonging to Thomas Hall which he had seized Document New York State Archives
Order to the fiscal to give up articles belonging to Jan Jeuriaense Document New York State Archives
Order to the fiscal to inquire respecting goods removed from the house of Cornelis Steenwyck by John Laurens Document New York State Archives
Order to the fiscal to prosecute Simon Sevron for abusing Jan Montagne, jr. Document New York State Archives
Order to the fiscal to prosecute sundry tavern keepers at Fort Orange who refused to allow their liquors to be gauged [Copy of Volume 6:67b] Document New York State Archives
Order to the fiscal to prosecute tavern keepers at Fort Orange who refused to allow their liquors to be gauged Document New York State Archives
Order to the fiscal to prosecute the widow Morris for having falsely accused Van Borsum's slave of theft Document New York State Archives
Order to the fiscal to remind the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam that six months' salary is due to the ministers Document New York State Archives
Order to the fiscal to search a vessel in the harbor of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order to the fiscal to sell two slaves Document New York State Archives
Order to the fiscal to sell two slaves [Copy of Volume 6:327c] Document New York State Archives
Order to the fiscal to take an inventory of all property belonging to John Tilton Document New York State Archives
Order to the fiscal to take an inventory of Van Tienhoven's personal effects Document New York State Archives
Order to the fiscal to take an inventory of Van Tienhoven's personal effects [Copy of 8:304] Document New York State Archives
Order to the fiscal to warn certain lewd women to amend their conduct Document New York State Archives
Order to the inhabitants of Elizabethtown and five neighboring towns to nominate magistrates Document New York State Archives
Order to the inhabitants of Fordham to send a nomination for magistrates Document New York State Archives
Order to the justices at New Castle on the petition of Jane, the widow of serjeant John Erskins Document New York State Archives
Order to the magistrates and inhabitants of Gravesend to show their patent to prove they have the right to nominate and elect magistrates Document New York State Archives
Order to the magistrates of Amsterdam at the suit of Augustine Heerman to summon Charles Gabry to appear at New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Order to the magistrates of Fort Orange and Renselaerswyck to report how much grain each citizen and farmer posesses Document New York State Archives
Order to the magistrates of Gravesend not to publish bans of matrimony or perform marriages for people who have not resided there for the last year Document New York State Archives
Order to the magistrates of Gravesend to release Anthony Jansen from confinement Document New York State Archives
Order to the magistrates of Gravesend to restore Anthony Jansen's cattle Document New York State Archives
Order to the magistrates of Gravesend to restore Anthony Jansen's cattle [Copy of Volume 8:118] Document New York State Archives
Order to the magistrates of Gravesend to sell all the property there belonging to George Baxter Document New York State Archives
Order to the magistrates of Gravesend to sell all the property there belonging to George Baxter [Copy of 8:320] Document New York State Archives
Order to the magistrates of Middelburgh to deliver up certain clothes belonging to the rev. Mr. Moore Document New York State Archives
Order to the magistrates of Oostdurp (Westchester) to put John Artcher in possession of certain goods belonging to Richard Panton Document New York State Archives
Order to the magistrates of Seatalcot to allow the wife of Daniel Lane half of his estate Document New York State Archives
Order to the magistrates of Seatalcot to seize the estate of Daniel Lane Document New York State Archives
Order to the marshal to execute the report of councillor Tonneman against those in Breuckelen who refuse to pay rev. Mr. Polhemus Document New York State Archives
Order to the marshal to put in execution a judgment obtained by Simon Harmense Coert against Andries de Graeff and Cornelis Hoogeboom Document New York State Archives
Order to the marshal to summon Dirck Jansen van Deventer before the gov. and council to answer a complaint of the fiscal Document New York State Archives
Order to the militia of the Dutch towns adjoining New Orange to appear armed at the city on the first notice Document New York State Archives
Order to the receiver to pay an account to Jacob I'Oragne Document New York State Archives
Order to the receiver-general to credit Warnaer Wessels with 125 guilders Document New York State Archives
Order to the receiver-general to pay certain outstanding claims against the government Document New York State Archives
Order to the secretary to furnish Van Dyck with a copy of the lampoon Document New York State Archives
Order to the ships New Amsterdam, Brindled Cow, and Beaver to send two men each on board the Ballance Document New York State Archives
Order to the ships New Amsterdam, Brindled Cow, and Beaver to send two men each on board the Ballance man-of-war [Copy of Volume 6:85a] Document New York State Archives
Order to the skipper of the New Love Document New York State Archives
Order to the skipper of the ship New Amsterdam to receive two seamen who had been in the expedition against the Swedes Document New York State Archives
Order to the skipper of the ships Bear and Brindled Cow Document New York State Archives
Order to the soldiers who accompanied Adriaen Post's wife from Staten Island to return there with her Document New York State Archives
Order to the soldiers who accompanied Adriaen Post's wife from Staten Island to return there with her [Copy of Volume 6:365b] Document New York State Archives
Order to the surveyor-general to lay out the lands of Schanheghtede Document New York State Archives
Order to the town of Gravesend not to molest Mr. De Wolff's workmen employed in making salt Document New York State Archives
Order to the towns on the east end of Long Island to nominate magistrates; appointment of magistrates for Staten Island Document New York State Archives
Order to the vice-director at the South river to arrest Swen Scheute and Jacob Swenske and make Swedes there take an oath of allegiance [Copy of Volume 6:348] Document New York State Archives
Order to the village of Bergen to send delegates to surrender to the Dutch Document New York State Archives
Order to the villages of Middletowne and Shrewsbury to send delegates to surrender to the Dutch Document New York State Archives
Order to the widow of David Provoost to deliver to sheriff Tonneman the official records of Breuckelen Document New York State Archives
Order to the widow of David Provoost to deliver to sheriff Tonneman the official records of Breuckelen [Copy of Volume 8:119] Document New York State Archives
Order to Thomas Ashton to take Henry Smith into custody Document New York State Archives
Order to Thomas Newton to take charge of the cattle belonging to John Gray Document New York State Archives
Order to those living scattered throughout the country to form hamlets and villages Document New York State Archives
Order to Tielman van Vleeck to serve copy on defendant and summon him to appear Document New York State Archives
Order to town of Westchester not to prevent persons pasturing their cattle or cutting firewood in the common woods Document New York State Archives
Order to transmit the petition of the Lutherans of New Amsterdam to the directors of the W.I. Company Document New York State Archives
Order to unload the ship Roseboom on suspicion of having smuggled furs on board Document New York State Archives
Order to vice-director D'Hinoyossa to permit Van Gesel to enjoy the benefit of the letters already granted him Document New York State Archives
Order to Warnaer Wessels to pay the rent due on the excise farmed to him Document New York State Archives
Order to Willemeyntie Jansen to communicate translation of the letters to her from Ralph Clark or George Woolsey Document New York State Archives
Order to William Tom and commission of Walter Wharton Document New York State Archives
Orders agreed upon by the inhabitants of Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Orders and resolutions of the town of Jamaica, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Orders extracted from the articles of war Document New York State Archives
Orders for appeals Document New York State Archives
Orders for Jan Sol, major of the garrison at fort William Henrick Document New York State Archives
Orders for the arrest of Solomon Lachair and Warnaer Wessels Document New York State Archives
Orders for the increase of the salaries of Marten Cregier, jr. and Mathys Capito Document New York State Archives
Orders increasing the pay of Gert Abel and Jan Andriessen Document New York State Archives
Orders increasing the pay of Thomas Robberson and Hendrick Hendricksen, soldiers Document New York State Archives
Orders on a petition for the better government of the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Orders on various matters relating to New Jersey; order to the magistrates of Heemstede to investigate certain charges against the marshall Document New York State Archives
Orders on various petitions from Aghter Col (New Jersey) Document New York State Archives
Orders regarding Bartholomew Applegadt & Co., Paul Regrenie, Roger Townsen and the town of Westchester, and the sailing of ships to the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Orders respecting New Jersey and Harlem Document New York State Archives
Orders to administer oath of allegiance to Staten Island and admitting Allard Anthony to be notary public and attorney Document New York State Archives
Orders to the burghers of New Orange to send delegates to confer with the Dutch commanders Document New York State Archives
Orders to the fiscal in regard to the seizure and unloading of a ship Document New York State Archives
Orders to the vice-director at the South river Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against advancing money out of the treasury to persons in the public service Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against boarding ships arriving at New Amsterdam before the same are entered Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against breaking or stealing clapboards, fences, firewood or other articles Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against burning straw or other refuse combustibles in the village of Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against conventicles Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against conventicles Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against conventicles and meetings other than the authorized reformed religion Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against conventicles in English Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against conventicles [Copy of Volume 6:260] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against cutting sods or digging oyster shells on Manhattan Island within certain limits Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against drinking during divine service or after nine o'clock in the evening Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against exporting goods without a permit Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against false entries at the custom house Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against firing at partridges or other game within the limits of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against firing guns on New Year's and May days, planting May poles, beating drums in public, and selling liquors on those occasions Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against firing guns on New Year's and May days, planting May poles, beating drums in public, and selling liquors on those occasions [Copy of Volume 6:207a] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against firing guns, planting May poles, beating drums,or selling liquors on New Year's day or May day Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against fleeing New Amsterdam at the first sign of alarm and forbidding those who have fled from returning Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against furnishing liquors to Indians Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against furnishing strong drink to Indians and for the proper preservation of fences Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against goats and hogs running at large in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against goats running at large in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against harboring or employing other people's indented servants Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against harboring pirates or vagabonds; for arresting the same, and providing for the public safety Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against harboring robbers and pirates Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against hogs, horses and cows running at large in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against importing munitions of war, unseasonable loading and unloading of vessels, and traveling without a pass Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against making advances to soldiers on their clothes or accoutrements or purchasing such articles Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against making advances to soldiers on their clothes or accoutrements or purchasing such articles [Copy of Volume 8:14] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against making openings in the palisades at Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against non-residents selling by retail at Fort Orange or Beverwyck Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against persons going into the country unless in large groups Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against persons going into the country unless in large groups [Copy of Volume 6:103] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against receiving soldiers' clothing, etc., in pawn Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against removing crops from the field before the tithes are paid Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against runners purchasing furs of Indians in the woods and against selling liquor to Indians Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against runners trading in the Mohawk or Senecas country Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against selling grain by unstamped measures Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against selling strong liquors to Indians Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against shooting or catching hogs in the woods on Manhattan Island without a permit Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against smuggling and imposing certain duties on exported furs and liquors Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against smuggling and imposing certain duties on exported furs and liquors [Copy of Volume 6:371b] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against stealing fences Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against stealing fences [Copy of Volume 6:95b] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against the profanation of the Sabbath and smuggling; designating the anchorage ground; against furious driving, and against drivers sitting on their wagons, carts, etc. Document New York State Archives
Ordinance against unlicensed taverns Document New York State Archives
Ordinance amending the laws for the better observance of the Sabbath; against the sale of liquors to the Indians, and regulating the assize of bread and the trade of baking Document New York State Archives
Ordinance amending the preceding ordinance on the excise of wines and strong liquors Document New York State Archives
Ordinance annulling all fraudulent sales of mortgaged lands on South river Document New York State Archives
Ordinance annulling banns of marriage published in places where the parties have not been residents during the previous year Document New York State Archives
Ordinance authorizing the visiting and examination of vessels in certain cases Document New York State Archives
Ordinance concerning observance of the Sabbath; selling liquors to Indians; smuggling; the port of New Amsterdam, against fast driving, and the delivery of letters Document New York State Archives
Ordinance concerning thatched roofs, wooden chimneys, hay stacks, fire buckets, hooks and ladders in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance declaring who are entitled to great and small citizenship Document New York State Archives
Ordinance declaring who may be admitted to great and small citizenship in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance empowering inferior courts to make laws for the prevention of the sale of spirituous liquors to Indians Document New York State Archives
Ordinance empowering the court of New Amsterdam to take cognizance of criminal offenses punishable by branding and whipping Document New York State Archives
Ordinance empowering the court of New Amsterdam to take cognizance of criminal offenses punishable by branding and whipping [Copy of 8:300] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance erecting a court of justice at New Utrecht Document New York State Archives
Ordinance erecting a court of justice in Bergen (N. J.) Document New York State Archives
Ordinance erecting a court of justice in Haerlem Document New York State Archives
Ordinance erecting a court of justice on Staten Island Document New York State Archives
Ordinance establishing a weekly market at New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance establishing a weekly market day in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance establishing an excise on slaughtered cattle Document New York State Archives
Ordinance establishing an excise on slaughtered cattle [Copy of Volume 6:229] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance establishing great and small citizenship in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance establishing the duties to be paid to the farmer of the excise on exported liquors Document New York State Archives
Ordinance establishing the fees to be paid at the public weigh scales Document New York State Archives
Ordinance excluding people without burgher right from trading to Fort Orange or other parts of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Ordinance exempting Jews between 16 and 60 years old from military service and obliging them to pay a monthly fine Document New York State Archives
Ordinance explaining the ordinance regulating the anchorage ground before New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance fixing the price at which bread, beer and wine shall be sold throughout the province Document beer, New York State Archives
Ordinance fixing the price of good New Netherland beer Document beer, New York State Archives
Ordinance fixing the price of good New Netherland beer Document beer, New York State Archives
Ordinance fixing the price of good New Netherland beer [Copy of Volume 6:175a] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance fixing the rate at which goods are to be sold in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance fixing the rates at which certain imported articles of merchandise are to be sold Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for affixing a box in the secretary's office at New Amsterdam for the receipt of letters to be transmitted to Holland Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for appraising and assessing vacant lots in the city of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for establishing a new village at the end of Manhattan Island (Harlem) Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for palisading the village of Wiltwyck and names of persons who supplied wheat Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for regulating taverns and granting licenses Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the appointment of fence viewers and erection of pounds in the several towns and villages throughout the province Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the arrest of hostile Indians Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the better and more careful instruction of youth in the principles of the Christian religion Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the better and more effectual settlement of granted lands Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the better collection of duties on exports Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the better collection of the fees of the weigh house at New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the better government of the town of Flushing, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the better inspection of tobacco Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the better keeping of the public accounts Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the better observance of the Sabbath Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the better observance of the Sabbath, &c., at Esopus Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the better preservation of cattle and implements on leased farms Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the better preservation of the palisades around the villages of Midwout and Amesfoort Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the better prevention of fires in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the better protection of persons frequenting the public roads Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the better regulating and maintaining of fences on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the better regulating of the trade with Indians Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the better regulating the Indian trade Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the better regulation of the currency Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the better security and settlement of Bergen Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the construction of a new road at the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the enclosing the village and the better government of the town of New Utrecht Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the establishment of villages Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the exclusive use of Amsterdam weights and measures Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the fencing of lands and permitting firewood and other timber to be cut gratis on uninclosed lots Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the fencing of private lands and authorizing the cutting of firewood and timber on unfenced lands Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the formation of villages, and against straw roofs and wooden chimneys Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the formation of villages, and against straw roofs and wooden chimneys [Copy of Volume 6:226b] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the immediate improvement of Haerlem Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the impounding of goats and sheep found injuring the fortifications Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the more careful navigation of the North river by sloop captains Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the more effectual collection of duties on exported peltries Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the more effectual prevention of quarrels and broils in the public streets of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the more effectual prevention of smuggling at the port of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the more effectual prevention of the sale of liquors to Indians Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the more general planting of wheat, corn, and other grains Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the more speedy collection of the arrears due for the house and salary of the minister at the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the officers and soldiers of the director-general's company Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the payment of tenths Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the payment of tenths Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the payment of tenths Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the payment of tenths [Copy of Volume 8:34a] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the preservation of fences Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the publication of a certain ordinance of last October against the wasteful and unprofitable consumption of grain in Renselaerwyck Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the punishment of persons spreading false reports and revoking rights and privileges as citizens of those who have left the city Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the recovery of wages by Indians Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the regulation of the officers and soldiers of the director-general's company Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the speedier erection of buildings on vacant lots in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the speedy solemnization of marriages and against cohabiting before marriage Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the stricter observance of the Sabbath Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the surer prevention of smuggling Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the sweeping of chimneys Document New York State Archives
Ordinance for the taking up lands at Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Ordinance forbidding all persons going across the river or communicating with the Indians without a pass Document New York State Archives
Ordinance forbidding all persons going across the river or communicating with the Indians without a pass [Copy of Volume 6:107b] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance forbidding magistrates to publish bans of matrimony of persons residing out of their districts Document New York State Archives
Ordinance forbidding the exportation of peltries before entering them with the Company's commissary Document New York State Archives
Ordinance forbidding the exportation of peltries before entering them with the Company's commissary [Copy of Volume 6:257] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance forbidding the lodging of Indians at night between the fort and the Fresh water in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance forbidding the lodging of Indians at night between the fort and the Fresh water in New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 8:12a] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance further regulating the currency Document New York State Archives
Ordinance further regulating the duties payable on imported and exported goods Document New York State Archives
Ordinance further regulating the excise Document New York State Archives
Ordinance further regulating the excise [Copy of 8:281] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance further regulating the Indian trade Document New York State Archives
Ordinance imposing a duty of 10 per cent on all imports except provisions, malt, tobacco and sugar, which are free Document New York State Archives
Ordinance imposing a duty of ten per cent ad valorem on every slave exported from New Netherlands Document New York State Archives
Ordinance imposing a duty of ten per cent ad valorem on every slave exported from New Netherlands [Copy of Volume 6:70b] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance imposing a land tax at Esopus to defray the cost of building a minister's house there Document New York State Archives
Ordinance imposing a new duty on wines and strong liquors Document New York State Archives
Ordinance imposing a tax on horned cattle and land Document New York State Archives
Ordinance imposing a tax on land and cattle Document New York State Archives
Ordinance imposing a tax on vacant lots in the city of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance imposing an excise duty for one year at Esopus Document New York State Archives
Ordinance imposing certain duties on furs and liquors exported to other places than Holland Document New York State Archives
Ordinance imposing certain duties on furs and liquors exported to other places than Holland [Copy of Volume 6:351a] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance imposing duties on duffels and other Indian goods, wine, brandy, beer and salt, in lieu of one percent on all imports in general Document beer, New York State Archives
Ordinance imposing duties on Indian goods, wine, brandy, etc. Document New York State Archives
Ordinance increasing the excise on wines and strong liquors Document New York State Archives
Ordinance increasing the tavern-keepers' excise throughout the province Document New York State Archives
Ordinance increasing the tavern-keepers' excise throughout the province [Copy of Volume 6:173] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance making provision for the poor in the several towns of the province Document New York State Archives
Ordinance making various rules for the government of the Delaware river Document New York State Archives
Ordinance notifying in what currency certain duties are to be paid Document New York State Archives
Ordinance notifying in what currency certain duties are to be paid [Copy of Volume 8:11] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance obliging all articles over 25 lbs. to be weighed at the weigh house Document New York State Archives
Ordinance obliging all articles over 25 lbs. to be weighed at the weigh house [Copy of Volume 6:373] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance obliging boarding house keepers to pay excise in certain cases Document New York State Archives
Ordinance obliging tavern keepers to take out a license and pay excise Document New York State Archives
Ordinance obliging the inhabitants of Fort Orange and Beverwyck to take out a permit when removing and laying in wines and beer Document New York State Archives
Ordinance of director and council of Renselaerswyck forbidding trade in the woods with Indians Document New York State Archives
Ordinance of the city of New Amsterdam regulating the citizens excise Document New York State Archives
Ordinance of the city of New Amsterdam regulating the citizens excise [Copy of 8:285] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance of the court of Midwout and Amesfoort obliging the proprietors of houses and lots in Midwout to furnish palisades for defense Document New York State Archives
Ordinance of the court of Midwout and Amesfoort obliging the proprietors of houses and lots in Midwout to furnish palisades for defense [Copy of Volume 8:15] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance of the magistrates of Breuckelen imposing an assessment to pay the rev. Mr. Polhemus Document New York State Archives
Ordinance of the town of Bergen for the construction of a public well Document New York State Archives
Ordinance prohibiting brewers to be tapsters or to sell beer by retail Document New York State Archives
Ordinance prohibiting bringing Quakers or other strollers into the province of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Ordinance prohibiting offsetting of goods delivered to persons in public employment against the payment of duties Document New York State Archives
Ordinance prohibiting the erection of buildings within 600 paces of Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Ordinance prohibiting the slaughtering of cattle without a permit Document New York State Archives
Ordinance prohibiting wooden chimneys and appointing firewardens in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance providing for the registry of deeds and mortgages in the towns of Breuckelen, Midwout, Amesfoort, and New Utrecht Document New York State Archives
Ordinance reducing the duty on furs Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating and establishing fees Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating buildings in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating certain fees payable at the public store in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the assize of bread and the price of wine, brandy, etc. in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the baking and sale of bread Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the business of the windmill Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the currency Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the currency Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the currency Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the currency suspended Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the driving of carts, wagons and sleighs in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the duties and fees of court messengers Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the duties of the provost marshal Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the duties of the provost marshal of Fort Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the fees of the weigh house and the duties of the weigh master Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the fees on removal of tobacco and other goods to and from the public store Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the fees on removal of tobacco and other goods to and from the public store [Copy of Volume 8:163] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the ferry Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the Ferry at the Manhattans Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the Indian trade Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the inspection of tobacco Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the inspection of tobacco [Copy of Volume 6:21] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the office and fees of notaries, secretaries and town clerks Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the port of New Amsterdam, the loading and unloading of ships, and establishing passes Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the public weigh house and scales Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the purchase of lands from the Indians and vacating and annulling several grants Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the rate at which beavers are to be received in payment of duties Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the sale of beer and wine Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the value of wampum currency Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the weigh house Document New York State Archives
Ordinance regulating the weigh house [Copy of Volume 6:374] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance renewing and amending the ordinance against importing and selling articles contraband of war Document New York State Archives
Ordinance renewing and amending the ordinance against importing and selling articles contraband of war [Copy of Volume 8:135] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance renewing and enforcing the ordinance regulating the Indian trade Document New York State Archives
Ordinance renewing previous ordinances for the formation of villages, against admitting armed Indians into cities, villages, or houses, etc. Document New York State Archives
Ordinance renewing previous ordinances for the formation of villages, against admitting armed Indians into cities, villages, or houses, etc. [Copy of Volume 8:56b] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance renewing sundry ordinances which have fallen into disuse Document New York State Archives
Ordinance renewing the ordinance against furnishing strong drink to Indians Document New York State Archives
Ordinance renewing the ordinance against trading up the North or South river without a permit Document New York State Archives
Ordinance renewing the ordinances regarding the Sabbath, furnishing liquor to Indians, exporting liquors, and the trade of baking Document New York State Archives
Ordinance renewing the regulations for the inspection of tobacco enacted 10 February, 1653 Document New York State Archives
Ordinance requiring all vessels and persons to take out a permit and to pay duties on exported furs and liquors before sailing from New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Ordinance requiring permits for the removal of wine or beer Document New York State Archives
Ordinance requiring shippers of tobacco to return the weight of each particular hogshead Document New York State Archives
Ordinance setting forth what sort of goods are to be received in payment of export duties Document New York State Archives
Ordinance to amend the ordinance imposing an excise on exported liquors Document New York State Archives
Ordinance to amend the ordinance imposing an excise on exported liquors [Copy of Volume 8:20] Document New York State Archives
Ordinance to oblige parties to marry after the proclamation of banns Document New York State Archives
Ordinance to prevent frauds in the inspection of tobacco Document New York State Archives
Ordinance to prevent the purchase of stolen goods from Indians Document New York State Archives
Original of the letter from ensign Dirck Smith to the director and council Document New York State Archives
Paper read by director Stuyvesant to the council Document New York State Archives
Paper read by director Stuyvesant to the council [Copy of Volume 6:253] Document New York State Archives
Papers in support of payment of Thomas Willett's claim Document New York State Archives
Papers in the suit against Jan Spigelaer Document New York State Archives
Papers relating to the conquest of the Swedes on the Delaware river Document New York State Archives
Pardon of Edward Hart, town clerk of Flushing Document New York State Archives
Pardon of Hendrick Sweers for accidentally wounding captain Nuton Document New York State Archives
Pardon of Laurens Hansen, a soldier Document New York State Archives
Pardon of Martin Claesen Document New York State Archives
Pardon of Martin Claesen, carpenter Document New York State Archives
Pardon of Nicholas Lange Velthuysen Document New York State Archives
Pardon of two soldiers who had been absent and now return to their duty Document New York State Archives
Pardon of two soldiers who had been absent and now return to their duty [Copy of Volume 8:186] Document New York State Archives
Part of the rough draft of the journal of the commissioners' visit to the east end of Long Island Document New York State Archives
Partial copy of 18:1 and 18:7b Document New York State Archives
Partial copy of patent of Jans Gaggen Document New York State Archives
Partial index of Volume 16 Part 4 Document New York State Archives
Pass for Abraham Staats, skipper, bearer of despatches to gov. Endicott Document New York State Archives
Pass for the ship Welvaert to sail to Surinam Document New York State Archives
Pass to James Mills to sojourn in New Amsterdam for 10 days on his private business Document New York State Archives
Pass to John Rysingh, Swedish commandant at the Delaware, to visit New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Pass to Lourens Sachariassen, skipper of the ship Welfare, for a voyage to Surinam Document New York State Archives
Pass to secretary Tienhoven and burgomaster Cregier, ambassadors to New Haven Document New York State Archives
Pass to the ship Mercury to come to New Amsterdam for supplies and then proceed to Europe Document New York State Archives
Pass to the ship Mercury to come to New Amsterdam for supplies and then proceed to Europe [Copy of Volume 6:349] Document New York State Archives
Patent of Abraham Clock for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Abraham Planck for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Abraham Planck, Symon Root, Jan Andriessen and Peter Harmensen for land on the South river Document New York State Archives
Patent of Abraham Rycken for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Abraham Rycken for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Adam Brouwer for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Adam Mott for land on the west side of Mespachtes kil Document New York State Archives
Patent of Adam Roelantsz for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Adriaen Dircksen Coen for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Adriaen Dircksen Coen for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Adriaen Huybertsen for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Adriaen Jansen for a lot in Beverwyck (Albany) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Adriaen van Laer for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Adrian Huybertsen for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Albert Cornelisse for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Alexander Boeyer for 24 morgens of land north of Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Andries Andriesz for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Andries Herpertsen and Rutger Jacobsen for a small island in the North river Document New York State Archives
Patent of Andries Hudde and Wolphert Gerritsen van Couwenhoven for a tract of land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Andries Hudde for 100 morgens of land on the northeast of Manhattan island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Andries Hudde for a lot near Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Andries Hudde for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Andries Hudde for land on the Great Highway Document New York State Archives
Patent of Andries Meyer for a lot in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Anna, widow of Andries d'Angola, for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Annetie Jans for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Annetje Bogardus for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Anthony Jansen for 100 morgens of land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Anthony Portuguese for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Antony Congo for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Arent van Curler for a piece of land near Fort Orange (Albany) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Arent van Hattem for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Ariaen Petersz for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Ariaen Pietersen for a tract of land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Augustyn Herman for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Baltalazar Stuyvesant for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Barent Jansen van Swol for a lot near Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Bastiaen for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Big Manuel for land on the island of Manhattan Document New York State Archives
Patent of Burger Jorissen for a lot of land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Burger Jorissen for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Captain John Underhill for Meutelars Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Carel van Brugge for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Catelina, widow of Jochim Antony, for land on the island of Manhattan Document New York State Archives
Patent of Christiaen Barentsen for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Christoffel Davids for 36 morgens of land at the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Patent of Christoffel Lourens for land on the bay of the North river Document New York State Archives
Patent of Claes Carsten for land on the East river Document New York State Archives
Patent of Claes Carstensz Noorman for land on the west side of the North river (New Jersey) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Claes Claesen for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Claes Cornelissen van Schouw for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Claes Hendricksen for a lot in Beverwyck (Albany) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Claes Jansen Backer for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Claes Jansen Backer for land at Pavonia (New Jersey) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Claes Jansen van Naerden for a double lot south of Fort Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Claes Jansen van Naerden for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Claes Pietersen for a lot near Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Claes van Elslant for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Claes van Elslant for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Constantinus Groenenburgh for a lot below Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Cornelis Antonysz and company for a lot on the river Mauritius Document New York State Archives
Patent of Cornelis Claesz for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Cornelis Dircks for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Cornelis Jacobsz Stille for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Cornelis Lambersen Cool for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Cornelis Melyn for a double lot of land on the island of Manhattan Document New York State Archives
Patent of Cornelis Melyn for Staten Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Cornelis Steenwyck for a lot near Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Cornelis Teunisz for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Cornelis Theunissen for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Cornelis van der Donck for 50 morgens of land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Cornelis van Nes for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Cornelis van Ruyven for a lot on Manhattan island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Cornelis van Ruyven for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Cornelis van Tienhoven for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Cornelis van Tienhoven for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Cornelis van Tienhoven for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Cornelis Volckersz for a double lot on the Great Highway Document New York State Archives
Patent of Cornelis Willemsz for a lot on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Cornelis, husband of Sara van Borsum, for her services as Indian interpreter, a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Cors Pietersz for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Cosyn Gerritsz for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Daniel ———— for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Dirck Ziecken for a piece of land near Getnoenepae (New Jersey) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Domingo Antony for land on the island of Manhattan Document New York State Archives
Patent of Edward Marrel for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Edward Marrel for land on the East river Document New York State Archives
Patent of Egbert van Borsum for a lot on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Egbert Woutersz for land across the North river (New Jersey) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Elbert Elbertsen for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Elcke for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Elizabeth Drisius for a lot in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Ensign Dirck Smith for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Ephraim and Casparus Hermans for land below New Amstel Document New York State Archives
Patent of Ephraim Herman for a lot in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Ephraim Herman for a lot outside the city of New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Evert Duyckingh for a lot of land Document New York State Archives
Patent of Evert Jansen for a lot on Mahattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Francis Doughty and associates for 6,666 Dutch acres of land at Mespath Document New York State Archives
Patent of Francisco for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Fredrick Philipsen for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Frerick Lubbertsen for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Frerick Lubbertsz for land on the East river Document New York State Archives
Patent of George Bacxter, Richard Clof and associates of land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of George Baxter and Walter Harfoorts for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of George Baxter for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of George Cobbet for a lot in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of George Dircksx for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of George Homs and Thomas Hall for land at Deutel bay on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of George Homs for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of George Rapaelje for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of George Rapalje for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of George Rapalje for a tract of land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Gerrit Douman for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Gerrit Hendrickse for a house and lot in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Gerrit Hendricksz for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Gerrit Janse Roos for a lot in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Gerrit Jansen Roos for a lot in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Gerrit Jansz for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Gerrit Pietersen for land across the North river (New Jersey) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Gerrit Snediger for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Gerrit Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Gertrude, widow of John Hubon for a lot on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Gilyam Cornelse for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of gov. Colve to John Ogden, Jaspar Crane, Jacob Melyn, Samuel Hopkins, John Ward, Abraham Pierson, senior, and Stephen Freeman Document New York State Archives
Patent of Govert Loockermans for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Govert Loockermans, Cornelis van Ruyven and Jacobus Backer for a tract of land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Govert Loockermans, Cornelis van Ruyven and Jacobus Backer for a tract of land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Gustavus Daniels for a lot on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Gysbert Lubbertsen for land across the North river (New Jersey) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Gysbert Op Dyck for the whole of Coney Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Hans Albertsen for a lot by Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Hans Hansen for a lot on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Hans Hansen for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Hans Jongh and Daniel Stiger for a lot on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Hans Kierstede for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Hans Loodewyck for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Harck Syboutsen for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Harmen Meyndertsz van Bogaert for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Harmen Smeman for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Harry Breser for land on the shore of the East river Document New York State Archives
Patent of Harry Peers for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Hendrick Jansen for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Hendrick Jansen for a lot on the island of Manhattan Document New York State Archives
Patent of Hendrick Jansen Smith for a lot on the island of Manhattan Document New York State Archives
Patent of Hendrick Jansen van Ieveren for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Hendrick Jansen van Schalckwyck for land across the North river (New Jersey) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Henrick Hendricksen Kip for a lot of land east of fort Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Herry Piers for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Huych Aertz van Rosum for land at Marechkawick (Brooklyn) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Ide Cornelissen van Vorst for a lot at Ahasimus (New Jersey) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Ide Cornelissen van Vorst for land in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Isaac Allerton and Govert Loockermans for two lots of land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Isaac d'Foreest for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Isaac Deforeest for a lot east of Fort Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Isaac Deforeest for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Isaac Foreest for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Isaac Kip for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jacob Crabbe for land near Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jacob de Hinse for two lots by Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jacob Gerritsen and Seger Gerritsen for land on Staten Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jacob Jacobsz Roy for land at Constabel's point (New Jersey) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jacob Kip for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jacob Luby for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jacob van der Veer for a lot near fort Altona (Wilmington, Delaware) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jacob Walingen from Hoorn for land across the North river (New Jersey) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jacob Wolphertsen Couwenhoven for a lot with a house in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jacob Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven for land in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jacob Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jacobus van Corler for a tract of land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jacobus van de Water for a house and lot in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Andriessen for a lot at Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Andriessen for a lot at Fort Orange (Albany) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Catjou for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Cornelissen Buys for land across the North river (New Jersey) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Cornelissen Crynnen for land across the North river (New Jersey) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Cornelissen for land across the North river (New Jersey) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Davith for a lot at Beverwyck (Albany) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Deckhoff for a lot at Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Eversz Bout for land on Gouwanes kil Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Evertsz Bout for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan for a land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Gerritsen for a lot near Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Gerritsen van Immen for land across the North river (New Jersey) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Haes for a lot on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Hendricksen for a lot by Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Hendricksen Steelman for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Jacobsen Carpenel for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Jansen Damen for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Jansen Damen for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Jansen Schepmoes for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Jansen van Ditmersz for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Jansen van Langedyck for a lot at New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Lubbertsen for of land across the North river (New Jersey) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Martensen for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Martin for a lot on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Monfoort for a lot on Manhattan island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Monfoort for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Monfoort for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Montfoort for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Pietersen and Abraham Rycken for a lot of land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Pietersen for a lot on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Pietersen Slot for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Scholten for land on the Kil van Col, Staten Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Snediger for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Snediker for a double lot of land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Stevensen for a lot north of fort Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Swaen for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Swaen for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Teunissen van Pelt for land on Staten Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan Tomassen for 2 lots at Beverwyck (Albany) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jan van Aecken for a lot at Beverwyck (Albany) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jans Gaggen for land on the South river (Delaware) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jean Picolet for land south of Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jeremias van Renselaer for a lot at Fort Orange (Albany) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jeuryaen Blanck for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jochem Gerritsen Cock for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jochem Kierstede for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jochim Calder for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Jochim Pietersen for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Johanna de Laet for 500 morgens of land at the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Patent of Johannes la Montagne for land on Manhattan Island (Harlem) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Johannis van Brugh for land in New Jersey Document New York State Archives
Patent of John Forbus for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of John Trockmorton for land along the East river Document New York State Archives
Patent of John West for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Juryaen Fradel for land east of Hellgate Document New York State Archives
Patent of Kiliaen van Renselaer for a tract of land on the North river Document New York State Archives
Patent of Kiliaen van Renselaer for a tract of land on the west side of the North river Document New York State Archives
Patent of Lambert Huybertsen Mol for 25 morgens of land on the East river Document New York State Archives
Patent of Lammert van Valeckenborch for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Laurens Cornelisen for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Leendert Aerden for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Leendert Aerden for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Lieve Jansen for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Lodewyck Post for a house and lot in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Loursens Pietersz for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Lubbert Gysbertsen for land across the North river (New Jersey) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Luycas Dircksen for a lot near Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Luycas Dircksen for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Martin Cregier for land in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Martin Cregier, jr. for a house and lot formerly belonging to the English governor Francis Lovelace in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Martin Criegier for a house and land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Martin Janse Meyer for a house and lot in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Martin Janse Meyer for a lot outside the city of Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Maryn Adriaensz for land on the west side of the North river (New Jersey) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Matys Jansz for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Michael Marschan for a lot on the island of Manhattan Document New York State Archives
Patent of Michael Paauw for a tract of land called Hobocan Hacking Document New York State Archives
Patent of Michael Paulusz for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Michael Pauw for Staten Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Michel Pauw for a tract of land in New Jersey Document New York State Archives
Patent of Michiel Jansen for 261 morgens of land at Pavonia (New Jersey) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Nicasius de Sille for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Nicasius de Sille for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Nicholas Bayard of a lot in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Nicolaes Backer for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Nicolaes Meyer for several parcels of land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Nicolas William Stuyvesant for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Obadiah Bruen, Samuel Kitchell, Michael Tamkins, John Brown, Rober Denison, and the other inhabitants of the town of New Worke at Achter Coll Document New York State Archives
Patent of Olof Stevensz van Cortland for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Olof Stevensz van Cortland for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Olof Stevensz van Cortland for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Paulus Heymanz for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Paulus Jansen for land on the South river (Wilmington, Delaware) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Paulus Regrinar for land on Staten Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Paulus van der Beeke for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Andersz for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Andriessen for a lot on the south side of the Wall in New Amsterdam (Wall Street) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Andriesz for land on the East river Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Ceser Alberto for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Cornelisz for land at Marechkawick (Brooklyn) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Cornelisz for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter de Riemer for a confiscated house and lot heretofore belonging to the late gov. Francis Lovelace in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Ebel for land near Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Harmense for a lot near Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Harmse for a house and lot in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Hartgers for a lot at Beverwyck, Fort Orange (Albany) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Hartgers for a lot at Beyerwyck (Albany) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Hermens Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Jacobsen for a lot in Fort Orange (Albany) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Janse Mesier for a lot in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Jansen for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Jansen for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Jansen Mesier for a lot outside New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Jansen Slodt for a lot in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Jansen Statuis and his sons Jan and Peter Petersen with Jan Jansen for a piece of land on Staten Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Jansz and Huyck Aertsen for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Lourensen for a lot near Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Lourensz for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Louwerense for a plantation near Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Meersen for a lot at Fort Orange (Albany) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Mees for a lot at Beverwyck (Albany) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Meyer for a tract of land near Fort Altona (Wilmington, Delaware) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Monfoort for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Montfoort for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Montfoort for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Rudolf for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Stoutenbergh for a lot in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Stoutenbergh for a lot in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Stoutenburch for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter van Campen for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter van der Linden for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter van Linden for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Peter Wolphersz van Couwenhoven for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Philip de Truy for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Philip Geraerdy for a double lot of land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Philip Jansen Ringo for a lot below Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Philip Pietersen Schuyler for a lot at Fort Orange (Albany) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Rem Jansen for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of rev. Samuel Drisius for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Reyck Leydecker for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Reyer Lambertsz for land at Marechawick (Brooklyn) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Reynier Dominicus for a lot by Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Richard Brutnel for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Richard Smith for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Robert Bottelaer for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Robert Pinoyer for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Roelof de Haes's widow for a lot by Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Roelof de Haes's widow for a plantation near Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Roelof Jansen for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Roelof Jansen for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Roelof Jansen Haes of land northeast of the fort Document New York State Archives
Patent of Roelof Jansz Haes for a lot northeast of Fort Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Roelof Martensen for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Roelof van der Linde, Jan Spieringh, Jan van der Linde and Hans Spieringh for land on Staten Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Rutger Arentsen van Seyl for a lot of land east of the Great Highway Document New York State Archives
Patent of Ryer Lammersen Mol for a lot near Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Samuel Edsall Document New York State Archives
Patent of Samuel Godyn and Samuel Bloemmaert for Cape May Document New York State Archives
Patent of Samuel Godyn for a tract of land on the south side of the Delaware bay Document New York State Archives
Patent of Sander Leendertsen for a lot at Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of Sander Leendertsen for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Sander Leendertsen Glen for a lot at Fort Orange (Albany) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Sergeant Huyberts for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Simon Barentse Blanck for a lot in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Sybolt Claesz for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Sybout Claesz for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Sybout Claesz for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Teuniz Tomasz van Naerden for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of the consistory of New Orange for the use of the church standing in Fort William Hendrick for divine service Document New York State Archives
Patent of the heirs of Bruyn Barentsen for a lot in the village of Breuckelen Document New York State Archives
Patent of the inhabitants of New Utrecht for 130 morgens of land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of the Lutheran congregation for a lot in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Thomas Bacxter for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Thomas Bescher for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Thomas Broen for a plantation on the South river, below Fort Casimir (New Castle, Delaware) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Thomas Chambers for a lot at Fort Orange (Albany) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Thomas Coornel for land on the East river Document New York State Archives
Patent of Thomas Hall for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Thomas Sandersen for a lot on the Great Highway Document New York State Archives
Patent of Thomas Sandersz for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Tonis Kray for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Tonis Nysen for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Tonis Nysen for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Touchyn Briel for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Touchyn Briel for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Tryntie Jonas for a lot south of Fort Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of Tymen Jansen for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Tymen Jansen for land on the island of Manhattan Document New York State Archives
Patent of Tymon Jansen for land on the east side of Mespachtes kil Document New York State Archives
Patent of Volckert Evertsz for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Volckert Jansen and Jan Thomassen for land at Fort Orange (Albany) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Wessel Evertsz for land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of William Beeckman for a lot on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of William Bredenbent for a lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Patent of William Cornelise for land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of William Tailler for a lot at Fort Casimir Document New York State Archives
Patent of William van Vredenburgh for a lot in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Patent of Wouter van Twiller for 100 morgens of land on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Wouter van Twiller for a tract of land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Wouter van Twiller for Nut Island (Governor's Island) Document New York State Archives
Patent of Wouter van Twiller for Red Hook, Long Island Document New York State Archives
Patent of Wouter van Twiller for two islands in Hellgate Document New York State Archives
Patent to Burger Jorisz Document New York State Archives
Patent to François Soleil and François Grion of land on Mespath kil, L.I. Document New York State Archives
Patent to Hans Dreeper Document New York State Archives
Patent to Jacques Corteljou Document New York State Archives
Patent to Margrietge Provoost Document New York State Archives
Patent to Nathaniel Silvester for Shelter Island Document New York State Archives
Patent to Nicolaes Bernard Document New York State Archives
Patent to Peter Terragon Document New York State Archives
Patent to Philip Pietersen Schuylernof 2 lots in Beverwyck Document New York State Archives
Payments made on account of persons employed in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Payments made on account of persons in the public service in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Payments made on account of persons serving in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Payments made on account of various persons in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Peace and trade agreement between the Grand Assembly of Virginia and Nicolaes Varleth and Brian Nuton on behalf of Peter Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Peremptory order to Hendrick Jansen to deposit certain moneys on pain of execution Document New York State Archives
Peremptory order to Hendrick Jansen to deposit certain moneys on pain of execution [Copy of 8:316a] Document New York State Archives
Peremptory order to the several delegates of the convention (by name) to disperse, and not to meet again on pain of arbitrary correction Document New York State Archives
Peremptory order to Thomas Hunt to comply with the judgment in favor of Mary Larison Document New York State Archives
Permission to Jan Oosthoff to return to Holland Document New York State Archives
Permission to serjeant Jacob van der Veer to return to New Amsterdam from the Delaware Document New York State Archives
Permit from the Amsterdam chamber of the West India Company to Adriaen Blommert to sail with the ship Prins Maurits to New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Permit of Jan van Bommel to erect a water mill near Hogs' island Document New York State Archives
Permit to Abraham Pietersen to erect a water mill on the Fresh water, New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Permit to Adriaen Jansen to build an inn near the palisades of Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Permit to capt. Augustin Beaulieu to come into port, with a copy in French Document New York State Archives
Permit to captain Jacob to sail for the South river (Delaware) Document New York State Archives
Permit to Casparus Herrmans to occupy and possess a tract of land on the Delaware river Document New York State Archives
Permit to certain persons to commence a settlement behind Gemoenepa Document New York State Archives
Permit to Dirck Bensich to return up the river Document New York State Archives
Permit to Jacques Corteljou to retain one of the company's slaves a few months Document New York State Archives
Permit to Jean Labatie of Fort Orange to build a house within the fort and to brew therein Document New York State Archives
Permit to John Moll and partners Document New York State Archives
Permit to Joseph d'Acosta to send goods to the South river Document New York State Archives
Permit to Joseph d'Acosta to send goods to the South river [Copy of Volume 6:340a] Document New York State Archives
Permit to Lewis Morris; order to the magistrates at Nevesings; order for a new election at Shrewsbury Document New York State Archives
Permit to Madame Corlear to trade with the Indians at Schenectady and order respecting a negro claimed by Mrs. Teller Document New York State Archives
Permit to Mr. Evans to trade in Delaware Document New York State Archives
Permit to New Netherland traders to export goods except peltries Document New York State Archives
Permit to Peter Meyer to use the pleasure boat of the late gov. Printz as a dispatch boat Document New York State Archives
Permit to Reyndert Jansen Hoorn to come and reside at New Amsterdam for four months free from arrest Document New York State Archives
Permit to Serjeant Gysbert Bry to return to Holland Document New York State Archives
PERMIT to Simon Cornelissen Gilde, skipper of Den Vogelstruys, to proceed to Amsterdam by way of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Permit to the Swedes on the South river to form a village where they think proper Document New York State Archives
Permit to Walter Webly to remain with the government Document New York State Archives
Petition and caveat relating to operation of a ferry across the Hudson Document New York State Archives
Petition and caveat relating to operation of a ferry across the Hudson Document New York State Archives
Petition by the Heirs of Samuel Palmer of Westchester that his widow be granted a letter of administration, 1670 Document New York State Archives
Petition concerning the estate of Cornelis van Werckhoven Document New York State Archives
Petition for officers of the ship King George Document New York State Archives
Petition for privileges from Fort Orange (Albany) Document New York State Archives
Petition for the appointment of a court at St. Jones Creek Document New York State Archives
Petition for the foreclosure of a mortgage on the farm of Peter le Feber at the Waele Bocht Document New York State Archives
Petition for the release of Nicolaes Boot's wife Document New York State Archives
Petition for the release of Nicolaes Boot's wife [Copy of Volume 6:117a] Document New York State Archives
Petition from Ammergarrt Prints to capt. Carr concerning Tinnekunck Document New York State Archives
Petition from Oysterbay Document New York State Archives
Petition from Richard Merrill to Lord Cornbury Document New York State Archives
Petition from the town of Flushing Document New York State Archives
Petition of Abbe Claesen for payment of an account due by the Swedish Company Document New York State Archives
Petition of Abraham de Lucena and other Jews for leave to trade at the South river and Fort Orange Document New York State Archives, tolerance
Petition of Abraham de Lucena and other Jews for leave to trade at the South river and Fort Orange [Copy of Volume 6:176] Document New York State Archives, tolerance
Petition of Abraham de Lucena, Jacob Cohen Henricque, Salvador Dandrada, Joseph Dacosta, and David Frera, Jews, for the same rights in trade and real estate as other citizens Document New York State Archives
Petition of Abraham de Lucena, Jacob Cohen Henricque, Salvador Dandrada, Joseph Dacosta, and David Frera, Jews, for the same rights in trade and real estate as other citizens [Copy of Volume 6:321] Document New York State Archives, tolerance
Petition of Abraham Kip relating to operation of a ferry across the Hudson Document New York State Archives
Petition of Abraham Martense Clock for the grant of a piece of land in front of his house Document New York State Archives
Petition of Abraham Martense Clock for the grant of a piece of land in front of his house [Copy of 8:310] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Abraham Verplanck for a lot in lieu of one he had near the fort Document New York State Archives
Petition of Abraham Verplanck for a lot in lieu of one he had near the fort [Copy of Volume 6:326] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Adam Wallis in relation to breaking open his trunk Document New York State Archives
Petition of Adriaen Blommaert for a writ of appeal Document New York State Archives
Petition of Adriaen Blommaert for a writ of appeal from a judgment by the court of New Amsterdam in favor of John la Montagne, jr. [Copy of Volume 6:117b] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Adriaen Blommert concerning misuse of shipping marks [Copy of Volume 6:310a] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Adriaen Hegeman for writ of benefit of inventory in settling the estate of the late councillor Van Dincklage Document New York State Archives
Petition of Adriaen Hegeman, complaining of Rem Jansen for carrying off his ploughshare Document New York State Archives
Petition of Adriaen Jansen to be continued another year as farmer of the excise at Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Petition of Adriaen Post's wife for a postponement of the suit between her husband and Jacob Schellinger Document New York State Archives
Petition of Adriaen Post's wife, for a postponement of the suit between her husband and Jacob Schellinger [Copy of Volume 6:365a] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Adriaen Post, agent of Mr. Van de Capelle, for an order to all his colonists to return to Staten Island Document New York State Archives
Petition of Adriaen van der Donck Document New York State Archives
Petition of Adriaen van der Donck concerning land granted him at Saeghkil in 1645 Document New York State Archives
Petition of Adriaen van der Donck concerning obligations of his servants Document New York State Archives
Petition of Aegidius Luyck to be confirmed in the rectorship of the Latin school with a salary, or for leave to return to Fatherland to solicit it Document New York State Archives
Petition of Aegidius Luyck, rector of the Greek and Latin school in New Amsterdam, for a salary Document New York State Archives
Petition of Alexander D'Hinoyossa for an appeal from a judgment of the city court of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Petition of Allard Anthony for payment of a bill of salt beef he furnished Document New York State Archives
Petition of Allard Anthony for payment of a bill of salt beef he furnished [Copy of Volume 6:324] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Allard Anthony for the payment of moneys in the hands of Cornelis van Ruyven to satisfy a judgment obtained against Anthony Claessen Moore Document New York State Archives
Petition of Allard Anthony, agent of Daniel du Pire, to be admitted as a preferred creditor of Anthony Claessen Moore Document New York State Archives
Petition of Allard Anthony, attorney for Jacob Jansen Huys, for a writ of appeal against a judgment of the court of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Petition of Ambrose Backer for the return of his horse forfeited for killing his daughter-in-law Document New York State Archives
Petition of Andres Poulson concerning a grant of land in Apequarneny creek, Delaware River Document New York State Archives
Petition of Andries de Haes that execution may be issued against the goods of Jacob Vis Document New York State Archives
Petition of Andries Hudde praying for some appointment at the South river Document New York State Archives
Petition of Anna Catharma Ram against an order for the surrender of the books and papers belonging to the estate of the late director Alrichs Document New York State Archives
Petition of Anna Dircks, widow of Peter Kock, to build a house on the south corner of her lot in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Petition of Anna Juriaensen that her husband may not be prosecuted for having killed one Seger Cornelissen in self-defense Document New York State Archives
Petition of Anna Vermont for mitigation of the sentence of banishment pronounced against her husband Document New York State Archives
Petition of Anna, widow of Peter Kock, that an inventory be taken of the property of John de Smet Document New York State Archives
Petition of Anneke Adriaens for a dissolution of her marriage with Aert Pietersen Tack Document New York State Archives
Petition of Anthony Jenkins, for permission to bring from Boston to New Orange certain Barbadoes goods Document New York State Archives
Petition of Arent van Curler for a survey of the great flatt behind Fort Orange (Schenectady) Document New York State Archives
Petition of Arent van Hattem for payment of arrears for his services Document New York State Archives
Petition of Arent van Hattum for the payment of his account against the W. I. Company Document New York State Archives
Petition of Ariaentje Cornelissen that she may be released from a debt due the company by her late husband Document New York State Archives
Petition of Armgard Prints for a grant of certain lands at Printsdorp and Tinnakunck Document New York State Archives
Petition of Armgard Prints for a grant of certain lands at Printsdorp and Tinnakunck [Copy of Volume 8:154] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Arnlodus de La Grange relative to the island of Tinicum in the Delaware river Document New York State Archives
Petition of Augustine Herman for payment of his claim to certain goods taken in the prize Tobasko Document New York State Archives
Petition of Augustyn Heerman and others that they may be paid their share of a certain prize captured in 1650 by the privateer La Garce Document New York State Archives
Petition of Augustyn Heerman and others that they may be paid their share of a certain prize captured in 1650 by the privateer La Garce [Copy of Volume 8:23b] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Augustyn Heerman for permission to make a voyage to the Dutch and French islands in the West Indies Document New York State Archives
Petition of Augustyn Heerman for reference to arbitration of a claim of Charles Gabry against him Document New York State Archives
Petition of Auke Jansen for the appointment of arbitrators to appraise his work and settle his accounts for building the church at Midwout Document New York State Archives
Petition of Balthazar Bayard to be appointed commissary of exports and imports Document New York State Archives
Petition of Balthazar Beyard for an increase of salary Document New York State Archives
Petition of Barnard Hedges for a rehearing of his claim to a tract of land Document New York State Archives
Petition of Bartel Maneken, a soldier, for his discharge Document New York State Archives
Petition of Bartel Maneken, a soldier, for his discharge [Copy of Volume 6:298b] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Bartholomew Appelgate and others for leave to purchase a tract of land from the Indians Document New York State Archives
Petition of Bartholomew van Schel, mason, for an increase of wages Document New York State Archives
Petition of Brant van Slechtenhorst to be released from arrest and to be allowed to return to Renselaerswyck or Holland Document New York State Archives
Petition of Brant van Slechtenhorst to be released from confinement Document New York State Archives
Petition of Brian Nuton for leave to resign his commission of captain-lieutenant and to return to Holland Document New York State Archives
Petition of Brian Nuton to the directors of the W. I. Company for permission to return to New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Petition of Brian Nuton to the directors of the W. I. Company for permission to return to New Netherland [Copy of Volume 6:205] Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters and schepens for leave to appoint persons to settle the estates of the late Jochem Pietersen (Kuyter) and Peter Anthony Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters and schepens for the establishment of two cattle fairs annually in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters and schepens for the privilege of appointing city officers, with answer refusing Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam concerning revision of court judgments Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for approval of the fees to be paid by certain ships Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for leave to erect a pier Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for the convocation of delegates from all the Dutch towns Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for the establishment of burgher right Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for the further depreciation of wampum currency Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam in support of the merchants' request to trade with foreign countries Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam on which the ordinance on citizenship was issued Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam to be allowed the revenue of the weigh-house Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam, in regard to their salaries Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters and schepens praying the ratification of the ordinace regulating the citizens excise Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters and schepens praying the ratification of the ordinace regulating the citizens excise [Copy of 8:287] Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters and schepens recommending that the petition of the citizens of New Amsterdam be granted Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters and schepens regarding the payment of their salaries Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters of New Amsterdam of the necessity of fortifcation and proposing to raise a loan for that purpose Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters of New Amsterdam that Francis Boon deliver up the church to the present church wardens Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters, etc. of New Amsterdam for a modification of the tax on chimneys Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters, etc., of New Amsterdam for a lot for a school house and a lot for a burying ground Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters, etc., of New Amsterdam for instructions how to act on an application made by Michael Tadens for relief from a mortgage Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters, etc., of New Amsterdam for the removal of the duties on exported liquors Document New York State Archives
Petition of burgomasters, etc., of the city of New Amsterdam for leave to impose certain taxes Document New York State Archives
Petition of C. V. Ruyven requesting the appointment of commissioners to examine his accounts Document New York State Archives
Petition of Capt. John Berry for revision of a judgment pronounced against him by the court of Bergen Document New York State Archives
Petition of captain Cantwell and John d'Haes relative to a trespass committed by widow Block Document New York State Archives
Petition of Catherine Lane for a divorce Document New York State Archives
Petition of Catrina Roeloffs, widow of Lucas Rodenborch, for permission to raise money on account of the salary due her husband as vice director of Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Petition of Charles Gabrij requesting Augustijn Herman to render an account Document New York State Archives
Petition of Charles Hill for permission to bring his vessel to New Orange with a cargo of wine, brandy and rum Document New York State Archives
Petition of children and heirs of Cornelis Melyn concerning Staten Island Document New York State Archives
Petition of Christiaen Niessen for an increase of pay Document New York State Archives
Petition of Christina Steentgens, widow of Gabriel d'Haes, for the appointment of curators over his estate Document New York State Archives
Petition of Christina Steentgens, widow of Gabriel de Haes, for a writ empowering her to surrender all the deceased's estate Document New York State Archives
Petition of Christopher Davids for permission to re-enter on land at the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Petition of citizens of New Amsterdam asking to be invested with the right of citizenship in all places in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Petition of coheirs of Thomas Vardon that Paulus van der Beecq may be obliged to account for their paternal estate Document New York State Archives
Petition of commissioners appointed to erect block houses at Bergen Document New York State Archives
Petition of consistory of the church at Beverwyck that their chorister be allowed a salary Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis Barents Slecht for a lot near the mill gate at Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis Barentsen Slecht for a grant of certain lands at the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis Gesel that the personal property of the late Jacob Alrichs be brought to and sold at the Manhattans Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis Harmensen Prins for an increase of pay Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis Jansen for a pardon for the accidental manslaughter he committed Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis Jansen for pardon for accidentally killing Jan Damen's son Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis Martense for restitution of wine seized by Cornelis Tienhoven Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis Martensz Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis Mourits and others to appoint an administrator for the estate of Elmerhuysen Kleyn Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis Steenwyck and Jacques Cousseau for an exemption from the heavy duty imposed on a cargo of salt Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis Steenwyck and others, merchants of New Amsterdam, for leave to trade for slaves along the west coast of Africa Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis Steenwyck for a survey of his lot Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis van Delvendeep to the directors at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis van Gesel and others for letters of benefit of inventory for the estate of Jacob Alrichs Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis van Gesel for restitution of the Jacob Alrich's books and papers Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis van Gesel for the appointment of curators to the estate of the late Mr. Alrichs Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis van Gesel that persons be appointed to inventory and appraise the estate of the late Jacob Alrichs Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis van Gesel, complaining that Alexander d'Hinoyossa has seized all the property of the late Jacob Alrichs Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis van Gezel for leave to mortgage his property at Delaware river Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis van Gezel for the appointment of commissioners to take evidence at the Delaware Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis van Ruyven requesting to know what percentage is to be allowed him as receiver Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis van Ruyven to be allowed a difference between wampum and beaver in a certain transaction with the government Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis van Ruyven, secretary that some persons be appointed to take charge of the books and accounts of his office Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis van Tienhoven for repayment of advances made by him to the treasury Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis van Tienhoven for repayment of advances made by him to the treasury [Copy of Volume 8:52] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelis Verhoof for leave to survey land for himself Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelius Janse for a rehearing and trial by a jury Document New York State Archives
Petition of Cornelius Johnson for a grant of land at Whorekill Document New York State Archives
Petition of councillor Tonneman for some allowance as sheriff and secretary of the district of Breuckelen Document New York State Archives
Petition of curators of the estate of Gillis van Brugge praying that Johannes de Peyster be obliged to deliver up a certain mortgage in his possession Document New York State Archives
Petition of Daniel Wittheat and Jonas Wood of Hempstead Document New York State Archives
Petition of David Ferara that it was not his intention to appeal from the judgment of the city court but to ask for a remission or mitigation of the fine Document New York State Archives
Petition of David Ferara that it was not his intention to appeal from the judgment of the city court but to ask for a remission or mitigation of the fine [Copy of Volume 8:90] Document New York State Archives
Petition of David Ferera for a writ of appeal from a judgment pronounced by the city court Document New York State Archives
Petition of David Ferera for a writ of appeal from a judgment pronounced by the city court [Copy of Volume 8:82] Document New York State Archives
Petition of David Provoost, clerk to the courts of Breuckelen, Midwout and Amesfoort, for some allowance for his trouble Document New York State Archives
Petition of David Provoost, clerk to the courts of Breuckelen, Midwout and Amesfoort, for some allowance for his trouble [Copy of Volume 6:37c] Document New York State Archives
Petition of deacons of the church at New Amsterdam that each village make collections for their poor Document New York State Archives
Petition of delegates from Fort Orange and Beverwyck in support of the petition of inhabitants of Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Petition of delegates from the five English towns on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Petition of Dirck Jansen and Lourens Lourensen for payment of their ship Document New York State Archives
Petition of Dirck Jansen Croon for the release of certain furs which he had entered Document New York State Archives
Petition of Dirck Looten for an increase of pay Document New York State Archives
Petition of Dirck Smith for a pardon Document New York State Archives
Petition of Dirck Theunissen (the Norman) and his daughter to be admitted to bail Document New York State Archives
Petition of Dirck van Schelluyne, agent of baron Van der Capelle Document New York State Archives
Petition of Dirck van Schelluyne, agent of baron Van der Capelle asking permission to engage some freemen to settle on Staten Island [Copy of Volume 6:379] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Dirck van Schelluyne, for and on behalf of Madame Post Document New York State Archives
Petition of Dirck van Schelluyne, for and on behalf of Madame Post, that an armed force be sent to Staten Ssland for the protection of the rights of baron van der Capelle tho Ryssel [Copy of Volume 6:368c] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Domingo Angola for manumission of Christina, a baptized orphan daughter of Manuel Trumpeter and Anthonya, both deceased Document New York State Archives
Petition of Edmund Cantwell relative to the will and estate of William Tom Document New York State Archives
Petition of Edward Jessup of Middelburgh Document New York State Archives
Petition of Edward Southrin to gov. Andros concerning abuse he has received Document New York State Archives
Petition of Edward Welsh for pardon Document New York State Archives
Petition of Egbert Sanderson and Jan Teunissen for leave to erect a saw mill on a stream at Gemoenepae Document New York State Archives
Petition of Egbert van Borsum for compensation for ferrying over several persons on the public service Document New York State Archives
Petition of Egbert van Borsum for payment of a debt contracted by Cornelis van Tienhoven Document New York State Archives
Petition of Elias Rants for an increase of pay Document New York State Archives
Petition of Elias Rauts, a soldier at the Delaware, for pardon Document New York State Archives
Petition of Elizabeth de Potter to be admitted as a preferred creditor of the late gov. Lovelace Document New York State Archives
Petition of Emanuel Petersen and Dorothy Angola for a certificate of freedom for Anthony Angola Document New York State Archives
Petition of farmers of Pavonia, Gemoenepa, and adjoining places for an exemption from tenths Document New York State Archives
Petition of Femmetje Jansen, widow of Theunis Nyssen, for removal of an attachment on her property Document New York State Archives
Petition of fiscal de Sille for the confiscation of certain smuggled goods Document New York State Archives
Petition of fiscal that proceedings be instituted for the confiscation of a package of beaver Document New York State Archives
Petition of Fiscal Van Dyck to change the phrasing of the resolution on The Bride Document New York State Archives
Petition of Frans Jansen van Hoochten that Elbert Elbertsen and Coert Stevensen pay him proceeds of the sale of Wolfert Gerritsen van Couwenhoven's property Document New York State Archives
Petition of Frederick Barentsen for an increase of pay Document New York State Archives
Petition of Frederick Barentsen for an increase of pay [Copy of Volume 8:50] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Frederick Hendricksen for an increase of pay Document New York State Archives
Petition of Frederick Lubberts and others for leave to settle a hamlet on land heretofore occupied by Michel Tadens Document New York State Archives
Petition of Frederick Philips complaining that the court at Willemstadt had taxed his father-in-law Adolf Hardenbroeck Document New York State Archives
Petition of Gabriel Tomassen of Willemstadt for permission to go to Boston for goods there belonging to him Document New York State Archives
Petition of George Cooke for permission to go to Road Island Document New York State Archives
Petition of George Merten in relation to his land on Delaware bay Document New York State Archives
Petition of George Woolsey, residing in the house of Isaac Allerton, for leave to keep tavern for one year Document New York State Archives
Petition of Geraert van der Voorde, Isaac Melyn and others requesting restitution of a cargo confiscated in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Petition of Gerrit Hendricks for a renewal of his lease of the revenue of the weigh house for another year Document New York State Archives
Petition of Gerrit Janz Roos to purchase a piece of ground in New Orange Document New York State Archives
Petition of Gerrit van Tright for copy of a petition against Alexander D'Hinoyossa Document New York State Archives
Petition of Goose Gerritsen for the release of goods belonging to him Document New York State Archives
Petition of Goosen Gerrits to be indemnified for the loss of two horses sold by the military at the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Petition of Gotlieb Wolhampster and a number of Germans for naturalization Document New York State Archives
Petition of Govert Loockermans for a lot of ground in front of his house Document New York State Archives
Petition of Govert Loockermans for payment of a claim against the estate of Matthys Ganderhuysen Document New York State Archives
Petition of guardians of Laurens Peterson's children for instructions in regard to the division of the estate Document New York State Archives
Petition of Gysbert op Dyck for leave to sell Gysberts island to the town of Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Petition of Hans Vos for the discharge of himself and wife from prison Document New York State Archives
Petition of Harmen Jacobs requesting to be informed whether Mr. Van Renselaer is exempt from paying the excise to the farmer at Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Petition of Helmanus Wiltbank to the council about capt. Cantwell and charges made against him Document New York State Archives
Petition of Hendrick Andriessen for permission to remove his house at Fort Orange to another site Document New York State Archives
Petition of Hendrick Barentsen Smith for his discharge Document New York State Archives
Petition of Hendrick Huygen and others for a remission of export duties on a cargo of fur Document New York State Archives
Petition of Hendrick Huygen requesting to be informed what amount of duty he has to pay on the cargo of the ship Mercury Document New York State Archives
Petition of Hendrick Huygen requesting to be informed what amount of duty he has to pay on the cargo of the ship Mercury [Copy of Volume 8:60b] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Hendrick Huyghen on behalf of a number of Swedes recently arrived at the South river for leave to settle and trade there Document New York State Archives
Petition of Hendrick Huyghen on behalf of a number of Swedes recently arrived at the South river for leave to settle and trade there [Copy of Volume 6:358] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Hendrick Jansen for an increase of pay or his discharge Document New York State Archives
Petition of Hendrick Jansen for an order to the magistrates of Newtown to put him in possession of property belonging to Jan de Smit Document New York State Archives
Petition of Hendrick Jansen van Bremen about his fine for shooting Mr. Tom's horse Document New York State Archives
Petition of Hendrick Ryken, skipper of the ship Sphera Mundi, for leave to purchase tobacco and beaver Document New York State Archives
Petition of Hendrick Tieboel for leave to return to Holland Document New York State Archives
Petition of Hendrick van der Walle for permission to pay the duties on certain articles Document New York State Archives
Petition of Hendrick van Dyck, late fiscal, for his third of the confiscated property of Jacob Reyntie Document New York State Archives
Petition of Henry Smith to be discharged from confinement Document New York State Archives
Petition of Henry Smith to gov. Andros concerning a charge for treason against Helmanus Wiltbank Document New York State Archives
Petition of Henry Stretcher about land at the Whorekill Document New York State Archives
Petition of hon. Nicasius de Sille for his pay while acting as captain-lieutenant in Brian Nuton's place Document New York State Archives
Petition of hon. Nicasius de Sille for his pay while acting as captain-lieutenant in Brian Nuton's place [Copy of Volume 6:220] Document New York State Archives
Petition of inhabitants of Bergen and Gemoenepa against fencing in certain lands and order that the parties appear before the council Document New York State Archives
Petition of inhabitants of Bergen for additional land Document New York State Archives
Petition of inhabitants of Bushwick for the laying out of a new road from that village to the water side Document New York State Archives
Petition of inhabitants of Crewcorne against the sale of liquor to Indians Document New York State Archives
Petition of inhabitants of Fort Orange that citizens of Manhattan may not be allowed to sell by retail in the town of Beverwyck Document New York State Archives
Petition of inhabitants of Gouwanis and Manhattans for permission to clean out the kill at the end of Fredrick Lubbertsen's land Document New York State Archives
Petition of inhabitants of Haerlem for leave to pay for their lands in wampum Document New York State Archives
Petition of inhabitants of Middelburgh (Newtown), L. I., that Richard Mills be allowed the use of the minister's house and glebe Document New York State Archives
Petition of inhabitants of the town of Bergen protesting against certain agreement of their delegates Document New York State Archives
Petition of inhabitants of the Waelebocht (Brooklyn) for leave to erect a block house Document New York State Archives
Petition of Isaac Allerton, jr. and John Laurensz for canceling a certain bond as security for John Young Document New York State Archives
Petition of Isaac Bedloo for an attachment of property at Mespath kill belonging to Richard Pantom Document New York State Archives
Petition of Isaac de Foreest for leave to conclude a contract with Jacob van Couwenhoven Document New York State Archives
Petition of Isaac de Foreest for leave to conclude a contract with Jacob van Couwenhoven [Copy of 8:307] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Isaac de Foreest for leave to sell a hogshead of tobacco Document New York State Archives
Petition of Isaac de Foreest for leave to sell a hogshead of tobacco [Copy of Volume 8:51] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Isaac Gerritse Schaep, commander of the ship Statyn, for leave to proceed on his voyage to Holland Document New York State Archives
Petition of Isaac Melyn to be released from imprisonment Document New York State Archives
Petition of Isaac Tym for a house and lot on the South river; declined Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacob Hendrickse Varvanger, attorney of Paulus Leendertse vander Grift, that Jacques Cortillyou appear before referees Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacob Hendricksen Varrevanger for indemnity for property Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacob Hendricksen Varvanger on the subject of his pay Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacob Hendrix to be allowed to engage Peter Jansen van den Berch as assistant Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacob Jansen Huys for the release of certain articles sent him by his wife Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacob Jansen Stoll and others of Esopus requesting the appointment of the rev. Mr. Bloem as their minister Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacob Jansen van Campen for leave to remain at large until his trial for wounding John de Witt Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacob Kip, attorney of Johannis la Montagne, jr., for the dismissal of an appeal by Adriaen Blommert Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacob Kip, attorney of Johannis la Montagne, jr., for the dismissal of an appeal by Adriaen Blommert [Copy of Volume 6:191] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacob Leendertsen van der Grist for permission to make a surrender of his property for the benefit of his creditors Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacob Sam for an allowance to cover losses in the receipt and delivery of imported goods Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacob Sam requesting to be relieved of certain duties not belonging to his office Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacob Sam to be reappointed bookkeeper with allowance for fuel, etc. Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacob Steendam requesting to know where he is to obtain the buckwheat for the land at Amesfoort Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacob Stoffelsen to hire the company's farm at Hasimus Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacob Stoffelsen to hire the company's farm at Hasimus [Copy of 8:313] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacob Stoffelsen's wife for 8 or 10 morgen of wood land behind the company's bouwery at Ahasemus Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacobus Fabricius Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacobus Fabricius, minister, for forgiveness for having married a couple illegally Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacobus Vis for an appeal from judgments of the court at New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacques Corteljou for leave and assistance to remove some hay belonging to him Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacques Corteljou to be surveyor-general Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacques Corteljou, agent of the heirs of Cornelis van Werckhoven, for leave to found and erect a village on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jacques Cousseau, attorney of the widow of Mathys Gangerheyden, to be put in possession of all property belonging to the estate of deceased Document New York State Archives
Petition of James Grover, John Bowne and associates for confirmation of their patent for the lands in New Jersey Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Adriaense van Duyvelant for an increase of salary Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Adriaensen van Duyvelant for an allowance in consequence of the depreciation of the currency Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Adriaensen van Duyvelant to be continued in office as bookkeeper Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Adriansen van Duyvelant for an increased allowance for house rent Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Bockholt for forgiveness for having violated the Sabbath Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Colthoff for increase of pay Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Gerritsen van Marcken for a writ of appeal against a judgment of the court at New Amstel Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Harmensen for a writ of appeal from a judgment pronounced against him for illicit trading with the Mohawks Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Jacobsen for a commission to trade along the coast and elsewhere Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Jansen Bestevaer for satisfaction of a claim against Edmund Scharburgh Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Jansen for compensation for part of a lot at the Marketfield Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Jansen Veryn for a letter of protection during his attendance on the gov. and council Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Joris Rapailje, Teunis Gysbert Bogaert, Cornelis Jacobsen, Michiel Hansen, and others of the Waalebocht for a grant of a tract of woodland in the rear of Rapailje's property Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Juriaens (Becker) for a salary Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Juriaens (Becker) for a salary [Copy of Volume 8:162] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Juriaens Becker for pardon Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Juriaense Becker for leave to keep a school Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Kipphaven for a piece of land at Whorekill Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Ryndersen Spits for an increase of pay Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Snedeker for compensation for the loss of certain lots of land Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Theunissen Cuelenburgh for the pardon of a runaway sailor Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Theunissen, Jan Gerritsen and Anthony Theunissen requesting a grant to land on Staten Island Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Tomassen and Volckert Jansen that they may be protected in the right to the land of Schotack Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Tomassen for pardon Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jan Zeelen for a lot of land in New Utrecht Document New York State Archives
Petition of Janneken Barents, widow of Jan van der Linden, for a writ empowering her to surrender all claim to her late husband's estate Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jean de Baralle that Alexander d'Hinoyossa be ordered to deliver him a copy of his late father's will Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jean Lechuier and Alexander Cochiveer for a plantation to each in Bushwyck Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jean Paul Jacquet for copy of the fiscal's complaint against him Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jean Peri for remission of the duties on a cargo of sugar and tobacco for Canada Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jeronimus Ebbingh for remission of a fine Document New York State Archives
Petition of Joannes Nevius for an allowance for rent and fuel Document New York State Archives
Petition of Joannes Pietersen van Brugh for payment of a balance due Lucas Rodenburgh Document New York State Archives
Petition of Joannes Withart for remission of a fine Document New York State Archives
Petition of Joannes Withart for the release of a quantity of furs shipped in a mistake on board the Beaver Document New York State Archives
Petition of Joannes Withart for the return of a quantity of musket balls seized by the government Document New York State Archives
Petition of Joannes Withart to compel the clerk of Fort Orange to issue a deed of certain property there to him Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jochem (Wesselse) Backer for leave to return to Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jochem Backer for leave to return to Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Petition of Jochem Wessels to be discharged on bail Document New York State Archives
Petition of Johan de Decker for an appeal from a judgment pronounced against him by the court of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Petition of Johan de Deckere for payment of certain expenses incurred by him when commissary at Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Petition of Johan la Montagne, jr. and other proprietors of Vredendal for leave to settle a hamlet of some families on the point of the flatland Document New York State Archives
Petition of Johanna de Laet, widow of Johan de Hulter Document New York State Archives
Petition of Johannes de Peyster for permission to ship back certain damaged goods to Holland Document New York State Archives
Petition of Johannes Pietersen referred to the burgomasters and schepens Document New York State Archives
Petition of Johannes Pietersen referred to the burgomasters and schepens [Copy of Volume 8:108] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Johannes Pietersen van Brugge requesting to be credited for money advanced by him to the city of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Petition of Johannes Pietersen van Brugge requesting to be credited for money advanced by him to the city of New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 8:107b] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Johannes Provoost for an increase of salary Document New York State Archives
Petition of Johannes Provoost for payment of expenses incurred in voyages up and down the river on public business Document New York State Archives
Petition of Johannis La Montagne for payment of a mare of his, sold by director Kieft Document New York State Archives
Petition of Johannis van Gelder for license to teach school in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Petition of John Carman, Caleb Carman and Benjamin Coe, husband of Abigail Carman, that John Hicks, who married their mother, may be obliged to render an account of the estate Document New York State Archives
Petition of John Culpeper for an appeal from a decision of the city court Document New York State Archives
Petition of John George Baldingh (Baldwin) for a divorce from his wife on the ground of adultery Document New York State Archives
Petition of John Hicks for the enforcement of an order issued to Hendrik Jansen Document New York State Archives
Petition of John Hicks for the enforcement of an order issued to Hendrik Jansen [Copy of 8:315] Document New York State Archives
Petition of John Hillyard to gov. Andros concerning the land granted to him Document New York State Archives
Petition of John Laurence to be allowed to remain neutral in the impending conflict with the English Document New York State Archives
Petition of John Ogden for confirmation of certain ordinances enacted by the court of Achter Col Document New York State Archives
Petition of John Parcel and Ytie Janse for pardon Document New York State Archives
Petition of John Richbell for a patent for Mammarinick (Westchester county) Document New York State Archives
Petition of John Staelcop, Luyckas Pietersen and Hans Block for a grant of land adjoining the grist mill Document New York State Archives
Petition of John Vyne to be sheriff of Whorekill Document New York State Archives
Petition of Joost Adriensen etc. for leave to build a saw and gristmill at Turtle falls on the South river Document New York State Archives
Petition of Joost van Beecq for a writ of appeal in a judgment in favor of Maria Verleth Document New York State Archives
Petition of Joost van Beecq for a writ of appeal in a judgment in favor of Maria Verleth [Copy of Volume 6:323b] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Joseph Waldron for an allowance for house rent Document New York State Archives
Petition of Joshua Kocherthal Document New York State Archives
Petition of Juan Gallardo Ferrara for the restoration of his slaves Document New York State Archives
Petition of Juan Gallardo Ferrara for the restoration of his slaves [Copy of Volume 8:166] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Juriaen Hanel for an appeal from a judgment of the court of Bergen Document New York State Archives
Petition of Laurens de Sille for an increase of salary Document New York State Archives
Petition of Laurens de Sille to be appointed supercargo Document New York State Archives
Petition of Laurens Pietersen consenting to the payment of her portion of the estate to his daughter Engeltie, recently married to Jan van Cleeft Document New York State Archives
Petition of Lourens Jansen for payment of a debt due him by George Baxter Document New York State Archives
Petition of Lourens Jansen for payment of a debt due him by George Baxter [Copy of Volume 6:239] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Louwerens Pietersen, the Norman, for the appointment of guardians and curators over his minor child Document New York State Archives
Petition of Ludovicus Cobes to be appointed court messenger at Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Petition of Ludovicus Cobes to be appointed court messenger at Fort Orange [Copy of Volume 8:134] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Luke Watson about an order to take up stray horses about the Whorekill Document New York State Archives
Petition of Luke Watson for land at the Whorekill Document New York State Archives
Petition of Lutherans on the Delaware river Document New York State Archives
Petition of magistrates of Amersfoort for confirmation of an assessment for the payment of the minister Document New York State Archives
Petition of magistrates of Bergen requesting the appointment of Caspar Steinmets to be commander of the militia there Document New York State Archives
Petition of magistrates of Bergen requesting to be provided with a clergyman Document New York State Archives
Petition of magistrates of Breuckelen complaining that an assessment of 300 guilders for the minister is too heavy for so poor a congregation Document New York State Archives
Petition of magistrates of Breuckelen for aid to pay their court messenger, who acts also as chorister, schoolmaster, sexton and bell ringer Document New York State Archives
Petition of magistrates of Breuckelen, Midwout, Amesfoort and New Utrecht that a meeting be called of deputies from the Dutch villages on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Petition of magistrates of Breuckelen, Midwout, Amesfoort and New Utrecht that all legal writings relating to real estate be made before their secretary and two of the magistrates of the town Document New York State Archives
Petition of magistrates of Bushwick complaining of Jean Maljaert Document New York State Archives
Petition of magistrates of Bushwyck for the grant of certain salt meadows Document New York State Archives
Petition of magistrates of Haerlem praying the appointment of Jan la Montagne, jr., to be clerk of the church and schoolmaster there Document New York State Archives
Petition of magistrates of Midwout as to the disposition to be made of the four church lots Document New York State Archives
Petition of magistrates of Midwout for power to make an assessment for the payment of the minister to farm the citizens' and butchers' excise Document New York State Archives
Petition of magistrates of New Utrecht complaining of Nicholas Stillwell Document New York State Archives
Petition of magistrates of New Utrecht, Gravesend and Amesfoort that measures be taken to regulate the sale of liquors Document New York State Archives
Petition of magistrates of Wiltwyck for a supply of powder Document New York State Archives
Petition of Magteld Megapolensis for a writ of appeal from a judgment pronounced by the court of Fort Orange in favor of Jacob d'Hinse Document New York State Archives
Petition of Maria Peeck for a remission of the sentence pronounced against her Document New York State Archives
Petition of Maria Varlet praying the annulment of a certain judgment obtained by Joost van Beecq against her Document New York State Archives
Petition of Maria Varlet praying the annulment of a certain judgment obtained by Joost van Beecq against her Document New York State Archives
Petition of Maria Varlet praying the annulment of a certain judgment obtained by Joost van Beecq against her [Copy of Volume 8:8] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Maritje Roeloffs for an order to Mr. d'Hinoyossa to furnish her with a debit and credit statement of her account Document New York State Archives
Petition of Marritje Abrahams and Abraham Pietersen for letters of inventory to the estate of Thomas Jansen Mingal Document New York State Archives
Petition of Martin Cregier for leave to build on his lot Document New York State Archives
Petition of Martin Cregier for leave to build on his lot [Copy of Volume 6:308b] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Mary Block relative to right of way Document New York State Archives
Petition of Mary Laurens of Middelburch, L. I., for a writ of appeal from a judgment against her in that court Document New York State Archives
Petition of Mattheus de Vos to be appointed a notary Document New York State Archives
Petition of Mattheus de Vos to be appointed a notary [Copy of Volume 6:354a] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Mayken to be granted her freedom Document New York State Archives
Petition of merchants of New Amsterdam for permission to trade with foreign countries within the limits of the W. I. Company's charter Document New York State Archives
Petition of merchants of New Amsterdam that the duty on exported wine and beer be abolished Document beer, New York State Archives
Petition of merchants of New Amsterdam that the duty on exported wine and beer be abolished [Copy of Volume 8:18b] Document New York State Archives
Petition of merchants recently arrived from Holland for permission to discharge their goods on paying the old duties Document New York State Archives
Petition of merchants trading to New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Petition of Messrs Noble and Farrington praying pardon Document New York State Archives
Petition of Messrs. Hazard, More, Jackson, Betts, Coe and others, for a tract of land Document New York State Archives
Petition of Michael Jansen and others that a proper road may be laid out in front of their lots on the strand Document New York State Archives
Petition of Michiel Jansen for a lot in the city Document New York State Archives
Petition of Michiel Jansen for a lot in the city [Copy of Volume 6:269] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Michiel Tadens for mitigation of the penalty to which he is subject Document New York State Archives
Petition of Michiel Tadens for mitigation of the penalty to which he is subject [Copy of Volume 8:110] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Michiel Tadens for pardon and leave to reside on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Petition of Michiel Tadens for pardon and leave to reside on Long Island [Copy of 8:265] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Michiel Tadens that his sentence of banishment may be commuted to a fine Document New York State Archives
Petition of Michiel Tadens that his sentence of banishment may be commuted to a fine [Copy of Volume 8:111] Document New York State Archives
Petition of minister and churchwarden of Midwout requesting that new church wardens be appointed Document New York State Archives
Petition of minister and elder of the church at Midwout (Flatbush) to money to help pay for the church Document New York State Archives
Petition of minister and elder of the church at Midwout for aid to pay off a debt Document New York State Archives
Petition of Moses de Silva Document New York State Archives
Petition of Nework, Elizabethtown and Piscattaway for a confirmation of their rights and possessions Document New York State Archives
Petition of Nicasius de Sille on behalf of the town of New Utrecht Document New York State Archives
Petition of Nicholas Bayaert for an increase of salary Document New York State Archives
Petition of Nicholas Beyart for an increase of salary Document New York State Archives
Petition of Nicholas Varlet and Jacob Backer for a permit for their ship to go to Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Petition of Nicholas Varlet for an allowance for house rent Document New York State Archives
Petition of Nicholas Varlet for the use of the company's yacht for a voyage to Virginia Document New York State Archives
Petition of Nicholas Varlet that he may be released from the obligation to pay for the company's ship Document New York State Archives
Petition of Nicholas Varlett for permission to receive merchants' goods on storage in the public store Document New York State Archives
Petition of Nicholas Veldhuysen that he may be protected against his creditors for six months Document New York State Archives
Petition of Nicholas Verlett, collector of export duties for aid in defraying the expense of a revenue cutter Document New York State Archives
Petition of Nicolaes Varlet for leave to go to Virginia on his private business Document New York State Archives
Petition of Nicolas Barnard for leave to take possession of goods on board The Flower of Gelder belonging to Jacques la Moth [Copy of Volume 6:284] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Nicolas Barnard to take goods on board The Flower of Gelder belonging to Jacques la Moth Document New York State Archives
Petition of Nicolas Bayard for an increase of salary Document New York State Archives
Petition of Nicolas Bayardt for an increase of salary Document New York State Archives
Petition of Nicolas Boot & Co. for a clearance for the ship King David Document New York State Archives
Petition of Nicolas Boot & Co. for a clearance for the ship King David [Copy of Volume 8:10b] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Nicolas Boot, skipper, for a stay of execution against him Document New York State Archives
Petition of Nicolas Gregorius Hillebrantsen to be allowed to defend himself from an accusation of sodomy Document New York State Archives
Petition of Nicolas Verleth to be appointed commissary of imports and exports Document New York State Archives
Petition of notaries of New Amsterdam for modification of the fee ordinance Document New York State Archives
Petition of Oloff Stevensen van Cortlant, Hans Kierstede and Hendrick van de Water, creditors of Gilles van Brugge Document New York State Archives
Petition of orphan masters for a settlement of the accounts of Rachel van Tienhoven Document New York State Archives
Petition of Otto Jansen for payment of surgeon Van Imburgh's bill for attendance on him during the Esopus campaign Document New York State Archives
Petition of overseers of the new village at the Esopus praying that measures may be adopted to pacify the Indians Document New York State Archives
Petition of Paulus Cornelissen and Jan Cornelissen van der Heyden of behalf of Marietje Meynderts, widow of Jan Barents Wemp Document New York State Archives
Petition of Paulus Heilridder for employment Document New York State Archives
Petition of Paulus Schreck praying a deed for a house and lot on the Fresh water, Manhattan Island, sold to him by Caspar Verlett Document New York State Archives
Petition of Paulus Schreck that an attachment which he sued out against the wages of Jean Paul Jacquet may be declared valid Document New York State Archives
Petition of Paulus van der Beeck and Gerrit Hendrix, bondsmen of Warnaer Wessels, that steps be taken to secure them against loss as such bail Document New York State Archives
Petition of Pelgrom Clock to be admitted a notary Document New York State Archives
Petition of Peter Groundyck that John Avery's goods may be sold at auction to satisfy his debt Document New York State Archives
Petition of Peter Jacobsen Marius, attorney of Gerrit Bancker and Herman Vedder, praying release of goods seized by the fiscal Document New York State Archives
Petition of Peter Jacobsen Marius, attorney of Stoffel Jansen Abel, to be allowed to pay duty on certain goods accidentally omitted in the manifest of the ship The Faith Document New York State Archives
Petition of Peter Lucassen for payment of his account Document New York State Archives
Petition of Peter Reyersen van der Beets, captain of the ship Gilded Beaver Document New York State Archives
Petition of Peter Rudolphus for payment of an account Document New York State Archives
Petition of Peter Stoutenburgh and others for payment of the indemnity for the removal of their houses near the fort Document New York State Archives
Petition of Peter Stoutenburgh for a piece of land to be used as a kitchen garden Document New York State Archives
Petition of Peter Symonsen complaining that Anthony Jansen prevents him removing some reed he has out Document New York State Archives
Petition of Peter Taelman for a writ of appeal from a judgment of the court of Flushing, in favor of William Pidgeon Document New York State Archives
Petition of Peter Taelman for a writ of appeal from a judgment of the court of Flushing, in favor of William Pidgeon [Copy of Volume 6:219b] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Peter Terragon and five or six Frenchmen (of Bushwick) for leave to reside on their farms Document New York State Archives
Petition of Peter Tonneman for increase of salary Document New York State Archives
Petition of Peter Tonneman to be re-appointed sheriff of Breuckelen district and appointed sheriff of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Petition of Peter Tonneman, sheriff of New Amsterdam, to be allowed to compound with persons accused of assaults Document New York State Archives
Petition of Peter van Alen for the release of a parcel of beaver belonging to him found on board the Draadvat and confiscated Document New York State Archives
Petition of Peter van Couwenhoven and Govert Loockermans for the appointment of guardians and trustees of the motherless children of Jacob van Couwenhoven Document New York State Archives
Petition of Peter Wessels for an increase of pay Document New York State Archives
Petition of Peter Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven for an injunction against the execution of a judgment obtained against Jacob van Couwenhoven Document New York State Archives
Petition of Peter Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven for an injunction against the execution of a judgment obtained against Jacob van Couwenhoven [Copy of 8:291] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Philip Petersen Schuyler and Goosen Gerritsen for leave to purchase the Half Moon from the Mohegans Document New York State Archives
Petition of Philip Pietersen Schuyler for leave to plant a village at the Great Esopus Document New York State Archives
Petition of Philip Pietersen Schuyler to be credited with the amount of an account against the company assigned to him by Jan Bembo Document New York State Archives
Petition of Pieter Hendricksen for an increase of his wages Document New York State Archives
Petition of proprietors for leave to inclose their lands near the village of Bushwyck within one common fence Document New York State Archives
Petition of proprietors of lands in Esopus residing at Beverwyck Document New York State Archives
Petition of Rachel de Vinge, wife of Cornelis van Tienhoven, for revocation of the order to take an inventory of his personal property Document New York State Archives
Petition of Rachel de Vinge, wife of Cornelis van Tienhoven, for revocation of the order to take an inventory of his personal property [Copy of 8:316b] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Rachel van Tienhoven praying that the accounts of her late husband may be made up Document New York State Archives
Petition of rev. Henricus Selyns Document New York State Archives
Petition of rev. Henricus Selyns for his dismissal from the churches at the Bouwery and Breuckelen and for leave to return to Holland Document New York State Archives
Petition of rev. Hermanus Blom and rev. Henricus Selyns that they may be allowed expenses incurred for board and lodging while detained at New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Petition of rev. Laurentius Carolus for remission of a fine Document New York State Archives
Petition of rev. Messrs. Megapolensis and Drisius against coventicles and for a qualified person to preach in Middelburgh Document New York State Archives
Petition of rev. Messrs. Megapolensis and Drisius against coventicles and for a qualified person to preach in Middelburgh [Copy of Volume 6:217a] Document New York State Archives
Petition of rev. Mr. Megapolensis asking for a stated sum for house rent and firewood Document New York State Archives
Petition of rev. Mr. Polhemus complaining of the non-payment of his salary Document New York State Archives
Petition of rev. Mr. Polhemus for an advance on his salary Document New York State Archives
Petition of rev. Mr. Polhemus for an advance on his salary [Copy of 8:308b] Document New York State Archives
Petition of rev. Samuel Drisius for firewood and allowance of house rent Document New York State Archives
Petition of Reyndert Jansen Hoorn for payment of a bill of exchange received from the late Jacob Alrichs Document New York State Archives
Petition of Richard Denton, John Carman and others of Hempstead against the Schout of Flushing Document New York State Archives
Petition of Richard Pateshall for liberty to send to Boston for a vessel and goods to trade here Document New York State Archives
Petition of Richard Pateshall for permission to send his vessel to Boston with freight Document New York State Archives
Petition of Richard Pateshall requesting certain favors in regard to his vessel Document New York State Archives
Petition of Richard Smith Document New York State Archives
Petition of Richard Smith complaining of Joseph Smith and requesting redress Document New York State Archives
Petition of Richard Smith for a disposition of a bill of costs he has furnished in the above case Document New York State Archives
Petition of Richard Smith for redress against a judgment of the court at Jamaica, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Petition of Richard Smith that execution be issued against the town of Huntington Document New York State Archives
Petition of Richard Smythe requesting redress in a suit against Jeremy Wood Document New York State Archives
Petition of Robert Brudenell of Heemstead for leave to sell his land Document New York State Archives
Petition of Robert Coo that an attachment on cattle belonging to his brother-in-law Richard Crabbe may be declared valid Document New York State Archives
Petition of Robert Jackson, Daniel Denton and eleven others of Heemstead for a grant of a certain tract of land Document New York State Archives
Petition of Robert Jackson, Daniel Denton and eleven others of Heemstead, for a grant of a certain tract of land purchased by them from the Indians [Copy of Volume 6:336b] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Roelof Swartwout to be appointed sheriff of Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Petition of Roeloff Swartwout to be restored to his office of sheriff of Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Petition of Rymderig Quick to purchase land Document New York State Archives
Petition of sailors of the ship Draadvat for the release from confiscation of the furs belonging to them Document New York State Archives
Petition of Salvador d'Andrada and other Jews that the burgomasters of New Amsterdam had refused to admit them to the right of citizenship Document New York State Archives, tolerance
Petition of Salvador Dandradi requesting a deed of the house he purchased in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Petition of Salvador Dandradi requesting a deed of the house he purchased in New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 6:197] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Sara Joresey for a piece of land and exemption from the payment of tenths and taxes Document New York State Archives
Petition of Sara Joresey for a piece of valley adjoining her farm in the Waale bocht and exemption to her and her heirs from the payment of tenths, tithes and taxes [Copy of Volume 6:353] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Sarah Robins to Governor Robert Hunter Document New York State Archives
Petition of schout and magistrates of Bergen that Engelbert Steenhuysen shall perform his contract as schoolmaster Document New York State Archives
Petition of schout, burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam that a meeting of delegates from the several towns be convoked to consider the state of the country Document New York State Archives
Petition of sergeants Grim and Munnich for an additional sergeant Document New York State Archives
Petition of Serjt. Jacob Luby for his discharge and leave to settle at Arnhem Document New York State Archives
Petition of Serjt. Jacob Luby for his discharge and leave to settle at Arnhem [Copy of Volume 6:281b] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Serjt. Luycas Dircksen for his discharge and leave to settle at the South river Document New York State Archives
Petition of Serjt. Luycas Dircksen for his discharge and leave to settle at the South river [Copy of Volume 6:281a] Document New York State Archives
Petition of settlers of Schenectada, for permission to cultivate that flatt and asking that their lands be surveyed Document New York State Archives
Petition of several citizens, on behalf of the commonalty legally assembled, that only Indian brokers be allowed in the Indian trade Document New York State Archives
Petition of several half slaves to be manumitted and made entirely free Document New York State Archives
Petition of several immigrants for grants of land and seed grain Document New York State Archives
Petition of several people for permission to plant a village on the river side opposite the Manhatans Document New York State Archives
Petition of several recently arrived immigrants for land on Staten Island Document New York State Archives
Petition of several residents of Rustdorp to be relieved of soldiers quartered on them because they will not inform against Quakers Document New York State Archives
Petition of several soldiers for their discharge Document New York State Archives
Petition of several soldiers for their discharge [Copy of Volume 6:320] Document New York State Archives
Petition of sheriff Tonneman to be allowed to occupy one of the company's houses as a residence Document New York State Archives
Petition of shipwrecked seamen for their wages Document New York State Archives
Petition of skipper and sailors of the Gilded Beaver for permission to export a lot of beaver Document New York State Archives
Petition of Solomon Hansen for permission for his wife to proceed to Holland Document New York State Archives
Petition of Solomon La Chair for a writ of appeal from a judgment of the city court Document New York State Archives
Petition of Solomon la Chair to be admitted a notary public Document New York State Archives
Petition of Solomon Lachair complaining of Henry Pavison for smuggling Document New York State Archives
Petition of Solomon Lachaire, farmer of the excise on slaughtered cattle, for a writ of appeal against a judgment of the city court Document New York State Archives
Petition of some of the crew of the ship Prince Maurice that freight belonging to them may be free from an attachment Document 1657 - Wreck of the Prince Maurice, New York State Archives
Petition of sundry persons residing in and near Brooklyn for land to establish a new village Document New York State Archives
Petition of Surgeon Gysbert van Imborch for payment of his bill for attending a soldier wounded in the late Esopus war Document New York State Archives
Petition of surgeon Hendricks for leave to take back a yoke of oxen he sold to Laurens Duyts Document New York State Archives
Petition of surgeon Hendricksen that a hospital may be established for sick soldiers and slaves Document New York State Archives
Petition of surgeon Varrevanger to be allowed expenses incurred in the repair of the company's house occupied by him Document New York State Archives
Petition of surgeon Varrevanger to be allowed expenses incurred in the repair of the company's house occupied by him [Copy of Volume 6:279] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Take Jans to sell the remnant of his cargo Document New York State Archives
Petition of tavernkeepers of New Amsterdam for leave to charge 16 stivers for 2 quarts of beer Document New York State Archives
Petition of Teunis G. Bogaert and others for leave to build a block house on Joris Rapalje's land (Brooklyn) Document New York State Archives
Petition of the bakers of Beverwyck that private persons be not allowed to bake bread for sale Document New York State Archives
Petition of the burgomasters and schepens for approval of the fees imposed by them for sealing weights and measures Document New York State Archives
Petition of the burgomasters and schepens for approval of the fees imposed by them for sealing weights and measures [Copy of Volume 6:224] Document New York State Archives
Petition of the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for an order transferring to them the excise on wine and beer consumed within the city Document New York State Archives
Petition of the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for the privilege of nominating their successors Document New York State Archives
Petition of the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for the privilege of nominating their successors [Copy of Volume 6:223] Document New York State Archives
Petition of the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam requesting that delegates be summoned from the respective Dutch towns and villages Document New York State Archives
Petition of the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam to be able to select a pool from which their successors will be chosen Document New York State Archives
Petition of the burgomasters and schepens that a separate sheriff be appointed for the city of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Petition of the burgomasters and schepens that a separate sheriff be appointed for the city of New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 8:17] Document New York State Archives
Petition of the burgomasters for power to collect the assessment made for the repair of the public works Document New York State Archives
Petition of the burgomasters for power to collect the assessment made for the repair of the public works [Copy of Volume 6:263b] Document New York State Archives
Petition of the burgomasters for the appointment of orphan masters in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Petition of the burgomasters of New Amsterdam for a gift of slaves for the city Document New York State Archives
Petition of the burgomasters of New Amsterdam for authority to impose certain duties for purpose of a municipal revenue Document New York State Archives
Petition of the burgomasters of New Amsterdam praying that a salary be allowed to Mr. Luyck Document New York State Archives
Petition of the burgomasters of New Amsterdam that ships owned in the province bring cargoes of stone in lieu of paying wharfage Document New York State Archives
Petition of the burgomasters soliciting the appointment of proper persons to act as orphan masters in New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 6:113] Document New York State Archives
Petition of the burgomasters that an ordinance be issued regulating intercourse with the Indians and that a guard patrol the streets during divine service [Copy of Volume 6:315] Document New York State Archives
Petition of the burgomasters to have persons appointed orphan masters in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Petition of the burgomasters to have persons appointed orphan masters in New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 6:300a] Document New York State Archives
Petition of the burgomasters to regulate contact with the Indians and have a guard patrol the streets during church service Document New York State Archives
Petition of the convention, requesting an answer to their remonstrance Document New York State Archives
Petition of the deacons of the church respecting some purchased lands Document New York State Archives
Petition of the fiscal for leave to sell some smuggled tobacco belonging to Abraham Frost and N. Taelman Document New York State Archives
Petition of the guardians and trustees of Jacob van Couwenhoven's motherless children, praying that the fiscal may be ordered to assist them in the performance of their duty Document New York State Archives
Petition of the inhabitants of Flushing for the release of their sheriff, William Hallet Document New York State Archives
Petition of the inhabitants of Gravesend for a clergyman Document New York State Archives
Petition of the inhabitants of Metspadts Kil requesting that the surveyor be authorized to lay out the village of Arnhem Document New York State Archives
Petition of the inhabitants of Middelburgh Document New York State Archives
Petition of the inhabitants of New Castle relative to making two dykes or highways through the marsh Document New York State Archives
Petition of the inhabitants of Newtown Document New York State Archives
Petition of the Lutherans of New Amsterdam asking that they may not be prevented continuing their religious exercises Document New York State Archives
Petition of the magistrates of Breuckelen for a grant to that town of certain valleys Document New York State Archives
Petition of the magistrates of Breuckelen for an order obliging proprietors of vacant lots to build on them Document New York State Archives
Petition of the magistrates of Breuckelen for an order obliging proprietors of vacant lots to build on them [Copy of Volume 6:344] Document New York State Archives
Petition of the magistrates of Breuckelen requesting that the rev. Mr. Selyns reside there Document New York State Archives
Petition of the magistrates of Breuckelen that rev. Mr. Polhemus alternate preaching there and at Midwout Document New York State Archives
Petition of the magistrates of Breuckelen that the rev. Mr. Polhemus preach alternately there and at Midwout [Copy of Volume 6:299] Document New York State Archives
Petition of the magistrates of Midwout and Amesfoort for authority to take up a collection for the support of their minister Document New York State Archives
Petition of the magistrates of Midwout and Amesfoort for authority to take up a collection for the support of their minister [Copy of Volume 6:278b] Document New York State Archives
Petition of the miller to use the water of the Kolck to drive his mill Document New York State Archives
Petition of the minister and elders of the Lutheran church at Willemstadt to be allowed to bury their own dead Document New York State Archives
Petition of the minister and kerck master of Midwout for materials to paint their church Document New York State Archives
Petition of the overseers of Wiltwijck Document New York State Archives
Petition of the owners of the yacht Sea Bear for two brass guns and ammunition Document New York State Archives
Petition of the precentor and grave digger of Willemstadt (Albany) to be maintained in the rights of his office Document New York State Archives
Petition of the schout and magistrates of Flushing Document New York State Archives
Petition of the schout, burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for an enlargement of the burgher right Document New York State Archives
Petition of the schout, burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam on the subject of their salaries Document New York State Archives
Petition of the schout, burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam on the subject of their salaries [Copy of Volume 6:242] Document New York State Archives
Petition of the schout, burgomasters and schepens of New Orange Document New York State Archives
Petition of the sheriff, burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam that the criminal jurisdiction of their court extend to all cases not capital Document New York State Archives
Petition of the sheriff, burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam that the criminal jurisdiction of their court extend to all cases not capital [Copy of 8:299] Document New York State Archives
Petition of the skipper of the ship Flower of Gelder Document New York State Archives
Petition of the skipper of the ship Flower of Gelder [Copy of Volume 6:334] Document New York State Archives
Petition of the Swedish sheriff and magistrates at Tinnicum for certain privileges Document New York State Archives
Petition of the town of Amersfoort for leave to take up a collection in aid of a meeting house which is building there Document New York State Archives
Petition of the town of Huntington for justice and protection against Richard Smith Document New York State Archives
Petition of the town of Midwout (Flatbush) for a grant of a valley adjoining their village Document New York State Archives
Petition of the town of Oysterbay for a certain tract of land adjoining that place Document New York State Archives
Petition of Thomas Chambers and Gysbert van Imbroch, delegates, for amendments to the charter of Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Petition of Thomas Hall and others that their houses may be allowed to stand Document New York State Archives
Petition of Thomas Lambertsen, George Probatskin, Wynant Pietersen and others for leave to form a hamlet in the rear of the Walebocht Document New York State Archives
Petition of Thomas Ollive and other inhabitants of Burlington, N. J. in favor of Henry Jacobs, tenant in possession of Matiniconk island Document New York State Archives
Petition of Thomas Spry claiming a colt seized and sold by capt. Billopp Document New York State Archives
Petition of Thomas Terrey for permission to enter upon land at Hempstead harbor already granted him Document New York State Archives
Petition of Thomas Wandel for a grant of a salt meadow at Mespath Kill Document New York State Archives
Petition of Thomas Wandel with proofs of his title to a certain salt meadow near Smith's island Document New York State Archives
Petition of Thomas Wheeler and 15 other settlers of Westchester submitting themselves to the government of New Netherland and asking certain privileges [Copy of Volume 6:335b] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Thomas Wheeler and other settlers of Westchester submitting themselves to the government of New Netherland and asking certain privileges Document New York State Archives
Petition of Thomas Willett for leave to pay a gross amount as duty on a cargo of provisions he has imported into New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Petition of Thomas Willett to be allowed to commute for the duties payable by him Document New York State Archives
Petition of Thomas Willett to be indemnified for his loss in defending a suit in Holland Document New York State Archives
Petition of three slaves to be manumitted Document New York State Archives
Petition of Tielman van Vleck to be admitted a notary Document New York State Archives
Petition of Tielman van Vleck, attorney of the heirs of Cornelis van Tienhoven, for a stay of proceedings until he hear from Holland Document New York State Archives
Petition of Tielman van Vleeck and a number of others for permission to settle a village Document New York State Archives
Petition of Tielman van Vleeck on behalf of several persons for permission to settle on the maize land behind Gemoenepaen Document New York State Archives
Petition of Tielman van Vleeck, attorney of Peter van Werckhoven and Daniel Gabrie, guardians of Dirck van Werckhoven, vs. Jacques Corteljou Document New York State Archives
Petition of Timotheus Gabry praying payment of a debt due by the government Document New York State Archives
Petition of Tobias Feecxs for indemnity for his services against the Indians Document New York State Archives
Petition of town of Amersfoort for an aid to complete their church Document New York State Archives
Petition of town of Amesfoort for a survey of the valleys claimed by Midwout Document New York State Archives
Petition of town of Amesfoort that a boundary line may be run between Amesfoort and Midwout Document New York State Archives
Petition of Tryntie Cornelis, accused of adultery, for examination and to be confronted with her accusers Document New York State Archives
Petition of Vincentius Antonides Document New York State Archives
Petition of Volckert Jansen and others for a grant of Aepjes island, near Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Petition of Walewyn van der Veen for admission as notary public Document New York State Archives
Petition of Walewyn van der Veen for director and council to enforce a certain order of the city court Document New York State Archives
Petition of Walewyn van der Veen for director and council to enforce a certain order of the city court [Copy of 8:210] Document New York State Archives
Petition of Walewyn van der Veen, attorney of Jacob Jansen Huys, for payment of costs Document New York State Archives
Petition of Walter Dickinson relative to a tract of land Document New York State Archives
Petition of Warnaer Wessels to be credited with certain items Document New York State Archives
Petition of Warnaer Wessels to be relieved from imprisonment Document New York State Archives
Petition of Widow Morris complaining that the slave at the Ferry had stolen articles she had left in his charge Document New York State Archives
Petition of William Beeckman that his son Hendrick may be allowed cadet's pay Document New York State Archives
Petition of William Beeckman, commissary at Altona, for a grant of land there Document New York State Archives
Petition of William Bogardus, clerk in secretary's office, for an increase of salary Document New York State Archives
Petition of William Hallet Document New York State Archives
Petition of William Hallet for remission of the sentence of banishment pronounced against him Document New York State Archives
Petition of William Hallet for remission of the sentence of banishment pronounced against him [Copy of 8:312a] Document New York State Archives
Petition of William Hamilton and William Sempill concerning a cargo of goods Document New York State Archives
Petition of William Newman, attorney of Richard Lawes, for payment of certain moneys advanced on director Stuyvesant's order Document New York State Archives
Petition of William Teller praying for reimbursement of expenses incurred on public account in 1655 Document New York State Archives
Petition of William van Vredenburgh and Cornelis Andriessen Hoogland for a remission of the prices of their passage money to this country Document New York State Archives
Petition presented by delegates of Oysterbay, with order granting the same Document New York State Archives
Petition signed by John Budd, John Mifflin and others from Old England, for grants of land Document New York State Archives
Petition to the court of for grants of land on the west side of he Delaware river Document New York State Archives
Petitions and papers in a suit between Cornelis van Gezel and Alexander D'Hinoyossa respecting the estate of the late Jacob Alricks Document New York State Archives
Petitions of Richard Mills to be released from prison Document New York State Archives
Petitions of Thomas Powel, Teunis Abrahamsen, and others of Beverwyck for permission to purchase a parcel of land between Kinderhook and Neutenhook Document New York State Archives
Petiton of Toussain Muyssart against Jan van Welij, Wouter van Twiller, and Jan van Rensselaer Document New York State Archives
Plea and answer to the indictment of Michel Tadens Document New York State Archives
Plea and answer to the indictment of Michel Tadens [Copy of Volume 8:87a] Document New York State Archives
Pleadings and proceedings of a court held at New Castle, in the case of Thomas Harwood vs. Jacob Vanderveer Document New York State Archives
Pleadings in the case of Hans Peterson, plaintiff, and rev. Laurentius Carolus, defendant Document New York State Archives
Pleadings in the case of rev. Laurentius Carolus vs. Hans Peterson for recovery of a mare Document New York State Archives
Pledge signed by the magistrates and part of the inhabitants of Rustdorp to denounce Quakers and their meetings Document New York State Archives
Pledge submitted by the director to the burgomasters and schepens engaging them to contribute towards the public defense Document New York State Archives
Points extracted from the protest of Rensselaerswijck with the company's responses Document New York State Archives
Points made against Rensselaerswijck Document New York State Archives
Points submitted by the magistrates of Willemstadt and order thereupon Document New York State Archives
Power from S. de Blaigny to Augustin de Boulieu, or in his absence to P.G., to collect his share Document New York State Archives
Power from Tieleman Willekens to Adriaen van der Donck, to appear as his attorney before the court of the director and council and defend a suit brought by the fiscal Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney for David Provoost to Gillis Verbrugge to receive certain annuities in Holland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Abraham Grevenraedt to Gysbert Opdyck to receive tobacco from Dirck Corssen Stam Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Abraham Isaacksen and Jan Snediger to Lucas Eldersen to collect money from David Davidsen Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Abraham Jacobsen to Hendrick Jansen to collect moneys from the orphan masters at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Abraham Jacobsen to his mother-in-law to receive money from the orphanmasters at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Abraham Jacobsen to the Rev. Everardus Bogardus to settle the estate of his deceased wife, Geertruyt Willems Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Abraham Martensen to Jan Willemsen Bos to collect wages from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Abraham Staets to Lucas Smith to receive money from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Adam Brouwer to Geurt Servaessen to collect wages due from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Adam Brouwer to Govert Loockermans to receive money due him by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Adam Roelantsen Groen to Jacob Tysen to take charge of his children and affairs during his absence Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Adriaen Dircksen to Govert Loockermans to receive money due him by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Adriaen Jansen van Ilpendam to Sybolt Claessen to collect what is due him by inheritance in Holland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Adriaen Keyser to Dirck van Schelluyne to manage his affairs during his absence Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Adriaen Pietersen to Jan Jansen to receive money coming to him by the death of his brother and other effects left in the care of an aunt in Holland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Adriaen Vincent to Margariet Troezee to collect his pay as cadet earned in the service of the WIC in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Albert Govertsen to Dirck Volckertsen to receive moneys from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Alexander Boyer to Samuel Willemsen to collect from the WIC money earned by him Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Andries Hudde to Arnoldus van Hardenberg and Pieter Cornelissen to sell a plantation on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Andries Hudde to Isaack van Beecq to collect legacies due to Hendrick Hudde Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Andries Hudde to Nicolaes van Beecq to demand and receive certain testamentary papers in Holland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Andries Roelofsen to Jan Laurensen Appel to collect beavers from Adam Roelantsen and Jacob Jansen Flodder Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Annetie van Beyeren, wife of T. Feecx, to A. van der Donck to collect inheritances in Holland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Annetje Jans, widow of the late E. Bogardus, to Cornelis Willemsen Bogaert to receive money due by the WIC to her late husband and her mother, deceased Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Anthony Bermoeda to Hans Weber to receive his share of the prize Tobasco Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Antony Crol to Philip Gerardy to collect money due him by Philip Ringo Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Arent Corsen to Govert Loockemans to receive certain moneys from David Provoost Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Arent van Curler to Dirck van Schelluyne to collect the rent of a farm from Thomas Spicer Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Arnoldus van Hardenberch to Jan Lourensen Appel and Adriaen Jansen to manage his affairs during his absence, with ratification thereof Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Augustin Herrman to Isaac Allerton to collect beavers from Governor Johan Prins Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Augustyn Herrman to George Grace to collect the amount of the preceding note Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Baatiaen Lambertsen to Hendrick Arentsen to receive his share of the prize ship Tobasco Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Barent Jansen to Aernout Willeborsen to collect wages earned by him as cook on the ship Jonge Prins van Denemarcken, with bond of said Willeborsen to pay the money on demand at Flushing or elsewhere Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Brant Aertsen van Slichtenhorst to Dirck van Schelluyne Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Captain Blauwvelt to Jacob Stoffelsen to recover Negro women who ran away from the ship La Garce Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Captain Jacob Loper to Nicolaes van Lit to receive moneys from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Captain Johan de Fries to Michiel Jansen and Symon Joosten to look after his free Negroes during his absence Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Captain Willem Blauvelt of the privateer La Garce to Director Kieft to receive his share of the proceeds of the cruise Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Carsten Cornelissen Stam to J. Harmensen to collect beavers from J. Snediger, Abraham Planck and Alexander Boeyer Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Carsten Jansen Almussen to Augustyn Herrman to collect wages from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Catalyn van Straseele, widow of Jan Jansen van Ilpendam, to Johannes de Laet to collect money due her deceased husband by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Charles Morgan to Albert Willem van Sevenhoven to collect from the Zeeland chamber of the West India Company wages earned by him in Brazil Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Claes Bordingh and Pieter Jacobsen Marius to Pieter Cornelissen to collect certain moneys due them at the South River Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Claes Jansen de Kock to Michiel Paulissen to receive his share of the prize ship Tobasco Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Claes Jansen to Govert Aertsen to collect wages from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Cornelis Claessen Swits and wife to Willem Kieft to receive and sell property belonging to them in the province of Zealand Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Cornelis Coenraetsen to Claes Jansen Ruyter to collect money from Roeloff Jansen de Haes Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Cornelis Cornelissen Backer to Jan Laurensen Appel to collect money due him in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Cornelis Cornelissen to Hendrick Jansen van de Ven and Pieter Antony to settle his affairs in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Cornelis Groesens to Cornelis Melyn to obtain a patent for a piece of land on Manhattan Island bought from John Underhill and to pay for the same Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Cornelis Jacobsen van Steenwyck and Pieter Stoutenburgh, administrators of the estate of Pieter Anthony, to [] to settle the affairs of his estate Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Cornelis Jansen Coelen to the director and council of New Netherland to remove and take care of the goods remaining in the colony of Achter Col Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Cornelis Maessen to Jan Jansen Damen to sell grain Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Cornelis Segersen to Philip de Truy to demand ten beavers from Jacobus van Curler Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Cornelis Teunissen to Cornelis Wils to collect a legacy in Holland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Cornelis Teunissen to Joost Teunissen to receive his inheritance from Fenneke Joosten, deceased Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Cosyn Gerritsen to Sibout Claessen to collect a legacy from Susanna Elefersen, deceased Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Daniel de Sille to Nicasius de Sille to manage his affairs in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Daniel Litscho to Geertruy Abrahamsen to collect money due him by Joan Tenberghe Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Daniel Michielsen to David Provoost to appear for him in a suit with Cornelis Melyn Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from David Provoost to Claes van Elslant to look after his plantation and affairs during his absence Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from David Provoost to Gillis Jansen Verbrugge to collect money from the estate of his wife's uncle Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from David Provoost to Gillis Verbruggen to collect certain annuities due to his wife, Margarita Gillis Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from David Provoost to the heirs of Jochem Botjes and Jan Cornelissen to receive money due him by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Dirck Cornelissen from Wensveen to Rev. Everhardus Bogardus to receive money due by the West India Company to Tryn Jonas, his deceased mother-in-law Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Dirck Cornelissen from Wensveen to Wouter van Twiller to collect money from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Dirck Cornelissen Hoochlandt to Volckert Douwesen to receive money due him by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Dirck Dircksen to Hendrick Jansen to collect wages due him by the West India Company for services in Brazil Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Dirck Dircksen to Jacob Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven to collect wages earned as boatswain on the Jonge Prins van Denemarcken Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Director Kieft to Dirck Niesen of Amsterdam to receive from Balthasar Cramer of Dublin certain money furnished his son in France Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Director Stuyvesant to Willem van Lith to collect yearly two months of his pay from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Doeke Nessels to Albert Cornelissen Wantenaer to receive prize money coming to him from the Tobasco Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Dr. Hans Kierstede to Willem Turck to collect money due him from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Edward Agerd to Isaac Allerton to collect money from Pieter van der Linden Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Edward Agerd to William Harle to collect his pay earned as a soldier in the service of the West India Company at Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Edward Hutchinson to Thomas Willett to receive £200 from John Coggens Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Egbert Gerritsen to Jacob van Couwenhoven to collect the wages earned by him on the ship Jonge Prins van Denemarcken Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Egbert van Borsum to Capt. Jacob to collect money from Humphrey Booth or Charles Crowne of Boston Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Egbert van Borsum to his brother Cornelis van Borsum to collect his share of his father's and mother's estates Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Egbert van Borsum to his brother Cornelis van Borsum to collect wages due him by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Evert Duyckinck to Hendrick Jansen to collect money due him by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Evert Tesselaer to Govert Loockermans to sell certain merchandise left in his hands Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Femmetje Albers to David Provoost to sue for a debt due her by Harmen Smeman Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Frans Bruyn and Jan Porter to Matthias van Riethoven to collect moneys from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Frans Joosen to Tonis Cray Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Fredrick Lubbersen to Claes Jansen to collect money due to him from the heirs of Jan Helt at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Gerrit Douman to Govert Loockermans to collect money from the West India Company due to Jacob Naviere Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Gerrit Hendricksen to Gerrit Arentsen to collect wages earned by him as a soldier in the service of the WIC in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Gerrit Jansen to Willem de Key to receive money due him by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Gerrit Wolphertsen to Andries Hudde to receive his wife's share of the estate of her father, Cornelis Lambertsen Cool, deceased Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Gillis Jansen Pompoen to [ ] to receive money due him from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Gillis Pietersen to Harmen Jansen to collect pay earned in the service of the WIC on the ship De Prinses Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Gillis Pietersen to his father-in-law Hendrick Jansen to collect certain debts in Holland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Govert Loockemans to Oloff Stevensen and Jacob Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven to manage his affairs in his absence Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Govert Loockemans to Willem de Key to sue Nicolaes Coorn for damages Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from guardians of C. Dircksen to W. Turck and S. Verbruggen to collect from the WIC moneys due the late D.C. van Wensveen Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Gysbert Abrahamsen to Beatrix Hermans to collect wages earned Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Gysbert op Dyck to David Provoost to sell his account Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Gysbert Op Dyck to Hendrick van Schendel to collect money from Jan Hannes, merchant at Wesel Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from H. Jansen to A. Herrman to collect debts due in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Hans Fomer to Augustyn Herrman to collect arrears of pay from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Harck Sybesen to Claes Jansen Calff to receive moneys from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Harman Meyndersen van den Boogaert to his brother-in-law to receive certain moneys in the province of Zeeland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Harmen Bastiaensen to Isaack de Forest to collect money from Hans Hansen Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Harmen Hendricksen to Gillis Verbrugge to receive from the West India Company money earned by him in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Heinrich Heinrichs to Jacob Pergens to collect wages earned in the service of the West India Company on the ship De Princes Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Hendrick Barentsen Smith to his brother Dirck Smith to collect money from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Hendrick Dircksen to C. Groesens and C. Volckertsen for wages earned on the Jonge Prins van Denemarcken Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Hendrick Dircksen to Cornelis Groesens to collect wages earned by him as pilot on the ship Jonge Prins van Denemarcken Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Hendrick Egbertsen to Dirck Lambertsen Santlooper to settle the estate of his deceased wife at Haerlem Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Hendrick Egbertsen to Harmen Hendricksen Drooch to settle his late wife's estate at Haerlem Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Hendrick Jansen to Geurt Servaessen to collect at Amsterdam money due him by Jan Jansen from Rotterdam Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Hendrick Jansen to Geurt Servaessen to collect wages earned by Bartel Lourissen in the service of the West India Company on the ship De Princes Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Hendrick Jansen to Gillis Pietersen to collect debts due in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Hendrick Jansen to Gillis Pietersen to look after his affairs during his absence Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Hendrick [ ] to Steven [ ] to collect his wife's inheritance Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Hermanus Hartogh to Adriaen Keyser to collect certain debts of Pieter Anthony and Jan Schnediger Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Huygen Broers to collect wages from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from I. Allerton to J. Ogden and R. Cloff to collect debts due him by L. Hulen Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Isaac Allerton to Johannes Verbruggen to receive money and merchandise from Captain Francis Aerley, Jr, of Virginia Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Isaac Jansen to Jan Jansen to collect his pay earned as surgeon in the service of the West India Company on the yacht Fenyn Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Isbrant Dircksen Goethart to Hendrick Hendricksen Kip and Jan Jansen Schepmoes to collect debts outstanding in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Isbrant Dircksen Goethart to Jan Lourensen Appel to collect moneys due to him in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jacob Hendricksen Kip to his uncle Harman Hendricksen Drooch to receive money due him by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jacob Leendersen van der Grift to Marten Martensen to receive money due to him by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jacob Loper to Cornelis Melyn to collect money due him for his service on the island of Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jacob Luyersen to the wife of Symon Jansen Breet to collect money from the WIC Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jacob Stoffelsen to Symon Dircksen Pos to receive money due to him from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jacobus van Curler and his wife to Mattheus de Vos to convey to Eduard van Dompseler and his wife their one-sixth interest in an estate in the province of Gelderland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Cant to Maryn Adriaensen to act for him during his absence Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Cornelissen from Hoorn to Jan Jansen to receive money from his guardian, Jasper Claessen, at Hoorn Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Dircksen van Bremen and Pieter Teunissen to David Provoost to manage their affairs in their absence Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Doomer and Nanningh Jansen to Jan Snediger to manage their affairs during their absence Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Evertsen Bout and Jan Jansen Damen to Isaac Allerton to sell the ship St. Pieter Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Evertsen Bout to his wife to take care of his affairs during his absence in Holland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Evertsen Bout to Jan Jansen Damen to sell his share in the ship St. Pieter Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Foppen to Gerrit Vastrick to collect wages earned by him in the service of the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Gillissen Verbrugge to Johannes de Peyster to attend in his place to the affairs of Jan Pietersen Verbrugge and Styntje Raels, widow of Lucas van Kipshaven Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Golsten to Hendrick Antonissen to collect money from the Groningen chamber of the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Harmensen to Pieter Antony to receive certain brandy from the magistrates of New Haven Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Jansen from Ditmersen to Jannetje Douwes to receive money left him by Annetje Sipke, his mother Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Jansen from Piersel to Willem Turck to collect wages earned by him in the service of the WIC. Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Jansen of Puerssel to Pierre Pia to collect wages earned as a soldier in the service of the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Jansen Schepmoes to Cornelis Antonissen to collect Aeltje Claes' portion of her father's estate Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Jansen to Wyntjen Pieters to collect his wages earned on board the ship Neptunes Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Labatie to Adriaen van der Donck to manage the affairs of Harmen Bogardus, deceased, growing out of his interest in the yacht La Garce Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Laurensen Appel to Adriaen Jansen from Leyden to collect certain debts at Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Laurensen to Teunis Jansen to collect debts due to him and the late Willem Coster Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Nagel to Augustyn Herrman to collect wages earned by him as cadet in the service of the West India Company in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Stevensen, schoolmaster, to Lucas Smith to receive the balance of his wages from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Willemsen Schut to Jan Stevensen to collect money due him from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Willemsen Schut to Maurits Jansen of Haerlem to receive his share of his brother's estate Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jan Willemsen Yselsteyn to his father Willem Pomsen Yselsteyn to collect money earned by him in the service of the WIC on Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Janntje Claes, widow of Urbanus Luyersen, to her mother, Beatrix Hermans, to collect wages earned by her deceased husband on the ship De Princes Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jellis Jansen to Daniel Litscho to collect wages earned by him and his father, Jan Andriessen, deceased, on the ship Jonge Prins van Denemarcken Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jesse la Montagne to Coenraet van Ceulen to receive money due him by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Jeuriaen Blanck to Isbrant Dircksen Goethardt to collect money from the heirs of Simon Dircksen Pos Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Johannes Riger to Jan Vigne to receive money due him by the West India Company for services in Brazil Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from John Dolling to Augustyn Herrman to collect moneys due by the West India Company to Isaac Boere, with blank form of substitution by Augustyn Herrman Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from John Jenney to Isaac Allerton to collect moneys due him from various persons Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from John Jenney to Thomas Atkinson Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Joris Scholte to Bartholomeus Lantsiel to receive money due him from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Juriaen Andriessen to Cornelis Coenraetsen to receive money due him by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Juriaen Andriessen to Jacob van Couwenhoven to collect money due to him from the WIC Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Kempo Sybada to Jacob Stoffelsen to collect certain debts in his absence Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Kreger Pisker to Harmen Jansen to collect money due him from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Laurens Christiaensen to Gerrit Arentsen to collect wages earned by him in the service of the WIC in Brazil Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Leendert Arentsen to the heirs of Jan Albertsen to collect a legacy in Holland due to his wife Leuntje Alberts Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Lucas Gerritsen to Nicolaes van Lit to receive moneys from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Luycas Hendricksen, drummer, to Jan Jansen to receive from the West India Company the pay earned by him in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Lysbet Tysen to her brother Pieter Tysen to collect inheritances from her brother and sister at Alckmaer Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Machtelt Willems to Jan Claessen of Coedyck to collect her share of her mother's estate Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Maritje Jans, widow of Dirck Cornelissen van Wensveen, to Willem Turck and Seth Verbruggen to collect money due to her late husband from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Marten Barten to the wife of Jeuriaen Andriesen Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Martin Kregier to Cornelis van Tienhoven to collect from the West India Company money earned by him in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Martin Kregier to Gerrit Vastrick to collect from the West India Company money earned by him in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Mattheus Capito to Sytje Harmans to receive money due him by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Michael Kaiser to the wife of Jacob Jacobsen Roy to receive money due him by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Michiel Jansen to Arent van Curler to settle his accounts with the patroon of the colony of Rensselaerswyck Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Michiel Jansen to Johannes Geraerdy to receive money due to the principal from Reynier Dominicus Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Michiel Jansen to Joost Teunissen to collect an account due by Reynier Dominicus Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Michiel Messer to Gillis Verbrugge to collect money from the directors of the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Nicola Bled to Sack Kallyn, or in his absence to Philip Geraerdy, to collect his share of the money accruing from Blauvelt’s prize Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Nicolaes Coorn to Claes Jansen Calff to collect money and an inheritance in Holland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Oloff Stevensen van Cortlandt to Gerrit van Hengst to collect arrears of salary from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Paulus Leendersen van der Grift to Hans Bartelsen and Simon Evertsen van der Grift to receive a legacy left in Holland to Gysbert Gerritsen Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Paulus van der Beeke to Jeronimus La Croix, Jr, to collect money from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Philip Gerritsen, tavern keeper, to Willem Turck, to collect moneys from the proprietors of Achter Col Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Pierre Malenfant to Seger Teunissen to collect his wages from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Pieter Broensen to Hendrick van Dyck to demand certain moneys from the administrators of the estate of Seger Teunissen Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Pieter Cornelissen from Cadoele to Oloff Stevensen van Cortlandt to collect wages earned by him on the ship Jonge Prins van Denemarcken Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Pieter Cornelissen to Rivert Symonsen Pilles to collect money from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Pieter Ebel to his wife to receive money due him from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Pieter Hansen to Erick Jansen to collect money earned by him in the service of the West India Company on the island of Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Pieter Jonassen Bronck to Burger Jorissen to oollect debts due to him in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Pieter Jurgens to Elias de Raet to receive money due the late Lieut. Jan Bartram by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Pieter Jurgens, surgeon, to Maurits Jansen to receive money due him by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Pieter Leendersen to Gillis Verbrugge to collect money from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Pieter Lucassen to his brother to manage his affairs during his absence Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Rev. Everardus Bogardus to Wouter van Twiller to collect money from Jacobus van Curler Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Rev. Johannes Backerus to Jacob Jansen Twiver or in his absence Lambert Cornelissen Scheltes to collect salary due him by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Rev. Johannes Backerus to Jacob Jansen Twyver to collect arrears of salary due him by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Rev. Johannes T. Polhemus to his wife to receive moneys due him from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Rev. Samuel Drisius to Eduard Man to receive salary due him from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Reynier Dominicus to Jan Willemsen Bos to collect money from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Richard Rely to Jeronimus La Croix to receive moneys from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Robert Humphrey to Gerrit Arentsen to collect wages earned by in the service of the WIC in Brazil Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Roelant Hackwaert to Claes Jansen to collect his debts Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Sander Leendersen to Michiel Jansen to collect money from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Sander Leendertsen Glen to Willem Thomassen to collect money from Dirck Claessen Boot Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Sibout Claessen to Harmen Bastiaensen to collect the balance of the purchase money for a house and lot sold to Joost Teunissen Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Simeke Jacobsen, skipper, to receive money due to him by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from skipper Abbe Claesen to Laurens Cornelissen van der Wel to collect money due to him from the former Swedish authorities on the Delaware Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Surgeon Jan Pauw to surgeon Jacob Varrevanger to collect money earned on that ship Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Surgeon Willem Nobel to Hendrick Jacobsen Patervaer to receive his share of the prize captured by Captain Willem Blaeuvelt's frigate Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Sybolt Claessen to Reyer Stoffelsen to receive money due to him by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Symon Joosten to Captain Johan de Fries to receive certain property in the hands of Barrebar Harmans at Flushing Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Teunis Dircksen to Isaack de Foreest to receive his share of the prize Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Teunis Dircksen to Willem Nobel to receive from Cornelis van Bruggen the proceeds of certain indigo consigned to him in the West Indies Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Teunis Dircksen van Vechten to Jan Jansen Damen to have charge of the property of the late Cornelis Maersen on Manhattan Island Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from the curators of Claes Cater's estate to Pieter Jacobsen Marius to collect debts due to said estate Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from the curators of the estate of Pieter Anthony, deceased, to Frans Barentsen to dispose of Pieter Anthony's property at Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Tobias Rem to Pieter Cornelissen Prins to collect money from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Tymen Jansen to George Grace to inquire whether any tobacco due to Dirck Corssen Stam was received in Virginia by the late Thomas Jansen Ses, agent of Tymen Jansen Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Wessel Evertsen to Jannetje Erassimus to collect money due to him by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Willem Beeckman to Geertruyt Plantius to collect money earned by him in the service of the WIC on the ship De Princes Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Willem Clock to Harmen Hendricksen to receive money due to him from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Willem de Key and Jan Claessen Smal to Isaack Allerton to sell in Virginia a shipment of horses from Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Willem de Key to Gerrit Arentsen to collect from the West India Company money earned by Laurens Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Willem de Key to Hendrick Jansen to collect from the West India Company money earned by Samuel Dougan in Brazil Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Willem Teller to Willem Thomasses to collect money from Dirck Claessen Boot Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Willem Turck to Oloff Stevensen van Cortlandt to manage his affairs during his absence Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Willem Woutersen to Aert Willemsen to receive his share of the Spanish prize captured by Captain Blaeuvelt Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from William de Key to Jeronimus La Croix, Jr, to collect money from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from Wybrant Harmansen to Warnaer Francen to receive money due him by the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney from [ ] van Vechten to Hendrick Kip [incomplete and canceled] Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney of Allard Anthony to Joannes de Decker, to prosecute his suit in appeal Document New York State Archives
Power of attorney of the fiscal to the court messenger, authorizing him to serve a protest against Mr. Leverit and others Document New York State Archives
Presentment of James Sandylands by Edmund Cantwell for manslaughter Document New York State Archives
Privileges granted to the inhabitants of the South river (Delaware) Document New York State Archives
Privileges granted to the several towns in New Jersey Document New York State Archives
Privileges to be granted to those settling the new village of Haerlem Document New York State Archives
Proccedings in a suit between Jacobus Schellinger and Adriaen Post Document New York State Archives
Proccedings in a suit between Jacobus Schellinger and Adriaen Post [Copy of Volume 6:298a] Document New York State Archives
Proceedings against Albert Albertsen for continuing to reside on his farm at a distance from New Utrecht Document New York State Archives
Proceedings against and confiscation of furs shipped by mistake Document New York State Archives
Proceedings against Anna Tchuys Document New York State Archives
Proceedings against Cornelis Melyn for smuggling Document New York State Archives
Proceedings against Cornelis van der Maes and Peter Riverding for smuggling Document New York State Archives
Proceedings against Dirck Claessen for disobedience of orders Document New York State Archives
Proceedings against Elias Emmens Document New York State Archives
Proceedings against Fytje Gommers for robbing Indians Document New York State Archives
Proceedings against George Baxter and James Hubbard, prisoners Document New York State Archives
Proceedings against George Baxter and James Hubbard, prisoners [Copy of Volume 6:68a] Document New York State Archives
Proceedings against Goosen Gerritsen (van Schaiek) for smuggling Document New York State Archives
Proceedings against Jochem de Backer Document New York State Archives
Proceedings against John Appelgadt for smuggling Document New York State Archives
Proceedings against John Smith for the recovery of a ship Document New York State Archives
Proceedings against Mrs. Micah Spicer for entertaining George Wilson, a Quaker Document New York State Archives
Proceedings against Peter Lucassen van der Goes for smuggling gunpowder and arms Document New York State Archives
Proceedings against Samuel Cromstock Document New York State Archives
Proceedings against some night brawlers in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Proceedings against Thomas Hall Document New York State Archives
Proceedings at Fort Orange with Mohawk and Mohegan sachems Document New York State Archives
Proceedings for the recovery of two notes of hand signed by Nathaniel Hazard and rev. John Moore Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in a case of appeal of Joost van Beecq against Maria Varleth Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in a case of appeal of Joost van Beecq against Maria Varleth [Copy of Volume 6:346a] Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in a suit between Jacob Jansz Huys and Pieter Rudolphus Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in a suit between Jacob Jansz Huys and Pieter Rudolphus [Copy of Volume 6:196] Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in a suit between Maria Verleth and Joost van Beeck Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in a suit between Maria Verleth and Joost van Beeck [Copy of Volume 6:350a] Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in a suit between Symon Harmensen Cort against Jan Andriessen de Graeff and Cornelis Pietersen Hoogeboom Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in a suit between Warnaer Wessels and Abraham Pietersen Corbyn Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in a suit of Johan de Decker against Margriet Hardenbroeck Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in a suit of John Hicks vs. Hendrick Jansen Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in appeal of Allard Anthony, agent of Jacob Jansen Huys, vs. Peter Rudolphus Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in appeal of Allard Anthony, agent of Jacob Jansen Huys, vs. Peter Rudolphus Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in appeal of Allard Anthony, agent of Jacob Jansen Huys, vs. Peter Rudolphus Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in appeal of Allard Anthony, agent of Jacob Jansen Huys, vs. Peter Rudolphus Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in appeal of Allard Anthony, agent of Jacob Jansen Huys, vs. Peter Rudolphus [Copy of Volume 6:37a] Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in appeal of Stevenson vs. Hall Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in case of Allard Antony against Pieter Rudophus Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in case of Allard Antony against Pieter Rudophus Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in case of Allard Antony against Pieter Rudophus [Copy of Volume 6:61a] Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in case of Allard Antony against Pieter Rudophus [Copy of Volume 6:62a] Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in court regarding the estate of Anna van Beyeren Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in suits of Jan la Montagne, jr. vs. Randal Hewit and others Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case against Adriaen Blommert [Copy of Volume 6:319] Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case between Joost Van Beecq and Maria Verleth [Copy of Volume 6:371a] Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of Anthony Jansen from Salee against Nicolas Stilwel Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of calves lost by Thomas Gredy and examination of John Gray Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of Cornelis Schut vs. Maria Verlett, widow of Jan van Beeck Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of Eldert Bruinsen vs. Nicolaes Lange Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of Eldert Bruinsen vs. Nicolaes Lange [Copy of Volume 6:312c] Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of Jacob Schellinger vs. Adriaen Post, agent of baron van der Capelle Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of Jacob Schellinger vs. Adriaen Post, agent of baron van der Capelle [Copy of Volume 6:311b] Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of Jean Paul Jacquet Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of Ralph Cardel vs. Mathys Capito Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of Solomon Lachair vs. John Lauwrence Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of the farmer of the excise vs. Egbert van Borsum for violation of the excise laws Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of the farmer of the excise vs. Egbert van Borsum for violation of the excise laws Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of the farmer of the excise vs. Egbert van Borsum for violation of the excise laws [Copy of Volume 6:226a] Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of the farmer of the excise vs. Egbert van Borsum for violation of the excise laws [Copy of Volume 6:286a] Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of the farmer of the excise vs. Jacob Cohen Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of the fiscal vs. Adrian Blommert Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of the fiscal vs. John Laurence Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of the town of Gravesend vs. Anthony Jansen Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of the town of Gravesend vs. Anthony Jansen [Copy of Volume 8:141] Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of Thomas Stevenson vs. Elias Beely Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of Warnaer Wessels vs. Solomon Lachair Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of Warnaer Wessels vs. Solomon Lachair [Copy of Volume 6:327a] Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the case of widow Morris vs. Egbert van Borsum's slave Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the prosecution of John Moll and Abraham Man at New Castle Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the suit between Adriaen Post and Jacob Schellinger Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the suit between Adriaen Post and Jacob Schellinger [Copy of Volume 8:30a] Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the suit between Egbert van Borsum and Warnaer Wessels Document New York State Archives
Proceedings in the suit between Egbert van Borsum and Warnaer Wessels [Copy of Volume 6:280b] Document New York State Archives
Proceedings of a court held at New Castle against Walter Wharton Document New York State Archives
Proceedings of a court held at Whorekill in a suit between Walter Dickson and Barnard Hodges Document New York State Archives
Proceedings of a special court held at New Castle, Delaware Document New York State Archives
Proceedings of a special court held at New Castle, Delaware in the case of John Shackerly vs. Henry Salter Document New York State Archives
Proceedings of appeal in the suit of Theunis Jansen against Michiel Tadens Document New York State Archives
Proceedings of gov. Colve towards the burgomasters of New Orange Document New York State Archives
Proceedings of Peter Jacobsen vs. Cornelis Vos; bail entered by Rutger Jacobsen and Gerrit Bancker for Juriaen Jansen Document New York State Archives
Proceedings of the commander and justices in New Castle in relation to major Fenwick Document New York State Archives
Proceedings of the court at Fort Orange in the case of Andries Herbertsen Document New York State Archives
Proceedings of the court at Whorekill removing Cornelis Verhoof as clerk, and appointing William Clark Document New York State Archives
Proceedings of the court held at the Whorekill on the petition of William Planer Document New York State Archives
Proceedings of the court of the Nine men: Actions of debt Document New York State Archives
Proceedings of the court of the Nine men: actions of debt; Abraham Verplanck vs. Dirrick Teunissen Noorman Document New York State Archives
Proceedings of the delegates from New Amsterdam and the several towns thereabouts Document New York State Archives
Proceedings of the fiscal for confiscation of smuggled goods Document New York State Archives
Proceedings with Kattskill Indians Document New York State Archives
Proclamation adjourning the General Assembly to the 13th day of July Document New York State Archives
Proclamation adjourning the General Assembly to the 5th of October Document New York State Archives
Proclamation against the sojourn of strangers within the city of New Orange Document New York State Archives
Proclamation altering the form of government of the city of New Orange Document New York State Archives
Proclamation annulling all grants of land within 600 paces of Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Proclamation annulling ordinances in Renselaerwyck prohibiting the cutting and hauling of firewood for Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Proclamation appointing March 13th to be a day of general fasting, prayer and thanksgiving, in English Document New York State Archives
Proclamation appointing the 15th March as a general day of thanksgiving, fasting and prayer, with copy in English Document New York State Archives
Proclamation appointing the 1st of March to be observed as a day of general fasting and prayer Document New York State Archives
Proclamation appointing the 1st of March to be observed as a day of general fasting and prayer [Copy of Volume 6:258] Document New York State Archives
Proclamation appointing the 4th of July, and the first Wednesday of each succeeding month, to be a day of fasting and prayer throughout the province Document New York State Archives
Proclamation appointing the first Wednesday in March a day of general thanksgiving and prayer Document New York State Archives
Proclamation appointing the second Wednesday a day of general thanksgiving for the peace Document New York State Archives
Proclamation appointing Wednesday the 25th a day of fasting and prayer Document New York State Archives
Proclamation appointing Wednesday the 25th a day of fasting and prayer [Copy of Volume 6:75b] Document New York State Archives
Proclamation appointing Wednesday, 13th of March, to be a day of general fasting, prayer and thanksgiving Document New York State Archives
Proclamation by Royal Governor James Robertson calling for allegiance to King George III, 1780 Document New York State Archives
Proclamation calling for volunteers for the war against the Esopus Indians Document New York State Archives
Proclamation calling for volunteers for the war against the Esopus Indians in English Document New York State Archives
Proclamation confiscating all property in New Netherland belonging to the kings of France and England or their subjects Document New York State Archives
Proclamation fixing the 24th March as a day of general fasting and prayer Document New York State Archives
Proclamation fixing the 4th of April as a day of general fasting and prayer Document New York State Archives
Proclamation for a day of general thanksgiving on account of the peace with the Esopus Indians Document New York State Archives
Proclamation for a day of Humiliation and Thanksgiving Document New York State Archives
Proclamation for a general day of fasting and prayer Document New York State Archives
Proclamation for the capture of Samuel Slaughter for killing Native Americans Document New York State Archives
Proclamation inviting absent debtors to return to the province and promising a stay of proceedings against them for two years Document New York State Archives
PROCLAMATION issued by Matthias Beck authorizing the capture of Lourens Prins, captain of an English frigate, who ordered the plundering of Bonaire Document New York State Archives
PROCLAMATION of Matthias Beck, for the capture of the pirates who seized the slaves aboard the St. Jan and other Company property Document New York State Archives
Proclamation of the armistice with the Esopus Indians and pass to two Indians Document New York State Archives
Proclamation of war with the Esopus Indians Document New York State Archives
Proclamation ordering all strangers to depart the province and forbidding all correspondence with New England Document New York State Archives
Proclamation ordering the demolition of houses adjoining fort Willem Hendrick Document New York State Archives
Proclamation protecting fugitives who will return from Virginia and Maryland from prosecutions for debt Document New York State Archives
Proclamation regarding Native American hostilities Document New York State Archives
Proclamation regarding sailors Document New York State Archives
Proclamation seizing all property belonging to the English or French within the province of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Proclamation sent to the South river on an invasion of those parts from Maryland Document New York State Archives
Promise of Hans Pietersen to satisfy the contract made with Paulus van der Beeck to serve him for one year Document New York State Archives
Promise of Lucas Rodenborch, director of the Island of Curaçao, W.I., to guarantee the master of the ship Het Wapen van Nieu Nederland against loss and damage for having broken bulk at Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Promisory note of Andries Hudde in favor of Rev. Everardus Bogardus Document New York State Archives
Promisory note of Cornelis Arentsen of Pavonia in favor of Isbrant Dircksen Goethart Document New York State Archives
Promisory note of Egbert Woutersen to Dirck Cornelissen for carpenter's wages Document New York State Archives
Promisory note of Thomas Broughton to Director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Promissory note of Claes Jansen Ruyter to the director general of New Netherland for the purchase money of the yacht De Vreede Document New York State Archives
Promissory notes of Gerrit Doman to the deacons at Fort Amsterdam and to Hendrick van Dyck Document New York State Archives
Promotion of Andries Rees to the rank of cadet Document New York State Archives
Proposal of Seweekenamo, one of the chiefs of the Esopus Indians, requesting that a supply of provisions be sent to their country Document New York State Archives
Proposal of the chief of the Hackengsack Indians to sell a portion of their land behind the Kill van Kol Document New York State Archives
Proposal of the director-general to enclose the city at the river side by palisades and complete the stone wall of the fort Document New York State Archives
Proposals communicated to Oratanim, Sachem of Hackinkesacky, and Mattanou, Sachem of Nayack Document New York State Archives
Proposals from capt. Carr to the governor and council Document New York State Archives
Proposals from the court of Fort Orange and Beverwyck, with the answers of the director and council Document New York State Archives
Proposals made by the Mohawk chiefs at Fort Orange and the answer thereto Document New York State Archives
Proposals made to the Esopus Indians with their reply Document New York State Archives
Proposals made to the Sachems of Nayack, Wieckquaeskeck, and Kicktawangh Document New York State Archives
Proposals of director Stuyvesant respecting the hostile measures to be adopted against the Esopus Indians Document New York State Archives
Proposals of Hackingsack, Staten Island and Minissink Indians with answers Document New York State Archives
Proposals of Mohawks at Fort Orange with the answer Document New York State Archives
Proposals of Oratamy and other Hackingsack and Staten Island Indians, and answer Document New York State Archives
Proposals of some Mohawk chiefs on their return from the South river Document New York State Archives
Proposals of the chief of the Menissing Indians and the answer Document New York State Archives
Proposals of the chiefs of Hackingkeshacky and Nyacks for an armistice with the Esopus Indians for two months Document New York State Archives
Proposals of the chiefs of the Kichtawans, Wappingers, Wighquaeskecks, Hackingsacks and Newesinghs, with answers Document New York State Archives
Proposals of the commissioners at the Delaware and resolutions of the chamber at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Proposals of the delegates of New Amsterdam to the convention Document New York State Archives
Proposals of the director and council to the burgomasters and schepens on the subject of the defense of the city of New Amsterdam, with answers Document New York State Archives
Proposals of the Esopus Indians Document New York State Archives
Proposals of the Esopus Indians and their answer Document New York State Archives
Proposals of the Katskill sachem on behalf of the Esopus Indians Document New York State Archives
Proposals offered by the Minesinck Indians on renewing peace with the Dutch Document New York State Archives
Proposals sent by gov. Colve to gov. Andros, previous to the surrender Document New York State Archives
Proposals submitted by the director general to the council on the subject of some printed placards received from Holland Document New York State Archives
Proposals submitted to the council by director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Proposals submitted to the council by director Stuyvesant [Copy of Volume 6:313b] Document New York State Archives
Proposals submitted to the council by the director-general, on the arrival of several ships at Boston Document New York State Archives
Proposals to be submitted by the delegates from New Amsterdam to the delegates of the other towns in the convention Document New York State Archives
Proposals to fortify the city of New Amsterdam and to strengthen the fort, submitted to the council by the director-general Document New York State Archives
Proposed fees for operation of a ferry across the Hudson Document New York State Archives
Proposition of the Indians of Long Island on the part of Tackpaasa Document New York State Archives
Propositions made about the fortifications at Delaware Document New York State Archives
Propositions made unto the Maques by Thomas Gardner and Nathaniel Walker with answers Document New York State Archives
Propositions of a company in New England presented to the director-general with Dutch translation Document New York State Archives
Propositions of the Mohawk Indians to gov. Colve and his answer Document New York State Archives
Propositions of the people of Westchester Document New York State Archives
Propositions of the people of Westchester [Copy of Volume 6:342] Document New York State Archives
Propositions of the three Mohawk castles Document New York State Archives
Propositions on behalf of the town of New Castle from Mr. Tom Document New York State Archives
Propositions submitted by the burgomasters and schepens to the director and council Document New York State Archives
Propositions submitted by the director-general to the council Document New York State Archives
Propositions submitted by the director-general to the council [Copy of Volume 6:149] Document New York State Archives
Propositions submitted to the council by director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Propositions submitted to the council by director Stuyvesant [Copy of Volume 6:286b] Document New York State Archives
Propositions submitted to the council by Johan de Deckere, receiver-general Document New York State Archives
Prosecution of Maria de Truyx for selling brandy to Indians Document New York State Archives
Prosecution of Severyn Lawrens and Jan Jansen Langestraet for selling liquor during divine service Document New York State Archives
Protest against certain parties who have settled without authority at Matinnekonck, or Martin Gerritsen's bay, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Protest against lord Baltimore, addressed to col. Utie Document New York State Archives
Protest against the further detention of the ship Hope, lately impressed for the expedition against the Swedes Document New York State Archives
Protest against the further detention of the ship Hope, lately impressed for the expedition against the Swedes [Copy of Volume 6:112a] Document New York State Archives
Protest against Thomas Pell settling on lands belonging to the Dutch, with notice to quit Document New York State Archives
Protest by director and council against the fiscal for neglect of duty Document New York State Archives
Protest of Andries Hudde against Johannes Prints, the Swedish governor Document New York State Archives
Protest of Captain James Neale, agent of lord Baltimore, against the W. I. Company chamber at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Protest of Director Kieft, as agent of Wouter van Twiller, against Claes van Elslandt for neglect to account for Van Twiller's property in his hands Document New York State Archives
Protest of director Stuyvesant against certain proceedings of John Risingh, late director of New Sweden Document New York State Archives
Protest of Hendrick van Elswyck against the director and council for having seized the Swedish ship Golden Shark Document New York State Archives
Protest of Isaac Allerton, Sr., against Jan Paul Jacquet, commander on the South river Document New York State Archives
Protest of Jeremiah van Renselaer against any grant of lands or islands within the colonie of Renselaerswyck Document New York State Archives
Protest of Johannes de Decker against Jan Baptist van Renselaer and certain tavern-keepers Document New York State Archives
Protest of Johannes de Decker against Jan Baptist van Renselaer and certain tavern-keepers [Copy of Volume 8:25] Document New York State Archives
Protest of Johannes van Rensselaer against Director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Protest of Pieter Wyncoop, supercargo of the Wapen van Rensselaerwyck, against the fiscal for unloading the vessel Document New York State Archives
Protest of several merchants against the director and council for not permitting them to proceed on their voyage to Holland Document New York State Archives
Protest of the attorney of I.D. Goethart to the curators of the estate of the late S. Tonissen for non-payment of a bond, and an answer thereto Document New York State Archives
Protest of the captain of the ship Gideon against director Stuyvesant for refusing to allow him to depart with his vessel from New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Protest of the fiscal against Govert Loockermans' trading with the Indians at the South River Document New York State Archives
Protest of the fiscal of New Netherland against the erection of a fort on Beeren Island and counter protest of Nicolaes Coorn Document New York State Archives
Protest of the skippers of the Bear and Brindled Cow for detention of their ships Document New York State Archives
Protest of the skippers of the Bear and Brindled Cow for detention of their ships [Copy of Volume 6:116a] Document New York State Archives
Protest of the town of Huntington against the claim of Richard Smith Document New York State Archives
Protest of town of Huntington against the judgment of the governor and council Document New York State Archives
Protests of the director and council against Andries Rouloffsen, chief boatswain, and Tymen Jansen, ship carpenter, for neglect of duty Document New York State Archives
Provisional plan for the colonization of New Netherland and Caribbean possessions Document New York State Archives
Queries submitted by Jacob Sam, bookkeeper, with answers Document New York State Archives
Query from Mr. Tom about the tenure of the land at Delaware Document New York State Archives
Questions submitted by the director-general to the council with answers Document New York State Archives
Questions submitted by the director-general to the council with answers [Copy of Volume 6:236] Document New York State Archives
Ratification of ordinance requiring proprietors of land in Midwout to supply palisades by the director and council Document New York State Archives
Ratification of the articles of surrender by the Dutch commissioners Document New York State Archives
Ratification of the ordinance regulating the citizens excise by the director and council Document New York State Archives
Ratification of the ordinance regulating the citizens excise by the director and council [Copy of 8:288] Document New York State Archives
Re conveyance by Thomas Baxter to Isaac Allerton of his half-interest in a boat Document New York State Archives
Re-enactment of the ordinance regulating the inspection of tobacco Document New York State Archives
Reasons which led the magistrates to make the order about the two dykes in New Castle Document New York State Archives
Reasons why Daniel Witthet is detained a prisoner at New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Reasons why the major part of the town of Southold refuse to come under the Dutch Document New York State Archives
Receipt by Jacob Reynsen for the payment of a debt due Isbrant Dircksen Goethart to Heertjen Dircksen Document New York State Archives
Receipt by skipper Jan Jansen Bosgaert for money to be paid in Holland Document New York State Archives
RECEIPT for a quantity of provisions from Jan Harmensen Prins, skipper of the Diemen Document New York State Archives
RECEIPT for provisions and materials sent from New Netherland to Curacao aboard the Nieuw Amstel Document New York State Archives
Receipt for the purchase money Document New York State Archives
Receipt of Adam Mott, agent of Richard Smith, for money paid by Willem Thomassen, skipper Document New York State Archives
Receipt of Albert Cornelissen for payment by Hendrick Jansen of money due him by the proprietors of Achter Col Document New York State Archives
Receipt of Alexander Boyer for merchandise to be traded by him for account of Susanna de Truy Document New York State Archives
Receipt of Augustin Herrmans and Laurens Cornelissen, agents for Pieter Gabri and sons and Coenraet Coymans, for moneys paid them by Director Kieft Document New York State Archives
Receipt of David Pietersen de Vries for a power of attorney from Jacob Stoffelsen to collect money in Holland in payment of a note Document New York State Archives
Receipt of Ephm. Herman to John Steevens for 25 bushels of wheat for quit-rent Document New York State Archives
Receipt of Frederick Lubbertsen for the house sold to him by Laurens Cornelissen Document New York State Archives
Receipt of Gerrit Vastrick for fifty beavers from Marten Kregier to be sold in Holland for his account Document New York State Archives
Receipt of Hendrick Arentsen for 300 guilders paid by Jacob Wolphertsen on account Document New York State Archives
RECEIPT of Jacob Davitsz, first mate of the Diemen, for goods received against his wages Document New York State Archives
Receipt of Jacob Stofflesen for various pieces of plate left in his care by Jan Jansen of St Obyn Document New York State Archives
Receipt of James Smith for money paid by order of Isaack Allerton for account of Sara Wlllett Document New York State Archives
RECEIPT of Jan Harmensen Prins for various goods Document New York State Archives
Receipt of Jan Heyn and Evert Cornelissen for money paid by Gysbert Opdyck on account of Mr. Wytingh Document New York State Archives
Receipt of Johan Rysing for divers bills of exchange advanced to him by director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Receipt of John Safflin, curator of the estate of Thomas Willet, for a lot of peltries seized by the government and now released Document New York State Archives
Receipt of Joseph Brewster for 29 pounds of beaver due to his father by Thomas Baxter Document New York State Archives
Receipt of Laurens Cornelissen for the first payment on the house sold to Frederick Lubbertsen Document New York State Archives
RECEIPT of Pedro Diez Tzorrilla to Matthias Beck for sixty-two slaves Document New York State Archives
Receipt of Pieter Jansen Cool for money received from the curators of the estate of Claes Cater, deceased Document New York State Archives
Receipt of Pieter Wyncoop for gun powder delivered by Fiscal Van der Hoykens Document New York State Archives
RECEIPT of provisions and materials from Jacob Jansz Huys, skipper of the Nieuw Amstel Document New York State Archives
RECEIPT of provisions and materials received from New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Receipt of Richard Higinbottom to John Shakerly Document New York State Archives
Receipt of Richard Smith for satisfaction of a bond given in behalf of John Wilcox and order of said Smith on skipper Willem Thomassen in favor of Adam Mott Document New York State Archives
Receipt of Thomas Broughton for the ship Amandare Document New York State Archives
Receipt of William Brouwer for amount of judgment in the case vs. Adriaen Vincent Document New York State Archives
Receipts and orders of John Carr for property belonging to Andrew Carr Document New York State Archives
Recommendation of Cornelius Verhoof to be surveyor and clerk of the court Document New York State Archives
Recommendation of director Stuyvesant that Mr. Luyck be allowed the same salary as the late Latin schoolmaster Document New York State Archives
Recommendation of the arbitrators in the case of Jacob Jansz Huys vs. Pieter Rudolphus Document New York State Archives
Recommendation of the arbitrators in the case of Jacob Jansz Huys vs. Pieter Rudolphus [Copy of Volume 6:241b] Document New York State Archives
Recommendation on a petition Document New York State Archives
Recommendation on a petition Document New York State Archives
Recommendations on the suit between Warnaer Wessels and Egbert van Borsum Document New York State Archives
Recommendations on the suit between Warnaer Wessels and Egbert van Borsum [Copy of Volume 6:304b] Document New York State Archives
Record of a plea of guilty entered against Jan Quisthout van der Linde Document New York State Archives
Record of the court at Upland in regard to the settlement of the suit between Hans Peterson and domine Laurentius Carolus Document New York State Archives
Reference of a case to schout William Laurence and Richard Cornwel for examination Document New York State Archives
Reference to a letter received from governor Berckley respecting negotiations for a free trade with Virginia Document New York State Archives
Register of all the letters from Jacob Alrichs to the director and council of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Register of documents in Volume 5 respecting the city of New Amsterdam from November 1653 to November 1654 Document New York State Archives
Register of Dutch patents and deeds from 29 November 1673 to 3 November 1674 Document New York State Archives
REGISTER of goods loaded at Curacao for New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Register of judgments Document New York State Archives
Register of ordinances Document New York State Archives
Register of ordinances and placards Document New York State Archives
Register of ordinances and placards in Volume 6 Document New York State Archives
Register of ordinances and placards, 1660 Document New York State Archives
Register of placards and ordinances Document New York State Archives
Register of sentences Document New York State Archives
Register of sentences and judgments Document New York State Archives
Register of the election of magistrates Document New York State Archives
Register of the principal resolutions Document New York State Archives
Register of the principal resolutions 1662 Document New York State Archives
Register of the principal resolutions in 1658 Document New York State Archives
Register of the principal resolutions in Volume 6 Document New York State Archives
Register of the principal resolutions of 1660 Document New York State Archives
Register of the transactions with the English, within and without the province, recorded in Volume 10 Document New York State Archives
Register of transactions between the director and council and the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam in 1658 Document New York State Archives
Register of transactions between the director-general and the city magistrates Document New York State Archives
Register of transactions in 1662 between the director and council and the burgomasters, etc., of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Register of transactions in the year 1660 between the director-general and council and the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Registers of the minutes of council for 1661 Document New York State Archives
Rejoinder of Peter Adriensen and Adrien Appel to the reply of the fiscal Document New York State Archives
Rejoinder of Peter Adriensen and Adrien Appel to the reply of the fiscal [Copy of Volume 8:115] Document New York State Archives
Relation about the wreck of Jan de Caper's ship and a man found murdered Document New York State Archives
Release by Harmen Smeeman of claims against the estate of Cornelis Maersen on account of the purchase of a tract on Manhattan Document New York State Archives
Release of all demands from Pieter Rouloffsen to Andries Hudde Document New York State Archives
Release of Jan Jansen Damen as bondsman of Hendrick Jansen for the payment of the purchase price of a house and land Document New York State Archives
Release of Peter Caesar Alberto for his wife's share of the estate of her father, Jan Manje Document New York State Archives
Release of the authorities of the city of New Orange from their oath to the English government Document New York State Archives
Release of the French ship Sparrowhawk from seizure Document New York State Archives
Release of the French ship Sparrowhawk from seizure [Copy of Volume 6:118] Document New York State Archives
Remarks of Councillor De Deckere on a proposal submitted by the director-general Document New York State Archives
Remarks of the director-general and council on the remonstrance of the Convention Document New York State Archives
Remarks on the last petition of the convention, dated 13th December Document New York State Archives
Remarks on the petition and appendices submitted to the director and council by the burgomasters and schepens Document New York State Archives
Remonstrance addressed to the directors of the West India company chamber at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Remonstrance of a committee from the merchants of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Remonstrance of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam to the director and council on the value of wampum Document New York State Archives
Remonstrance of Fredrick Gysbersen van den Bergh against being obliged to take out new letters of burgher right Document New York State Archives
Remonstrance of inhabitants of New Castle against being compelled to repair one of the dykes Document New York State Archives
Remonstrance of Jan Baptist van Renselaer against imposing an excise and collecting tenths in Renselaerswyck Document New York State Archives
Remonstrance of Jan Baptist van Renselaer against imposing an excise and collecting tenths in Renselaerswyck [Copy of Volume 8:36] Document New York State Archives
Remonstrance of Michael Jansen Muyden against an order of the burgomasters of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Remonstrance of the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam against being deprived of the revenue arising from the city excise Document New York State Archives
Remonstrance of the colonies and villages in this province of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Remonstrance of the convention to the directors of the West India Company at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Remonstrance of the director-general and council of New Netherland to the burgomasters and council of Amsterdam regarding the bad conduct of the Indians Document New York State Archives
Remonstrance of the director-general and council of New Netherland to the States General regarding the bad conduct of the Indians Document New York State Archives
Remonstrance of the Dutch inhabitants of Gravesend that the town officers not be confirmed Document New York State Archives
Remonstrance of the Dutch inhabitants of Gravesend that the town officers not be confirmed [Copy of Volume 6:64] Document New York State Archives
Remonstrance of the merchants of New Amsterdam against the ordinance fixing the rates at which certain imported articles of merchandise are to be sold Document New York State Archives
Remonstrance of the Swedes and Fins of Cranehook church against domine Fabricius being their minister Document New York State Archives
Removal of Jan Paul Jacquet from office of commander on the South River Document New York State Archives
Renewal of the lease to Jacob Stoffelsen for the company's farm now in his occupation Document New York State Archives
Renewal of the peace with the Hackensack Indians Document New York State Archives
Reply from the commander and council of war to the governor and general assembly of Connecticut Document New York State Archives
Reply of the fiscal to the answer of Adriaen Appel Document New York State Archives
Reply of the fiscal to the answer of Adriaen Appel [Copy of Volume 8:109] Document New York State Archives
Reply of the fiscal to the answer of Michel Tadens Document New York State Archives
Reply of the fiscal to the answer of Michel Tadens [Copy of Volume 8:105b] Document New York State Archives
Reply of the fiscal to the answer of Peter Dircksen Waterhond, skipper of the ship New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Reply of the fiscal to Van Tienhoven's answer Document New York State Archives
Report by Peter W. van Couwenhoven of information communicated to him respecting intrigues of the English with the Esopus and Wappinger Indians Document New York State Archives
Report of arbitrators in a suit between Francis Swaine and Thomas Wandel Document New York State Archives
Report of arbitrators in the case of Andries de Haes and Jacob Vis Document New York State Archives
Report of arbitrators in the case of difference between Hendrick Jansen Spiering and Johan de Decker Document New York State Archives
Report of capt. Knyff and the other commissioners sent to administer the oath of allegiance Document New York State Archives
Report of Claes Jansen Ruyter of the result of his visit to the Esopus Indians Document New York State Archives
Report of commissioners on the bounds between the town of Gravesend and the lands of Anthony Jansen van Salee Document New York State Archives
Report of commissioners on the bounds between the town of Gravesend and the lands of Anthony Jansen van Salee [Copy of Volume 8:73b] Document New York State Archives
Report of Cornelis Steenwyck, Oloff Stevensen van Cortlandt and Jacques Cousseau of the articles of surrender Document New York State Archives
Report of Cornelius Steenwyck and Jacques Cousseau Document New York State Archives
Report of Councillor Tonneman, of what occurred at the nomination of burgomasters and schepens Document New York State Archives
Report of Daniel Wills regarding nominations for commissioners, sheriff, and clerk Document New York State Archives
Report of Director Stuyvesant on the affairs at the South river Document New York State Archives
Report of director Stuyvesant's visit to Esopus and Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Report of Indians sent to negotiate with Esopus Indians Document New York State Archives
Report of Johan de Decker of impediments to discharge of his duties Document New York State Archives
Report of Johan de Deckere on the court of Renselaerswyck refusing to publish the placard concerning the tenths Document New York State Archives
Report of Johan de Deckere on the court of Renselaerswyck refusing to publish the placard concerning the tenths [Copy of Volume 8:72] Document New York State Archives
Report of Johannes la Montagne and Thomas Willett Document New York State Archives
Report of lieutenant van Couwenhoven and others of their ill success in raising volunteers in the English towns on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Report of Mr. Van Ruyven on accounts of vice-director Montagne Document New York State Archives
Report of Nicolas Stillwell of an attempt made by a number of persons to seize him at Gravesend Document New York State Archives
Report of referees appointed to estimate the damage suffered by goods laden in the ship Jonge Prins van Denemarcken Document New York State Archives
Report of referees as to the value of improvements made on Varckens (Hogs) island by Jan Claessen Alteras Document New York State Archives
Report of referees as to the value of the ground allotted to Peter Stoutenburgh Document New York State Archives
Report of referees in a case of dispute between Mr. Moor and Mr. Wederley, respecting a bark Document New York State Archives
Report of referees in the case of Gabry vs. Veryn Document New York State Archives
Report of referees in the dispute between Augustyn Herrman, attorney of Catrina Verlet, and David Provoost regarding certain legacies Document New York State Archives
Report of referees in the matter between Jacques Bentyn and Andrew Messenger and company Document New York State Archives
Report of referees on a claim of Nicolaes Boot against Michel Picet for clearing land Document New York State Archives
Report of rev. Mr. Megapolensis on the endeavors of the people of Midwout to build a church Document New York State Archives
Report of the commissioners sent to the east end of Long Island Document New York State Archives
Report of the committee on the repairs done to the company's house by surgeon Varrevanger, and order to the bookkeeper to allow said account [Copy of Volume 6:297] Document New York State Archives
Report of the inquest on the body of Elizabeth________________? Document New York State Archives
Report of the magistrates of Wiltwyck on the massacre committed by the Indians Document New York State Archives
Report of the proceedings of Johannes Prints by Andries Hudde Document New York State Archives
Report of the referees in the case of Peter Rudolphus vs. Balthazar de Heart Document New York State Archives
Report of the rising of the Esopus Indians, and a collision between them and the settlers; war declared Document New York State Archives
Report of the state of feeling among the Cattskill and Esopus Indians Document New York State Archives
Report of the submission of Huntington and Seatalcott and of the appointment of magistrates there Document New York State Archives
Report of William Biles regarding summonses, and nominations for magistrate Document New York State Archives
Report on the repairs done to the company's house by surgeon Varrevanger Document New York State Archives
Representation of the directors of the Amsterdam chamber to the burgomasters of Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Request of Isaack Grevenraet to repair his house Document New York State Archives
Request of Jan Gerritsz van Buijtenhuijs for a lot Document New York State Archives
Resignation of Laurens Sille, clerk in the secretary's office Document New York State Archives
Resignation of Martin Cregier, jr., of his office as clerk Document New York State Archives
Resignation of the office of clerk of New Amsterdam by Jacob Kip Document New York State Archives
Resignation of William Verstius and appointment of Harmen van Hoboocken as schoolmaster and clerk of the church of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Resignation of William Verstius and appointment of Harmen van Hoboocken as schoolmaster and clerk of the church of New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 6:23b] Document New York State Archives
Resolution again refusing permits to passengers to leave for Holland until the ship New Amsterdam is ready to sail [Copy of Volume 6:111] Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION against plundering gardens belonging to blacks and Indians Document New York State Archives
Resolution allowing Adriaen Blommaert to undertake a voyage to France Document New York State Archives
Resolution allowing rev. Mr. Drisius 300 guilders annually for board Document New York State Archives
Resolution appointing commissioners to examine papers in a case of appeal, Mathys de Vosch vs. Jan Laurensen Appel Document New York State Archives
Resolution appointing commissioners to inquire by what authority certain persons have attempted to bring Middelburgh under the English Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION appointing Lucas Rodenborch provisional director Document New York State Archives
Resolution appointing Mr. De la Montagne commissary at Fort Orange [Copy of Volume 8:149a] Document New York State Archives
Resolution appointing Mr. La Montagne to command an expedition against privateers who are hovering about Flushing, L. I. Document New York State Archives
Resolution appointing the first Wednesday of each month to be a prayer and fast day Document New York State Archives
Resolution approving propositions submitted to the director and council by the burgomasters and schepens Document New York State Archives
Resolution authorizing Mr. La Montagne, capt. Nuton, and secretary Van Tienhoven to communicate a message from the director-general to the Nine men Document New York State Archives
Resolution authorizing the fiscal to compound with Mr. Willett for duties Document New York State Archives
Resolution authorizing the fiscal to visit the cellars of the tapsters in order to ascertain what liquors they have on hand Document New York State Archives
Resolution calling on the court of Renselaerswyck Document New York State Archives
Resolution concerning accounts of the ship Abrahams Offerhande Document New York State Archives
Resolution concerning an accidental death Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION concerning departure of Stuyvesant, appointment of a provisional director Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION concerning disposition of the cargo imported by Isaac de Fonseca Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION concerning employment of personnel and increase of salaries Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION concerning missions for ships present at Curacao Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION concerning naval operations Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION concerning naval operations, establishing a day of prayer, retaining a flyboat in service, Spanish prisoners, employment of a pilot Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION concerning officers involved in attack on fort on St. Martin Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION concerning rationing of provisions, Spanish prisoners, employment of personnel Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION concerning rations and employment of personnel Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION concerning rations and provisions Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION concerning regulation of the salt trade at Curacao and Bonaire Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION concerning relief from the fatherlands Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION concerning repairs to a yacht, search for seals and inspection of the saltpans on Bonaire Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION concerning replacement of personnel and concerning Spaniards captured on Bonaire Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION concerning replacement personnel Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION concerning shipment of soldiers from Brazil to New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Resolution concerning the granting of land Document New York State Archives
Resolution continuing the duties on liquors exported to New England and Virginia Document New York State Archives
Resolution declaring the convention illegal, protesting against it, and ordering the delegates to disperse Document New York State Archives
Resolution directing the Convention to furnish each member of the council with a copy of the remonstrance of the colonies and villages in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Resolution discharging the Swedish sheriff at the Delaware and conferring his powers on commissary Beeckman Document New York State Archives
Resolution empowering the burgomasters of New Amsterdam to collect money to defray the expenses of the public works of the city Document New York State Archives
Resolution empowering the burgomasters of New Amsterdam to collect money to defray the expenses of the public works of the city [Copy of Volume 6:97] Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION expanding the council Document New York State Archives
Resolution fixing the rate at which wine and brandy are to be retailed in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Resolution forbidding the sailing of vessels in port and the departure of any passengers able to bear arms Document New York State Archives
Resolution forbidding the sailing of vessels in port until the arrival of the Ballance and the departure of any passengers able to bear arms until the present crisis is passed [Copy of Volume 6:96] Document New York State Archives
Resolution granting a petition presented by the Nine men Document New York State Archives
Resolution granting Abraham de La Noy permission to retail wine and lease the city tavern Document New York State Archives
Resolution granting Andries Harpert an island opposite Fort Orange and a piece of wood land on the east bank Document New York State Archives
Resolution granting Augustyn Heerman liberty and freedom Document New York State Archives
Resolution granting Gabrye a certain privilege for 12 years Document New York State Archives
Resolution granting the petition of Daniel Wittheat and Jonas Wood Document New York State Archives
Resolution granting the request of Brant van Slechtenhorst to be released Document New York State Archives
Resolution not to give notice to Jan Dircksen and his wife to leave the country but hold it in suspension Document New York State Archives
Resolution not to give notice to Jan Dircksen and his wife to leave the country but hold it in suspension [Copy of Volume 8:56a] Document New York State Archives
Resolution not to pay the ransom demanded by the Indians Document New York State Archives
Resolution not to pay the ransom demanded by the Indians [Copy of Volume 6:101b] Document New York State Archives
Resolution of Amsterdam chamber ordering Stuyvesant to settle an account with Wouter van Twiller Document New York State Archives
Resolution of chamber at Amsterdam appointing Alexander Carolus Curtius Latin schoolmaster in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Resolution of chamber at Amsterdam as to the salary to be paid to Dirck Looten Document New York State Archives
Resolution of director and council adhering to their previous resolution regarding the claim of Juan Gallardo Ferara Document New York State Archives
Resolution of director and council relative to the case of Juan Gallardo vs. captain Sebastiaen Raeff and his lieutenant Jan van Campen Document New York State Archives
Resolution of director and council relative to the case of Juan Gallardo vs. captain Sebastiaen Raeff and his lieutenant Jan van Campen [Copy of Volume 8:168b] Document New York State Archives
Resolution of director and council to repair to Gravesend on the morrow to decide the boundaries of the town Document New York State Archives
Resolution of director and council to repair to Gravesend on the morrow to decide the boundaries of the town [Copy of Volume 8:31a] Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the Amsterdam chamber arranging passage for a soldier's wife Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the Amsterdam chamber concerning land acquisition in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the Amsterdam chamber concerning overpayment of duty; Resolution of the Amsterdam chamber concerning payment of a debt in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the Amsterdam chamber concerning overpayment of duty; Resolution of the Amsterdam chamber concerning payment of a debt in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the Amsterdam Chamber dispatching a private ship to New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the Amsterdam chamber granting land in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the Amsterdam chamber granting land on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the Amsterdam chamber of the W. I. Company to allow settlement of some Huguenot families in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the burgomasters and schepens in the matter of the marriage of Johannis van Beecq and Maria Verleth Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam declining to publish the ordinance for the better observance of the Sabbath Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam proposing a public loan to defray the expense incurred on the fortifications Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the burgomasters to put the city of New Amsterdam in a state of defense Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the Chamber at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the chamber at Amsterdam for the safe transmission of letters from New Netherland and Curaçao to Holland Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the chamber at Amsterdam on a petition of Gillis van Hoornbeeck to send a vessel to New Netherland and Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the chamber at Amsterdam respecting the transmission of letters from New Netherland and Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the chamber at Amsterdam to transmit the resolution of the orphan chamber of Amsterdam to the director of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the council declaring that it is necessary that the director-general should go to Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the council of New Amsterdam to treat with the English for surrender Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the Council of War Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the council postponing the consideration of proposals for defense of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the council, etc. on the intelligence furnished to director Stuyvesant by Thomas Willett Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the director and council to resume the tavern excise of the city of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the fiscal to subject Cornelis Willemsen to torture Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the general assembly at Hartford declaring Westchester annexed to Connecticut Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the governor and council on the petition of the magistrates Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the orphan chamber of the city of Amsterdam requesting that Maria Jansen Besems, alias Schilder, may be sent back from New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the States General recalling Director General Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the W. I. Company ceding the Delaware river to the city of Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Resolution of the West India Company to encourage privateering Document New York State Archives
Resolution on a petition of the master of the ship Elbing for permission to sail for Fatherland Document New York State Archives
Resolution on the arrival of the ship The Bride at New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Resolution ordering a settlement of the suit between the fiscal and Claes Bordingh Document New York State Archives
Resolution ordering Anna Smith to appear before the Nine men, the director-general and consistory Document New York State Archives
Resolution ordering the fiscal to forbid certain Englishmen settling at Vreedlandt (Westchester county) Document New York State Archives
Resolution permitting Andries Hudde to act as surveyor Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION permitting Company servants to return to the fatherland, and concerning ship's crews Document New York State Archives
Resolution permitting the inhabitants to employ Indian brokers in the Indian trade this year Document New York State Archives
Resolution postponing the collection of tenths and imposing a tax on horned cattle and land Document New York State Archives
Resolution postponing the consideration of a petition of Adriaen van Tienhoven, Samuel Megapolensis and Jan de la Montagne Document New York State Archives
Resolution refusing permits to passengers to leave for Holland until the ship New Amsterdam is ready to sail Document New York State Archives
Resolution rejecting a petition of the surgeons of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Resolution summoning Johannis van Beecq to appear and explain the above notice Document New York State Archives
Resolution thanking Allard Anthony for services which he rendered the province in Holland as agent and voting him a remuneration Document New York State Archives
Resolution that all public work shall be done in future by contract Document New York State Archives
Resolution that certain measures of defense be adopted Document New York State Archives
Resolution that ensign Dirck Smith accompany captain Martin Cregier and party on their journey to the Delaware river Document New York State Archives
Resolution that Jews are to be exempt from military service on paying a commutation fee Document New York State Archives, tolerance
Resolution that Jews are to be exempt from military service on paying a commutation fee [Copy of Volume 6:84] Document New York State Archives, tolerance
Resolution that Peter Jacobsen, lieutenant of Guert Tysen, be supplied with 200 lbs of powder Document New York State Archives
Resolution that the director and council visit the English towns on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Resolution that the director proceed to Esopus to conclude a peace with the Indians there Document New York State Archives
Resolution that the director-general proceed to the Esopus Document New York State Archives
Resolution that the director-general shall proceed to Boston in order to come to some agreement respecting the boundary Document New York State Archives
Resolution to add burgomasters Anthony and Cregier to the council during the director's absence Document New York State Archives
Resolution to add burgomasters Anthony and Cregier to the council during the director's absence [Copy of Volume 6:87c] Document New York State Archives
Resolution to advance 1,000 to 1,200 guilders to Sir Henry Moody Document New York State Archives
Resolution to appoint a commissary at Fort Orange Document New York State Archives
Resolution to appoint a commissary at Fort Orange, vice Dyckman [Copy of Volume 6:57] Document New York State Archives
Resolution to appropriate a quantity of shot belonging to John Withart for the public service Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION to attack St. Martin Document New York State Archives
Resolution to banish John Bowne, Quaker, for obstinately refusing to pay a fine imposed on him for entertaining Quakers Document New York State Archives
Resolution to build a weigh house in New Amsterdam and regulate weights and measures according to the standard of Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Resolution to call a meeting of the magistrates of the neighboring towns to deliberate on a meeting to consider the state of the country Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION to catch turtles Document New York State Archives
Resolution to charter the company's sloop to Frederick Phillipse for a voyage to Virginia Document New York State Archives
Resolution to credit the account of Leendert Arentsen with a quantity of peas and rye Document New York State Archives
Resolution to declare war against the Esopus Indians Document New York State Archives
Resolution to despatch a military force to the Newesincx Document New York State Archives
Resolution to despatch lieutenant Couwenhoven to the Wappingers to inquire into the truth of intrigues of the English with the Esopus and Wappinger Indians Document New York State Archives
Resolution to detain New England ships and cargoes brought in by captain Ewoutsen Document New York State Archives
Resolution to detain the Swedish ship Shark and to dispose of her cargo Document New York State Archives
Resolution to dispatch the Shark to Holland with the tobacco in store Document New York State Archives
Resolution to dispatch the Shark to Holland with the tobacco in store [Copy of Volume 6:352b] Document New York State Archives
Resolution to draw a bill of exchange on the W. I. Company to raise money sufficient for one month's pay to the soldiers Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION to employ soldiers, regulate private skippers Document New York State Archives
Resolution to enclose the city of New Amsterdam by a double row of palisades Document New York State Archives
Resolution to enforce the order of the 17th July, 1657 against overdrafts on the treasury Document New York State Archives
Resolution to farm the windmill in New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Resolution to farm to the highest bidder the revenue to the weigh house Document New York State Archives
Resolution to farm to the highest bidder the revenue to the weigh house [Copy of Volume 6:352a] Document New York State Archives
Resolution to fill the cargo of the ship King Solomon and send it to Holland Document New York State Archives
Resolution to fortify the city of New Amsterdam and send an embassy to Virginia Document New York State Archives
Resolution to furnish Allard Anthony with an extract of a letter received from the directors in Holland Document New York State Archives
Resolution to furnish Oostdorp with arms and ammunition Document New York State Archives
Resolution to give private notice to Jan Dircksen and his wife to quit the country in the first sailing ship Document New York State Archives
Resolution to give private notice to Jan Dircksen and his wife to quit the country in the first sailing ship [Copy of Volume 8:54] Document New York State Archives
Resolution to grant Andries Herperts a small island in Hudson's river Document New York State Archives
Resolution to grant Jan Catjou a tract of escheated land for a farm Document New York State Archives
Resolution to grant Jan Catjou a tract of escheated land for a farm [Copy of Volume 8:81a] Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION to haul salt from Bonaire Document New York State Archives
Resolution to hire Isaac Allerton's house for the purpose of lodging the children sent out from the poor house at Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Resolution to hire the company's yacht to Mr. Varlet and to send an officer in it to enlist soldiers in Virginia Document New York State Archives
Resolution to impress ships in the harbor for the expedition against the Swedes Document New York State Archives
Resolution to impress ships in the harbor for the expedition against the Swedes [Copy of Volume 6:79a] Document New York State Archives
Resolution to induce Egbert van Borsum to renew his lease of the Ferry to Breuckelen and to procure a ship for the conveyance of cattle Document New York State Archives
Resolution to issue an ordinance on the subject of citizenship Document New York State Archives
Resolution to let the city excise to the highest bidder Document New York State Archives
Resolution to let the excise of the Ferry, Breuckelen, Midwout, Amesfort and adjacent places to the highest bidder Document New York State Archives
Resolution to make war against the Esopus Indians, and to employ the Mohawks in recovering the Christians in their hands Document New York State Archives
Resolution to oblige the contractors to complete the palisades around the fort at New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Resolution to offer at public sale on public account forty slaves recently received from Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Resolution to offer for sale The Old Church in New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 6:351b] Document New York State Archives
Resolution to offer The Old Church in New Amsterdam for sale Document New York State Archives
Resolution to pay Mr. Pergens for a clock he sent out at the request of the government Document New York State Archives
Resolution to permit a French privateer to come into the port of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Resolution to prohibit the export of wine or strong liquors without paying duty and obtaining a permit Document New York State Archives
Resolution to provide the Mohawks with a moderate amount of powder and lead Document New York State Archives
Resolution to publish the ordinances relative to farm servants, brewing and measuring of hard corn, and to postpone consideration of a proposal to erect public scales Document New York State Archives
Resolution to raise 4,000 guilders for public purposes on the security of 4 brass cannons in fort Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION to raise the siege on fort on St. Martin Document New York State Archives
Resolution to reduce the military force and number of civil servants in the province Document New York State Archives
Resolution to rent a house to Madame Judith Verleth Document New York State Archives
Resolution to rent the Ferry at New Amsterdam to the highest bidder Document New York State Archives
Resolution to repair the fortifications and how to pay for it Document New York State Archives
Resolution to retain letters addressed by the directors in Holland to the several courts and colonies in New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Resolution to retain letters addressed by the directors in Holland to the several courts and colonies in New Netherland [Copy of Volume 6:74b] Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION to return Company servants and soldiers to the fatherland Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION to seek a harbor in Ireland for Stuyvesant's ship during his return to the fatherland Document New York State Archives
Resolution to send a second embassy to the towns on the east end of Long Island Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION to send a ship out on reconnaissance Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION to send a ship to St. Cruis for cassava Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION to send a ship to St. Cruis for cattle Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION to send a yacht to Aruba, concerning captured Spaniards, employment of a supercargo Document New York State Archives
Resolution to send an answer to the proposals recently received from Hartford Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION to send blacks and materials to Bonaire, and bread to two cruising ships Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION to send Company blacks to Bonaire and to dispatch a sloop to catch turtles Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION to send Company servants from Brazil to New Netherland, to permit Commander Wiltschut to go to Pernambuco. Document New York State Archives
Resolution to send letters of friendship to New England and Virginia Document New York State Archives
Resolution to send the yacht the Sea Bear on a cruise in search of a Swedish privateer Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION to station military personnel on Bonaire, to appoint a commander for Bonaire, to seek food at neighboring islands Document New York State Archives
Resolution to summon Henry Townsen to answer a charge of harboring Quakers Document New York State Archives
Resolution to summon the burgomasters and schepens before the director-general Document New York State Archives
Resolution to summon the magistrates of Gravesend and Middelburgh to give an account of certain secret meetings in their villages Document New York State Archives
Resolution to summon the principal merchants of New Amsterdam before the council for consultation on proposed changes in the customs Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION to trade for horses and goats at St. Cruis, to return the blacks from Bonaire, to trade salt for beans Document New York State Archives
Resolution to transmit copies of all the papers relative to the late transactions at Gravesend to director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Resolution to transport to Curaçao all but two or three of the lately captured Esopus Indians Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTION. On five propositions for the Council of Curacao concerning Bonaire and Aruba Document New York State Archives
Resolution. To send people to New Netherland in the Blue Cock, as the director there is in want of assistance against the rebellious Indians Document New York State Archives
RESOLUTIONS concerning "freedoms and exemptions" granted to freemen Document New York State Archives
Resolutions of the Amsterdam chamber of the West India Company regarding Wouter van Twiller's farm Document New York State Archives
Resolutions of the director and council, on the proposals for defense of New Netherland submitted on May 30th Document New York State Archives
Resolutions passed by the convention Document New York State Archives
Response of Governor Winthrop and the commissioners of the United Colonies to Petrus Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Response to petition of Joost van Beecq Document New York State Archives
Return by court messenger to a writ of attachment of a power of attorney given by Cornelis Jansen Coelen to the director and council of New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Return of Abraham van Nas to a summons Document New York State Archives
Return of estates in New Orange exceeding 1,000 guilders in value Document New York State Archives
Return of Gerrit de Groot, court messenger, with director D'Hinoyossa's answer to a message sent by vice-director Beeckman Document New York State Archives
Return of Johan de Deckere to the order to summons Marcelis Jansen Document New York State Archives
Return of Johan de Deckere to the order to summons Marcelis Jansen [Copy of Volume 8:73a] Document New York State Archives
Return of secretary van Ruyven to the protest served on Mr. Risingh Document New York State Archives
Return of survey of a parcel of land on Staten Island for Jan Scholten Document New York State Archives
Return of survey of a tract of land on Staten Island for Jacob Gerritse and Zeger Gerritse Document New York State Archives
Return of the newly laid out lots in Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Returns of survey of several tracts of lands in Delaware Document New York State Archives
Revenue and expenditure of the village of Wiltwyck Document New York State Archives
Richard Smith requesting a termination of his suit against the town of Huntington Document New York State Archives
Roll of soliders sent to New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Roll of soliders sent to New Netherland Document New York State Archives
Rows of young pine trees at an unidentified New York State plantation Document New York State Archives
Royal order to the governor of Massachusetts for the arrest of colonels Whalley and Goffe Document New York State Archives
Royal order to the governor of Virginia, commanders of ships and other officers to aid lord Baltimore in maintaining his rights against Josias Fendall Document New York State Archives
Salary and fees of Jacques Corteljou Document New York State Archives
Schedule of property belonging to John Shackerly delivered by John Briggs Document New York State Archives
Schedule of surveyor's fees as allowed by the general assembly of Maryland Document New York State Archives
Scratch paper and endpapers of Volume 6 Document New York State Archives
Second letter from Governor Eaton of New Haven to Director General Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Secret article agreed to by director Stuyvesant and governor Risingh on the surrender of Fort Christina Document New York State Archives
Secret resolution of the Amsterdam Chamber of the W. I. Company Document New York State Archives
Seizure of furs on board one Humphreys' sloop, near Tallman's island Document New York State Archives
Sentence fining Jan Tomassen (van Dyck) 300 guilders Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Andrew Vrydach Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Andries Matthias Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Anna Tchuys and Samuel Cromstock Document New York State Archives
Sentence of banishment against George Wright and wife Document New York State Archives
Sentence of banishment against John Gray Document New York State Archives
Sentence of banishment against John Sharp for fomenting mutiny Document New York State Archives
Sentence of banishment against Michal Spicer and Samuel, her son, for harboring Quakers Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Claes Michielsen Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Cornelis Willemsen van Linde Document New York State Archives
Sentence of dame Gerritse Document New York State Archives
Sentence of David Wessels, for selling brandy to Indians Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Dirck Smith Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Dirck Smith [Copy of Volume 8:180] Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Dirckje Harmens for selling beer to Indians Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Edward Welsh Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Egbertje Egberts for selling beer to Indians Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Elias Emmens Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Francis Allard Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Frans Jansen and Joost Goderus Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Geesje Jansen Document New York State Archives
Sentence of George Juwel, James Clarck, William Britton and John Too Document New York State Archives
Sentence of George Stevensen Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Gerrit Pelser Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Gerrit Tides, servant of director Stuyvesant Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Hans Breyer Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Hendrick Harmensen Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Hendrick Hendricksen Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Hendrick Jansen Grever, Martin Roseboom and others who had cut up and burnt a number of the city palisades Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Henry Townsen for harboring Quakers Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Henry Townsend Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Herman Smeeman for being the ringleader in plucking the goose Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Isaac Melyn to hard labor at the fort for uttering seditious language Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Iva Dircksen Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Jacob Stevensen Kuyper and his wife Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Jan Bockholt Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Jan Juriaens Becker Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Jan Martyn Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Jan Quisthout van der Linde Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Jan Warnarts and Gerrit Abel Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Jan Willemsen van Iselsteyn, commonly called Jan of Leyden Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Jean Seno (Senaut) Document New York State Archives
Sentence of John and Mary Tilton to be banished from the province, with an order in English Document New York State Archives
Sentence of John Bats Document New York State Archives
Sentence of John Bowne for lodging Quakers Document New York State Archives
Sentence of John Gray Document New York State Archives
Sentence of John Parcell, alias Botcher Document New York State Archives
Sentence of John Smith to be whipped, branded and banished Document New York State Archives
Sentence of John Smith to be whipped, branded and banished [Copy of Volume 6:251b] Document New York State Archives
Sentence of John Tilton for harboring some of "the abominable sect of Quakers" Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Laurens Duyts Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Lysbeth Antbonissen Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Maria de Truix Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Mark Menloff Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Michiel Tadens Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Michiel Tadens [Copy of Volume 8:113] Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Nicholas Albertsen Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Peter Hendricksen Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Ralph Turner Document New York State Archives
Sentence of said Hendrick Muller Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Samuel Forman for disturbing public worship in the church at New Orange Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Sander Toursen and his wife Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Sander Toursen and his wife [Copy of Volume 6:356] Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Severyn Lourens Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Simon Woutersen Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Thomas Gridy to be banished the province for 12 years, with costs Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Thomas Gridy to be banished the province for 12 years, with costs [Copy of Volume 6:307] Document New York State Archives
Sentence of Tobias Feake, sheriff of Flushing, for having written the Flushing Remonstrance Document New York State Archives
Sentence of whipping and banishment pronounced against Ytie Jansen Document New York State Archives
Sentence of William Hallet for allowing Baptist conventicles in his house Document New York State Archives
Sentence of William Hoffmeyer for conveying beer up the river and selling it to Indians Document beer, New York State Archives
Sentence of William Jansen Traphagen of Lemgo Document New York State Archives
Sentence of William Mosgrou Document New York State Archives
Sentence of William Traphagen Document New York State Archives
Sentence of William Welsted Document New York State Archives
Sentence of William Wickendam for officiating as a gospel minister at Flushing without authority Document New York State Archives
Sentence pronounced by William Beeckman, vice-director at Altona, against Evert Jansen Document New York State Archives
Sentence pronounced on Francis Beado Document New York State Archives
Settlement of accounts between Nicolas Varlet and Augustine Heerman Document New York State Archives
Settlement of Annetje Jans upon her minor children by Roeloff Jansen, her first husband Document New York State Archives
Settlement of Geertruyt Jacobs, widow of Gerrit van Vorst, on her children of their portion of their father's estate Document New York State Archives
Settlement of Jannetje Mertens, widow of Jan Thomassen Mingael, on the children of her deceased husband of twenty guilders each in lieu of their share of their father's estate Document New York State Archives
Settlement of the estate of Dirck Cornelissen from Wensveen, deceased Document New York State Archives
Settlement of the estate of Gerrit Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven, deceased Document New York State Archives
Some leaves of an account book with prices of various articles Document New York State Archives
Specification of Cornelis van Gezel's mortgaged property Document New York State Archives
Speech of director Stuyvesant to the meeting of delegates Document New York State Archives
Statement of John Moll, Peter Alright, J. d'Haes and Wm. Smith of New Castle, relative to breaking open the trunk of Adam Wallis Document New York State Archives
Stay of proceedings in New Amstel against Machiel Paulus van der Voort Document New York State Archives
Stuyvesant to the Commissioners of the United New England Colonies Document New York State Archives
Sublease of a farm on Manhattan Island from Michiel Jansen to Thomas Hall Document New York State Archives
Submission of Reyndert Gauckes to a judgment pronounced by the director and council Document New York State Archives
Submission of the burgomasters of New Orange to gov. Colve Document New York State Archives
Substitute power of attorney from Cornelis Cornelissen Backer to Hendrick Jansen to receive money for Teunis Andriessen from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Substitution by Gerrit Douman of Govert Loockermans as attorney for Elke Jans to collect money from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Substitution by Gerrit Douman of Govert Loockermans as attorney for Pieter Jansen to collect money from the West India Company Document New York State Archives
Substitution by Jan Hendricksen Cant of Hendrick van Dyck as attorney of Pieter Verlet and company Document New York State Archives
Substitution by Jan Louresen Appel of Lucas Eldertsen as attorney of Arnoldus van Hardenbergh to collect certain debts on the South River Document New York State Archives
Suit against Thomas Appelgate for exporting liquors without paying the duty Document New York State Archives
Suit against Thomas Appelgate for landing goods without entering the same Document New York State Archives
Suit brought by Severyn Laurens against Augustine Heermans Document New York State Archives
Suit by David Wessels against John Paul Jacquet for damages Document New York State Archives
Suit of Cornelis van Gezel against Evert Peters Document New York State Archives
Suit of Frans Jansen against Govert Loockermans about a lot of land at Flattlands Document New York State Archives
Suit of Frans Jansen against Wolphert Gerritsen van Couwenhoven for lands in Amersfoort (Flattlands), L. I. Document New York State Archives
Suit of Govert Loockermans against Gelyn Verplanck, clerk to Peter Cornelissen van der Veen Document New York State Archives
Suit of Harmen Jansen van Berckelo against the captain of the ship Faith Document New York State Archives
Suit of Hendrick Willemsen against Hendrick Jansen Document New York State Archives
Suit of the curators of the estate of Cornelis Herperts Jaeger to recover a pipe of brandy from the custom house Document New York State Archives
Suit of town of New Utrecht against James Hubbard for trespass Document New York State Archives
Suit of Warnaer Wessels against sundry parties Document New York State Archives
Suit to recover a year's wages for a son of Hugh Barent Cleyn who had been bound to a farmer named Langestraet Document New York State Archives
Summons for Middelburgh magistrates to appear before Council Document New York State Archives
Summons of colonel Nicolls for the surrender of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Summons of delegates of the several Dutch towns to meet again in general assembly on the 22nd instant Document New York State Archives
Summons of Hendrick the Swede to appear before the director and council Document New York State Archives
Summons of Hendrick the Swede to appear before the director and council [Copy of Volume 8:30b] Document New York State Archives
Summons of Kiliaen van Renselaer to appear at the Hague before a committee of the States-General Document New York State Archives
Summons of Kiliaen van Renselaer to appear at the Hague before a committee of the States-General [Copy of Volume 8:42b] Document New York State Archives
Summons of Lodewyck ——, Jan Martyn, Nicholas the Frenchman, Abraham Jansen, alias the Mulatto, and Gerrit the wheelwright to appear before the council and answer a complaint of sheriff Tonneman Document New York State Archives
Summons of several residents of Hempstead to answer the complaint of the farmer of the excise Document New York State Archives
Summons of several residents of Hempstead to answer the complaint of the farmer of the excise, in English Document New York State Archives
Summons of the thieves escaped from Fort Amsterdam to return Document New York State Archives
Summons of the thieves escaped from Fort Amsterdam to return [Copy of Volume 6:39b] Document New York State Archives
Summons to Jan Jansen ver Ryn to answer a plea of debt brought by Timotheus Gabry Document New York State Archives
Summons to Maria Verleth to appear and answer the complaint of Joost Van Beecq Document New York State Archives
Summons to Maria Verleth to appear and answer the complaint of Joost Van Beecq [Copy of Volume 6:364a] Document New York State Archives
Summons to Peter le Feber, to pay and discharge a certain mortgage on his bouwery and cattle at the Walebocht on Long Island Document New York State Archives
Summons to the English towns on Long Island and Westchester to send delegates to New Orange Document New York State Archives
Summons to the magistrates of Gravesend and Anthony Jansen and his servant to appear before the council Document New York State Archives
Summons to the magistrates of Gravesend and Anthony Jansen and his servant to appear before the council [Copy of Volume 8:140] Document New York State Archives
Summons to the sheriff and magistrates of Bergen to answer the complaint of William Jansen, ferryman of that place Document New York State Archives
Summons to the sheriff of Gravesend to show cause why he seized the trunk of Peter Jansen Document New York State Archives
Summons to the town of Midwout to appear before the council and answer the petition of the town of Amesfoort Document New York State Archives
Sundry actions for debt Document New York State Archives
Sundry actions for debt Document New York State Archives
Sundry actions for debt Document New York State Archives
Sundry actions for debt; Goosen Gerritsen vs. Teunis Cornelissen and Marretje his wife; the sheriff vs. Susannah Jansen Document New York State Archives
Sundry actions for recovery of debts Document New York State Archives
Sundry complaints against Warnaer Wessels for alleged seizure of liquors Document New York State Archives
Sundry suits brought by the farmer of the excise Document New York State Archives
Surrender by Bout Francen of his lease of said bouwery Document New York State Archives
Survey of a parcel of land in the town of Bergen, N. J., for Douwe Harmansen Document New York State Archives
Survey of a tract of land near the Whorekill for Randell Revell at Slater Creek Document New York State Archives
Survey of land on Staten Island for Roelof van der Linde, Jan Spieringh, Jan van der Linde, and Hans Spieringh Document New York State Archives
Survey of the lot conveyed to Albert Pietersen Document New York State Archives
Taxation of a bill of costs Document New York State Archives
Taxation of a bill of costs for Walewyn van der Veen, notary Document New York State Archives
Taxation of bill of the laborers in the public store against Allard Anthony Document New York State Archives
Taxed bill of costs in the case of De Vos vs. Appel, in appeal Document New York State Archives
Taxed bill of costs of Matheus de Vos Document New York State Archives
Terms upon which Jochim Kiersted agrees to pay Jan Jansen Damen for a piece of armozine Document New York State Archives
Testimony in action for damages against Nicolaes Coorn for firing on Loockerman's vessel when passing Beeren island Document New York State Archives
Testimony of a sergeant Jeuriaen Rodolff and other soldiers respecting the killing of Dirck Stratemaker and his wife by Indians at Pavonia Document New York State Archives
Testimony of Anthony Lord, his wife and other inhabitants of Gravesend on calves claimed by Charles Morgan Document New York State Archives
Testimony of Joseph Fowler and Hannah Bradish to the adultery of Abigail Balden Document New York State Archives
Testimony of various people that brandy is sold openly throughout the South river to Indians Document New York State Archives
The fiscal's answer to the protest of Pieter Wyncoop Document New York State Archives
The result and reasons of the magistrates of Delaware against declaring war against the Indian murderers Document New York State Archives
The Second Amboyna Tragedy Document New York State Archives
Title page Document New York State Archives
Title pages Document New York State Archives
Transfer from Christiaen Pietersen Rams to Harmen Meyndertsen van den Bogaert and Cornelis Antonissen of his share in the frigate La Garce Document New York State Archives
Transfer of service of Joris Pentoor from John Willcox to Thomas Hall Document New York State Archives
Translation of a letter from gov. Endecott into Dutch Document New York State Archives
Translation of letter from council of New Netherland to the towns of Flushing, Middelburgh, Rustdorp, Gravesend and Hempstead in English Document New York State Archives
Translation of letter from John Coo and Richard Panton to fiscal de Sille into Dutch Document New York State Archives
Translation of proclamation for a day of Humiliation and Thanksgiving into English Document New York State Archives
Treaty of peace renewed with the chiefs of Marsepingh and Rechkawick, Hackinkasacky, the Highlands, Najeck, Staten Island, Rimiachenanck alias Haverstraw, and Wiechquaeskeck Document New York State Archives
Trial and sentence of banishment pronounced against Evert Hendricksen Document New York State Archives
Trial and sentence of Samuel Spicer, a Quaker Document New York State Archives
Trial and sentence of two soldiers for fighting Document New York State Archives
Trial of Ambrose Caesar, a soldier Document New York State Archives
Trial of Juriaen the glazier for assaulting and wounding Cornelis Pietersen Hoogeboom Document New York State Archives
Trial of Marten, the mason, for wounding Peter Jacobsen Bosboom Document New York State Archives
Two bills of lading Document New York State Archives
Two declarations respecting the wounding of capt.-lieut. Brian Nuton by a sentinel Document New York State Archives
Two declarations respecting the wounding of capt.-lieut. Brian Nuton by a sentinel [Copy of Volume 8:13] Document New York State Archives
Typewritten translation of report of Jacob Leisler and Dirck van der Clyff of amounts due workmen at the fort Document New York State Archives
Unidentified document Document New York State Archives
Unidentified envelopes Document New York State Archives
Unidentified fragment Document New York State Archives
Unsigned petition for a grant of 4,000 acres of land Document New York State Archives
Untranslated document Document New York State Archives
Valuation of the houses near the fort ordered to be demolished and of the lots given in stead Document New York State Archives
Various actions of debt; permission to Rutger Jacobsen to use a ship; iron work by Peter Maecker; the sheriff vs. Peter Bronk Document New York State Archives
Various orders in view of a threatened attack from New England Document New York State Archives
Various orders on petitions of private persons; peace between Holland and England proclaimed in New England Document New York State Archives
Veto of nomination of burgomasters and schepens as it was not made in the presence of the sheriff Document New York State Archives
Visit of rev. Samuel Drisius to Hempstead; baptizes 41 children and one aged woman Document New York State Archives
Votes of council and magistrates of Middelborgh on the punishment of John Smith Document New York State Archives
Votes of council members on the punishment to be inflicted on Claes Michielsen Document New York State Archives
Votes of the director and council in the case of Allard Anthony vs. Abraham Planck, guardian of Gelyn Verplanck Document New York State Archives
Votes of the director and council in the case of Allard Anthony vs. Abraham Planck, guardian of Gelyn Verplanck [Copy of Volume 6:270b] Document New York State Archives
Votes of the judges in regard to the punishment to be awarded to Hans Breyer Document New York State Archives
Votes of the judges in the case of Francis Allard Document New York State Archives
Votes of the members of the council and magistrates of Middelborgh on the punishment to be awarded in the case of John Smith [Copy of Volume 6:249] Document New York State Archives
Waiver of the creditors of Jannetje Barents of their claims against her Document New York State Archives
Warrant empowering Oratan and Mattano to seize any brandy found in their country and all persons selling it and conduct them to New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Warrant for letters patent for operation of a ferry across the Hudson Document New York State Archives
Warrant for sheriff Hegeman to put Adriaen, William and Marietje Willemsen Bennit in possession of a portion of their late father's lands Document New York State Archives
Warrant for the arrest of John Koncklingh and others of Southold Document New York State Archives
Warrant for the arrest of Ralph Doxy and Mary Lintsch Document New York State Archives
Warrant for the arrest of the slave charged with theft from Widow Morris Document New York State Archives
Warrant for Warnaer Wessels to collect arrears of duties by execution Document New York State Archives
Warrant to impress the seamen from the vessels in the harbor of New Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Warrant to impress the seamen from the vessels in the harbor of New Amsterdam [Copy of Volume 6:81] Document New York State Archives
Warrant to levy by execution the rate for the support of rev. Mr. Fordham on the recusants Document New York State Archives
Warrant to Mr. John Hoit not to allow any person to travel through Eastchester to or from New England without a pass Document New York State Archives
Warrant to the farmers of certain export duties to search sailing vessels Document New York State Archives
Warrant to the fiscal to arrest Michel Bennighhuysen Document New York State Archives
Warrant to the fiscal to hold a court on board the Ballance for the trial of William Aeton Document New York State Archives
Warrant to the fiscal to hold a court on board the Ballance man-of-war for the trial of William Aeton, an Englishman accused of theft [Copy of Volume 6:263a] Document New York State Archives
Warrant to the sheriff to remove John and Mary Tilton out of the province Document New York State Archives
Will of Antony Crol Document New York State Archives
Will of Barent Dircksen van Norden and his wife Document New York State Archives
Will of Egbert Woutersen and Engeltje Jans, his wife Document New York State Archives
Will of Hans Hendricks Document New York State Archives
Will of Hendrick Jacobsen Patervaer Document New York State Archives
Will of Jacob Jacobsen Roy, gunner Document New York State Archives
Will of Jan Bartram, formerly lieutenant commander at Curaçao Document New York State Archives
Will of Jan Dircksen from Amsterdam Document New York State Archives
Will of Jan Evertsen Bout and his wife Document New York State Archives
Will of Jan Jansen Damen Document New York State Archives
Will of John Seals Document New York State Archives
Will of Jonas Jonassen, formerly in the service of the West India Company in Brazil Document New York State Archives
Will of Philip Jansen Ringo Document New York State Archives
Will of Pieter Bronck Document New York State Archives
Will of Pieter Jacobsen and Gysje Pieters, his wife Document New York State Archives
Will of Pieter Jansen with power of attorney to Jan Jansen Schepmoes to manage his property during his absence Document New York State Archives
Will of William Tom of New Castle Document New York State Archives
Writ empowering Maritje Abrahams and Abraham Pietersen to administer to the estate of Thomas Jansen Mingal Document New York State Archives
Writ of appeal from a judgment of the city court; Cornelis Steenwyck and Peter Jacobs Buys, attorneys of Walewyn van der Veen, vs. Nicholas Meyer Document New York State Archives
Writ of appeal from a judgment of the court of New Orange in the case of the fiscal vs. Van Deventer Document New York State Archives
Writ of appeal granted to Paulus van der Beeck from a judgment pronounced against him by the court of Breuckelen Document New York State Archives
Writ of appeal in the case of Peter Dircksen Waterhond vs. David Ferera Document New York State Archives
Writ of appeal in the case of Peter Dircksen Waterhond vs. David Ferera [Copy of Volume 6:215] Document New York State Archives
Writ of appeal issued to Govert Loockermans, attorney for Jacob Visch Document New York State Archives
Writ of certiorari to the magistrates of Rustdorp in the case of Nathaniel Denton and Mrs. Richard Everit vs. Mary, minor child of Thomas Tany Kraft Document New York State Archives
Writ of commission to fiscal Van Tienhoven and secretary Van Ruyven to swear in the sheriff and to let the excise in Flushing Document New York State Archives
Writ of inhibition in the case of Paulus van der Beecq vs. Hans Petersen from a judgment of the court of Breuckelen Document New York State Archives
Writ of injunction against Alexander D'Hinoyossa not to molest Cornelis van Gezel and ordering him to deliver up all of Jacob Alrich's papers Document New York State Archives
Writ summoning the several towns to send delegates to a general assembly to be held on the 10th instant Document New York State Archives
Writ that Cornelis van Gezel, Anna Catarina Ram and Peter Alrichs are to take possession of the estate of Jacob Alrichs Document New York State Archives
[Inventory of Vredendael ] Document New York State Archives
New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682) Finding Aid or Collection New York State Archives
New Netherland Council Curacao records (Series A1883_1640-1665) Finding Aid or Collection New York State Archives
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664) Finding Aid or Collection New York State Archives
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) Finding Aid or Collection New York State Archives
New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665) Finding Aid or Collection New York State Archives
New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Land Deeds (Series A1882 _ 1652-1653) Finding Aid or Collection New York State Archives
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658) Finding Aid or Collection New York State Archives
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial patents and deeds (Series A1880 _ 1630-1664) Finding Aid or Collection New York State Archives
New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664) Finding Aid or Collection New York State Archives
New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660) Finding Aid or Collection New York State Archives
New Netherland Council writs of appeal (Series A1877 _ 1658-1663) Finding Aid or Collection New York State Archives
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) Finding Aid or Collection New York State Archives
New York Colony Council minutes (Series A1895) Finding Aid or Collection New York State Archives
New York Colony Council papers (Series A1894) Finding Aid or Collection New York State Archives
New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763) Finding Aid or Collection New York State Archives